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<br /> _ ` a .t t
<br /> ;:t``- _-�,�.t:.. . '_ '.
<br /> . . ' 1T.Yransfsr of the Property or a �eneticiaf lntepest tn Boaa�nrer. 8 e0 or any P�of tha PropertY or „ > .. `�:
<br /> :, ' „ � . • . � ,• :
<br /> • . .
<br /> ' ,_......�,w w...�w�.+�nsi�red fer ii a Cene6ciel inter�st tn Bortower is sotd or transferted and Borrower is not a nahuat ` ` � '
<br /> _ . _ _.. o�.�r o..v.ao.�.»»__'_ m itlll oi ao aurtt�aa.:::....""�.; _:_ ,.:..:__�
<br /> -` ��-� p�son)w@hout lender's pdor wrRten eonsenR lender maY.at ib aption.requtre inunedmte paymeM
<br /> a � tlds Secutriy[rtshument.However,this optian sfiaq not he exerclsed by lender ft ex�rdse Is prohib+ted by tederat taw as oi the ' 'G•' ,��Y,.;•`
<br /> � �:".�a ,: date of this SEatrfry instniment °`.`�:':` .
<br /> . ` lt Let)deT exe�Clses this aptfOrl. L�der shall ghre Bortower notica oi eeeeleslfon. 7tte noUce shali provide a pes(ad af not `
<br /> 'L.- -c =Y---:"-�-�-' . tess than 30 days iram the date the nadce is de1'i�red w rr�ati.tt �tEtht�s�lCh Bar�o�ret meaf pay aU s�sms seeured by thfs � . t�
<br /> :, �,;—"`�'-..-.• .`
<br /> ...• � ' _. Security.inshument fl Bortower ta7ss to pay these sums pfi.or 2o the exptrarion ot this pertod. Lender may[moke any remedies � 'ti<.
<br /> • . '; . permftted by this Seturity Instrument wfthout 11rRher notice or demsnd on Borrower. r :..:"�;e ' �.
<br /> � . 1& ���rewar's Rtght to Relnst�te. tf Bortower meets certetn cond'tIi ons. Borrower sha� h ueb othet perlodaes � - . °
<br /> ' eMoreemert o1 thia S e c u n'[7 l I n s h�u nea t �s c a rt 6 i u e d a t e n y t l m e p r i o r t o t h e e a r t t e r et (a) 5 da y s ( ' ��:,. ::: `
<br /> . , . - ' , app¢e�bte taw may spedfy tor reinstatemerd)betore sele of the ProPE?jY Pursuanten�ns�are that 8orrowe�r. (�PaYs Lende,r all � �.���..,:, . _
<br /> ,- instrumer� or(b)entry of a judgment enfart.ing this Sewrity►1�str�ment Those ., ,
<br /> -,�,.�:' . e ,
<br /> `' sums wh(ch then woutd be dus wder this Sea�tfty Instrumenl and ffie Hote as H no acc�feraUon had occurred: (b) c�ues enY .•R
<br /> � �•. a(1 enses incurted in e��twdn$thfs S�xuitY tnsVument, induding, bu!� _ _--
<br /> defautt of etry other covenant or agreemertts: (cI PaYs � utre to assure that the�en af
<br /> �•f'
<br /> . ,�......� �• 'not Cmited to.reasonabte aitomeys'fees:and(d)tak�sueh adlon as Lender may reasonaby req
<br /> , . this 3eauiry tnsUument 1.ender's dghSs in the ProAeRY and Barrower's e6�gaUon to pay the sums secured by this SecurftY . • .
<br /> � , .�`,..�.�. InsD�umertt sfiall conttnue unchangeii. Upon retnstatement by Borrowe►. this Securiry InsUumertt and the obGgatio�mecu�
<br /> . � ,• - here by s han ranain fu l t y eftect�re as N no acaEtatatIon had occurred. However,thts dgM to reinsffife shatl not ePPh ;`�:5.�
<br /> • '. ( :.'r`, . -- p...
<br /> :., ot aaeieratton under para�aPn 17.
