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�.; i� L. }� . `,. C'aw �ra-rv�..a —'— �.�y .S�^^. .Z � - �' <br /> � - ��.f.._'' — <br /> �� .:` , � w, n ^,.�.��y`r" ' .�- 5 h��. ��t R-..—i_ ___. c t4��S `f a f.: <br /> - �'"'�.. '��.-"'sy;" .�. . -c�—����—'Y___... .�_<�. 3 _ �--`i�= t - .~�� � '�� -i - <br /> ' f,�. ' 1�. .iE.� ... Y�� �it, s.�� t P�.: rr-` � .+'�` . � .. t _�. . . 1�.� E '`.._tiS�.. <br /> c. r� _t _n f< :E� ��. ^'� �< `f :.(�� ?,��.. �v ' t� ` � ` e, .7fr�. <br /> " �� ` - . . . �.� '.�� <br /> _ _— . . . . . _ ...— -m_. �i_Tjt:,.- <br /> � �_�. -, COV�AM$ ����� f� � E <br /> k . 4 rr Yc . _� <br /> ,`,•y\,. ' . ' 1.poymct�to-Borrower a0reas to maka aUpa ymer� on tRe seeured debt when duo. Untesa Bor►ower�i�.enda►affreo otlta�se, eny `�:f: , .. :,�� <br /> r <br /> •` < •��. P a y m�rt s I s n d e r r e c e t v a s h a m B o rt a w e r a r i o r B o a o+�e t'8 wUt 6s appfssd fitst to eny amol�nta Baaowar owss on tha sa�used d�bt " _. ', <br /> �;� e�tclusive ot Uderest or ptindpaf.seeond to tt�[e�G t�fe toSi Del.t!p e rt l a!prepo�l t�a�o t t D o s e w r e d d e b t a c c w e t o r a r ry r e a s o a,i t v�i p <br /> r:,;:• aot teduC�ar o�use arty sehad ed DaYMe�ity°�m►.�t:����De�in U01. �`' . <br /> � a� �, <br /> �,t ; . 2.C f ffi m s A g a L�t 1 t Q t►.B r v v�C ff l�r�D�a x�s�t�e&4 m 9 R t�.b n d O t h e t e h a r 8 e 8 e t tr i D�s t abl0 to the�o p artY whsn due and w111 detelsd UUe c, <br /> to tho proparty e�atr�t en7l etai - td impair•tNe lian of this deed of trust.Lender may�aquire B orrowar to ass igrt any r l g A t e.d a t m a o r r J .. . <br /> <': deter�ses whfch�urcower may have againat Rardes who suPDN IaDor ar materiats to imPrave or maintatn the property. <br /> ,,, `���': <br /> 8,(c�us�se.Borrower wfU keep tha property ins�ued�mder terms acceptabTe m lenQar et Borrowe�s expense and for Lender's�eneR�aU r�. . <br /> ,, '�� � insutaneo potides shall induda a standard trenrtgage dause tn fawr of LenQer.Lertdar wiU bo nemed es toss'payea or es the ir►s�ued on anY sueh ti _ <br /> i��gn�poQ�y Arry insurence DroeseQ9 maY 6a apDt�eO.within I.endeYs d� eitl�the restoreUen or repatr of the damagod prapertY ` —. <br /> or w d►e seaired Qebt!!Lender nQuires martgage u�suranoe.Bortower agreea to mantain such ins�uanee for as long as lendar re4�rea "�;r, , <br /> r Y, 4.Pra�ariy.Borrowet wilt kaep the proPattV tn Bood condiUon end make aU repairs reasanabty aea9seary. } ' "`��` <br /> _�� . <br /> 6.6�ensea.Bo r r a w e ragr e e s t o p a Y a!I t a n Q e r's e x p enses inciudm g reesonabta ettomsys'teas,i!Bmravsar breaks any eovanartts inthia deed \ - ;��� <br /> ,.,r � , ot mist ar(n anY obCga t i on cecured by thts Qesd o!trust�rnovyer wiii pay tRese amovrrt�w lender as Drovided in C o v enant 9 o i M is d e e d o t 4 ` �. , j <br /> •; Vust. `"' - <br /> • `� 6.Pttos See�aity(�este.Untess Bortawer fust obtafns�ende�'s writien consenL BoROwer anU�at make or permit any changes to 8rry pri0r ��� <br /> � . �1„ ��6��pn��p��ai��o���eobiigatians uader any prfor mortgage.deed.ot trust or other seauity eqreement, . .