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<br /> :: � TOLiE7F1ER WP@i aft the improvemertts now or h�teafter eeG¢d an the pm�eriy� and eil easements.ePPuRenances.and � � '� .
<br /> ...�....e ...r«.� .....e..�. en�..�.�an�ntA and addtiioas s4�elso be coveted by lhfs Setwdtll tnstruRtetp. R `
<br /> - jUlttifeFj -nvii w�Naoa�a3s a�j�m•........M..r.�r'�.'T— . . --
<br /> All di the foregoin�ts refesred ta&�U�ls Securfty Instrumeni es the'6�ropeRy.' -� ,
<br /> ,4 B�ROWER fiA1tENAA[+ttT3 that Borrower i�taw6�IIy setzed o!the e�efe here�y canveyed and has the dght to �aM and ` ¢�
<br /> • _ . eonvey the Pro�rerly end that the PrapeRy ts weneumbered. e�dcept for encumbrtsnees ot record. Barrower wartants.and wm - - ., ., •
<br /> defend generaaY tAe titte to the 9roP�ty e9ah►st efl elaTms attd Eemands,s�jaot to any enamibrances o!record. u Y.
<br /> -c-,-�-- T3 N �iX3l�tlY lI�STRlib'{E�tT ca�nbInes s�n�lorr� �venanta tor naUonat uso snd nawnitoan cnvenants wltt� Qm[ted� �°� _
<br /> ° � Yartations by Jurls�Gtan tp wnst�h►te a unitarm seaufty tr�strumsnt covc�(ng real proper►Y• . � '. ` �''�
<br /> UNIFORM COVEN/iMS: Barrawer end Lander oovanar�t and agree as tollowa: � Y.`= r� :'.
<br /> 'y '.� 1.Payment o�Princtpai t�nd tMeres� Prepaymettt end t�fe CQtargea.Bortower sha0 prom�tiy DaY++'�►�► ., � � . . �
<br /> - .- '� due the tintlpal ot and interest on Uts debt eridertcad by the Note and anY P�'A��and Iate charges dite unde►the Note. ,., �r.:������.�
<br /> f "`::` 2. �uRd9 fo#TBxes &ttd Insu�8tlee.S�ject to appQcahta law or to a w�n watver by Lead2r,Borrowe sha0 p ,, "ti; : .
<br /> ' �,°` ( • to L der on the day morrth�/payments.are due unEer the Note.until Use Nate is patd irs tull.a sum�('Funds`�fir. (a)Y� ,.;" ` °�
<br /> . srt�:,
<br /> '� � � teasehot �
<br />';;�_' � te�ces end asses�nerts whtch may e8aln pr�ority over this Seairiry Ins7ument as e lien on the Properiy: (bI yearly ` .
<br /> � �.' ��; payments or�ound rw�ts on the Properly.H any. (c�YeaAY hamrd or propetty(nsurmsce premi�ms: (�YeariY ftood insuran `. 4 r�
<br /> --_,'- ---- snms p�ty�Me by Sosro�ver to Lende►in aceo
<br /> ; premiums.N anY:(eI Yea�lY mortga3e b�suranca Vremlums.(f any:end(ij anY ..'
<br /> � , „�`• with the provis[ons at pam�aph e. tn li� of the paymem ot mortgaga lasuran� pimniums. 7hese ite�as are celled •Esero M1 _ -
<br /> - l�ns.• Leider may, at erry t6ne, eoUect and hold Fimds in en amount not ta exceed the ma�dmu�m m�owrt a tender tor a ��.}_
<br /> tederalty[�ated rt�ortgage loan may reQufro i�r Bartower's escraw account ander the tederal Real Esffite 3edtement Procedures �, ., -
<br /> � = Ret of 1874 es emended hom time to tUrie.12 U.S.C.�2801 et seq. ('R�PA�, uniess another law that appSies to the funds . a =
<br /> sets a lesser amourt. B so,Lender mayr.at arry ttm9, eoIIect end hotd Funds(n an am�nt rtot to ex�ceed the lesser ertwant. - __ .
<br /> - � � Lender may estimate the amount a!FimEs due on the basis of arrent data and reasonable estlmates o1 e�en�tures of tuture .__
<br /> . . -. Escrow items or 4the�wlse in acr�rdance wfth appl6rdbie(aw. or errtRy(inotu�ng - . -.. .__._
<br /> . 'The Funds shaD de he�d in art insfitrition whose deposits are tnsured by a fedarat agency.Instrumerrtellty. .�.:
<br /> . . t�nder. if Lendee is such an tnstBution)or trt any Fedelai Home Loan Bank Lertder shall apPlY 11►e Funds to pay the Escraw . .. '�=-_-
<br /> aPPtlli�9 tha.escrow account,or verftytng :••,�°- �.
