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<br /> . . � .
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<br /> " � � , � . � ' ' F' �e a 4'� - 3 . � ,. • T� ' • � � � r� �'� ..
<br /> �t ` •, n 1�• � `, .. . �k� . ��' •'�.` • � e` •• �� 4^C•.
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<br /> ' •�!�<,. 1, t� ,` . .��i,:�
<br />-�. y" rL' ������� � �� f' C"C
<br /> � � '` '�`-�� of the Nute and of tltiis SeciuitY Ias�umeat : F ���
<br /> � ' �i` ` � 16.Bor�se�'s Copy. Barrower sf�aD be given ane confcumeA coPY If aU or a�r part of the Ptapeny ar eny iat�aest in It ia .� ¢ � ,``
<br /> � �F i�'11r�atcr a�the groP or e Beaefic�ial I�terest in�orrowear. e�red end Bormaer is n�t a namcal gason�wit�u ' ' �'
<br /> �` � s�o�2d�4�,�.f a�...�/�t���if�a�.�} efint�ae.stp in Bois}o��wei/is so2d}�or�t�ra�n��s�f� red `'; ' - -
<br /> - �`C� • KAl4fi S�KlliLM11 W�ilWti�+"'�W D�y�W��YYW��`!�_• nsni�s���� ...�..�+����{l0�� �'.[' ) .»fiCt,:
<br /> - j�t.Ht1WCVeI,f�S OpS10II SbS�l IIOL UC 61[PSC134d bJ/�If s�w�v L7 _i fu�caas�taw �
<br /> , � ... S�instrament �����Bomower aoiice of acceleiation.'Ihe natice sball provide a period of uot�� <�rA
<br /> . tban 34 days from We dat$tice uotiae is delivecesl ar ma�ed ws6in whicb Bouowet mnst PaS►aU.sums secuced by this S : ,�& ,�
<br /> ;;..s---�—�� d8 �f t�s pe�iod,Lender may mvoke any rem�dies pamitted .
<br /> ���"'� I n s 1 x u m�t I f B a a c+a wer fa�7s in p a y these suias p�ior m the expuation _��,� , _
<br /> _ � by�is g�y InsRameas wjtItotII fa{Qter nafs�or d e a t an don B a a o w e r. r�.
<br /> _ 1���s��i g h 4 t o�tein.�tat� . If BomDwe,r��neet$,ceataia oanditions, Baaower shaD dave the right to have `� _-
<br /> �y Instatmeni disalntiaued at"��,�P�°r to the eadiec�(a) 5 d a Y$(o�s�h o t h e a g e a i o d?s
<br /> �°�0°�° �f re�arieut)b e f�e s a t e O f B i e P m F e a t p u�u�t o o an y p o w e r o f s a l e c�o�n n e d in tItis S�miy .- �--r
<br /> � ` applicable ta�msY � �coadidons are thai B�w�Lwd�a I l �,` � #"� �
<br /> Insanme� N}eatecq a eaf�ciag this Seiauity Insuume�L
<br /> sur�s wLic�theo wonld be due under tius Securin►1nsu�ent and the Note as if no eocele�ion '@ �� r � ..k .__
<br /> ' - de�ulc af�►y other cove�ants ar agcee�wL�(c)Pa}►s aII e�iacumcx�1a enfarrang�is Secauity�nsuume,at,incWdmg,bat f�'A:�-'
<br /> - sac�as�an as Leudea may seasonab Y reqnire m as��ue tb�d�e tien of this �, -
<br /> , .. .'` not limited to,reasflnable attomey,s'�f��d(�1?tak� the sums sec�ed bY this SeauitY e�.. --°-°
<br /> : ` - g�,y ��, Leatdei's n B in the Prop�ty and Bnauwes's obligalion to pay and the o6ligatiuns s�d � «�°�-°`- , .-.-
<br /> Insuumeat s1�aI1 cont�nne anci�ged-Upon��t isy�onmwea.this S Iustmme�t
<br /> � ' ,;.:. herzb s6all�ain f i�l y e ffeGtive as i f n o a s x e l�d m t i a n 1�ad oocmrced.Ao�►�►�•��w re3nstate s1�ari not aAP3y in the t�se of �� -�
<br />� ,� . ?' a c ce l�an mt d 4 s peta�aP b 1 7. � iu the No�e (�og e t h�a w i t b t h i s S e a u i t y ` -
<br /> :.� .,_�:
<br /> . . _ +�. 19 Saie oYNote;Chamge�?Lnnn Servtoer. 'Ihe Nate ar a partial resnit m a change in the emOitY(Imawn
<br /> hang
<br /> ',: ''. .::.�.. I��t)�Y iss soid one or moie tuttes aithout paor uotice to Barmw�A sale maY Thae also may be one or
<br /> . �.: , ea�ts dne�mder tt�e Nufe aad this Se�uuity Ins�amea� ---
<br /> • .i Ssthe'7A�Seavice�")t�too�Q�_ p�Y� -`
<br /> �, ` more c�auges of the Loa�►Sacvicer iatea w a sale of the b 14��d aag�p1e law.�'I1�e�no��e name and ---
<br />:�,� �.� , "-s���� givrea ariuea uatice�the change ia acx�+�ance with paragcap �s shontd Ue made.'ihe noticce m71 aLm conlain any a�tsea ��='
<br /> --- -- � add�css of the aew Loan Scavicer and the addsess w whirb payn► e =
<br /> � • infota��reclu��Y ePP�2e taa+. �e p�ce,use.disp swrcaSe. or tetease of any . �.��-?
<br /> . . �d)I�zaardaus Sabstances. Bouowa sGall not cause or ge�mit affecting the ProFeatY �._,,.....