<br /> • �' ; 18. Sale af Ma4e. Chenge of�oan SeM�Ce�The Note or a a paRiai trrterest fn the Note (together with this �-,., ..h - _
<br /> M1
<br /> � � 3e�rigt tnstrument)may be satd one or inore t6nes witheut Prior no8ce to Bortower.A sele may►esuft in a cfiange in the entiiy ..i`_�.,-_.
<br /> (Imown es the'Loan Servtcer')that coIleds monthtY PaYrt►errts due unc�r the Note end this 3ecuriry Inshumen2. There eiso may � .`. . ,
<br /> � �:.
<br /> 6e ane or more changes o1 the Loan Senrieer anretated t°a $a�e °f ue Note. if there is a char►ge of the Loan Servlce►: _
<br /> Bortower vn"U be glven writien noUce ot the eh�ge m sccordance wRh paragraPh 14 ahove and appUcable taw. The notice wr11 ' f --
<br /> . state the name and address of the new Loan Servfcer end the address to which paymenfs sl�outd be made. The notice w�l atsa -� ,. -
<br /> ' • ` ` conffiin any ather tntom�ation required by eAPficabte Iaw. ,� --.
<br /> 2Q id8z'dfdous Su68taiece8. Borrower shs0 not cause ar pgrmit the presenc�use,disposa{. storage.or re(ease at
<br /> ,' �• mry Hazardous 3ubsmnces on ar (n the PropertY• Berrower shaD not do, nor eUaw arryone else to do, eirything aHecdn9 tl►e - L _- --
<br /> Y•--" ' ' proAe1ty that ts in vlolaUon of any Envlmnmerdai Law. ThB pcece�ng iwo sPntences shaA nat aPpty to the pseseace,use, or --_-
<br /> �: - to nartnal
<br /> ",�' storage on the ProgeRy ot sinall quantities ot Hazardous Substa�ces that ere geneta4y recag�ized to be appropr�ate 'l. ---
<br /> rssfdenUaf uses and to maintensnce of tha Property. �
<br /> � , Barrower'sha0 promF�7l 9h►e lender written noUce of any invesdgation. oiatm. demand lawsuit ar othe► adton by any _:, ��-,��
<br /> ..• . • . and any Hamrdous Substance or Emlronmerrtel Law of _
<br /> - govemmentel or re�ulaWry agency or prhrate pacty InvoMng the Praperly �: �°'°
<br /> . � whieh 9orrower has acHa](mowleQge. H Borrower teams. or is noti(fed by any govemmentai or reguiatory suthority.ffiat eny• ••,..•-,._ -----_.
<br /> �� removal or ather remedtaIIon oi any Hamrdoua Substance aflecdng Properry is necessary. Bomowe► shefl promPbY� � �= `�_ °: -
<br /> ., • �•'�f. neeessery reme�at acUona in accocdanee witt�EnmonmeMal law. � . '" �---
<br /> :� � , q8�1 in this para�aph 20. 'Hazardous Substances'ace thase substances deMed as toxta or hamrdaas substa�ces by --
<br /> . � ' '• '' Envlronsne�l Law and the tolfowing substances: gasoQne. keroset►� other ftammabte or Soxto petroteum produats. toxtc � ,.'�,-=--
<br /> ' � " ���'���� pesddd�a and herbictdes.voiat7e soiverrts,matedals confsinfig asbestos or fom�al�ehyde.and radioaqive materlais. As used fn _ ,:_
<br /> ' ' `�,:::` paragaph�0. 'Enviromnenffit law° means federal taws end laws of the jurtsdicdon whe[e the Rropefty►is la�ted thei relate to , �.• r� -
<br /> �r.;>
<br /> heatth,satery or environmentel protectlon. �:v"�
<br /> NON-UNIfORM COVENAN'fS.8ortawer end lender further covenartt and a�ea as tottows: .:
<br /> � , 21. Acceferation; Remedtea LeRder shaft give notics to Borrower prtor to acceteratton .:._.,.
