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a",t :� 4,� _4".t - :.1. _ . �._s- .�.-- . , _ . _-w- t-}'f°'" . -- '�'sc'..:v � ... - <br /> � t � � � � � <br /> r "r.�r ' .'.,, r a . s '�i 1 t. ' <br /> _. � � Y `'_ �.4- . .x _ . ., . ` `�,.�.� }-. �..c � _ . <br /> - _..�`` ' , �. .� Yr.' _�c. �� r'_ - . +'} C.- - <. ,_'i' "•� s- - -2`� � , .�. <br />. • X�. • �, J ` . _�� .y� 4 ._r _ z4 ^ <br /> 'L c.. _ µ i . .. .y. <br /> '�,�- 'S� COV�A[dT$ � o .�,g� s}� � ;a: ` F - <br /> `F ' -� • dua. tJnlsss Borrawat aad�lendGr��6?T�se. aml ^� � <br /> . .- t. Payracu�. 6ar�ower e�ees ta mako aflpaym o�s on tha sedired debt when Qw�ta Bonawer aw9s on ths se�vred debt ;`,'"�r'��.f���`�..`: <br /> ... . . �. paymer►�Lendec tee�ives irom Bormwar or Tat BorrowePa 6enefit w�Ee 49Pned tvst to�of N seau6d debt oceurs for anV caason,tt wiD � ' � <br /> ' ,`c e�r�snre ot rMO►es�or a�+ana�.secon�m trtoraai�S�aec�c+�oa�a�n°�i. a�evav� � `r:�., a ,.. . <br /> . � not tediue er oxaue as�Y schedulsd Q.a1tr?!e�� , • c< ° ``" - <br /> '��`„a' �2.t�!ms A 7�oi�8ortaw�t'yirW��'Mxes.assessments.end other char9es emib�bte to tho roperty vuhan due and�d�tiUe }F ;e..: <br /> , .. rrower to assi8n enY ds <br /> to trie Oro�rty nst 88sq�dsims Krhtcl+rloWd�emaawho st�pH tabor ar matedat�to imyro�'ns a femai�atn�e vrooB�t►• '� ° " <br /> ' da€ansea vJl+ich�rfowe►�1!,,►�i��p� < ��: <br /> � z ,�. <br /> . «< � 8.W�ed.Bonower wi0 keep the D�D�fi►insured emder terms acceDmbie to Lendsr at Barrower's expense and tor Lendar's Dena'fit Atl —_- <br /> �,•�s ir�ttance pol[ciea shalt inr�ds o 6t8nd�dmort�a8e dau5e in favat ot Lendar.LenQer will be named @s toss D81lee ar as the insiued an arry sucb <br /> `• � ` Insurana PoScy.AnV ins�ance praeeads mqy 6eappfied,witNn Lender's e'�er tfis�esmratlon o�reDa1r ot the QamaBed PraPeK1► :- .�,�,,;. <br /> .. �� �: = or to the seaued detrt.lf Lsndar requirea mcrt8a8e�+�s�uence.Bartower agrees w mairrta3n such insurance tar as tong as lender cequices. , _ -- - <br /> � • , <br /> "`•�• 4.ProyortY.Borrower wili kaep the proPenl►�800�c o n d i t i on and mak9 ail repaks reaso�ably neae�ary. , <br /> 6.6�pe�sem.Borrowar a�ees to DaV elt Lertder's e�enses.inctudmg reasonalste attomeYB'tees,i!Barrowas bzea&s anY covana�rts in fhis daed <br /> • , of tiust or in any obtig a tl a n s eeure d b y tl il s d e a d a f t r u s t.B fl�r o w e i v u i l i p a y these amauma to LenQer as pmvided in CovanaM�of t�is deed af �f��-3 .. <br /> ` : � : �-`s`,' <br /> _.,��'_ � <br /> • � ��HyS���,g�u�peKa�rtn�alf oi Bo�rro�w�obG�vons�und�anY p oi martSaB genQemd ot�vu�.get�or�o�ar ecuri�tlr ��m� '` ' "- <br /> • . ( ��"`' �(lf�11�I19 BOROW81�$WY@TIa1t18 LO ff18kQ Q8�(1110lIL6 YJ1t8A QUB. _..v w�----� _.. <br /> ot tfie prapertY•UMesa Borrower and Lender have a�ee d � <br /> .. � T.Aastgnmert of(tems eaA Pra6m.Bartower essi9ns w lender the rertts and proftte - _ <br /> otharwise in NmBns.earrovrar may.coltect and retain the rerts as tonq ae BoROwor a�I�d�u��lf�6�ere����cot�eecKS s�t�a�ll be s�a��� <br /> ..