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. �'' _;� _y ` :�.c:...�,��,-yr-���..,.c.� ' -.a�a -G._ i ?.s:..�__ -. <br /> �_"'f � - � > ....,_ - _ . . .. . . _ �. ----_ - - -�- : -- . . <br /> � " c .. . - �T � _ : ,. . ___. -_. -, � .. <br /> _..�.. __4 �_:._..,� ',..� -'' -t��-�- c� .#�.`� l..?""__"""_""t"'� � "T""`---":.-s 4� � . r. <br /> F c r - _ .��!' �-`—�ti<r— ,.. E `.�; N �- _ �., t, �� Y *`r.r z.'.. <br /> ,fl`_ ,'(. !� ��w�F',. -��.. t} <br /> ..c�. 4 }" 1 ,rr���* F .t S ... ��, ci �� - <br />..�[�, . �K� - � .F' �E. '_ ___:LL_ <br /> �... �. _ � _ __ .. r � � v .- iaac ;:. <br /> � ��i! <br />, ` �`. . . � m maice e0 on the seciu�when due. Untesa Borrawer snd tendet agrea�srwise, anY <br /> � 1.� Bortower.agreas ,. . ..t�� . <br /> °` ','..:. .` p�yments Lendes reoelve,s ircm Borrower or BaROwefs barre5t w3�ba epIItted tust to H�+�►a���Bormwer owes on the secursd deQt « < ,f, <br /> ,�� <br /> .� l eulus+ve ot i�rest ot pfindpal.secomd to ir�teresL and then to partial prepaymartt of tl+a seaued debt occ�us for any wip •4 �µ`> � ,� ; <br /> ti.° sY-' �ot reduze m ex�9 a�r sd�uied OaY+nertt ursUl tha sewted Qebt Fs patd in futl. � _-• <br /> ` � 2.CtaS�Agnirrtt Titte.Baorower wID Galt all taxes.assessmeMe.and other char6es a t a i b u t a b te t o t h e c r c O e r t Y w h e n d u e e nd�v i�l detend tide .. s :;.��� <br /> " E � to t4ie pro�e�y against any cla�ms wt�ich woutd�A��Uen at tAis dead of trust Lender may reqiiire gartower w assign anY r ights.ctaims m ,.`°r 4z <br /> • ` ���s whiet�Borro�er maY ha�►e a�P��who sup�ty IaEor ot materiats to tmprove or rraicrtetn the property. , `` ; �. <br /> 3,h�t,g o rt awe►will keep the propesty insured unCer terms aeceptabte to Lender at Burtowers e�ensa and tor Lenders boneflt.Alt . __ <br /> ,.` � .<_ {�,y�co Do�eies�shyalt(�c{uda a stsnderd nortSage�dau�se i n t a v o r o f L e n d e r.l e n d e r w i l l b e n a n►e d a s f osa p a y ee ar as the insured on m�y eueh .� <br /> - .�� otr Loetlt9 se�c u�ed de6t It�Lender�eQutces moengsSe insurance.BomLeowo�a�ees�mm�niirtatn auet�i'��u�su ance t r as tang asfLe eder reBquUea-r��� �°`" + ` <br /> � � 5 i i� <br /> ' ` � 4,proIImty.Enrtower will keep the aropetty(n 9oad condittcn and make ali reDeire reasonabN neaessaN• ' _ <br /> � � fi.E�s�sses.BartovePa ees ta PaY a9 Lender's expenses.induding teasona6te attomeys'tees.H Borrower 6reaks ar►Y eovenarts(n tAla doed _ <br /> � � t�� ot Uust or in any obggaaU�on seeured bY�deed of wst Bormwer wftl pay these amom'�ts W Lender as Pm��►C°°ensrtt 9 of this Qeed o! , - ,:.__ <br /> ( ; � .Y M15L. '"` <br /> � r 6.Pdor SecmitY GReses�.Unfess Bortower inst otrtains Lenders written canser�L Borrawer wiil not make or pertnit eny d�an9es to any priar x' '� 5 r __ ,� <br /> seeuritY irtterests. Bortower wiU perfoTm eU oi 6arroweYs o6tigaUans�srtdei atty prlor mort9a9e,d�ed of�wt or other security eSreemerrt. � ` .�_ <br /> �•k < <' i n W u d i n g B a rt o r v e r s c o v e n8ras ta crtake p a y meRts when due. ' -- - <br /> - . �' ,� �, `: �:". 