<br /> .' Items.lendes may e�ot charge 8orrower tor hol�ng end the Funds,ennualN anay�ing ; ,•�
<br /> ,`.� ���= the Esaerr� ttems, nntess l.ei�der pays 8ortowe► Nt�est on the Funds and appticabta law pem�fta Lender to e�ice such a `'4 =_
<br /> _� :.. oherge. However. lender rtay,requUe Borrower to pay e onetlme charge tor en independerit real estate tax�orBng service }
<br /> ,' `; �' . `. used by Lender (n connectton wfth thts loan. untass appaceb(a !aw pmvides othetwTse. Untess an ageement is made or -_
<br /> e -_
<br /> . apPUcapEe law requtres interest tn be paid Lender shaD not be recpiired to pay Borrower asry Interest ot wmNgs on Ne Funds. :.
<br /> . Bomower end tender may agree fn w�ing. howaver, that tnteresf shall 4e paid on the Funds. lender shaD give to Borrower. �',�±�:--
<br /> • � ' Wnhout chacg�an ennual aecountmg o1 the Funds. showing ae6ts artd'8epita to the Funds and the putpose for which eacb �`. �,: •�.
<br /> . .. ....l debR to the�ds was made. The Eunds ere ptedged as additlonai sec�ufg►tor aD sums seauad by the 8ecudty Instwnent. .•..,
<br /> •• • '<w.�: . H the Funds hetd by t,ender exceed the amou�rts pemNtted to be h�d by spplicabte law.Lender�shatl eccouet ta Borrower ,;-
<br /> � � :'' for the�ccess Funds in sccordance with the raquiremeMs ot epplicable iaw.N ffie emount of ths Funda�eld by lender at eny Y _ ___ _
<br /> Ume is not suflictent to pay the Esctov+Items when du� Lender may so no ti t y Borrower In wrftl�s g,and, tn such rdse Borrowe► _ _
<br /> � shall pay to lender ihe amount n¢cessary to malce up the daflciency. 8orrower sha0 make up the deftdency tn no more than �,4 -
<br /> ..s.;i;, tweive monlhly payments.at Lender's sote discretton. , -;-- .—._------
<br /> „ . , � Upon payrnertt in fu0 of a0 sums secured by tttfs Security Instrument, Lender shaD'promptly retund to Bortower arry Frmds .-�
<br /> '' hetd 6y LenQer. N under paragraph 21. Lender shall acquire or sefl the Ptoperly. Lender, pdor to the acquisWon or sate at the �,��--=--
<br /> . �� PropeRy. shap 8ppry any Funds hetd by Lertder at the tfine o1 acquis(Uon or sate as e crEdit againsl the sums secured by thts E __:..,:�: -
<br /> • . Security Instrument a.'__--
<br /> • • � 3. Application af Paymen4s. untess a�Lcable Iaw provides othetwise, atl paymerrts recehred by LenQer undet LL`i---
<br /> . pana�aphs 1 and 2 sfia0 he appHe�fi Thst.to anY Pi?A��charQes Que undei the Not�seeond,to emaurRs payabie under _
<br /> . . ' pera�ayg x thhd,to interest du�fourth.to pdndpa1 due;and last,to any tate charges due under the Nota. -��
<br /> ` � 4. i::taPge� Lteets. Borro�ver sfi�ll pay aD texes. assessmeMs. charges. tines end Impositlons atbibut'able to the
<br /> - • • PropeAy which may attein priority over this Securiry InsQument,and tpasehold paymeMS or ground rents,H any. Borrower shall � �;-"--
<br /> �.. �,_..., . ., .. -
<br /> . pay these obtlqaUons in the manner provtded tn para�aph 2,or H noi paid In that manner,Borrower sfiaSl pay them on t(me �_-.��_.
<br /> directy to the person owed payment Borrower shaA promptty fumish to Lender atl noUces oi emounts to 6e paid undet ttits �.,,,�;.,-
<br /> � �• � ` • pazagaph. if 8orrower makea these payments �reeUy, Borrower shall prort�ptly tumtsh to Le�er recelpts evidencing the �;v�=fz
<br /> • p�ents. �_�a�. � _.
<br /> ' Borrower§hatl promptly�scharge any Gen which has pdorify aver this Security inshument uniess Borrower: (a)a�ees fm �,T �,_y _
<br /> � � wrlt(ng to the paymerrt of the obllgatlon secured by the Ben in a rtr�nrter acceptabie to Lender. (h) coniesta in good tattb the •. g.^ -_
<br /> .r Ifen by, or detends against entorcement ot the Qen in,tegal proceedtngs whtch in the Lender's opinton operats to preveM the . ,-=�;�-; '�
<br /> '� � eniorcement of the�en;or(a)secures ftom the holQer o!the Aen an agreement saUsfadory to Lender subordinating the Ilen,to _=°
<br /> � this Sscuriry InstrumenL It LenCer determines that any part of the Property ts subject to a 11en whicA may attein pdoriry over thts � ~•`.�,�' �_
<br /> � . � Secucity��natrumenL Lertder may give Bo:�wer e nottce identitying the Qen. BoROwer shaU setisty tfie�Iten or take one ar more of . ': 'J=.:�:`�,:''
<br />`r=•. � • the actlons se!foRh•above within 10 days ot the gWing ot noUce. :°_,-"_: `_--.