} a g e�.o r a a o u r t a y p oirtted reeetver m�y teke.possessio»end mana9a the proPe+�1l , _�R _ <br /> r �p�ed first�o the cos�o!m�ag�np t he D�oA�1 1,i n c t u c o u r t c o s t s e n d a tt o m e y s'f e e s.commissiona to reMal sgerrts,and an5r other �_ .. _. <br /> rtecessary related e�anses.7'he rem a i n i ng amount of rerrts�l then aDPh►to Daymarts on the secureQ deSrt as pro v i de d in C o v e n a n t t. = <br /> �,}`,� .. vislons of any lease ft this deed of trust is on ►..-�i"` �. <br /> .,:, " 8.Leasehatds:Car+damiiduma'Plem�ed IJ�di�evcIopmcMe-Bottower agrees to compN with the Ozo <br /> �r �� "' a teasehotd:If d�1s Qeed of uust is on a�wt in a cortdominium ar e aanned unit devetoymeM,8orrawer will pe►fotm eIl cf Bortower's duties e_`��--_-- <br /> �.,-, ' . .'�` under the covenartta,by-laws,or►eguiatfons af tho conQomtnium or ptanned unit devalopmerR. �� <br /> `:<; 9,Aut�oritSt o!Wndei to Fartarm for 6°rrower.If eorrowet faits m erfortn any of Borrower's duties under ttils deed ot tut.Lendar may <br /> �. ... <br /> �� ��ti tr�oman t�ham+Drop�ertv t�s�rt8nu�ed or nu%ffi ied on hya r�easa�rrab�te maru er,Ler r may Qon�+nfiate er iac ne�cessarl/�f m prote �ndeBfs -- <br /> ,� '.� �.. . • • ;:° e r <br />�.'` " .�� ' °": sBa�ritli interest in the DropeRY•Thfs may inciude compieting tha eonatruetion. • _- _-- <br />.`�.,::.''�.r....:�..`,.' .':M1� `. . . .___. __ <br /> Lendar'a feiNre to PeAorm w8!not prectuQa Ler►dar fram exereising arry of fts other�i�ts�mder the taw or thts daed of trust. :>,.-- <br /> C ,' q�amounts Dald by LErnder to protect Lende�s seauity interast w30 be seaired by this dead of trus�Such emourrts wiU EB dua on demand. . --- <br /> � • and will0ear IMerest fmm the date of the paVment tuttSl Patd tn tuU at the tnfe�est rate tn eHect on the secured debL , ' f -_ <br /> 1d,Ootm6t snd Aaetasallon•(t Ba�owe►faf�a t° make erry payment when due o►breaks arry oovenants under tNs deed of Cust or�ty� <br /> ... ..t.�..._...:_..:*•� ahligetloR sauu80 bV�ent a�nd meyuin u�ke th puotv0rmof b�bie anA enY���ediesdePe�mt�ued W eDD�Cabte�ut the eec�ued debt&.� ` _ . - <br /> • . demand immedlate paym :- <br /> �" ` ��,Requeat fpr Hottae af Oetatti�.�t is hereby requested that coD�es of 4he notices of detautt and saie be seM to ea c l�Derson w ho 1 e a p�t y ;_ <br /> s � � hereto,at tfie aQdresa of eecfi such set fortA herein. - - <br /> �' � 1Z,power oa Salo.lf the Lender inwkes the powar of sate.the Ttuste9 sfiell filst�eCOM k1 tlte offlCe O}tRe�BgisLe�Of Qe8d8 of BaCfi CouI1LY ' :n <br /> "` � w hare Tn t h e t r u s t p m D B+�Y o r s o m e p a rt o r p a r c e l t h s r e o t i s situated a notiee ot defautz eontaining the intormatIon requhed by law.The 7rustse <br /> � : e t e t o,a n d t o o t h e r p e r s o n s a s e�c r i tr s�J 6 Y <br /> • shal!elso maii coPies of the notfce o4 defauh to the Bartowar,to eacfi Dersan w h o is e P ar ry f� ��;�.,� . -- - <br /> :, t .., a p Dlicebie t aw.N o t t e s a t h a n o n e m after the Trustee recotds the nat(ce af def�T o�e s h a 1 1 8�ire Ou b n c n u o�e s�ot s�atert to the i�saus � ••_ _ <br /> ^ � incorporated city or viUage and is use in fartnfig o srations e a n i e d o n by the trustor. <br /> ` ' �� and in the manner preseribetl sGpplieabte Iaw.