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<br /> , �;� � � a�a�oaed ptvpecty.Bo�nwer shatl also be ta default if F3amawer, dunng tue toaa appltcasinn prnces�. P„axe ,
<br /> - � �rlsiIy false or iaaoc�te InfoimatIon or stascments to Lendee(or fatteed to provide I.ender with aay material
<br /> _;"° infasm�xion? in.w�ecaton wItb the Iasn evldenc�fsy the Note. �nsluding,but not ltmited to. tePresentatlons .
<br /> ec t
<br /> ; :, ,�.`." , coacemiag Bortower's oscupaacgr of the Pmperty as a princ�pal iesidence. If t�is Serauity (nstrumant is on a ���
<br />' ; :'„".:,;:.:� '�.. te�aSehold,Bormwer aliaU romply wIth the pmv3sions of the Iease.If Bormwer acquires fee Htte w ths Pmperty,the � .�
<br /> �'a.,•�.` .,.�� teasehul8 End fes titt�SbaU aot be meeged nnde5s L�der agiees to the taergec in wtiting.
<br /> :-;�•� � .`'..�`:1 . . 6.�ondemnsttom The of award or c?aim for �
<br /> --_:.:,,�:_�___�, � Pro� �Y damag�s.direct or cons�e�a1,in c�nae�Ion with ;_
<br /> , �-��� : aay oo�on or od�r tating of a�►part of the Pmperry,or for canveyance in place of co�on, ase � '��
<br /> -`° �', :,"., .:`.?,,:.�: �eby.as�tgnod aad Shall 1�e paid to L�ET'to!he e�[[eIIi of Iile fail amouai of ttte iudebteditess t1�2!rw.�+�ina upp� � '
<br /> t;.:. : . . y 9II�i.?�IC KQtC�t$18 SEC� inatmment
<br /> t, < � t�► I.EIIdCT 8�8��}i SUCb pIDCEC�.4 t0$IC I�QCt�bII Of I�C 1�CbIC�CSS
<br /> - ' : •.�' WIt�Ci 1�C NOtE.SAd [�8 SECllili}f InS�IIIDQDL. �lISt t0 3n]►�EliIIQtiCDi 2aI011�2��12d Iri tlle OI(ZEf pI�1IYd2d lII
<br /> :'-k�• .. ; e
<br /> 4:�_`: . , ` t:.``�i paragrapL�sna tts�a to PrepaYment of principal.Auy a,ppli�ti+on of the proce�s to the principal s�all nni extcad or .
<br /> •.� .•...� . '', gostpone the due date of the monilil9 PaYa�ents,�vhi�a�e iefem�l to ia garagcaph 2.or chaage the amount of sach
<br /> J'.�`�� `';i Paymenis. Any eatce�ss pnocaerds over an aatuuat required to pay all outst�d�ug�ndebte�ss mtder Qie Nate and this
<br />';:, �;ns' S�y I�mme�t shaU be patd to the entiry Iegatly enatled therew.
<br /> -,: � ,.� .:a;;;�.` 7. CLaig� to Borrow�r � �+niea4Ion af Le�d�s Rig,�ts in tY��eop�¢y. Ba:rawer shaU pay all, r;;:
<br /> Lt d
<br /> . y,fitr��c �OV�f82 O!�Cl�Cb8T�9s f1IIC3 3��OS�OIIS�C^3 8LC IIOt IACTRt��II 1f3Cd�21�..BOZIOW�&2l8u j1� .: " E
<br /> 4 �,%?3,: !
<br /> • dtese 4bligat�oas an tim�dir�cxly w the e�tity wflich is owed the payiueat. If�aiIuae W FaY wontd afireYSeIy affe�t ��:
<br /> =�. . ' ` Lender's Interest in the Property,nPan Lender's ceqe�est �orivwer sha11 P!'ampttY fivaisb to Le�der.re�eipts r�-
<br />':�;s"; '�` evidencmg these payments. . �'�
<br /> ";`;a:.� .{.,```�' <�. IiBonawer Pa�7s w make these or tke b b 2 or fai�s to erfo� othes -_
<br /> - _ r..�.:�,����-s�f�3..� , _ P�� P���N� Y P��P • P �Y . -
<br />.„', ' "�,-l;�.;`. �: cove�ams and�ooniaiaed fa this S�a r I t g Insdrumes�2,or ti�t+e Is a t e g a l pmoeeding t33at malt��Y
<br /> "` " ��<a��-. � affect#�ettder's rig�tts in the ProP�tY(such as a faoeedin ia b -
<br />;a;; � ` .,.»�.; P g� �uY,�or co�demaat�on or w enf�cve laws or _.
