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� _.x�� _. . . . S.._�::Yi:.�._.•=,i'-+,-s'_ '__ ',:.}.^.s �t..C,.C�. - [.iL:. 4� t\._ __ <br /> T;. `� _ �_ - _ : � �..-^ _ � .._ _ - _. .* � _ <br /> F�. c'�Z ,� - . ' ' i 2_" _ , . .- .. �` . <br /> � . t(; h <br /> . . .> i.- �4 � . ' `'- <- '�.� � _ <br />. � R_ ` _ ` .�' „ . j �n_,,, <br /> .. '�• ..f� - f'� Et w_ 'A - C 4 S . . _ ..._--.r---"'".-�'- . Q' �.' . <br /> • � F- aaoaa6 ia/o�/i�9� • <br /> � ; � • JAY W W4QDSN ffi+ZZABSTS �i W80DSN �7° ����� � �: • ; <br /> � �.,, , -4• ' RM COVElVANY15. B01iOw�8Ild 1�Il�Et COVCf13flt 2�2g[0C 8S f011flW� � � �� :�' S' ,,; ``�', <br /> � ' u� Boaowet st�all pm�P�Y DaY � due F�� .. <br /> , .` • 1. Playm�i of �paf and �' .,,; _ .. ., ,:�:", <br /> � - indelstedness evid.�ed bl►the Note aa4 tate c�CBes�s D��in the Hnte_ :'xT ,, <br /> Sub ett m app]icah2e law or a wrluen waiver by Ls�r.Boirower s1�a11 PaY co �Fz:•: . <br /> . ' a.�far Tm�es eatl I�maa�e. � �interest ace payabte nader die Note.ontil tho Note is paid ia full.a � :- `.�:" <br /> � . Ixnder an the day mnntblY PaYm��s°f p�� �ass�Cu��a�S�ndomiaium a�ptaaned u�t �;, ;s `.:; <br /> Ixn r n ; �;4..;� �� <br /> .. �(�etein'Funds')eqoal t°°n°�we1�►af the yearlY maes tenLS ctn the PtopertY.� � . . � <br /> .1'�g )wbich may auain ptiorlry aver tbis Doed of Tn�st.anil grounfl � �.y� � � <br /> : . d�velop�¢eut� � �for Ua7acd i�.pins oae-twelfib of YearjY P��� .�:;� <br /> t`;`°� " • .� one-twelfth of YeariY p�e�� ftam dme bY I�e�on the basis of ,�::�� . . <br /> . ; � e insaiance. if auY• au as�ffibly esdmated imfiallY a� ta time ' �;�'` <br /> : :' fos mortgag of F�nds �" . <br /> � '�,:i.:---=1 aecescme�s aIId ioills st�neaso�ble esdnl2tes�reo� Botiowei S112II a�L 6e oblig,aLed to m2ke snsh Papmews ''�'�#_. <br /> w i�endec w die ex�ut dms Bflmu��er makes such psyments to the hoIder of a prtos mnrtgage or deed of tiust if sucb 8oider _ � <br /> � , ._.-_�� is an i�tadoaal lender. be hetd imYiuuion the depo�ts or�°�of whicl�aze YE���`� <br /> � . If Bor�er PaYs Fnnds to Lendet.the Fwsds sha1l in aa � 1 �-..f- <br /> or�nardnte�by a Fed�1 or state age�y C���I�ader m�►��e fO��� U_� � - <br /> • � �, `-�.�.: iasuied :, w__,..�:-_ <br /> t` " • the Funds to pay said ta�es.a�.�Q ���� said ass��bius.anless Leud$r pa3rs �= �- <br /> � � . �ppiyin�the Fuads. aaalY� s�d a�c°um or vecif�nn8 `� ,..,:.__. <br /> 2icab2e law peimits I�ender to make such a�•Bouawer and Iender maY ag� _� <br />���, 1�. �•Boaower interesc oa the Fuuds an�aPP �en ,s <br /> �L .° �0 8flaower.a�tffiless <br /> w <br /> ' in wiiting at the dme of eaecution of dus De�d of Tcnst that uueresc on the��1 not reqa�d�Pa9�� .;�`,�..�:. <br /> � ' . sach agceem�t�s made or applicable law��►interest m be F�• of the Ftinds � ,..� _ --- <br /> . ., oa the Fmtds.I�nder shali Sn+e oo Boaawet,v�I�OUt c�ar�e•�ammat a� _ -- <br /> .� �y a�inierest 0!e�amings � �or wbich each dehit w the Faads was tnade.'11ie Funds are � •_-- <br /> � � .� � ..�- showing credits and debits w the Fzmds and the pmgo �;- <br />_ �:,:��;. . � pledged as additional�►for the snms seciued 6Y tLis Deed of Tmst. � e�� ,__,��_ <br /> arith dne f�u�e monshlY of Fands FaY� ' <br /> F' <br /> • If t�amoDat of the Funds held b9 L�erWer,wg�� ten�ts.sLalt eac,eed the amuoat reqa��D°PaY�d � <br /> hE reqai <br /> 1� ,-� . � the dne dates of taxes.a�• � �shail Bormwer's option, �, <br /> ;: ��� as t�fatt dne.snch F �.. <br /> . . ' �° .