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[: ' ' � ' . _ 4+. <br /> J` .' ` • C . , .. � . .. . _ • . . _ _L 'f`'�•=�- <br />. . .• �.'-f . . � . . c , . � ' - , . ' . � , .. . ` • ` , . ; ' �� 't. <br /> , ° `'`�... • � - . ` . ` .� .� . �. . . . , <. � � ..� . � � < <br /> , � . �� ,. . <br /> . c , c �_ _ __'__ —__— c - . .. , �i . <br /> ... .- '.,.,�.-.. • .i, ��, . <br /> ,' <_ <br /> � . g�������� LOAN NO. 1 5 3 9 2 1 7 0 9 1 , ' _.�,�, <br /> � `.� : � THlS SECURiTY I(VSTRUMEM'comt�ines untform cove�ts fnr natienaf use�nd non-unHorm cavenants wfth �. �� � <br /> � ��_�---i 1lmfted vadations by jutisdlcUan to constltnte a unfform security tns4►umern covering real property. �' <br /> � .. <br /> _`"•`�"�'.-.: UNIFO�RM COVENAN'fS.Borrower and Lender covenani and agrea as toAovrs: - <br /> � . 1.Paymer�4 of l�rinctPal an�l Irnerest;Prepa eM end La4e C�sr$ea Borrower shall prompUy pay when due � < " �' - <br /> � - . . �� ncipal of and Irrterest on ffie debi evlden�y the Ncte and anY prepaymertt and Iate charges due fmder the <br /> ` - <br /> 2 Ftmds 4orTauea end[nsuranc� Sub�ect to appficable taw or to a wrftien waiver lry Lender.Bomower s�ra[I ` . •- <br /> rd� y _ <br /> � to Lender on the day morRhty paymerits are due under the IVote.untD the Note�pald In fu11.a sum(Funds°j for.(a� , ° .�,: <br /> � ye�erty taxes and a s s e s s m e M s w h l c h m a y a tt a i n p r to r i t y over t h ls Secu rf t y i n s t�u m e n t as a I ten on t�e ProPerty;(b)year{y ,,. �.��.__�= <br /> ..�: .�..•� leasehoid paymems or grourtd rents on the Propeity.ff anY.(�)Ye�Y hazard or praperty Tr�surance premtum�(d) : ,.; <br /> yeariy ftaod insurans;e premiums,ff eny;(e)yearfy mottgage insurance premtums,if an y;and(fl an y sums p a y a bte b y � �_` <br /> , gorrow�r to L en der.In acca r c iance w ft h t�e provisions of pazagraph Iteu of the payment of mortgage tnsurance ', i -_•~��` <br />-- . premiuma.These ftems are calted°Escrow Items.°lender may,at a�tlme,catlect and hald Funds tn an amourrt nat to �.���. ';,�,:�`'-�'== <br /> . -�= ex�eed the ma�dmum amourR a lende:for a federally related rrtortgage loan may require for Borrower's escrow accaurit :: � <br /> . . "�.:.; under the fedenat Rea1 Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amei►ded irom Ume to tlme,l2 U.S.C. �2601 ei ' .�-,�'�.`. <br /> � ` seq (°HESl�A°j.unless another lawthat appi►es to ttcs Funds sets a lesser amount if so,Lender any ttme.callect � � <br />� � '�' �� �a an d hold Furtds tn an amount noi ta exceed the lesser amouM.lender may estimate the amour►i of Funds due on the <br />- - � ` basis of current data artd reasorrable estimates of expenditures of ftrture Escrow Items or othenuise tn accardance witl� � <br /> "-.:. _ ;:��z eAAUca6lelaw. ---� � .._,. . <br />-' � .:� The Funds shall be heid In an tnstitution whose depasfts are tnsured by a federa!agency�InsWmeMatity.or entity '. -- <br /> ;. • _ ; Qrtcfuding Lertder,[f Lender ts such an instltWon)or irt arry Federal Home loan Bank Lender shall appty the Funds to • �.. �:: - <br /> ' '. •Y pay the Escrow Items.Lender may not charge Borrowar tor holding and apptying the Funds,annualty analyzing the " ;,;.,�j.;�:?-�-= <br /> -� , �• escrow accaur�or vediying the Escrow ftems.untess Lertder pays Bomawer itrterest on the Funds and appllcabie law r:, t•-=� <br /> . • ,� �% pertnRs Lsnder to make such a charge Haw�ver�lender may requlre 8orrower to pay a one�ime charge for an ��..•.;:�'_=' <br /> - _: ` ' tnde pendertt real estate tax reportfng service ased by l e r x ier in conne c t ioR w i t h t h ts loan,un le�s appllqbfe taw r - <br /> ' . . . . provides otheiwise.Untess an agreemern ts matfe or appltcable law requires interest to ba paTd,Lender shail noi be ���`�'�:c���----- <br /> ���::, �equlred to pay Borrower arry Irue�est or eam(ngs on the Funds.Borrawer and Lender may agree tn wr�ing,hawever. --- <br /> �•- � ;; ttrdi trderest stiall be patd on the Funds.Londer shail gNe to Borrower,wttt�oui anntial accounUng of the '� �_ <br /> w J: .. ;� Funds.showing cred�s and debhs to the Funds and the purpose tor wt�lch each deblt to the Funds was mada The � � - <br /> . `,.i� Fun ds are p tedg e d as sddWonal securiry for ati sums secured by this Security Instrument. �� - <br />_ .