�.. — <br /> � ``� �.Aastgnmert af Re�mul Fmfitn.Borrower assigns to Lendes the rerns aad pe+ufiu ot the property.Unless Borrower anA Lender have e�eed � _T_- <br /> othgrw�Se io wrlting. Boaower may callect end retatn the�erts as tang as Borrower Is�ot in defautt.If BoRawer de9aults,lender.Lendars �--��TT_ - <br /> ••' r,� ' agerN.or a w�ut apAOiMed re�iver may talce possession and manage tAe property and cotteet the�ts.Ant/retrts Lender coltacts sfiaU 6� .+.,�,__�_— <br /> � appUed first to the costs af managing the praDartY, incTudlng�caurt eosts and attomsys' tees.cummissions to�ental eg�esne,and eml other w:.�„ <br /> � necessarY related expenses.The rema i i�E n g amount of re�ts w I U thet►apRty to PaUmertts on tha seaaed�iebt as prov(ded tn C ovenarrt 1. �_.--�,:._ . :v,..-_. <br /> „ - <br /> 8.Leaselrotds:CandomTntums:P�d U�dt Devetapmeme.8ortavreragrees to campTy with the provisions oi env tease if thLs dead ot oust ia an �� :- <br />� �• fl`��.:' �;;�'= ���8 '���e��,�p�regutadon�s o�e w�ndomiini m or ptpaim�ed�imuit d veToptnent��Borrower w�l perfortn a►1 of Baaowera duHes . - _ <br /> 'y .� ';.�'',.,. 9.Anthoritl►ot Lender to Peticrm 4ar Barrower.If Bortower tails tope rfnrm any of Bartowe�e duties under thTs deed o1 trus4 Lender may R <br /> perform tha d�mes ur eause them to 6e perfarmed.Lsnder may stgn Horrowers nama or any amount if necessary tar pertortnance. If any <br /> • `'�'' , ser�ir tere tnethe P Defit���ne�tude m��C1�e�dt�ig�e�n�str�u e�Nonmenner.Le er may do wt�stever ia nacessary to Proteet lendera _ <br /> ' Lenders faitiae to pe�fonn wiU not preciuds LenAer frorn exercising a�ry of its oMe►+lghts under the taw or thfs dead at Uusr. ¢"� — <br /> `5' ' ' My amouMe paid tsy Lender w pratect Lenders securitY lrrterest will6e secured by this deed ot trust.Such amourtta wi i!be Que on deman d _ <br /> ��`�.�'• an0 vlill 6ear imerest itom the date c!tha paymertt unL'1 paid in tuil at tha icmerest rate in�effect on the seaued det�t. <br />_ ��_�'�--_- - <br /> 10.Detmilt 8nd Aeeetma8on. i#Borrower faits to make acry Daymer►t wfien due or brealcs any wvenartts under tfiis deed af uust ar arry <br /> o6ligation secured by tNs deed ot trust or arry pHor mortgage or deed of trusL LendBr may acce�erate tfie maturlty of the secured detst end ___-- <br /> � demand ImmediatB psymetlt and may invalce the powe[o}eale etid any athar remediea petmitted by appiicabie 18w. � - - <br /> � � ��' f tt.Rcquest.for Notiw ot Delauh.k ts hereby requested that captes of the nottces of detault and sate Ce sertt w eact�parson who la a parry � ""_- - <br /> t;_� <br /> =� �'�.� . <br /> ,�; ,_•. <br /> hareto at thB address oi eaeh such set tonh herein. • ' � -----. <br /> �. , .,.• . <br /> ,:• . . ,�,,, - <br /> �• ~ 12.gorvai of the LenQer invokes tha pawer at sate,the Trustea shall flrst record in t�s ofHca of the re9ister of deeds of eaeh county . � <br /> whaTein thg trust psaparty or some part or parcel t}�ereof is siGiated a noUce of defauR conta�nlng the i�armauan required by law.Tfre Tirustee <br /> -;r sRari aiso maii ccpas of the�otfce of defauR to tt+e Bonowe�.to each person who ia a parry fieTeiv�u��V LO OLfI@�P8f80I15 88',.