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. �' �.cSTp�j . . ��,t.c�.:-,...r.:.:6� . �.. -^':Cf?�.S�'__,.,._ .c�n � ' <br /> - ;� ., _ ,.� .. :� <br /> ,.' . . . . . ' ...�_.._:crx"_. :�..#�..:.. ._.-.f_s..� �_1. <br /> �� .��' —. . . �4 ` . _-_- � A .` — ` .�;- _ _ _ -- _�b. <br /> . ._ � � i i � . - <br /> ,hu .. _ � ° i.� . _a! � r .� <br /> . 'E t s � Y _ � ._ � ,, (- - <br /> _l '_' G F- . .-'"_.C" _. , _ �; - . _ k_ � Y��_*. ., v <br /> . ,'�f'"� }i, . ,{•i�,y t .. . ; - ,.. ' . ._ _ .'�' .. , . ± 4r� '� �,.Ct^R .�,� ... <br /> t. • Y • . \ � 't <br /> ,� � .. . C � 1..� • � . ' r. . .. . �F . . < . .L � `�=• ;�.` G. :£: <br />' -, . 4 � � . � .�� t ,). . , .. •z. c . . . � � � .0 � -G' ' (C ... . . � -.�� ��� ;�; <br /> _ � . � ♦F' ' . � . . ' . . . < . F � — �c:'C' . <br />- ° � C .. etc. ' ' ' � r '. � _� '4 . , <br /> ��: . - . ' . �O. ..1.. ir c � �- <br /> . . ti� . ""' y. >'.;�'' <br /> - . _ ' '.i.._ .r:: <br /> . . . ..• ' � �. . ' t`;o <br />. :`i+. ��� `, � `' <br /> 'ItHiSt7�lt WITH all the impnavem�tts now or hsieafter�xed an t�e �°�"'-�" 4 4° °`' <br />_ � .�, . p:op��l a1t ds.:.__t9.�put�nances.a�d , <br /> , . 6�cmres now ar h�a part of iha giog�r.All ceplscemeats aend additim�s shall elso be wvc�ed by tLis Security Inswmeut k.. ._ <br /> •- s.� - A1l Qt th8 fQlC$O�R$�$ICfCtfOQ�O�11�139 J�Ct.'11f�t�i I�$IIl1AICAR 891hC s.vy...y.° , , <br /> . � • BOR�OWFR COYBNAPYf'S that Bamuwet is lawfulty selsed of ttte estate heaeby canveyeA atM 6as the right o�g�ant aad '_- <br /> ``:.:' ' , oonveq t�x Propaty aad that t1�e Fropesty is imencx�mbered.except far e,naunbrauces uf r e c o r d.Bmmwes wa�ant�a n d w�l , . y <br /> � -� ie m : --� �:. <br /> i'��� defead geneaaIIy the tide ta the FicapPaty against aII claims and demands.snbject to any eaaunbraaces of record. 4. -., <br /> t. � _ <br /> . ;µ. .. TfIIS S:ECURITY INSZYtUMEt3T combines uaifmm anveuanta far aational nse and noa-uniform coveaants with�ited �.,. ` ;� . ,� . <br /> ti` � variarions by�aLsdic�ioa to c�nstitute a tmifoim se�uity iASttument cavesing reai propertY• � � -- <br /> . � �.��; UN�ORM COVENANfS.Boumwer mmd Lende,r c�venant�W a�ee as folloa+� � '° <br /> L psym�t of FrInsfpat au�Inter�Prepay�eat aad l.ate CUarge�. Boimwer sha11 PmmP�Y PaY whea due the �,� _ <br /> s , p�al of amd iatereston the deUtevid�ced hy the Not�aud aay pr�payme,ntand Ia�chaiges due aader the Note. ' <br /> . Z.lfimds far Tases and Ynsmance. Snbiect to a�lirable law ar m a wr3uea waiver by Lend�,Bomnwes shaIi pap m ,S„� <br /> ., _ <br /> Lender an the day mnnthly paynaPnis are dae�the Note.ant�the Notc is paid in f�11.a snm C'Funds�for.(a)Ye�azll►mx� - _ <br /> . , ' �� and asses�wLicb may auazn piinrityr ove8 this Sect�rity lnstrumeut as a tien on tbe Ptoperty;(b)Y�Y���PaY�� ;-�: ': -- <br /> • ` }� or gannd re�ts an ttie Ytoperry,if anY:(�)Y�Y��PmP�Y�ce P��(�Y�Y�Iood in.