7.Assi$nmert of ReMe a n d P t o�.B orrawe►a s s i 9 n s t o L e n d e r t h e�e r rt s a n d p r o fi t s o f t h e p ro p e rt N.Untess Bortawer and Lender hav`� ;,,,,_�.: <br /> otfierw�se(n wridng.Bamowet may coIIeet and reta(n the rertts as tong as Bo�owrer is not tn deisutL If Bortower Qe f a u f t s. L e n der. ,,:Y -_ <br /> ,���•`�_...�; � eSetrt.or a eourt aAPoirted receiver may take Pnssessicn and manage the P�oO�Y end coitect the rerta AnY�artts Lender coRacts shaU Be -- <br /> applied�rst tn tf:e eoste ot manag(n�the O�Pe►N 1�rJud'u�g crnut 4osts&nd aucrosYS�teea.commisslons tn rental agertts,acud an1►otfier <br /> - . � necessary related expenses.The rema�ning amauM ot reMS wi11 then appry m Paymerrts on the seuued debt a�provtded in Covena�ri 1. . ___ <br /> � F�� � � ! 8.LoaseteolQx CondaminTwns:Flacmod UNt�evaiaDmarA�.9orrower a eea m co m p t V wid►the provisions of anV lease if tl�is dead of vust ts on _--_ <br /> � `' : a teasehofd.If this deed of trust is on a unis in s eondamfinium or a P��d�topmerrt,8orrower vin'1!pe►form ell of Borrowe�s du�es �. <br /> ' ' � � � under tha covenan�.by�lav+$�o��eS�a!the condomintum or plamtsd unk devatopmeM. � -- <br /> , ...:s _ <br /> S.AufRoritfl of L�der to Pertcrm far Bartoave�.If Borrower te3is toD r�mw�er's�i�ameeor�pa�yany a�mc�imt i�ne�ssary tdoi per�rma�noe.lf� _ <br /> ��.� per�tha Quties cr cause them to 6s pertortned.Lender may stgn 8u __ <br /> , `<; <br /> eonstructIan on the property is discontinue0 ar not carrisd on In a reasonabte mannar,LenGer may do wfiatever Is necessary to protact LeRders .'�' <br /> .. , ,. ,..., .: -• • � - <br /> ...� 4.�. , seauity irtterest in the proaertY.This may inctuQs eampteSrtg th9 eonstruction. _ <br /> �c` � <br />�'.., :. .:���.�- ^-'. , lenQar's faIIure ta R��not Dreciude lender tcom exerds(ng any of tis cther rigMs under the law ar this deed ot uusc. `::„ ':--� --— <br /> My amotmta Raid by Lender to protect Lender's sequity irtterest will Ee secured 61►t1'Js deed ot vust•Such amourKS wlll6e Que on dsmsnd --- <br /> .�r�, `�, ° . .'��` an4 witl bear interest from the dale of the payment urtd7 paid irt fu11 at the trterest rato in effect on the sowred Qebt. ' ",_�_-..�__�. <br /> _ ��.. • . -'_ <br /> � t0.pe7arQt and�lecotersdcn. �f g°R°W8►fails to make arry paymartt when'due or breaks arry covenaMS under this deed of uust ora�r <br /> obSigatton aec�ued by tfils deeA of uust m anY Drior mortgage or deed of uust Lsndar may accelerate the maturity of the seaued Qebt and 4.: .__� <br /> ....�.�. ..- ... demer►�immediate paymeM end may.imoke the vower of saie and any other remedies 8��4 bY eADlicabte law. _ <br /> . . t�ia�ret�,o a�t8�ie��ao�a�ch s�a�a►�Pesson as s�e or�tl�her�m,copies of the no�es of Qefsuit and sa�e be serrt to eact�Oersos�who is a D�V __ - <br /> � 72,papj�c��s2e,g tha LenQer fivokes the povrer of eate,the TrusOae shait fust record in the office o t t h e reo g l s t a�c f d e e d s ot each c a u n t y <br /> uvherein the�'t'St WaDeni►ar sama patt or pareei thareof is situated a notice of Qetauit cotttain(ng e����mi o�De�ons as p�rrnesecdb�W� - <br /> � sna��arso maa cov�e�ot m��o�ce of eetaun w tne soROwea to each Oerson who ia a pany her end <br /> ;.