��,sattsad�t �- --- --- <br /> � ",_; a�p1'icabte law. Not tess than one mornh after t3re T�ustee►ecorQs the notiee of defauit. ar two months"�r�he trust propetty 1a not�n any � — _ <br /> ' i�rporated city or vittage end is used in farmtng oABraUons cartied on isy the trustor,the Tnutee shali gtva Ri.ZSc noti�e of safe to the peraons . ,,_r___.; <br /> and i*.t the manner prascnbed by appplicabte law.Tiustee,without demanA on Bortower,shalt sall the propertv at Dub�ic auction ta the highest -17 = ___. <br /> {", hidGar.ti re4uired by the Farm Hom3stead P►otection Act,Trustee shail oHer ths praDeRy In 3�ti�separate safes es�equired by aDA���b[e law. �_ - -- <br /> • •�:� TniStee.maY CoStDona eate of aU or anyr parcei of the propeRy by pu0lic announeemer�t at the�s and plaee of arry prevfousty scheQuled sale. - <br /> �+•�`;',� ' ' Lender oo ite destgnee may purch3se the property at any sata. ° °° -_• ` <br /> ` .•c.; Upon receipt of pavm ent ot the price bid,Trostea shati detiver to tha purcheser Trustee's Eeed conveying ffie praperiy.The�e�tiata cornetaeQ in � �`:' _ _ <br /> ' Trustee's deed shall be D�ma facie evidience of the uuU�ot the ctataments eontained therein.Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the eate in the � -�xx -_— <br /> uuU <br /> toitowing order. (a) to ell expenses of the seie, inctuding, Aut not limited to, reasanable Trustee's teas, reasonabie attofne�s fees and �o �,�a <br /> � reinstatement tees;Ib)to ali suma seaaed by thts deed of trust,end(c)the batanca,if any,to the persons Iegally entttfed to recetve it. � �-- '�' - <br /> ,��,.•'�. . ,,•;1 13,Fosedosure.At Lender's opUon,this deed of trust may 6e forectosed in the manner provide by appIIcabte taw for toreet�ssure ot mortgagea € .` __ <br /> ,. on real property. J - <br /> � � '� 14.Ina�oeflon.Lender may enter the propeny to inspect it if Lender gives Bor►ower noBse betorehand.The notice must state the reasonabte � �,- �_ <br /> � , eause for Lendafs insDection. ''`"'�'�"'"_`------- <br /> - � ::i,:. ;�, ---- <br /> �;; tg,CanQamnetton,8orrower assigna to Lender L`��roceeds ot any awarA or etaim for damag es connected�vi�:a condemnation or other taWng , <br /> ' of a(1 or any part of the properry.Such pcoceeda wlil be applied as Drovided in Cavenant 1.7hia asstgnment is subjeqt to the terms of any prfor �'• <br /> � r..�; sewrily a9reamem. I-: r -_ <br /> � �; 18.WaSve►.By exerctstng any remadv availa�(e to Lender,lender Gaes not giveup amr rights to fate�use anv other remeBV.By not exercising �• �, - _ <br /> ' any remedy upon Bonower's defauh,Lender doea not waive any right to tater cm�slder tlie event a dotaNi if it happens aga:a. '�" _ . <br /> � � � 17. Jofnt and Several UaD�; Casignara; Sueeaaaoro and Aasigna Bound. At!duties under this deed of Wst are joint and severel.Arry "" <br /> ' ' Bor►ower who cdsigns this �eed of mrst but.does not casl8n tha underlying debt insvumer►tls) does so onty to grant an0 comey that <br /> Bonowere fiterest in the property to the Tru9tee undar the term�fys of thia deed oi edQiUon,such a Bonower agrees that th0 Lender and . <br /> • � de�t�wnhout trtt�iat Borrodwer siconseent and witliouYt r te ea Mg that 13ono�r from the terms o8f this d ee d of Vust��deed of uust or the secured . <br /> ' � ' , . •. The Quties end 6e.