<br /> . . :-:;:.�� following BorrowePs breach af any cavenant or agreement in this SecarHy tnsWmetrt.(but Rot +`�. ; �-�,
<br /> � � � . . prtor to aaceteraHon under paragraph 1? uNess applicabla ta�v provldes othen,v�se). 'f'Pte nctice �:�
<br /> , shail specify: (a) tha defaul� (b) the action raquired to cure 4he ct�tault; (c) a dato. rtat lass than z f a�
<br /> � � ' 30 days from 4he date tiaa natice is given to B�rrower, by whlcii tho defau�t mest be cured; and .'�,_ _ -_ --
<br /> ' � ��{�� -
<br /> -;,, �' {e� th� failure 4o cure the dcfauit on or 6etore the date speaifled in the notico may �esui4 tn =—
<br /> . acceter�i�n of the sums secured by t4iis Securifiy instrument and sate of the Property The notir.e �^_�
<br /> - �.�� ��. � .. shall further i�orrtti Bonovaer of the right to reinstate a6ter acceleratton and the ►tght to bring a ,
<br /> �:.':� � � cou�t action to assert the non-exls4enca af a daiautt or any otfeer detense of �drrawer to � -_
<br /> '� � ,.sl.-� acceleration and saie. K.the d�fauit is not cured on or be4ore the d�e spectflod ta.t4�e natice, �:, a_ -:
<br /> �. Lendei a4 its o�Otion rnay requtre tmmediate payment in tuil of all sums secured by this Security __
<br /> ���„ � fnstrument without 1FuRher demand aad may Invoke the pawer of eale and any other remed�es ' ���-��
<br /> ��. ,'_�:,'�� , ,
<br /> ' � �s� permitted by a�pplica6le taw. Lender sh�[6!�e erititted to collect atl expenses incurred in pursuing :�-�,;,:`. =
<br /> � ' . . the remedies provided in this paragrag�ti 21, inciuding, but oot limi4ed to, reasonabie attom�ys' .
<br /> • ., t0ea and costs o4 titte evidense. ', �`•'
<br /> ff the power af sale is �c:vaked. Trustee shall record a no4ice at detauft in each county in
<br /> which any part of the P�uperty is tacated and shall �naft copies of sucts aeotfce in the manner . . ...
<br /> � � ' , prescribed 6y appiicable law to 8orrower and to the other persons prescribed by applicable law. ,:�
<br /> - • ABer the time requlred by aloplicable law, Trustee sfia11 give public notfce of saie 4o the persons .
<br /> � . � • � � and in the manner grescribed by appUca6le law. Trustee,wit�out demand on �orrower; sha11 sell .
<br /> . � 4he 6�rc�erty at pubUc suction to the highest bldc4ev at the time and place and uader the tarms
<br /> � � desiyc^.3'ted in the natice oT sale in one or more Eoarcels and In any order Truste0 determines. :
<br /> � � Trust�e may postpone sale o! all or any parcei o!the Property by public announcement at the • ;� .
<br /> ;. .. ' time and placs of any previously seheduled sate. Lender ar its designee may purchase tha . ; �:: �•�
<br /> � Property at any sale. ' � '
<br /> . � . Upon recotpt of payment o4 the price btd, '��caste� shall deliver to the purchasor Trustee's
<br /> � • deed conveying the Property.Trie recitals in the Trustee's deed shail be pdma fficio evidence of
<br /> � • � . the 4tuth ot the statements made therotn. Trustee shall appty the proceeds of the sate in the . .
<br /> : .� � � , following order: (a) to all costs and expenses of exercising tho pawer of sate, and tha sals, :
<br /> � includirtg ths payment a!the Trustee's tees actualty tncurred,��o af tho principal amount of the ' :
<br /> � ' note at the time of the declaratioa o4 defauit, and reasonable attorney's tees as permitted by law: �� °
<br /> ' � � � (b)to all surt9s se�ured by this �ecurity InstrumeM; and (c) arry excess to the p�rson or persons .
<br /> .. legalty entftled to it. � .
<br /> . .. � . . .. F1315.LM0(t19� Pagc A of S � � . .. : .
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