� , �� ` ff the Funds held by Londer exceed the emaunts permitted to be hetd by appItcahle law.Lender sha11 account to , ���_�` <br /> . , Borrower br the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applica5le taw If the amouttt of the Funds held �'� ',' � ��' <br />��,'��� �� - by Lender at any time Is nat sufftclent to pay the Escrow ttems wheq due.Lertder may so notfiy Borrower in wrftling. '���` :::-�� -� <br /> .. _ : <br /> � ` and 1n such case Borrower shal!pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deflc(ency.Bonower shal!malce � '� ° � "�— <br /> '�: � � " up the deflciency fn no more than twetve moMhfy paymerns,at Lender's sote dfscretion. � =_� <br /> . '��,�.$-. <br /> � Upon paymeat In tuli of afl suma secured bythts Secutity InsWmerR�Lsnder shali prompity�efund to Borrower any � �:'��'_".. <br /> `' � ' ` F u n d s h e l d b y L e n d s r.{f.u n d e r p a r a g r ap h 2 1.L en der s h a i l acqu fre or se l l t he Property.L en der�p dor to the acquisRlon � :�r_ <br /> � or sate of the Properiy,sha(I appfy arry Funds hetd by Lender at the time of acquis�ton or sale as a credft against the ' �� � - <br /> . sums secured by this Security InsWment . � <br /> �- <br /> ;; . .. <br /> '� . � ` � 3.Apptic&tton ot P�ymeMs UNess appt(cable law provldes oihenaise,ap paymenta recetved by Lender under � � .- _. <br /> � . paragraphs 1 and 2 shafl be any prepayment charges due under the Note;second�to amounts paya6le ` '- <br /> . � . � under pa�agrap h 2,t h i r d�to tn ter e s t due;fourt p r inc ip a f due;and tast,to any late charges due under the Note. � —�- <br /> ,, � 4.C�arg ea;�tena Borrouuer sha(1 pay a!I taxes�assessmerus.charges,ftnes and imposf�ons attributtible to the ` � � -__- <br /> � Property whtch may atialn pdor(ry over this Secudty Instrume�.and leasehatd paymeTrts or ground rents„H any; • . ...:. <br /> � �orrower shap paythese o bit�atlona fn the manner prwldad In parag�aph 2,ur N not paid In that manner.Bomower shali �:_�'�Y.:..�,'�''�- <br /> � � � pay them on ttme direcUy to tiie person owed payment 8orrower sha11 promptty fumish to Lender all notices of <br /> •� , , amou►rts to be paid undor this paragraph.N Barrower makes these payments direoUy,Borrower shall prampUy fumish to � � � - <br />_ ,, ; :. .� Lender receipis evidenc(ng the payments. • . • � ' . <br /> BoROwar shall promptly discharge any Iten wt�tch has pdority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower.(a) . <br /> ... � � agrees in writing to the paymern o!the obiigaBfln secured by the 11en In a manner accepiabte to Lender,(b)contests In � <br /> . � gaod faith the Ilen by.or defenda against enforcement of the ilen proceedtnga which tn the Lender�s opinion � � � � <br /> � � operate to prevent the eniorcement o}the qen;or(c)secures from the hotder a!the lien an agreement satisfactory to � �•� ,,.�` <br /> � � Lender subordinating the Ilen to this Security Instrument(f Lsnder determines that any part ot the Property is subject to • � .. <br /> . . . a lien which may attain prlotity over this Security Instrument,Lender may ghre 8orrower a notice ideMifytng the lien. � , • <br /> ' . � Borrower shall satisfy the lien or teke one or mote of the ac�ions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of nottce. = �„ . ' <br /> 5.Harard or Properly Insurertce. Borrower shall keep the Improvements naw existln�.or hereafter erected on the � . <br /> . � . Property Insured agalnst toss by flre,haz�rda induded wlthin the term'extended cwerage and any other haxards, � � <br /> . Inciuding tloods or ftooding,for which Lender requt�es Insurance.This(nsurance shall be mafntaipet'!(n tit�Amounts and � � <br /> tor the pedads that Lender requtres. The Insurance carder praviding the insurance shall be chaser,by Horrower subject � <br /> to Lender's appraval which shall not be unreasonabfy wfth9�eld. If Borrower tatls to maintaln coverage described above, � � � <br /> . � Lender may,at Lender's option.obtain coverage to pratect Lender's rlghta in the Properry in accordance�nrfth � � <br /> � • 1 Paragraph 7. ' � . <br /> . . . . � ._ . , <br /> ; . � NHBRASKA-3IPItiLE FAMILY-FNMA/FHLMC UNIFORlN INSTRUMENi FORM 30289/90 . � � � <br /> ISC/CMD7NE//0792/3028(9�90�L PAGE 2 OF 6 <br /> - . � • � . .. ' , . <br /> . �_ , , . . . . . . . ' • .. . . . " . • .. • � . . <br /> :� . • � � . <br /> f�`, � ' • . . � � . .:r� .—•--�--.:-�rr, .c , . , -. <br /> q��w" -�. .J�.;' .. � _— <br /> ._'....r�'r. . . . � . . .._ . . .. .� —. .. . . .. .. . ....... _. .. ._. .... ._. .�. _.. ...�._._......_. ...... . .... .......Y... . .... .....��.f.w__...,._...�..._._.__.�_....r. . . . . . .. <br />