y ..;�� _ :.; , : � �
<br /> ' Cl��'A• . .. � . . .. X- ."" :._ S',._.� . ..� ... ...t..:�.... 'Y .lG.�._.£..;...1_ _ _ `A -�i.....-� S.�._X.�.:"..::.
<br /> �'^�.--�.lr..._,�_f� _. _ .(.__ `' . _ _ r` _ _ _ __ ,�.— .:. .` — _r__ �_ .—#.
<br /> ' s,�, ( - C � F . .- ' <[ 4 C 4�,
<br /> � +,` ' . `
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<br /> ,'.
<br /> ��.4 .. :-. t 1� �,��t:..- ,"'. r .r . . ... �.. .G � _ __ _ `� _— _< �
<br /> . '
<br /> � • .
<br /> .wf... S " ' � .. . C
<br /> � _ • � � ..
<br /> cv .� . ` .. , .• �. . :v . ♦. . . ' . . �.
<br /> _. � . — _
<br /> �._'F_•.: ,: .�c.._"�.:_ _ . �;.j.u� - J '_ i.'f; –F.. .�,.:_ — _E'L'.F _ = t._.. G"^ _ ��.---- � l�'�_...
<br /> l'4. 4•
<br /> ,cc ' c. - . . .
<br /> �.tF`- � � ; . ' " .t ..
<br /> `�6�` .� . rovtded tn para�aph 18. EY rausing the aclfon ar proceed'mg to �e ` .�4 .s,�
<br /> �_�,-4 ' Borrower may wre sueh a defautt and ceinsffite,as P ' ` c�. _.
<br /> � ';�Is,�,�.".. .��, dismtssed w�h a rufing that.in Lenders good fa�h Qetem►'natlon.predudes forteiNre at the Barrower's interest in the PropeAy or •. ` �'•� '
<br /> 'other rtmterlai Unpatrment of the Qen created by this Seairity Instrument or Lender's security interesL Bo�rov�er shell atso 6e fn `:�`.:..'x`• _,. ��4:
<br /> - ' ' Ee[autt H Bortows.dwin9 tt►e foa^app�f°n proc�.SaYe m�ialiy fatse or maecurate i�tartnaUon or statements to Lender(or
<br /> faited to Qrovlde iender with a�►y materlal iniom�ation)in cannectlon witA Uta toan evidenced Dy the Nata inchid'u►g. but not ,,
<br /> fimfted to. cepreser�lions conceming 8onower's acwpanall of the Propaty es a pdncipal residence. N thls Sec�trity • t
<br /> - w�h ali tAe provisians of the Iease. fl Borrnwer aequtres tee titte to the ='`��,l�,��'.
<br /> ` � ' Instiument is on e Ieasehotd. 9ortower sAaD eompM ' ti. . t.
<br /> � �`:: �' - propeny,the t�asehotd and the tee title sha0 not merge untess Lender agnees to the merger in writir►g. .. .
<br /> • �:.� .�.��, '��
<br /> �. -r � r- ; ?. Rrote�tton af LeadePs Rtgh4s in the Froperty.n eorrower tatls to perform ihe eovenarrts+sctd agreem�nts � . , • <
<br /> � •� ;• corttaL►ed in this 3ecurfty Iratrume�. or thera[s a tegal proceedtng that maY etgni6rantty aftect Lender's dghts in the PtoperlY
<br /> (such es a pr�cse�ng kr bPn�wptaY.Prot�ate.tor conQemnaUon or Wdeilure or to entores taws or cegutatlons).then Lender maY �
<br /> , ,:�._ `.'�. Lender's adians
<br /> . ..:: . � do and pay tor whatev�is nec�/W protect the vaNe of the Property and l�det's dghts(n the PropeRy �
<br /> • , f--"""- may incWde Pe1M9 �Y sums sewred by e Qen whtch Aas priority ov�this Security (nstrvmerrt. apPearin9 in wuh. palt�n9
<br /> - th
<br /> - __ `:i-��.�--,-j.< �,,f'�.. �!' �(.;;`�-
<br /> ..... _..�:.:..•�` reasanabta attomeys tees and ent�fng an the ProPertY to make repairs. Atthough Lender may te�ce actton unde►thts paragreAh ��, ^ . �::.