<br /> '`:•� �'� � • ��' • 5. O�P2�8rd or Praperty latst9iaflce.Borrower shail keep tha Improvements now existlng pr hereafter erocted on tAe -
<br /> 'i�'• . � PropeRy insured agalnst loss by ftre, hemrds tnctuded with6f the term 'exfended coverage'and aml other Aamtds, including . `.r.
<br /> . . � ftoods or flooding,tor which Lender requires insuranee. Thts insurance she�be mafitained In the amounts and for the pedods °��'�.•__,..
<br /> ` � that Lender requires. TAe insuranca carder provi�ng U'�e insurance shefl be chosen by Borrower subject to lender's approvaf • �?�"��
<br /> ' which s4►a!!not be unrea�onabiy Wfthhe(d. •ii 9orrower faf(s to maintatn coverage described above, Lender may,'at Lendef s ''" __ -
<br /> �..`t , ,., opUon,eb:aur coverage to.proted Lender's dghts in the Properly in accordanee with para�aph 7. ' , . �•.��
<br /> Atl insurance poticles and renewais shafl be aaceptable to Lender and shall Includa a standard mortgage ciausq. Lender -�
<br />-.;� � shall have the dght to hold tha pofrces and renewas. it Lender requires. Bortower sha0 promptty gNe to Lender all�eceipts of . .
<br /> '� � paid premiums and renewaf aotices. In the eveM ot toss. 8ortower ahall gtve prompt noUce to the Insurance cartler and Lehder.
<br /> � ' Lender may make prooi of foss H not made prompty Ey Borrower. .' • �
<br /> Unfess Lender and Borrower otherw;se agree in wdtlng, insurance proceeds shall be appited to�esforation or repair ot the •
<br /> � . Property damaged,H the restoraUon or r�=pair Is economicatiyr feasible and lendePs security is nat tessened.N the restoration or � ,
<br /> • � � ' repalr is not economlcally teasibte or L�:�ePa security wou(d be lessened,the insurence proceeds ahall be app0ed to the sums '�� • ��:'.�
<br /> � . � secured by this Securtly instrument, whether or not then due, with any excess paid to 8orrower. If BoROwer abandons the #`��� . .':�� •. :<_-
<br /> ' � � • ., PropeRy. or does not answer vrfthin 30 days e nottce t�om Lender that the insurance canier has oftered to setVe a cfalm.then ?�t:�'+• �� : .
<br /> � . , Lender may coIIect tha insurance proceeds. Lender c,,� use the proceeds to repaU or restore the Property or to pay sums '``' •
<br /> � , • • ' secured by this Secudly�nstrument,whether or not t1:en due. TAe 30day pedod will begin when the notice is given. ,
<br /> . ; Untess Lender end 8orrower c:tenvise agree in writing, any applicaUon o1 proceeds to pdncipal shall not e�dend or
<br /> •- � � postporte the due date oi the mor.th,y payments referred to h�paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amourd of the payments. If • . .
<br /> . � . under paragreph 21 the Propedy is ecGuired by Lertder, BoROwer's dght to any insurance poitcies and proceeQs resuttfig nom
<br /> � : . damage to the Property pdor to tAe acquisi8on .h27 pass to Lender to the extent of the sums by this Secudry Instrument
<br /> ,� immedlatey prlor to the acquisRion.
<br /> �. ' � 6. Qccup�ncy, Preseevatlon, Main4enance and Protectlon ot th� Proper4y; 8orrower's Loan �
<br /> .:. ; . .
<br /> Apptlea4ion; L08sehOlde. Barrower shall occupry,estabUsh, and use the Property as BoROwer s princtpal resldenee within .
<br /> • „ sbdy days atter the execuUon o! this Securiiy InaUument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower s prfncipai •
<br /> resldenee for at teast one year after the date ot occupancy.unless Lender otherwlse agrees in writtng,vihich consent sha11 aot :
<br /> � � � be unreasonaDy withheld,or unless extenuating Grcumstances exist which are bayond Borrotver's conUol. Borrower shall not
<br /> .• ,�. desVoy,damage or impair the Praperty,allow the PropeRy to deteriorate, or commi!waste on the Propetty. Borrower shell be in .
<br /> - : . default H any todeiture acUon or proceeding, whether elvil or afminal.is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could result .-
<br /> p'. ,� • � • in torfeHure of the Property or otherwise materlalty impa'v the Ilen crested by ihis Security InsWment or Lender's security interest.
<br />.. �- . . . - F1316.LM0(7/9n Page 2 ot 5 . �, ° . � � . _.
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