�,,..;:. eDpticabie lavJ.l�:at tess ti�+.a.i one momh after the Trusme reeards the notice of d�vi�r.sme shaU�pubGc no�i�'��of setie m thetpe sons ' --, <br /> incorpoietaG cit�i ot village ax!is used in tarming aparetfons carried on by the trustor. <br /> ',;; �� and tn the manner prescn'he3�r eDOD��ble faw.Tn+stee.withmrt demand an Bo�rower.s�.�setl the proaertV at pubiie auction to ths higheat � <br /> � bidder.It reQutred by the Parm omesteaA Protectton Act.Trustee shatl offer the propeRY�s two separate sates as required by apptica6Te taw. ' '°,�i �� <br /> (� Trustee may postpone Saie of e11 or arty pa:cal of the property by public announcement at'�'te tlme and y1a^e ot any previous[y ccheQuled ea1a. . � _ _ <br /> ' <br /> • lender ar ko desigs�ea tnaY Purchase the propeRy at @nY sale. -� � <br /> .. T�ius�tee'e deed s11a1!be p rma facpie e+nbididence af U be t�ruid i f Uie�me��n���naTrustee st9ta11�Ah►Atft p��eds�ot�9.�s,e�in the , -Y�°-` <br /> toltowing orQer. la) to a0 expenses of the sale, inctuding, but not limited to, reasonable Trustee's tees, reasona6'.e attomewa fees and -r+T:'.• „� <br /> .. . � .� • reinstatemant fees:(6)to all sums sacured by thts dae0 of trust,and(c)the baianc9,if any,to the persons tegatly erttiUaB ts recetve it. • '�-�� <br /> ... � � 13.Fomcbn.:+�.At Len der's opUon,this Qesd of trust may be foreciosed in the manner prov3de by apA��bTe taw tor torectosure of mortgage� . � _-_--- <br /> .. , .. onreaipro�atty. . •��, , _ . <br /> t., - <br /> 14,(nspocHon.Lander may enier the propertY to inspeet it it LenQor giveo Bottower notlee betorehand.The notica must state tha reasonable �::.� <br /> causa Tar I.ender's inspection. ' <br /> r . �es <br /> 18.Condomnatlan Borrower assign�a to lender the proeeeds of arsy award or ctaim for dama connacced with e conCemnation or other takin8 � -- <br /> ��` � • , af e0 ar arry paR o1 the pra�'�Y•Sucb proceeds wili be apptle0 as provided In Covenant 1.�`:�is assignmertt is subject to the terms of any ptlot �•rt•_.-_ _ <br /> ; • .��'. • seault�►a�eement. _ <br /> i 4 _ ,`�"�• tg,{IyaSvat,8y exerdsing any remedy eva:able to Larttler.I.ender does not give up arry r1gMs to Iater uso�nV other remedy.By�ot exercistng __ <br /> any remedy upon Borrowor's detauh.�.end�r daes not waive any right to Iater consider the everrt a defa�Kt�P�heppena again. '.�—.�-. <br /> � ' 17.Jott�t and Several !1a`�StY: Co-stgn3rs; Suecossom and Aasfgns Bo�md.Atl duties under this deed of Vust are loiM and severat. Qny �, _ <br /> Bortower wtio co-signs th9 eed of vust but does not easign the undettying debt instrument(s) Qaes so oNy to p�ra end conirey that ;: - <br /> � � Borrower's iMerest in the�roAertll m tne Trustee under the terms of tfiis deQd of trust.M addkion,such a Borrower S�s that the Lendef and . .,� , <br />" � arry otha►Bortower under tnis deed oP