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r �_ �:�� �: �� <br /> ,.: - *.u� ,�.�.� .-. �a.ati.� �.� ,� .� ��� -- , � . . <br /> : . .. :---�--�.�, ��s-� ;� -fi �,,n - - - - — = � . <br /> ` . :,'f �� pi t"�^'•�' �C,< °l�a�"�` a�`<� �f `..: t t.�: • . e " T� . <br /> .f *. �'i � E 4..-i-�����i.i�_ , c. <br />,' ... . ' -_ ' ' _ . . ..�.'i:t. .�.'c� <br /> `-i ,`ti `y( ' <br />-. - . . _ . `r'. <br /> .. � �� ��S " � `�r. <br />_ '. .r • �O y� �g � -c� . ._ .. . ' <br /> `�.� .� `tc � �� �bY��7� 4 "�,� � t, ��. '. <br /> - .<' <br /> jJrjj��j�j CQ�Q1j�j1j'j$. BQI[i)�YCT��IItZCf COVCII2DL 3N�8$I0C 83 fO�dWB: ., . _: <br /> t <br /> � ' � . i� Faymento�Prindral:aridmcer�st;YtepaymentanaLatect,arges.Eorrnwers�6altpmmptty►paywhenctuethe . � : <br /> � • , `<, ,< Pria�ipat of and interest on th�.�debt evtdenced bq the Note and anY PrePaY�����es due tmder the Note. �`*_ ._���`,- '. <br /> ` � . ... . 2. Fuads forTaxcg a�ilIasnrance.Subjeam applicable taw or W awriuenwaivetby I.eader.Borruwer sbE}ipay w _= � . - <br /> _ - ` 1,ender on the day month�y payme�s are due under tfle Note,imtii the Note is patd in fi�U,a s¢m('Funds')for.(a)Y�Y � , � '�`, <br /> InI <br /> �: �:�'' ca�tes and assessments galtich maY auain Priority over tbis Se�vritY Insttament as a lteu on the Pmgetty;(b)YearlY teasehald ,s: - ._�`�� <br /> ha7ard or ro e iasuraace . td)Y�Y flood °.; . • - .° : <br /> ±:; . payments ur graund ients on the Propeny,'if any; (c)Ye�1Y P P n3► P�� _� ; <br /> , insuranoe preminms, if any; (e}Yearly mortgage insaraate pnmium5. if anY:and E��Y�P�Ie by Bormwer to . -�` <br /> � '.i_�' P Y� �e P�m°°s. 't'�;e � :�`;� ".. <br /> : ��r,in accordance with th�proxisions of paragragh 8,in lieu of the a t of mo � _; <br /> _`.i - items are catled'Escrow Items"�u1er may,at an}+time.collect and hold Fcmds in an amooat aot W exeeEd the maxi�um _��`: <br /> . ,, fi: ; amoum a lender for a t�derally m�ated mortgage toaa may re+quire for Bormwer's escrow a000unt nAdes the f�etal Real = � <br /> ' •<<�� .. . <br /> Fstaze Settlement Ptacedures Act of 1974 as amended frum time to time. 12 U.S.C.§2641 et seg.('RESPA'}.uatess . ;`�r•:-�.--.'� � <br /> • � aaothes law that appiies ta the Funds secs a I�mnount. If so,Lender a�►time,00lIect and hotd Ftmds in aa ���_�,� <br /> ` . ` .` . amnunt aot w exoeed the tcsseF;amouni.E.ender may estimace tt�amouat of Fuads dne an the basis of cunent data aad �-�-.�_,=�:- <br /> �. -..;, <br /> ' � °�• � . - reasonable estimates of expenc�tures of fi,mre Escroiv Items or othera+ise in azco:dance aith applicab�e law. . f�.� - <br /> ' ' � ' ._'• The Funds shall be heI&in an insucuiion whose deposits are insured 6y a federal ageney.insuume�litY.or enttty .; .', - <br /> : ���. �. (uisIuding Lendes.if Leader is sucb an institution)or ia any F e d e r a l Home L oan B m n k. L e n d e r shall a p P 1 J l�e escmw �:'°`;--?" --- <br /> u <br /> . _ pay ttte Escrow Items. L�eader may not eharge�orrower for hoiding and applying the Fuads,ammalty anatY�3ng ,:-��- <br /> _':',y:'- accouut,or verifying the Escraw Items,untess l.eader pays Borrower interesc on the Funds and appllcable Iaw permits -- <br /> Lendes