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F_' _e.� ' _ . �.w�' .'r�(^ .__L�.: """_L' _.L.._._ �� C..�`" `L. ..K tT -__' <br /> � ��_� .c:� �� t � r..'4� �� . � �`� h �, X �� - - <br /> , �,/ i•� E `f�,, N r . � -.c u ,z:"'` _ r _ ,° _ .. ' (c ' - _ . <br /> � � Uy <br />. . . . `4�.. •t:• %�''�+L. <br /> _- _- .. ` • �{:r't '(� .�"f{`^.�.'. <br /> , y ' . a�ts tbrr�c,�or�� s�ivc�co 8nv��erB r�o.e�e�,ws�e.ev��aan►T,�m��,��y co����s►on mB�r � �-;,� �,.,: <br /> ">� doy ol¢ech nronth,or sudt oUrer deto eacA r►tonth cs may be spedf'red by BenefidarY,raPb7 the lndebtsdness ts peid in trdl,e amn f/+erefnstier � ,-: .• <br /> eullod LAo'Frmes'J evual to I//?tAa!ttre yse�tS►taxas and�assmants ath/ch may ettstn priarftY over Nts Oeed af Tiusr and�arardr�nts on 4,,.�:` <br /> the Tiust F}aA�Y.H�Y•6�!/f�tli of the YeetlYOremtum Instellments fhr h a z e r d l n s e a nces Nus t/fZM o1 Me YBe�Y P��+►lnstellments �:;`;:;_-'�—q;. <br /> farmartgago tnsaranco,Hany.�l ss reasons6/y asLfmated inldcDV end fmm Umo ta trino by B�eActary on the ba�sls of asssasmenLs mrd Dills � : ;. �.< ;�". : <br /> '. 4`''•. - ertdre�sanabfs astlmates the�eof.fie FundsshdlAs Aeldtn rlrt fnstitullon,Ne deposfts os accormte o!ovAtcA erelnsuradQ�gunranteedbY e � p ;��t..__t:'�,� <br /> :• rt <br /> ' �',�. /edar�tlar atst9 egana!►/ncfuG'iny Benufrdsry.BenoRdary shsll eDPN Me iunds to pay sdd ta�ra�essassmertts.lesurer+re R�emltuns snd gmurtd 8 , . ,��.,�:.;� <br /> ar tl �' <br /> . :, a��`, . ren�r Bsn9ficl8��►sdalJaotbe�eQuLsd MOay 7mstoisnV/ntersst or emnTnss on tha Funds I�imeflciafV aA91i9hre eo Ttustor,wJthaut chnrge,en � ` �'�<'.` �---Y' -'-- <br /> i_ <br /> '` ennualsec�ounL'ng of the Frm/b aAowlrrp cwa�m ond debib ta No Frmds and tho purpase fai�v?Jdr each debft to the Funds wes mad�Tha � <br /> � - <br /> • < .�:+ � Fands ere plodged as edd'itlunnl sscuriryfartAe tr�deLtednsss aecured by tl�isOeed o/Tivat N the amaantaf tlro Amds Aeld by Benelyds�l. � ^� <br /> � fapoNav wfdl tho Rrtto+3 mantMylnstsllmenta nf Frutds FoysOle pdw m tha due dates af[axes,assas^.ments,Inaumnce ptcmintro endgtotmd "� �, � -- <br /> , ��. � im+ts,8h8//exceed tAO tlmatmt isquhad to pay sBld texes,essessmenb,Insrnenee premTums mid�otmd renis es they f�dtre sucA ezcess 7 <br /> � . . to�or credited to TrusAUa st tuturemonthry inste0ments alFimAs.iP tAe err.armt� ' �,-�--�=-~. <br /> • •� f sheJ/be,at Tiusmr'a optlon,�olther pnampW mprafD m 7rus S� � .:��r� ,•. <br /> `. �: of tAe Frmds ho/d by Benefidary ahal/nat beauflrcient to/iaY taxaa.assessmenta,Luroanee�rernfwns end ground isnb as they feU d�ra. � �`; `a,,�_;� .�� <br /> -4�: ` TrusmrshDURaY ta BenoficiarYsnY emaeue necessarY ta maka++�tfre dc�idenaY+�n�N days!mm the detsna0tce ts ma!!ad bY Benofielary f.... ': <br /> . MTn�star�eQumstlngpaymentthereaf.UFor+08Ymentlnfid/ofs0lndeDtedness.BertefrelmyshaDprampUyiefunAfaTiu�tcrenyFrmdsAeldAY -��__k-�' <br /> �•�� ' , ` BenerciarY-/f the Trust Fropartyls sald urtder the power ofsule ar dte Tiust PmpertY b ntlre�wlse acqrdred bY Ba�efidsry.BenaTrcla�Ysha11 % �.n� -_ <br /> � ' ,' s�ply/mmed'iately p�lor to tAe sate of tlta Tntst Avperty a�Its ecquisitlon Dy Beneflclary,eny Frmds heldDy Beneflciary at tlre lime af sppGceNcn ;.,._::. ...