-' `'�,�, taxes. a�ess�ents.�su�P� af F�uQs. If the a�tmt of die � . `� - - - <br /> . _ _ � d to Bomnwer ar c�edited to Boirowec on moathly remiu�s and Srmmd�s��+�due. �.. <br /> ;.'1.-�,;:,f,_:' eitherpromP Y� �:='W - <br /> geld tyy Lender sball not 6e saffici��a��s�•�'deSct�in one ar mnne PaYm��Lender m�aY < < <br /> t_ '. G-��. �'�.. <br /> � BOIIUWCT Sj18�1 j13j1�(1�f AIl}I e-•,--- <br /> _ �..� �1 require. to Borrower auy Funds ``.,.�:y.�,.--- <br /> _ °- n a m fnll of all s+mms s�bY t�s Dced of Trust,I.ender s�1�P��P�Y�d ];�ndet,Lender [-. � <br /> � ; � p Y�. 17 bereof che PcoPe�Y is so2d or the Pmg�►is athe�w3s��1sY C. -- <br /> .,Y hetd bY I.ender.If nnder paraS�ph w the sale of tbe P�aPe�tY or its acqa�sido��i�Y Lender.anY Fnnds held 1�Y [' �_--,.=- --- <br /> � ' . shall aPF1Y•no latec than innmediatelY Puo� ��asc�ed AY this Deed of'Tmst. �� — _--- <br /> ` Lender ai the time of app�cariou as a credit a$�nst oibeiwLse.all DaY��Yed b9 I�nde�under die . : � <br /> ` � , _ , "��` 3.Appl�catton of P�,yffie�s. Untess apPl�bte taw�cuvides nt of ams�P�le w I.eadec by$ottower .'_'���� -.- <br /> r�' Noie Stsd p3t8$�dPhs 1 and 211ereof shall be 2pplied 11Y L�iflet 515[in payIDe of the NO1E. � <br /> � �. �pa�agaph 2 hereo�thsn w interest PaYaf�2e oa the Note.aud then to the p� �� ' -- <br /> ldeas.Boaa�cer sball Perform all of Bostower's olsligations ;�=y <br /> � 4. PrYor M��d Deeds of���� with a 4iea wtiich has prioritq over this Deed of Tivst. - <br /> . under aay mort�$e• d�d of uust or ather sec�uity agceem� or cans�w be paid a11 taxes.a��s � _ <br />-:;" . . v�hen dne.Bormwer sLall paY • -� <br /> • , incInding Bom�wer's cavenaats w mage paymeats which�ay attain a P�io�►aver tLis DeeO of Tivst. � ",-- <br /> `i, aud other charges,fiaes an�imPosidons att�ibutable w the PmPerc�► �, �.;�v�~ <br /> . •;-.,:. . . s.. ��., <br /> an�leaseIvold payments or graund re�.if anY• os hereaRer eiecte�oa the Pmpsrty :::�; :'�'F'�- <br /> the mvements now exisdn8 � �-:�- <br /> � � 5. Ha�rd Iastaance. Bomaavet stiall keEP �p ",'�� - <br /> : insured against loss by fite.�ds inctuded within the te�m'excended covetage�•an�sueb other i�azards as Lendet maY ,; ,-,;,,��_ <br /> -r�r. � � � . teqnire aud in such amounts and for sach petiods as Lender may Iequiie• ,."'`-:,� ` --- <br /> tbe intiviance shalt i�e chosen lry Boirower svbject w appsoval by Lender.provided, :„„�...._°i <br /> �., . �i��r.�nier pmviding �..__ <br /> �:.:� _: „� � �r al sbali not be un�easonabll► with�ld. All iasus�ce Poflcies a u+d renewals dioROf shall be in a form --_ <br /> . .. . � thai sach appmv wi <br /> � accep t a b 2e to L e n d e r a n d s h a ll i n c l u d e a s t a n d a r d�o rt B a Se claa�se in favor of and in a fomi accRPtabte w Leader. �� _ _ _- <br /> e d�d o f n u s c o T o t h e r <br /> ,'� shall tiave the dght to hold the pol�cies and n�vewaLs the=eo�sub3ect w the terms of aay mortgag . _ �.. <br /> �t r . . '. mem wlth a lien wi�icL has ptiority over this Dee�of Trust. <br /> . �p�f •..'� <br /> = `.�. securiq+agree ,,. �: ��s.:.. <br /> `,.,. .: r_.:.� � � In the event of toss,Borcower shall give PromPt notice to the iusniance catrter and Lender.Lender may = <br /> - ' of Ioss if not made pmmpdy by Bonower. � <br /> , , ° . If the Prupeny is a6andoaed by Bosrower.or if Bormwer fails w respond w Lender within 30 days from�da� <br /> .'