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�:� . . =E4F;,,..,....-.-c�-� r .-i� z 4;Z. <br />�� •'�" '_�-'.�_" .-a-r:_"+L' <br /> �' T � . - �- r � r .� � .:tt" F � 'ktir�x �f��� � � c _Y <br /> ' .� t ' 4 Vic e'.,dc :r Y ��t' c c t� �. <br /> t ' htt ,p C •i n <br /> . �/'� .. - ' . . ' . <br /> � ` . . � - ' �',t`':6`•�;'.`. <br /> E. . <br /> . —, , t�r��= � � ������ ' ..)h <br /> ` � c�1 ' C - <br /> _.'�.} .` .. t ' �.. i.j��, c'�-.. <br /> , .�:._ �. ,. ,°. BORROWER OOV'ENAri't5 tflat Borme�er is lawfiiliy s�ised of the estate hereby wmteyed and has iite tight to * , - <br /> , � °- °,�J�� : ��� g�ant ead a0�vey th$Propetty asd tbat ttte Pmpetty#s nnencom�zred,esaePt for eacambrances of reaoid. Bflr�wer `. . <br /> t� . ` x <br /> wasrants and cvW defend genetaTty the tltte to the Prc�Perts►a�iast aII claims aa�de�ands,sobjett toanyencambiances :: :�° .:s` <br /> . `. . ot teooM. k ��' <br /> � � THIS SECURT!'Y INSTRUME�'�wmDiues nn[form covenants for national ose and aoa nnifo:m oavenaat�wltD �� � - <br /> � L � `:' ltn[citeA varlatIons Ay JurisdIcxian to aonstitute a uniform security tnstrumeat oavertng rEa1 pmperty. ;.G s fi��:* <br /> .f� � - <br /> . . �� . -- <br /> , .. UNIFbI3Nt OOVENAN'I5. Bormwet and Lendet aovenant and agree$s foitmas: : .� r - �_ <br /> . . �: : l. Pay�nt oSPtit�dgal.Int�cest ead�SL$� Bonpwer sLa11 PaY when due the grtaclpat o�and interest v._`_ <br /> , � , ' '°` on:the QcAt cvldeace0 dy tIIe Nate�late r3targes due under the Note. . ;� ` ` -'- <br /> '� ,��._.�--�t.- 2 pVipy�peyr�t of'�b�,�aa�.acd Othta� Bormwer sl�aali iatdude ia eacH monthi7+Pay�aent+ �'-�_ <br /> , �-- '-� to�ethes�yttb thc prtncipal an0 Interest as sEt forth ia the Note and aay tat�chaz�.a.som fnr(a;tases aad spedal f `.�r <br />° • � i< <.�` : nts or onsd rents on the Pro e and �` ' r�- _, <br /> ' . � ass�smems lev[cA�as co De tevl�A sgainst the gropertg+.(D)leaseho2d Pagme � F � .•J `�'�;.': <br /> � tcj premtums[or insurance tequtreA under paiagsaPh 4. In any year in whicb the Lender must pay a awrcgage � . . �, : <br /> � ins�utaace premdum W the Sec4etary of Hnusing aad Urban Developmeat�S�aetat�.or ig a�►year In wt�ich snc� - -. <br /> � pr�mtum wouia l�ave�een requtred ii leader sml held We Sestiutty Insuo�nent,eash mon�tY Paymen�shaII a]so T_-_ <br /> � :- : <br /> . ' fnclude eititeer.(i)a sum fot the aunual�ortg,�ge insuraace preminm w be paid by Lsnder m the 3ecretary,4r(Ii}a -_ <br /> � ` taonthty cLarge insiead of a ruortg�ge iasurance premium if this S�r Insuatuent�S held by the Secxetary,in a .:,-�' � <br />. • � .. . •'� `� re�anable amount to be deter�iaeQ by the Seaetary. Escept for the moathly cbarge by the Secretary.tiiese items - -___-_ - <br /> ' !. are aU�'F�crow Items°and ti�e sams pai4 to Leader are dted T�srcaw Fands.