<br /> r�sL:�• •�:.', .: regulations).tiien LEnder may do and pay wi�atcver is n�saty to pmz�t a7�e vaIue of the Ptogeny�d.iender's -
<br />�, - ,. rigLts ia the Pm�ertY,���5 F�uf taaes,�azard�aad ot�er idenCs m�tiaaed in p��2. _ • -.
<br /> > ; . AnY amo�mts disb�used by I�ender.unaer this parag�b.sbatl b�ome sn additional debt of Bo:rower and 1re
<br />.�. '-l; �' seca�d isy this Saa�rtty Instruiue�t.These amounts sT�tt�s�rr�.vu-.u�date of c1"isbutsemenf. at the Note . . ' � `
<br /> � '; �. rate,and at ths option of L�der,shaU be immediateIy dne aad payable. �' '
<br /> �� _ . , •. . Borsotiver sha1�promptty discbarge any li�wbich has prioriry over tLis S�nity Instmm$at un�ess Bormaier: -
<br /> : : (a)ag�ees ia wsItIng to the paytaent of the obligation secur�d by tlae liea in a manner aooeptable to Lender;(b)
<br /> ��' 7 . ,.. :i contests fn gaod faitb tIIe Iten 6y.or defea�s a,ga;,r�enforce�stent of the tiem in:legal pmceedings which in ihe .
<br /> : , .�::';, „ , ; Leader's opia8on operate to prevrnt the enforeement of the ti�; o: (c)seaues from tha holder of tDe lien an
<br /> �', ,.
<br /> .. _ � agreemeat satisfactory to Lender subordinating the liea to this Secauiry lnsuament:If Lender determines cbat anry part
<br /> �,', � . ; of the Progerty ia subject ta a fien which may attain priority over tbis S�curiry Instsumesu. Lender may Sive
<br />��;;. : '� �� Bormwer a naiice ldeatifyin$the lien.� S�rrower shaU satisfy the lien or take ane or more of the actions set fo�h �
<br /> r;: ;; � above witLin 10 days of t�e givtng Maostce. .
<br /> . 8.�ees.l.ender may coltea fees and chairges�Worjzed hy the Secretary. .
<br /> ��� .:�,�..,�::i: ,- 9.Gmmads[orAcceteratton aPDebt. � . `
<br /> �::. . ;_
<br /> �' ' , (a)1?e�autt.Lend$r may,�except as limited by regaiaaioas issued isy tke Sec ..
<br /> �:.:._ .. � retaxY.in the case of payment
<br /> �..� . .. defaults�mluire iminediate payment in fuU of all'sums s�by this Secariry tnsuumeat if: .
<br /> '' .� ' (i)$orrower defauIts b failin to Y Pay�nt tequ�bY tbis S��rItY�
<br /> ;y.�� Y S PaY ia fuU auy monthl
<br /> pdor to or on the due date of the ne�a mon t h Sy���ent,or
<br /> ��� ' `�. . (i�)Boirower defaulrs By failing,for a�eriod aY t�"rsay days.to gerform atry a�ser obliga�crs Contai�.+� �
<br /> '^ : in�this Securlty�nsuumPn� � �
<br /> i: .
<br /> 3��°� '��� , � _ . N)3ale 48tthout CrerUt Appmval.Le�ader shall,if permitted bY aPPllcab2e law(incIuding Sectioa 341(c� :.,
<br /> a�'. � �°� ., ' af the Gazn•St.Ciermain Depository instituHons Act of 1982. 12 U.S.C. 1701j-3(d))anA with the priar �
<br /> >�.�r" . ... ` �PProval af the Secr�tary. m�quire immediate payment r:�fuil of all sums seaued By t�is Secvrity Insm�ment .
<br />' . ^' . � . .
<br /> ��i.. - . ' �
<br /> e:a:�.. • . �4R(NEl�ssoa�.of �aeoama nu�
<br /> �,�-_. �
<br /> F�{•. -, . . .
<br /> 5„ .
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