<br /> � -. -. - 7,Lender does not have to do so. — -`�`� ,
<br /> _ My amounts �sbursed by Lender under paragraph 7 ahaU became addtlonal debt of Bortower secured by thLs Secs�rtty A
<br /> � instrumeni Unless Bor�cwer and Lender apee to other t�rns ot payment. these amour►ffi shaD bear ir�rest from the dat8 at �
<br />- . ' d�shursement at the Note raRe and ahall bs payabla with tnterest.upan notice fram Lender to Bortower requesUn9 PaS��� � .. '..4.Y:.c: r .
<br /> , ` 8. MOTtgSgB In9uf8RC9. If L�der �qutred mortgage tnsurance as a aonddion ot matdng the loan sewred by tt�is � _,, , � ._
<br /> _ �� ..�`��;.' 3esudty Insu�urteni.Sortawer shaU PaY the premiums requtred to mainGiin the mortgage irisurance in efted.(i.tor enyl reason.the `•. � _
<br /> .z':.:', . - cnortgage insu:ance coverege required b3►Lender taAses or ceases to ba(n etfed.Borrower sha0 pay the premlums csqvhed to =..-,,:,_�_''- "
<br /> . � ` '" oblain covetage substa►rtislJY e4uiva�e►rt to the mod�ge insuranoe previousty tn et(ect. at a cost substan�d by�lermidte�i.�14 � '.' : ...-
<br />�S ' `� ��: �� cost to Borrower oi the mortgage insurance Pre�Aousty in etfect. from en attemate moRgage tnsurer epp . _^_..
<br /> ���.�� substar�Ualiy eQuMale�t mortgaqe insurance coverage is not avaHable.Horrawer sha0 pay to l.ender eacfi mordh a sam equal to i°_-• �:..: .r�f :
<br /> , _ 9a1 y Borrower wtier►the(nsurance coverage iapsed or c�sed to � _
<br /> � - .- .� ` onetwetfth uf the y�f matupge insu►ance premtum being G��II et► _—_
<br />- - • . `'•' be in eftecL lender vn'0 accept.use and retain thae payments as a loss reserve in Ueu of mortgage Utsurance. Loss resenre
<br /> :•{. .,,
<br /> : '�� � _^,
<br /> .� , � .. ;.'•:;``� payments maY no tonger 6e requtred.at the optfon o1 Lender,ff maRga9e insurance coverage[N the amount artd for the pe�iad . .,.4.::.`,
<br /> � ' ':��f:?���: tbat Lender recpui2s)R�ded by art insurer approved 6y Lender again hscames ava4abfe and is obtained. Bortower shaU pay .L
<br />"�:,,r. .,r .': �,:;.y,:.,�. _
<br /> . . .�; �e p����msintaln moKgaye inyvrans¢fn ef(ect,or!o provtde a loss reserve.untA the requirement tor moRgage
<br /> ;... �' . .
<br />- -{�.� fnsurartce ends tn axoMance wr1t�anY wrftten acyeement beiween Borrower end Lender or appllcabte faw. '
<br /> . :: ..1:3��... ,y�,�.�� /•b � .
<br /> . . ,;�.•.. . 9.I�spectlon.!ende►ar its agent may matte reasenab�e�bfies upon and inspecttons o}the Properly. Lende►shafl give _
<br /> �`-- ' '' Borrower nodce at the Ume of or prkr w an inspecNon speafying reasonabte cause tor the inspedlon. � _ .,
<br /> ' -F__�,.^��'� -.