° _ _- <br /> � . Lender aay t[me.aauect and ltold amannts for F�caa�Items in an aggreep�¢te amonnt nos to esoeed the _ ---- <br /> � . . , maaimam auirnmt t6at ceay be requtred for Bar�uwer's escrow avom�t aader tke Real Fstace Setttement Procedares : —__ <br /> � �,�:, y� Act o!1474.1Z U.S.G Q�Z6U1 gt�;eaa implsmenting regulatIons,2A CFR Part 3500,as thsy may be amended fram �_ �= <br />_ ., `,�.. <br /> tit�to tlme('RESPA7,�Pt t0at the cushion or sesetve permitted by RESPA far unantidpated disbnisemeats or �, _ <br /> QisUuisements before the Bonawer's payments are av�ilable In tfle aoaount may not be based on amounts dus f o r t h e �::-__ <br />;� ... � • '• • - <br /> .... ..:.;�°. rrwttp$e tasurance premIam. . . �: _-- - <br /> ..� . ' It ttte amout�ts ttel4 by Lender for F�crow Items exceed the amonnts permined to be held dy RESPA�Lender shall �� <br /> �J� = <br /> ' ` aCCOUnt to Bortower for ihe egc�fuads as reQoired bl►ItFSPA If the amonnts of fands heId by Le,nder at aay tfiae - $.,__ <br /> • � � . are not sufficlent[o pay the Fscmw It�ms ahen due,Lenfler may natif9 the Borrawer anA reguire Borrawer to mat�e ` <br />_�. ' . . . -- up the shattagc as germitted.6y RFSPA �;--�-� <br /> • 7tie Facr+�m FunQs are ptedg�9 as adQitlonal securIry foi ari sums secured Oy t4ts Sec�ty Instrusaeat �f Botrrnver ; � _-- <br />, . . ' tendels ta.Leadet tGe fuU pa y ment pt all sucL suma,Borro�er's aceount sba11 be credited wtth the 6alance remaining . � � .3:_ <br /> • . . . , fos aU iast�llmEni items(a),(b?,mn0(c)and atry mortgage iasatanae pr e m ium i n s t a ll m e n t t h a t L e n d e r L a s a o t D e o o m e = --- <br /> ,. :; , abUptcd to pay to the Sc�xetary.and Lender s1�i1 promptty refiu�aay excess€nnds to Borr�arer. Immediateiq prior -., <br /> , . . to n toreciasmre sate oi the Property or its acquisition by l.eader,Sorrower's aaaount shall be credited wlth aaybalance r-r__---- <br /> . �. ra�natnl�g for aU lastallments for 9tems(a},(b),and(c� �4�-t;:- ` <br /> 3. pp��imupn�i pop�ts, q11 paymeats nnder paiag�aphs 1 and 2 s2�ll be appHed bq Lender as follows _+9��. <br /> � ��,. : � �,to the tnortgagcs insurauce preminm to 6e paid iry LenQet to the Secretary or to the monti�►charSe b3►� �'� �;,�,� <br /> Sr�cectury Instead of We montIIly mort�ge tnsurance premium; ': `'".,. .---- <br /> �. � � SECO to atcy ta�s,spti',cla1 assessments,leaseho2d payments or graund rents,and&�►�aA and other hazard ,. . :.`-- <br /> `�. :'•.. <br /> , insumnoo required; � ` •^--�- <br /> .. � ' � � t tnterest Cue under the Not� . •�rA,, .�""_�: <br /> � . �,OURTH•to amartizatioa oi the prinsipal of che Not�and . �-'°��� � � _ _ <br /> . . �i�,to late charges due uaaer the Note. �;'.'•;j�:�� <br /> ` � � �� d. Flrq,Fioo��a0 Other Ha�atd Insa�anoe� Horrower shall insure aIl improvements on the Property.whetiter . - <br /> " .� ,,. � � nrnv in cxl�tcltc�c ot subsequentty ereaed,agatnst aay hardrds.rasaalties.and oontingencfes.IncluQing Sr�for which - 1.�:;:�`"� <br /> � 4enQcr tcqulces inguranoe. 'I4�s insutaace shaU be maintained in the amounts and for the perioQs tbat Lender f'�� �=--- <br /> _� ` . ° � " rc:yulres, Iiontss�rer shatl atso insure alt lmptovements on the Propeny,whether now in extsteace or subsequently �`•. - =i _ <br /> . � ' etected.n�inst luss by Roods to the extent requlred by the Secretazy. All insurance st�all be carrIed with aompanies '.