to make such a charge.:i�owever.Lender may require Borrower ta pay a one-i�me c�rge for an ind�endeAx real <br /> '_,- . . estate tax repoiting se�vice used by.Lender in connection with this Ioaa,aaless applicable law pmvides othetwlse. �nless&u �� <br /> " , agceeucent is made or applic�ble�aw requires ixuerest to be paid,Lender sball not be requfi�l topay Botrower a�►iaterest or ; ,� '. - ' <br /> � � eamings an the Fuads. BozroweF and LendeF.maY agree in wricing,however,Wat intErest shall de paid on the Fuuds. �.�:� <br /> ` � � , L�ender shail Sive to Borrowes,wi€hout charg�an annual accounting of ttie Funds.s]�owing ccedits aad debits w the Fumds -- V <br /> ., and the purpose for wtnch�debic to�he�unds was made. Tlie Funds are p2edged as addidonal sea�ry for e13 snms . _..- <br /> secu�d by this Se�uity tnsmimecxe. <br /> :. � „ If tlte Funds heid by I.ender exccxd the amounts permitted ta be held by applicable law. lxnder shall ascotmt W _''. ` �_ <br /> . . ', Borrower for the excess Fwads in accordance with the requimm�nts of applieable law. I�t�e amaunt of tBe F�mdaheW by � �, ,���_: <br /> ` ` Lender az any time is not sufficienc to pay the Escrow Itema when due,Lender may so aotify�ortower In writ� �'.; � ; . ;�3_- <br /> � ."� snch case Bonower sball paY ca l.ender che amnunt necessary to make up the deficde�cy. Bormwet sHall make ap the .'�'�=�` _ <br /> _ :'.5.. , . _ _ <br />",i .� . ' deficiency in no more tLan rivelve monthty payments,at Lettder's sole discnedon. ;�.___ <br /> .. ., . ' , � Upon payment in fuli of all sums secured by this Security Insuumeut,Lender shall promptly cefimd W Basmwet a�► <br /> . Fnads ketd by I.snder. If.under paragrap6 22•.l.ender shall acciuire or seU the Fmpeny,Lender.Prior to the acquisisioa or ,.r��; �,- <br /> �� � � sale of the Propeny,shall apply any Funds hetd by Lender at the tune of acqui�sit�on or sa2e as a credit ag�sinst the sutns •,.-•_ <br /> � . cqui s � <br /> �" � secured by tbts Septriry Iastrument. �� --. <br /> - 3. A g�l issitaQ of Pa y ments. Unless appiicable law provides otherarise,aU Payuients receive4 by Lender uader _ <br /> � , , paragrapbs I and 2 shall be applied: firs�, co any prepayucent charges dae u n der t he No t e;s e c o n d.W a m o u n t s p a y a b t e � :': ��--- <br /> . , undet paragraph 2;third,to interest due;fou�[h,to princtpal dut:and last,to aay late c�arges dne tmdet ihe Note. �'�'' <br /> � ��� 4. Charges;Liens. Borrower shatl�say aii taxes,assessments.c6arges,fines aad ia►posittoas sud6utable ta the . <br />-, ' pmpetty which may auain priority over s�is Securiry �ment, aud teasehotd payatents nr grr3tmd nYni9, if sAy. � ' �� <br /> A <br /> v••:Y: . -� <br /> � Botrower shall pa y these obligations in che manner provided in paragcaph 2,or if not paid ia that matmer,Bormwet shail ' .-.r.-.��-�o <br /> �� paythemontimedirectiytothepersonoH�cdpayment. BorrowershaUprompdyfiunisbtoLenderallnodceaofamountstope • _;,___ <br /> � � pa�d under this paragraph. If Borro�ver ma.kes�hese paymenu directly,Borrower shall prosnpsly futnish to Lender receipta : '`� 1=� �_�- <br /> '. � � ' � evideacing the payments. :�.:�: -- <br />