�uance pr�ti�ms,if � ---- <br /> ` 2,__ <br /> . �Y+�e)Y�Y�a�e i�auoe preminms,if an.Y:���anY�A�Y��bY Boaawer Lo Lendzr.ia acc�dance with the � _ _ <br /> • • . �� g:mri�ons of pa�agraph 8,m liw of the payment of�a�ge insora�ce pre�nums-These�ase c�tied"Essrow Item.v�" F" � <br /> ' '°..; I+eude;may,ai a�►Y]Iect and floId Fimds in�amo�t not to exceed the maxIInum ammmt a l�dar for a fe�aIIy�a�d <br /> >� __ <br /> ,�� ,.. mmrtgage Inan may reqaue fOr Boaowds eseow eccotmt t�der the federal Real Fstele Setttemmt Pmc�ed¢�es Act of lg'!4 aa _� <br /> f . .:.`.s}:r ._, _° ameadEd fm�t�to dme.12 U.S C.S�2b01 et seq. ("RESPA'�,aNesg ano�1aw tbat appli�s tfl the Fands s«�afcs� - - <br /> amount I€s�,I.eaded may,at aay nme.coIIect ead hold Fimds�in an amount e�cccer�the lessea ammmt�i�t�i may . E_`'�'-, <br /> .�-:j� �sdmate the amoant of Fands dae on the imsis of ament data and reasonable estimates of expeadi�tues of fimue Psr,mw It�ms ar --- <br /> , ' . ' othawise in ascaidance with applicable law. � '� - <br />::;,:�. • � 11te Fnuds shall 6e held in an insti�an arhose deposim are insured by a fedetal age�ncyr.insaaman�y►,ar e,nEity(iustudm� r ,�.;-x_._---- <br /> ` � Iander,if Lendea is surb an ia�dwmion)ar in any Fedrial Iiome Loan Bmdc.Lemder shall applJ+the Fuads to pay the Es�aaw .:� •__....._ <br /> :i ;`.� Items.Leuder may not charge Hotmwca for tioldiug 8nd applyiW$the Fimds,apnuatiy aaalyzia�ihe cscxow s�coimt.��g `=� - <br /> -'. tha E�w Itr�s.aWess Leades PaYs Bmmwer inter�st an the F�mds and�licable iaw peamits Leader to matce such a charge. � _.���: - <br />_ . . ' "`,{; � Hawevea,I.ender may require Boaoovea to pay a one-time cha�ge for an�d�t real estate tax r�ing seavice ased by :`�_�,�= <br /> .�� ':�- Leader in cotmection with this loan,�ml�ss aPP1�Cable 1aw provides oth�vis�.Unless an�ent is ea�e or apgticable Taw I,`--°r= <br /> �::..�: . 1�c � __ <br /> ' � reque�s interest t�be paid.L.enda sfiaII not be ceqnired to pay Bmmwer�y iutexest or eunings an the Fiutds.Ba�w�r and ;� �_ <br />- � . Lender may agcec m writing.howev�.d�t intaest sbaU be paid an the Funds.Le�de�sf�aU g�ve ro Bormwea.withmrt ct�ge,� : -- ;.: �.�° <br /> �' � annnal a�oimdng of d►e Fands.showing crediB aad debits to the Fonds and the purpase far wtiich each debit to the Fuads was .`• �� ;.r�. <br /> .., �. � '..'� � made.'Ihe Funds aze pledged as additioaal sec�aity for ari sums secared by this Security Iasaumemc r�' - <br /> ;,� '. If Qie Fimd4 deld by I,eader acceed the pmoimts peamiued to be hetd 6y agplicable law,I.�der shaU acca�t oo Bmmwea for �� - <br />_ .' � the excess Fisnds in accardaace with the requirements of applicable law.If the amo�t of the F�ds i�eld by Leader a3 any time is •� ;�,�•. ' _ <br /> - �� .,:� � ., uot safficient w pay the Escrow Ioems whea due,Le�dea may so notify Boirower in wridng,and,ia such case Borrower shaD pay .. --=- <br /> r � � ..� m Lender the amount necesaary ta make ap the de�cy.Bosrower sLaU malce ap the defcciency in no moie ti�twelve : .:.: �:�..�..�"" <br /> � , , : . monthlY Paymeuts,at Iender`s sole di�cxeoion. � ��_ <br /> :•i � Upon payment m fnll of eU snms secaced by tLis Serurity Inso�ument,I.e�der sball promptty refund w Borrowea any Funds :�,� , � _ <br />- held by I.�nder.If,under para�raph 21,I.cader shall acquire or sell the Propefty,Lea►der.prior w tha soqnisition or sale of the . _:'�_ <br /> . . ;, .