`.. L <br /> '��� .' as e credlt egsinst Ne/ndeDtednes�!f Beneficiery executes a written waiver of Tru�toYs obGgat/ons rmdei this psragraph 4,Tiustor mvenarini <br /> snd e�ees tn pay,Defore Me same beeoms deGnquen4 ail tanes,assessment�.firsraarrce premfrmLS,9round�ents,m�d a!/other c6srges �`' 1'-` '_-- <br /> rm <br /> whatsoave�levfed npan or assessed,placed ormade agahist the Tnut Raperry.Tiusmr fuiMer agress,upon w�Jttan reQuest Dy Ben�clary,to � -- - <br /> . P�mPW deGver to 8enefidaryaDreceipfsfer the paYment af such cAarges.Tiusmr/'ikeyvise agreas to pay aD taxas,sssessments ond other �--_ _ <br /> chsrges/evled vpon c+s assa�sed,p/sced armade agafns�oimsasraed by,thls Oead ot Truat ar the recadation he�aaf. u. <br /> �,.{ 6,!{q�olP�ymaAL� A!I payments�ecei5�ed by BoneTidery as m any deb4 ffab�ty or obligsdon owed to BeneffcTary Ay 7�usta�maY ba �y, _ <br /> - '•' . appred Dy 8enaflcfa�►te Ure psymsnt of the/ndebtedness a�to enysueA other deb4�8��ry er obDgaa(on,ln anyorderarmanner ot appGesBan ��m_N„___-_ <br /> ���y,: • wA/ch Benefldary,fn tta eGsolnte dsc�etbn,deems epproprleta flnle�ss a0'tenrt+iae e'ected by Beneficlary any auch peymant strall be demmed <br /> 4 <br /> � • . eppGed fliat to Me peyment ofenf�daAt GabJliiy or abOgation other thsn th8 Nete. ---=_- <br /> .•i.;..._�.,4" �`� -�' !' B.CR�o:fl� Tivator wlll kBep the 7nrsi PmP�N frea fmm an�ens snd encum6rences whlch in anY�V meY ln ihaludIDr+ent af - <br /> " , . . ` Beneflcisry,hevepdndiy ove/orlmpa/i the sacmity a!,rhls Oeadof 7rrestbrrt Trustor aeadnot drsctierge enY such Gen so/ong as Tiustarahe// . <br /> ,`� '.• . •; •;," agren,in wii6ng,ta peY 0'+a a6Ugatlon secured by sud►Ben in a manner acceptsble to BeneTrcisry end sha!/In gaod faith cantest sutA/fen by - <br /> - - -• aPproprlate/eg�pmcsed'rnBs effecbve ro prevent the enfarcement of 1Ae Uer�end the foas of any/nter,ssttn ar psRof No 7yst Ptvperly. - _ - <br /> .. . 7 Na=arQlrrstaenes 7rustorahall keep tlre bulldingg and other/mpmvemsnts aow exls8ng orAereafter erected on tfre Trust Piope�tYl�roed • _ <br /> . • by Inaurence wniers sao�sfaatory to BeneficTsry ega/nst loss by Tie.�As=erds lrrcluded Jn Ute te�m'extended caverege'and such otherhazards. <br /> - casuslties and contiagancles as may be reQuired Dy Beaofrclary,In avch amorrnb snd for such perlods aa moy bB�eQuLedby BenvfrcFary. TAe <br /> __ ., " T; - poGcy of insursrtce shaA6e In form ecceptebla ta Eeeefrclary prov/da that the same may not te cancefed nr madrBed wlthot�t fiftesn I f8i deys . <br /> . �y r�I�f°�`,� prlor wlitten aoLlce ta Beneflsla�f:snd shaDhave/oss payeble provlslons In fevar ot mtd/n forr»aeeeptabfe to 8ene/lc/ery..