<br /> u all
<br /> ' .�,' Haz�+doas$nbstances an or in the Ptopeaty.Bmmwea sbaU aot�o.nor a1Iow anyone else to dn.�Yt�g . _,
<br /> ,i�,,.� two sea►oence,s sLall notapply to the presence,use,ar st�a�ge on ihe F _
<br /> .tbat is in viol�tion of at►�►Envaonmental Law.'tt�e�$ ta nosma3�denaal ases .. -
<br />_ � • , �P�Y�� of Aar�rdoas Su6stana�s that a�e g�erally��.e�1�°��°� . __
<br /> �� and t�manut�ance���P�l►• de�and,tawsait ar other actian by anp �• �:..
<br /> ��'-•� Basrawear sball pmmPBY 8i�e Iendet w�tes►notice of any mvesti�don,clau0. -_
<br /> ,:r�� ,�.:-•. ar►d any Ha7aidans Sabst�ce ar Environme�tal I.aw
<br /> . gavera�elual ar regalatmY agem�Y��P�5►it►►wlviag the YroPeatY �tal or iegulatory au�oritY.thai any - -
<br />`�` � � � of wIucb��rowec 6as acOoal Imoaledge.If�Barraw�te�ams.or is notified bp anY�a�+ .
<br /> • � ' �rnnval or otfica remediativa of any Aaz�dons Sabs�nce affeai�g ttte ProgaRy�s necess�y.Boaawer shall promptly take a11
<br /> , "':.' �y raned3aT a�tions m acc�dance witb finviroatneatal Law. �.__
<br /> � As ased in ttus paiag�alsh 20."Ha7ardoas Substaaces"ffie those substaaces defined as tmdc or 1�rdons sabstances by :.:`;� _
<br /> ' .Bavimnm�tal Iaw aad t h s fo l 2 o w i ng substances: g a soIine. keaoseue. other fiammable ar tmcic geuoIemn praduAs�'i�s e d in �:`�
<br /> g u
<br /> . ,. :`�� pesticiQes aad$esbiades.vola�e solvents.marariais c�nt�n�g as6esws or fom�aldehyde,and wdloactr+e mareaials
<br /> thiv parag�aph 20,°Envlconmc�t�ll.aw"means fede�al laws and laws of ttce jTaisdiction where t�s Propaty is tocared that relate .,.,���y.,-. _
<br />: . r, m health,safety or�vimnmental Frote�tion. �:,=�':- _
<br /> � � NON UN�ORM COVEN�N�S.HotrowerandLeatdea fwtha covenautand agcee as folIows: �.'-�.�,�;�
<br /> • � � 21.Ac�celeratIon;Ldem�tes.l.ender sAeI9 g[ve noYtce to Botro�prfar 4o aooelgret�on tollawing Borrower'�6reasY�of . ..: _-
<br /> sA 9 ����:. .._
<br /> • ,' , any oavenan4 or a�eement in thts Secarity Instrament (but not psior to accei�es4tan nnder DaregraPh 17 �e� ���,.�:"""r---
<br /> apaltcabte law pmvi�es ot�eewise)•'tbe nottce shaU spectiy:(a)the deladt;@)tIle setion reqaired to cure the default:(c) ,:;.,��,-.;-
<br /> . ' �',`T'''--' =
<br /> _ . � a date,not!�than 30 Mys flrom the date the nottce i�given to Borrawer,bY whIeh the defanit�asd b�cured;end(d) .. . ,;..;`:__,_
<br /> �� • � '' - t6at faIIare to care t�e ddantt on or betare the date speclP"�ed ia the notioe may resWt ta acce$gra�ioa ot the same secared --
<br /> . ,� , . o
<br /> - by ti�s Setartt9 Instramen4 end sale ot We Property.'i'he na@ce shail turiher inform Sorraw¢r of the elg6t to reirstate : .-
<br /> a�r acce2tercitton and 4he sigh!to bring a wmt actfon m as�ri the nua�ststence ot a defanit ar any other dettuse oY �.._
<br /> � c
<br /> � Bfl���aceeieration aad sa�Q.U the defaaIt t�eot cared on or betore the date spe�ifteA in the aottoe�Lender,at its - .. y.-
<br /> � � � e imme�tate payment in tull ot all s�s semred Dy ti�Seautty�as4�vment withont t�her d�� • �y� �;:°°
<br /> � optFoa,may reqn[r hsabte Iaw.l.ender sbaa 6e entitted to coIIect -
<br />- . ��•�'` anA may Pnaoke tfle po�ser of eale aud a�ot�er remedles perm[tied bY°p6 21,tnc[ading,6ut not timited tn,seasonaLtc . .
<br /> � . etl expensss incorre�in paisaing the remedtes provtded in Wis paragraD , . .
<br /> - . stto�neys'tc�s aad casts of tttte ev[dence. ',: .� .:� .
<br /> ' - U t6e pawea ot sale is invoged,Trnstee shaD reaord a nottce ot BetaWt in¢�ch�I lavr to Borroti�er and to the '-:,:�"`�9�":.•
<br /> . . .. �• • propert9 is tocated an�sdaU mail eopies otsacb nottce in We manner pr�ed by app . -
<br /> . • � ��` . other persons pressr�ed bY�Dp�icable law.Aiter the time reqnired by appflc�ble lavr,Trustee s�all give pnblie notiee of
<br /> ° � . . � sale to the P nblic acNon o We Wghest bidd�at the�time�and place and under th�e terms d deslgaate�l�e�v.�a ce o�saIe . � . .
<br /> • _, . . . Pto�erty at p . .
<br /> - .. Foran 8028 9(80 � �
<br /> . � � ��eR(N67ts2f�l.o� Pgaeeo�e ��:��a��:_. �.__ •
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