<br /> _ �, � ��.,`-.:: 10. COnd�mnatton.The pro c e e d s o f any ew a r d or d�i m�r d a m a g e s.d i re c t o r c a nse q ueniial.in connectlon with any , .�
<br /> �: . :
<br /> . . condemnaUon or Qther taking of eny part ot the PropeAy.or tar ranveyance tn Qeu of condemnatlon. ere hereby assigned arid _ t__=�:_ -
<br /> � shaU be paid to Le�� .��.:'��'•,
<br />- " �.� . .� � In the event af a tofa! taldng ot the PropeRy. the proceeds shaU be appQed to the sums secured by this Sedtrfty . .. . Yx=�..
<br /> . d to Botrower. M the eveM of e partial takfig ot the Propertyr in which _, -�
<br /> tnstrument,whether or not then due,wit6 anY excess Pet -
<br /> ` ' .�':::ti:�(�. the iair rtrarket vatue of the Properly hnmedfately before the tetdng is equai to or�eater than Me amourd ot the sums secured ,
<br /> �' . ! by thts Sewrlry Instrument immediateh► be[ore the tsidng, untess Borrower and Lender othenvise agree tn wridng. the suma _ _--
<br /> . '<• `; Instrument sha11 be reduced Cy the amourt of the proceeds mutNp�ad by the tolloNting Uaction: (aj the ' . --_---
<br /> .:..,. . . , se�tiy nas s�,�r •�� =- —
<br /> . ,.�._
<br /> ,�; ., . , total amo�mt of the sums secured immemately b°fa:e the taldng, d[vided bY(b)the iair market vaiue of^e Pro��imme�iane� , ,,:;�- ( _
<br />� -�. .- •, r. .;, '��`:�" betare tha mking.AnY bafance shaU be peid to Banawer.�tn the everrt o1 a partial taidng of the Prooe�'tY . u="�,;:--_-
<br />-' _ • � value of the PropertY immedlatelY betare tfie ta}dr+g is less than the amount of the sums secured immediatetY C2fore the taWng. . •' "`�+-�
<br /> untess Borrower end L�der olherwise agree tn writing or un'ass apP�Cable �avu aU►erwise provides, the pmceeds shall be ".-;.r��:; ,:,��
<br /> -. .: ,.'�`. app6ed to the sums secured 6y this Securtly Instrumem wheth�ru not the suma ere then Que.
<br />�t�� : R the Pmperty is abandoned by Bo�rower,or ff, after notice by tender to 8ortower that the condemnor ofters to make.an --
<br /> awaid or setUe a �iim tor damages. Borrower ta9ts to respond to Lender wfthin 80 days after the date tAe notice is ghren, `�
<br /> . , ° �` Lender is author(zec3 to collect end apply the proceeds, at its opUon, eRhw to restoraUon or repeir o1 the Pr�periy or io the • .-q,�
<br /> .. , sums secured by thts Securtly Instrumen�whether or not then due. „' ;'�"!���
<br /> � � � • - tfitess Lender and Borrower otherwise agree In wdtlng, enY eDDGcati�n o} proceeds to principffi sDaO not e#er►d or , _-,_
<br /> . .. . postpone the due date of the mor�thty payments reteRed to in paragraphs 1 end 2 or change the amourd of ouch paymeMs. -- ;.=._,
<br /> � � 11. Borrower Mot Reteased; Fos6earanee By I.end�r Not a Waiver.F�dension of the 8me for payment or =-�'��----
<br />.i•�;', ' • � � _ modhicaUon o1 amorN�tion ot the vums eecured�y+this Secudh►Instcument grar►ted by Lender to any successor (n it�terest at' .
<br /> * � Bprrower shall not operate to ret�ase the QabiGly of the odginal Borrower or BoROVters suecessors in Intere5i. Lender shall not -
<br /> �• be requhed to caommence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time toT pay:�ent or othe►wlse
<br />�� ' moddy amartlza�on ot the sums secured by this Security tnsLumerrt by reason o1 any Qemand mada by the original Borrawer or _-
<br /> �L ' , - gorr�ti2r's successors tn interest. Any torbearance by Lend=r� exercistng any dght or remedy shafl noL be a waive��t�r - _ •_�`�:
<br /> Y�f� . . � � predude the exerdse of any dght or�emedy. •�..` �� .`-'�'�—m
<br /> • 12. Successors and Assigns Bouae�i: JoiM and Several Llabilitq; Co-signers.n:9 covenants and . '::t-
<br /> �.:,,_ :_� agreements of this 3ec+irfiy Insbument shall bind e�d ben�t the successors and assigns oi Lender and Bor.t+ver,subjecf to the -
<br /> - , ��.;�. provisions of paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shail be joint and several. My Borrower who co-signs this ,
<br /> ' -'�� Securiry Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Securtty Instrument only to mortgage,grant and comey .