� _ _ _ <br /> ,-� . „ c+ppravcC lry Lender. 'Rto tasua'ancc po11cles and aay rencwals shall be held by Lender and shali include loss payable ...�.�y�. <br /> � ' clauscs in favor at.oad ia a torm accept�e2e to�L�uder. � . . - <br /> • • Ir►tAo evoat of la�.Borrovree shaU give Lender immediate notice by mail. Lender may make proof of lass if noi . � <br /> � � , mada[►tompity by Barrrnver. Euch ttissutFtnce oompany conceraed Is hereby suthorized aad direcxett to mak�payment � � . � <br /> � � - fi�r euch luss dlrc�;try to Lcndct�lastcad of to Borrawer and to Lender Joiutiy. All or a�►part of the insnrance _ _ <br /> � . • �►r�cced9�ttay be opplted Dy its oplioa.etther(a)to t�e redactlon of the inQebtedness under the Note and . <br /> � � �his Sccqtiry Insttumcnl,Rtst to any dellnqaent autounts appllea ia the orQer in paragraph 3,and then w prepayment . -- - - <br /> � , . � c�P ptlnsip�l�ar(b)ta tac cestoration or rc�pait 4i tha Qamaged Pmpeny. �.4ny application of the procee0s to the . - <br /> � • . , princlpal ehall nat cxtert0 or postpuno th�due date of the montWy payments wh�c�are referred to in parngraph 2,or � � . <br /> ' .. � . chan�e 1ha amount ateucD paycncnts. My excess tnsurance ptoceeds over sin amount:equired to pay all outstanding . ___ <br /> . • inQehtcdncss un��er�hc Nute nnd thts Securlty instrument shaU be paid to the entity legaUy encitled thereto . � <br /> I�tAc cvent a�f fi�reclosure ot thls Securlry Iasirument or other transfer of tltle to the Property that extinguishes . � <br /> � ; • ' tRa inrlcb[edncss, u!1 riSh1. Utte und interest of Bonotiver in and co In9uranoe pollctes in Porce shaU pass to the � � � . <br /> � . . purehaycr. � <br /> . ' S. O�c,ropaaty� Prc�n�ttna. Matntcaaa�e aaA Pmteaian oi the Pmperty, Bamnwei's L�an Application; � , <br /> .. . . � 1r,�tu►las. Uorra«cr nhait uccupy.eswblish.ona use the Property sis Bonower's princlpai resiQence wIthin si�cty days �. � . � <br /> . . � � :�t�cr t�10 cxccuttitin ui t0i�Security Insirument(ot within simy Cays of a tater sale or uansfer of the property)ead shali <br />- - cY►ndttuc u�u�:cupy thc Property as Bortuwcr's princlp�al tesidence for at least oae year after the Qate of occupanry, . <br /> ,. �. :� unir�� l�:ndcr dctctminrs th�t rcqulrcmcnt wiU qusc undue harGshlp for Bonower, or untess ea[enuating � � <br /> ciicums�anus exist wnicb �+re 6cyund Borrowet's oontrol. Rorrawcr shall sottfjr Lender of any estenuating ' <br /> .. � . ' ] <br /> - . � � t !VI!!)![ASKA t�liA fll�.��r�ui�•��{�isr �s �. �- <br /> � � • trxmr.�s3s:eyxlnitr'•u7otslte: VDgC20f6 - � <br /> ._! . <br /> . � . <br /> ____ _ .--- --...... .: <br /> � __ . _ <br /> , ; �, ' ' . . <br /> . .. . , . . . . . .. ..�.'-�J�.-��.... -�'.�^_._-.""_ . :. <br /> ._�-m.»T!+.. �.w..^^�—+.`^',"''y�"'7 ' ' <br /> . . . . .. _ . . �_,�s�-�-:a���^.... — . . . • . . . . . . . ' .. � .. . • .... .. , -. . - `t�.. .--�'_� .r�ti:' ..... y �,tras-L i'.i1�.... ... . .. ._,. <br />