�►ArerNnms an . <br /> �• . Jnswance po0cies8hallbe paldln themanner provldad�mder paregraph 4 Aereof or,if not pald In aucA manner,by lritstormaking 08Ymant at <br /> i;'--.. . feast S►tesn If51 days pdor to tAe due dete,d'irmatly M the laswance cet�Ie,BenefJcla�Y ahall have the dght tu hold the porcles en�renewr�ls _ __..__.. <br /> � . thereof end Timsto�shsl/pramplN frmrisA to Benefrc�eryeprenewel noUces end s/f pald Premtum reeelpis recelveAby it!n rro avent sha!! -- <br /> '� � Benef)dary or T�tRe tre held�espanslble far faAu�e to paY�nsiaence premlums or far anY/assor demape sNsingorrt o!a defect In eny pc::sY o� <br /> , . ";��:. � sdsirrg orrtaf enyfslAae of enylnsurence crompanY to pay for anylass or demsgelnswedagoinst or fa�teAara by truslor to effect thec�,�nce _-=- <br /> �'� '�� ' ''�'�, requlred he�ermder.Jrt Ne event ofloss,Ti�tar shall give prompt nodce Dymsif ro the tnsurarrce carrier ond Baneflcisry.Benellcfa�ymait ts,�ke - <br /> _f ; F�:�- --- <br /> k . � �pofaf Ioss ff not made p�amp�Y arin proyer torm Dy TirCrtor.AU polides of/nsrnance and eny snd a!I refimds of uneame0p�emiums a�e r:ar�� <br /> ,(';; , heraby assTgned m BeneAclarlr as additiaaal security for the peyment of the IndeDtedness.!n the event ol Bene�tclary's exercise of ths power af <br /> ��,`��". ' '� sate cantalned here/n,ar tn the event oflfo�ecloswe,sD rlgh�,tlt/e and/nterest of 7rusmr m end to eny Insu�ance policy then Jn force ahsD pass '`-�"�`... � <br /> Q�� _ � • to tha parchsser et the dustee's asle ar forec/osure sale./n case o/eny foss,the insroence proceeds rrrey et the aptFan of 8arrefldaN,be eODlled �;,:�%��;`_:- <br /> �,� , , Dy Beneffols�Y upan rAo/ndebtedness,arenY part rhereol,and/n sucA orderand emount us BaneAdarymay detennlne;o�satd lnstoence ' �' <br /> . , proceeds,at the optTon of BaneflcJaif�may etther be used In roplacing or restodng the Tiust Phoperiy pa�0'alN ar tofelly Csstroyed to e can�tlon �-'" <br /> �, , satisfectory ta Benefldsry:arasid insarance pmceeds,or sny pordon fhereoJ,may be ieleased to Tiusto�UR/aas BeneAclary vnd 7ncato� �•::-���-'__--- <br /> .� othen�vJse sIIreo In wi3ting,eny such applicetlan of fisursnce proceeds sha0 rrot extend or pos�one the due date of the Nvte,or any ,�;;,� <br /> � Instel/ments cai/ed fai tAarein,ar chango tha emount of such instal/monts.H tAe Tiust Fioperty Ts acqyLee by Bnneflclary pwauant ta tha + u- <br /> � ' d t t h Y n e n d l n t e r e s t o f T i u s t o r f n o n d t o a n y l n s t u snee proaeeds p e y a b/e ss o rasut�ot ��-�� -- <br /> � exercisa at the powei of asle o�oNer toreclosure,a11 gh, -- <br /> �Y"'�. � - damage to thv 7iust Property pdoi to the sele or ecqulslUan shoD pnss to Beneflclsry and sAaDbe approd fliat ta the costs end eupeaaes, -- <br /> �r:�,. ` t' inc/ud'ing ottomey fees,Jnomrad Jn coJ/ecting sucb pmceeds,then/n the manner and!n Me oider provlded herein. �+_��--�; <br /> . 1�:.._. _. - <br /> '� . :'t �p�e�enr�n and dfal�ance of firat Pn�AarN. 7iustor w1l!keep the buildings end other lmprovemsnts naw or heresfta�ereated on the �_= <br /> ;,, ., � �: �^, Ti^.