�rustes.whhout demand on Bonower,ehall seti the properN at puDtic aucHon to the fii�.c�r: ��c � <br /> 15 tL` , Bi�C�s,It requhed 6y the Farm��astead P�'otecdon Act,Trustee shetl offe�the property in tvuo separate sa18s as raauirad by appliqble taw. <br /> , 'j.5 Tn:s�a maY DostAone sale of a7 cc any Dareel af the properN bY 0�1tc annauncemeirt et Ute time and Place of enY PreviavslY scheduted sata. y��+ — <br /> � . • • Lender or its designea may D�rchasa the propertii m arry sste. <br /> ,;:-�,�r.:.'.. .. . <br /> Upon receip4 of paytt�tetn of Me priee bid,Truste9 shalf deliver to tha purd�aser Tru3tee's Ceed comreYing the proyerty.71�e rectdala cocnained in r�;_ <br /> '' tTofito�wing ocdar(a)t�o elt expensee.s of the 68IeBin�ding butenof Ii ft d�totnre s�onabio TN�ste9s tees�reason�abe ettom�s feesryan0 � �k'---�— <br /> .�r �.`.��!:r._.: <br /> � .�. . , , reinstetement tees;(b)so all suma secure0 by thls Qeed of aust.and Ic)the Datance,if arry,to the persons Iegalty entiUed to receive tc. :. ,. _ <br /> .. � � ___ <br /> ' 13.Fato�ossae.At LeadePs option,tAis Qeed of trust may 6a toredosed in tAe manner provide by applicabie taw for forecfosure ot mortgages � <br /> on real propetty. ' <br /> .;� ' 14,ts�specttan.Le�der may eMer the property to inspect R it Lender gives BoROwer notiae bsforehand.The noUce must state the�easona6le ..:•�_�,.-_•.: _, <br /> x �� csuse Tor Lender's inspeeUon. . , ���-°- <br /> �. '�=�" —_. <br /> 16,Condeanmaftan.Borrower assi�n s w Lender thep roceeds ot anY eward or etaim tor Qamages wnneeted with a eonQemnaUon or otAer taking T <br /> � :=.. I ot all or erry p&rt of the property.Sucfi proceeds will be spDlied as Orovided in Covenant 1.Thfs assignmert Fs subjeet W the tsrms ot any prior : - , <br /> �, � ,,, . . s�urRy e�eemem. F,,,�;= - <br /> G � <br /> -- � 18.W�•�V eaercising any remedV avaitabte to Lender.Lender does not glve uD eny dghts to teter use ar►Y o t her rem e d y.S y n o t e x e t eisin g -:�:_. <br /> � ' � am►remedy upon 6oROwer's Qsfeuit,LanGer does not waive any right to tater consiCer the eve�a datauk if it happens agair. _-_�f <br /> '�' �... <br /> . . • � .: . . eoiro�we�r u�uho scflo-�stg�na h�is�eee o�uusi ti�n`a e nat����e�ne°rh'r��a����me�ti lea s°e o'��tyeio greM e c�vev tnams : '•` r '", <br /> � Ba�oweYs irrterest in the property to the Trustee under the te�r3 ot this deed o add'ttion,such a Borrower egreea tAat tha lender an4 ., , <br /> . , . � • ° a��j th�}i°ut tl�awte6oROwer e�consent enA wnho�ut reteasing tl�ezi Borrowarirom the tert�ns of this d ee d of trust this deed of trust or the eeaned <br /> � ��. �� TheduUes end 6enetite of thia deed of uust shati bind and benet'rt the euccessors and assigns af Lender and Bortower. .