�: �D�Y•�aPPIy anJr Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisidnn or sal�as a credit ag�st the smns secumd 6y tt�is �_.�. <br /> .. . , Secaaity Insirameat, R�` <br /> .� . -� '�:°s � 3.App�cattQn oY Paymeats. UnIess applicable 1aw provides oth�vise.all payments teceived by Lender under p�agraphs _ . <br /> r.,�. ' , • . � 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,w a:►Y Pr�paYm�t char�es due nuder the Note;second.w$mount�payable aadca paiag�apb Z; -,±,� :— <br /> -- .� •� thlyd.W inte�.st du�founh.w principal du�mid 1ast,w any late charges due uader the Note. . <br /> ' . 4 Cfiarges3 Ltens. Bmrowe� shall pay all taxes,a�ents,cl�ges.fines and imposidons attdbutable to�Property =, - <br /> . � � �� wlucti c*�y attain priority ovea thls Security Inst�ume.nt,and l�hold paym�ts or ground r�nts,if any.Sosmwea saaIP py tbese -_"` ' <br /> � ,,;. . ',; ' obligations in the maanea yrovided in paragraph 2.os if not paid in tUat manntx,Borrowea shall pay t�vn tiwe d:.,�tly w the .. � <br /> • pas�n owed paym.��.Botmwea sha11 promptty fiunish to Lendea all notices of amounts to be paid a�der this yaragrapb.If '��'` :. <br />: . . Bazrowa makes these paymentg dlrectly.Borrowet sbaU prompdy fi�mish w I.ettdet receipts evidencittg dte y�Yments. . . � �::�':;�- '••'. � <br /> - . � • I�aa*owea sba11 yramPtlY discharge any fien which has p�crity over this Seauity insa�ent unless Botroaes:(a��ea� . . '.�,�';v: `. . <br /> � a , <br /> � . � wri�2o the payment of the o�li�on seaued by the llen u�a manner acceptable to Lendear;(b)contests in gaod faith the lien , :°�` . <br />_;..,•:-�„" . . . .. <br /> by. or defends against cnfancement of the liea� in, legal pmceedings which in the L�ender's opiniQn opeaate to prevent ttte <br /> � � • � enforce,ment of the lie,n:ar(c)se�ures from tl�.e t�sler of the liea�an a�ent satisfacwry ro l.enda��ordinating the liea to .: .. <br /> ..-' � . �. . ' this Seciuity Inswment If Lender deteamines that any part of tha Property is subject tn a lien whicb may aua3n priority ova Wis <br /> ' .� Security Insuumen�I,enda may give Borrower a notice ide�tifying the liea�.Bomower stiaU satisfy the lien or take a�e or more ' � <br />� �'` of the acfions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. � . , : <br /> � • • . Fo�m 8028 8/fl0 ' <br /> . . �-BR(NE��as�2).o� pape2o19 Imtintr.. . ._- :� - � <br /> � �. , , _ ._.,�_-.-..--. ...,....,-„-..-s. . -,�—. . . . - �- � .� � . : . � • : ' , �` . <br /> _ . . - • . .. � . . . . . . . . . .... ... . <br />�` : ._. � • , . . . . . . , , . .. <br /> ,. •i • . � ' ..� , . . . .• . .' '- . �, <br /> . . . . ' ' . . • ' . ._ ,� • . . .' . . �_ , • . <br /> ' � . .. . • . ,� , . . • . . . � . <br /> ' ' ., . . . . � � ' �,,... ,i.._:,_:._,�..,.._:: , � — . <br /> • . <br /> . <br />. • i:._-�..--- ' .. ... _ ..- -,. ._,... . , ... --•_'. , _'v:_:_. --:�.'•I ;r,..._.,� _ . _ . ,i_. _ _a:��i`�'_..v�"�:'��".'.4+-t''_.�,..=„{..�....:�."'n:1�.�.:y�by?�lE��'i-7'1.'..°K°9i . . .--`'- <br /> �.. : . <br /> _ _ .. as�.. 3 <br />