<br /> . . .y..;�. . _ '`„ ,
<br /> � that BoROwer's interest in the Pr�ertY under the terms of this Security Instrument: (b)is not personaUy►obiigated to pay the ,:,.,..
<br /> sums secured by ttds Security Instrumenfi and (c)egress that Lender end any other 8orrower may a�ee to extend,mod'ity►. . .
<br /> �'• � ,� . torbear or meke any accommodaUons with regard to the tertns of this Securriy Instrument or the[Vote without that Borrower's •
<br /> _ � . consent "
<br /> � 13. LOaf1 CheIg08. H the toan secured by this Security InsWment is subject to a faw whicfi sets maximum toan
<br /> .��� � charges,and that(aw is flnatty r:erpreted so that the interest or other loan charges coliected or to be collected in connecUon ;,,.,
<br /> ' � wit'�the loan exceed the pemi:xed 1lmits,then: (a)eny such r�an charge shall be reduced t;�the amount necessary to reduce ,,
<br /> � ; the eharge to the pertnitted timit; and (b) any sums atready cotlected from Bortower w:`.z;� exceeded pertnitted Umtts wifl be
<br /> :;;>;;' ' 4 retunded to Bonower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing tP�e prinapal owed under the Alote or by mak(ng a
<br /> � • , ' �direcl payment to Bortower. If e retund reduc� pdndpal, the reductlon wJ L-e treated as a paNal prepayment without any ,
<br /> • prepayment charge under the Ncce. "
<br /> • • , i 14. NotiC68.My noUce to 8ortower provided for in this Security Instrument shatl be g:ven by delivedng it or by mafling it
<br /> . � . . � by tirst class mail unless appllc�'e faw requires use ot anotfier method. The notice shall be directed to the Properly Address . •
<br /> • . or any other address Borrower designates by noUce to Lender. My noUce to Lender shall be ghren by flrst class mafl to .
<br />'�°j- � Lender's address stated herein or any othe►address Lender designates by notice to Bortower. My notice pravided tor In this
<br /> �'�� - � � . Securiry Inswment shall be deemed jo have been gNen to Bortower or Lender when given as provided In thls paragraph.
<br /> � � 15. Goveming Law; Severabtlity. This Secudry instrument shall be govemed by tederai taw and the iaw o1 the
<br /> ' Judsdiction in wh!ch the Property Is lacated. In the event that any provislon or ctause ot this Securily Instrument or the Note .
<br /> • �.� � � contllcts with epplicabte law, suct�conflict shall not aHect other provislons ot this Securriy Instrument or the Note which can be ,
<br /> , given eHect without the contGcting provislon. To this end the provislons ot this Securliy Instrument and ihe Note are declated to :
<br /> .<', be severeble. . . .
<br /> . � • � 16. BO►fOwe►'s COpy.Bonower shall be ghren one conformed copy ot the Note and o1 this Security instrument. , _
<br /> ( P� P 1 Of S ����d=�–� " .
<br /> • . � ; F,s,a.��,+r�»�� 9
<br /> : . ; � . .
<br /> --._ . ._•..—�_ ._� -_ ._
<br /> � � u� erzz3 `�� � ' �
<br /> ` � � . - - :���... �.,:_ _..s:�,�.• � � �-� x
<br /> _.��._. ,_ _.. , , . .. _. _ . . . ,. • r. , , .. . .. . _ . � . . .. ,. z c�-� s , :t.:; . .. ,.+,.,.
<br />