�eefits of this dasd of vust ahalt bind and benefrt the successora and assigns ot Lender anA Borrower. � _ ' � ' <br /> `+�.;� .� - 18.IYoUee�Untess otherwtse reQuired by taw,any notice w Borcower shall 6e given bY detivering it ar by maifE:.g it by certified mait addressed to �'' <br /> � ' �;_�.. Bortower at the propetry aCdress or any othet adQress that Borrower has�iven to LenCer.Borrower will giva arry notice to Lender by certitiod • �4'"�5,` <br /> ;;;� . • . maii to LenQer's address on page 1 of this deed of trust,or to any other address which lender has designated.Arry other notice to Lendet shnll " ' , <br /> be sent to lertdar's address as stated on page 1 of this deeQ of Vust. . . <br /> � �,: ` : • Arty notice shall be deemed to have been given to Bonower ar tsnder wflen 81ven In the manner stated above. � ' ' : '� <br /> � 19.Transfa►ot the�opotty or a Benoflclal Iritetost ip tho Bonower.11 all or eny part of the propertv ar cny irtterest in it is sold or ttansterre0 : • <br /> " ' withaut Lendet's prior wrltten consent, Lender may demartd immedia4e payment of ths secuted debt. Lender may also Qemand immediate •- . <br /> � demand pa►m en6in the eb+ove sttuatlon9r tf if ie prohibn 0 by tedeial law as ot tho d Bo o!this dead�of trustansf6rre4. However, Lender may not : <br /> , i ' ' <br /> i 20.RoconVeycnee.When the obl�gstion socured by thla deed ot truat has bean paid and Lendee has no turthe►obtigation to make advences , . . <br /> ' � undor tho instruments or agreementa secured by this CeeO of trust,the Trustee shal�upon written request by the Lendet,reconvey the trust <br /> property.The Lender shall deliver to the Borrower,or to Borrcwer's successor in irrterest,the Vuat deed and the note or other evldence of the . <br /> � , . obhgatian so satisfled.Borrower shall pay any recordation costa. � <br /> � " 21. Suecessor Trttstoo.Londor, at Lender's o�Uan, maV remove Truatoo srtd appoint a successar trusteo by firsL meiling o copy of the .� . <br /> � � ? suhstitution o!uustoe as requlred by appticable aw,and then,by tifing the substitu8on of trustee for record in the office of the register ot deeds . <br /> • � : of eacr eounty in whlch the trust property,or somo Cart thereot,is situated.The successor trustee,without Co4vayance of tfie property,iehelt . <br /> ��� ' suceeed to att the power,QuUes,authority and title of the Trustee named In the deed of Vust and of any succe$5or Vuatee. . <br /> 1 i , ".: � - <br /> ' ' I ' <br /> , j <br /> . � : . f � • � : . �. . . <br /> ,. . : � . . . � <br /> �. � Ivago z ol zl . .u <br /> � � - � OANICEAS SVSTEMS.�NC..5T.CtOUD.MN 68301 IU800.397�23411 iOfiM OCP•M16NE 6119191 � ' <br /> .- --�-- --:� -�, -�--� � �.�� <br /> .. '. . I v <br /> • ' . � { ti��::::',+.:,y.'.___..•. <br /> - • .��, " „ ' �" . �1'-=- <br /> - . .... ... _ . � . . � . . � . _ . .� . ` � . . . . .. .. - • . " _ .. . . . ....... . � ..r ._ ..- . . . . � . -� . . _. .. . . .. !1 • . _. .... , , <br />