�st Praperty/n pood rep2�md candiNon end w1//not commit or pennJt westo,w/U not elter the des/gn ar aducture/cha�acter consdtnt/ng srry <br /> '�'�' � � ��n7�ng naw or hereafter erected on and consNtuting tAe TrusC Piope�ty withaut the pNor wrinen caasent nf 8enefldery,wr7l not do ony ect or •t �-..�..�';_ _ <br /> .��.` ' ' ;?,. Ning vfiich+ar^�d undniy impeli or deprec/ete the value of tlre Tiust Ho�erN end wfOnot ebsndon tho T�s Rapeny.TiasMr wr7/not remave - 3 <br /> '`�• • . ;. e�flxt�nes ca�s'Jtudng thn 7rost P�operry unless the asme ere lmmed;s��replaced wlth/!ke prope�ty suL`jeaf to the llen snd aecrufrylnterest -= v __ <br /> ;�. . -- - <br /> af thls Dees aF�rust and af at lest epual vulLe end ud/iry. Tiustar wU/cam,yfy with a0 piesent snd future o�d'inances,�egulatlons anA °'�y•`^ -_=:„�� <br /> � repulrement9 of enV gavemments!hody whlch vre sppOcable ro Ne Tiust Piopertyr end ta the occupancy end use thereof.H thls Deed of 7'arst�Es „ ` - ____ <br /> . � on s unit!n o condominlum ar e planned un/t development,Tiustor ahelJ peAorm elI o/7iusmr's obligallon9 undei Me ded�adons oi covenents . �='�=ti=_ <br /> " � � , cYeat/n8 or govem/ng the condominlam ar the p/armed unit development,the by/aws and regufallons of the candaminium cc p/annad tmft , � ::��; <br /> � ` �,vnlopmont,endlheconsUtuenrdoaamenrs. � -"�'-*"-`"'-- <br /> . .. , �,,. `_i.•_... <br /> �'>- - • • � • 9./ntpeatlala. Banefldary a�ita agente msy,st all ieesonabfe tlmas,er,for upon the 71usf Hopenyr fai the ptnpose of InspecBan Bnneficl8ry ,. 1 � <br /> � shslf Aavo na duly to make sucA lnspeotlon end ahaU not be/lab/e lv Tiustor or to any pe�san In pcssess/on N It makes or fells to mske eny such <br /> ;.�' , � .• � i lnspoctlon. ' . <br /> �'��:.:. �"' . <br /> ,,t.. • • . <br /> _ . � .� !�oi'oicrtlon of 8cawity. !l 7iustor le!/s to pedann eny cf ilto covenants and sgreements conte/nod In this Deed ot 7iust,or N any acbnn o� <br /> , ..,� Aroceeding/s camme»ced whlch does ot may adveraely aHeci fhe 7rust Property a�the lnterest af Tiusto�a BBnef/clsry there/n or fhe tftla o1 , <br />:;Y�.' �� Tiustor thera�,Nsn BeneflcJery,at Its opdon,may pedorm such covanants and sg�eements,mske auch appee�ences,dsfend ago/nst ond <br /> invesBgate sur�i actlon o�F�ceadinq and teke sach other acNon as Benefrd�ayr deems necessary ro protect its Inte►est Inctu�ing,but nattlmfred <br /> � �.'.:' • ta,dlsbmser.:��t o/reasonaDls attomey feas end ontry upon the Tiust PrcAsr!y to make rapalrs.An y amounts d'uDursed by Benef/cJary pursusnt "�,; . � . <br /> � � ' t�th/s psragrepA 10,wJth lnterest thoreon,shs/I constTtute IaSeDtodness oi fiustor secuied by this Deed of Tnrst Unless Trusmr ond � <br /> . � �. Ben�c/ary eyrse fo other tem+s o/payment,such amonnfs sha/i be payab/e upcn notice from Beneficlary to larsto�rt�ur-sLnB PeYment tAarecf, , . <br /> snd aha!