-`� , . <br /> �- . nndce is mailed by Lender to Borrower tbat the in.lvrance ca�ier offers w seule a claim fo:instuance benefits. <br /> authniued to coltect and aPPiY t1�::insu:ance Pmc�s at Lendet's aption eitber to reswradon or rePair of the ProPertY or �, . <br /> to t�e sums serured by this Deed of Tn�st. ��otds; Con�ominlmas: PlaaaeA Unit D�vetap�ne�. � <br /> . . � 6. Preservatton and Malateaance of Ye�Pe�Y+ s ��or deterlo�:on of the , � � <br /> • . . Boaower sLaU keeP the Pr°pestY�►S°0d�Pair and shall ant commit wute or permi im� ' . <br /> ..:. .� . p������omp�Y v�i�h the provisioffi of any leaso if this Deed of Tn�st is on a leasehotd.If 4his DeeA of Tzust is , . . <br /> �. � . , .. � on a u�t in a w n d o m i n ium o a p l a n n e d u n i t d e v e l��B�or ptanned unit development.the by-taws a n 0 r e g u i a t iu n s � , <br /> -"`` � . - dec l a r a d o n o r c o v e n a n t s c�a i n 8 o r g o v e m i n 8 t h e . , . <br /> • � � of the condominium or plauaed unit devetoyment.and consdaent document5. �,y contained in t�is _ <br /> ��..�.�� • , � 7. ProYe�ton o f I.e u[Y e r's S e c w't!Y•I f B o r m w e r f a i l s t o p e r f arm the coveaa�ts and agroeme <br /> �s <br /> ' ' • � Deed of Tcnst.or if a�r acdon or proc�ag is commenced which maLeriailY affects l.eader's inieresi in tlse F m pet�Y•t h e n . . <br /> . ..1:� . • � ' - Lender. at Lender's opdon, upon nosice to Bonawer. may make sueh appearances. disbwsr such sums. including <br /> ' r�sonable attomeys' fees. and take such acdon as is uecessa*Y eo Pr�t�1-��=r s interest. If L,ender required mortgag: . . <br /> � � � insurance as a condition of making the loan secured l�� this De�d of Tn�st.Borrower shall pay the pzemiums r°quired to t <br /> ment for such insurance terminates 1n acco�� �� . <br /> . � _ maintain sucb insurance in e�ect undl such dme as the�e4� . <br /> � � Borrower's and I.ender's wrltten a�ent or applicable law. b 9,wttb interest the Note rate.shaU become � •. <br /> ': . . . pny amounts disbnrsed by Lender pursvamt to this paragraP ��� , - <br /> '.�:�• . : � additiunai indebtedn�s of Barrower secured by this Deed of Tnut. Unless Borrower and Lender agroe to other te�of . . <br /> - , . PaYment. such amoums shaU be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower re�Nesting PaYmen� thereof. Noth3ng -. - .: �_ : <br /> . . . , contained in this paragrapb 7 shall require Leadsr to iacur any expense or take any action hereunder. . •. <br /> ^ ' ' � � 8. I�spection. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonaba enuies �n�nab el cavse therefor te��w <br /> :' ��, : '.. j provided that Lender sl�aaU give Borrower nndce prior to any such insPec sp�ifY S '. <br /> . , 1 Lender's inierest in the Pcoperty • <br /> . . .. . <br /> - .. _ .�__ __...._._� _' <br /> _ J <br /> ..- page 2 ot 5 <br /> ' '. Nebrnska 268763 7/97 Osigiasl(AoCOtded) Copy(Sraachl CopY tCvstomer) . <br /> , . � <br /> , . <br /> � .; . - --- � ,. <br /> , . ..__..�.-_ <br /> . ._..�..:-,_°=—..— —.� '—"_ �,"""' <br /> . - � <br /> •'- - .. . .... • - <br />. ,.. . .. . ,.. .- . .---_.. �,.:..': ��- � e . G; '.i.f'' + - <br /> , �..:--5 4 . <br /> � e <br /> ,, �. . . : " . �� .c:^.._ q�. <br /> '. � � ..' ` -.w.''^s <br /> �y <br /> .. -__: �1 •,.. ��r.. C.� <br /> � , � <br /> z <br /> ' . ._ ". '__ ___.'___�_'�._. . . . . . .. ..... .. .... ... . .... . . . . ... _. . _ . _ . .. ...._ ... . . _... _ . . _ __ _'.� .-... „__ ,: __...__ " __ _. .. <br />