ms�t may extend,madifv or make any othet changea in the terms of thia Qeee oi uust or the secured ' . -:- <br /> � „ Qebt wlthout that Bortower's conseni an0 vs��hout reteasing that'Bortawer 4`:am the tarms of thts deed of uust. <br /> � � The EWes and benefite ot this deed of trust shatl bind and beneflt the successora and assigns of Lender 4^�Borrower. � , _ <br /> � 18.Notico.llntees otherwiso required by tew,any notice to Borrower shail he given by delivering It or by meiiing it by certHied mail addressed to <br /> � Borrower et the pro�erty aQdress or any othet eddresa that Bonowar has given to Lender.8oaower wi8 give eny notice to Lendar by certifled <br /> • - . 6e�set t to�Lender sdadQtess a9 steted n�P 9e 1 of his d ed o}trus�et eddresa which B.�:der has Qesignated.Arry other noUce to LertQer shafi . , . <br /> �� ,. • . . <br /> � - Arry notice shaU be deeined to hava been given to Borrower ot tender when given in tfie manner.stated ebove. <br /> 19.Tranafar of tho proDerty m a Bonofletaf irttoreat In the Borrawar.If e0 or any part of the proparN or any interest in it is soid or transtarted • <br /> ' without LenQBr's prio►writt�n consent, Lender may dec-.and immedlate poyment of the securad debt. LenQer may also demand immedlate <br /> ...�, ' payment if Yhe Bortower is not e natural person end a bsneflcial irtterest in the Borrowet is sotd or transferre0. Hewever,Lendet mey not , <br /> demand paymeM in the ahc•.re sltuations if it is prohibked by tederai law as ot the date of this deed of trust. <br /> 20.Racomoyaneo.When tAe obligation secureA by this deed of Vust has 6een paid and LenQer has no furthor obii6ation to make advances <br /> • ,;. <br /> � � undet the insVUments or agreements secured by thia deed of Vust,the Trustee ahalf upon v+rtltten request by the Lender,reaonvay the tRe3t . . , <br /> ''••�'' � � obtigat on so eatisfed$Bo�rrower shail pay ny rewco►dat on�eoat�,gW,ePa succeasor in interest,the trust deed and the noto or other ev3Genr,e ot Me .f,�,: .. <br /> � 21. Suceessar Trusteo. Lender, at Lendei's oCtion, may remove Trustee and appolnt a successor trustee by fhst, maiting a copy of the . <br /> • � � ' � substitution of wsteo as required by appiicabie law,and thsn,by fiiing the substitutlon of Uuatee for record in the office o!tha register ot deeQs <br /> � succe�ed to allYttie ponwer dutiesgeutfiori�and titto o!the Tru t e named in the Qeod o}wat and at a y successor uustee of the prapeYty,shall . . . <br /> r <br /> r'�. � . ' � � . • . . - <br /> ' . <br /> • ,. fPaga 2 0l?1 <br /> • OANKEiiS SYSIEMS.INC..ST•CLOUD.MN 58301 i1$04397•23011 FORM OCP•MTbNB 8119l91 , . <br /> . . . , <br /> . � , <br />.. J. ; , . • • - . . <br /> �" <br /> -"=: ' <br /> ..-. �.. -- --'�-�--'- . .._ -° _ <br /> . .--c .� �. __., . <br /> 1 . <br /> i � - - - <br /> ' ' —' --' - - ' '— <br /> � .. . -- •-- -- - . , . _.-. <br /> ... ;«.�, . . . . .""r" .�--.�-»...-.�.'�.-.,_. . „ .. . _ . , . . , �����. . . ' . . . . . . s r��•_ `._._....�... ....... N.r.i'-�°c_ . . . . .. <br />