/bea�lnterest/rom tha date of drsDuraement at tha Qo/eul�rato,f/eny,set forfh!n the Note,a►othe�wfsB ot tAo hlghest ieto pe/mllted • � <br /> • '. • by law.NotAJng contalned/n this paiegreph ahsll raqu/re Beneficiary fo inero eny expenso or teko any ecdon herermde�Tiustor irremcaDiy . <br /> • suthodies snd ampowe�9 Beaeffdnry ro entar upcn tho Tiust Propeiry es�iustoi a egenf snd,!n Tiustor's name or otAerwlse ro peAuim eny � :• <br /> • end al/covonente and eyieements to be pedo�med by TrusM�as he�eln provlded.Bene11c1ery shs!/,at!ts opUon,be aubrogatod ta any , : . . <br />;+.: . � , encambrenco,/len,cls/m or demand end to ell Nghts end secudties/o�the payment the�eof pold o�discha�ged by Benerclary undbr the . <br /> � � ��; ., provkions hereol and en y such snbrogallon Nghts aAsll ba additlanal arrd cumu/ative secnrity fo�thls Deed of Tiust •� <br /> � !�.Coa�omrretlon. The procoeds oJ any awe�d or c/a/m fo�domagos,diiecr or consepuenBal,!n connecdon witA eny candemnae/on or otAer . <br /> � � .� tetting of fho Trust Ptopo�l y ot Dny pa�t fhereof,a Ioi convey�nce in lieu o!or in en�lclpetlon of condemnatlon,are AmaDy asslgnod ta and ahal! • . . <br /> .. � be pa/d M Benefic/ary.Tinstor wi!/r/e vnd prosecuto,Jn good JsJth aad witli duo diligence,its c/e/m far any sucA awafd oi paymont,ond w11/ � <br /> `� � ..: � cause Me seme to bo eollected and pald to Banelicia�,end,shon/d it fvi/to do so,t�usfor/rrevocebly outhaizas and ompowars Beneflclary/n • �. <br /> '`�� the namA ot 7rustar or othenvlse,to lilo,prosocufe,set8e o�compiamise sny auch daim aad to eoUect,meelpt lo�ond reMln fhe procagds.!f " . , • - <br /> �`���.• ., tAe fiust Pivpeiry!s abandoned D y Tiusror,or,alter noBce b y Baneflclary to 7iustvr tAat tAe condemnor offois to mako an award a sottla a , . . .� <br /> .. • c%im tor damages, Trustor/ai/s to responJ to Bonollclary withln th/ity/30/days ette�Me date sucA notice!s msi/oa Bsns/iclary is authadied to <br /> , � co/lect and appl y tAe ptoceeds In Me msnne�indicatsd Ae�oln. Tho procdads ol eny ewerd or c/sJm mey,aftsi daduct/ng sn iensonarlo cosls and ' : _ <br /> � . � expsnses,Inc/uding ottamo y/eos,whlch may have been incmied bY Benerciary In tAe co/lec6on Na�vof,al the solo disc�ntion of 6snefJclary,Ae � . <br /> • �efeased to Tiusro�,appGod to resto�atlan al Trust Properly,or applied to the payment ol fAe Indabtodn�as.UMoss Bane�rrlary en�Tiusior . � <br /> �`-- - orhe�wise ag�ee in w�ifing,any srrch aPDlienfion ui piveYroJs l�lndubtexliw5s el�Bll not B.rtend o�posFpons!he dua Cafa at thn lL�ata ar tlt� -- - <br /> , �'+� � . � pnymont aI nny mstal/man13 ce0od lor thaieundar. <br /> . ' � Fage T ol 5 : . <br /> rnt]vrdBN►Tlt rs96 t6J6ildl <br /> . . . . i �.r:a?'c:4,.-^ar.-- -- . <br /> . ' •—��____�__._ ,.--�— _ � •} �,,• . •;�. :� . ' -, ..�? . �.`� �-;-•..� ..• - . . <br /> -.-•_--�-• <br /> � �...... <br /> . . ...—._-.. . . . - <br /> . <br /> .^__t_.,�....n;i�--' ���.•.._ �• ' � • - <br /> ...... <br /> ,. . . . .,...� ..._..�. .,.y ......;�.. ._,...r.�:�.. � ..,_-.�.'y -. .. . . .-_. �_uza+-t n. ._ .:�ar_...ti �.. .;}; _ . _ . .,:a9 -.�.4t-AfW��..�ra�.. '',i..�i+=��c`u---•� . <br />