• t• . <br /> .�. �:." , ' � 'ng it by certiRed mail addressed to • ��• <br /> 18.Nottcn.Untess otherwise requhed by iaw,any notice to Borrower shall6e given by delivering it or by,ma•.;: . <br /> � ' Borrower et the property address or any other addtess thet Bnrrowet has given to Lender.Bonower w�ll give any nattce to lender by ceNfied '� <br /> •' � ��• be 58tit o�lendet e address as state0 on paee 1 of this dees ci cus�er adNess Which LenQer has deslgnated.Any other noUee to Lender shatl ; . .- ,. <br /> ���;;' �:, <br /> .' '� ' Any notle9 shail ba Qeemed to have been given to 8orrower or E.ender wfien given in the manner stated ebove. �'�' <br /> .•.. . • . <br /> •"� 19.Transier t5 g`:s FroDortY or a Beneflcia1 trrterest In tho Banowoa It atl or er.y part of the property or any iMerest in R is satd or bensterred <br /> wlthout lenteYs prior wrltten consenL LenQer me�Qemand immediate pay�r�nt of the secured debt. Lender may aiso demLeen�er m�not � � ��� <br /> � �� demand 08Ymert n Ufeeebovo situatior�is�if�iL is prohibiated by fe�.G�eral law as of ttie dsBte���is Cead ot�UUSt nsierre0.However, <br /> ' �. 20.Roeonveyanco.�Nhen the obiigation secuted by this deed ot trust hae been paid and�ender has no turthet obligation to make advances ' � <br /> under tfie iasuuments or agreements soeurad by thia deed of truat,the Trustee sha►f��n wrltten requost by the ler.Cer,rewnvey the trust <br /> property.Tbe Londer shail detiver to ttie Borrower.or to Borrower's suceesscr in interest.:he truat deed and the note or ather evldeneo pt the . <br /> � • � � . obligaUon so satistied.Borrowet shall pay arry recordatlon wsts. �� . � . . <br />° ' 21.Suecossar T�ustno. Lender, at Lender's option, may remove Trustee and appoirrt a successor truStaO by first, maling a copy ot the . . <br /> ' substirirtion of trustee es required by epplieable Iaw,end then,by fiHng the substitution of trustee for tecord in the offlce of tho re8iaterro�deeds . <br /> . ot each eoumy in which the uust property,or some paR thereof,is situated.Tho suecessor trustee,withoub conveyance o!the propettY,shall . . <br />:,p��,�.-., � suceeed to all the power,duUes,authority and titto oi the Trustee named in the desd of uuat and ot arry sueeossor trustee. • . • <br /> •-, <br /> ,,� � � � _. . . <br />:4r:.' . : • ,� �. .. � . ----� - . <br /> -. . . �. � fPaga?0121 ' . <br /> , ''; . .... . ' • <br /> '; . " BAN1tEiLS SYSTEIdS.WC-.5T.CLOUD.MN 65301 It-800�397•?3d11 FORM OCW�.tt6NF 8119191 . • <br /> - . � �, F '` '`t' , . �-, . _ `i '�_... <br /> _ ____ _�. . .. _ . . .. .�'( . . t .. . . � . . . _. . ... ._ . . ' . . .�. ._e.9.1.:.. ... ....:.. . ..�.�:': ..i. .. `-�. ,1 ;S. ..��... ..... . .. , _ <br />