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<br /> `-'°� G.ASSYGf�T OY?LFASP�. Upon Leadds requc�,Barcowes shail assign tn Laader aU Ieases of the _ �
<br /> .� Y..��� pcoFcrtl►and all s�rlry de�osiss ma�e in c�nnec�inn enith le�s of the Yrogr�ty.Qpon the essignmeat,Lender �}: . � . `;•"`
<br /> . < « �;_..,.- .
<br /> , � shall b�ve the rlght to madify.extcnd or traminafle t6e exig�ng leases and w eaerxite near Icases.in Leadea's sole
<br /> - - r -- Q�.Rs uxd in this pasag�aph G,the ward"'Iease"shaIt meaa"sublease"if d�e 5ecu�ityr'�ns�uaaneat is an a
<br /> ` ¢` IPSR4,�14I�. � . -
<br />' � � . � ' �. t�SSIG3VA�EPPI' OF BL�t�PS`S;, APFO�EP�T OF �CIIVEIt: L�� IN FO�SFS�dON. , , �Y _�°_
<br /> ` � at�uansfess Eo�det all d�e�ts and revenues('Itent�')af the �``-
<br /> �.'4, • , go�rav�er aDsolutely�uacanditinnally aea� ue , �,
<br /> , pe y
<br /> < `�� � $oaower muhaapizes I�der or Leande�r's �
<br /> + ` Pmp�t.regardtess a�'w whom�.e Rem.a Qf the Piope�ty ace 1�Y� -
<br /> ., : ��,- a��is w coll�L I�e P.�ts.a�d eorees t�at�h�eaant of the Propaty s6aII�aY the Reu3s w Le.n�a or Leader's __ � �
<br /> � : . .. � ,: egents.How�.Boimwer shall receive the Rents aWil(�I,ea�d�has given Bmmwrar notcse of de�Itpu�suantto - �
<br /> m
<br /> ' � p'd1�Qj8'p��.l Of f�I?$�Clltj�}►TOSS[I1TAP�L 8IId(�1�L�d1QPd�'9�YP�flOhCe t0 L�tEI12III�S��1ffi t1dC R�S�F'r W hC 'f r_ ..r,r..r__-.
<br /> �'"� ' of Rents consaa�tes an absob�s ass�IIme,ni and nnt an _.
<br /> . .• �.•'. � • PaIA t�o Laude,e or L�nBca's e�t 'i?�is assignmeac . , _
<br /> • assi�unentfor addilinn�l s�y►on1Y- � Bormwear as �,. ,���—-
<br /> ; � ..� If Lcnd�g[ves notice af i�h t�Bo:rowe�(�a1iR�ts received by Boaower shali be held bY � ,-,.
<br /> the S Insuumen�(1ij I.e�des shaQ '�` '��°�
<br /> ���::`,. ' t . � austee foi the beaefit oi I�en�r anly,ro be app�ed ta the sums�nred bY ec�ry . .�
<br /> 4� •.. �.b�- '
<br /> 4 . . :°, :.� . • be endtIed ta callect aaA�ceie►e alt of thee A�ts of d►e Prope�ty:Cri�'��miaw�agrees tbat earh teaant of the
<br /> n
<br /> � � PtoPetty►shall pay a)1 Itents due aud anpaid w L�dea as I.�dds a�ts npan i�cd's wNtra derr�amd w the � ....°
<br /> k�` �,` ' � . tc�an�(ivI�atlas appllt�ble taw gtovides oihe�a�ise,aII Reatts co�by Lrcud�ar Leudea's agents shall be , '�=:'�#,�__,..,
<br /> �-z:.� '�.: _ ..
<br /> F ayptied&st to the ca�s af taffig coatral of aud managiug tIIe propeaty and coIIe�tng d�R�tv,�dud�ug,b�not --:>Y;_,.-- _
<br />� ` �`` , .. tlmited to.att�mays'fees.r�eeive�'s fees,Piemiums on rec�vea's bond9,zepair ead ma�tenance cosls.�nce .�.
<br /> . prem�ums.taxes�e�ents and ather cLarges on the PmpeatY,and thc�tn the snms s�ned by the S�r ._ .�-----
<br />{��� � � � � Insautrt�i;(�)1a��a,Lendca's agea�ts ar any jndiciaIIY appointed receav�suaU be liab�to account for aniy @iase : -�__-
<br /> �° ,.. .. : : �' �tts actaalty raceived;end(v��I.ea►der shaU be�tn have a receiver aappointed tfl ratce passessinn of and . �'�•^ __ ___
<br /> "� .. manago�he Propeary aad collect the Rentv and profits d�ived from the Prcp�aty without anY s�uwing as t�the E'�—.` _
<br /> � ` ' . ''`r: inadequa�Y oR fhC Pmpeny as s�c�cY• � 0 �.---_�'_
<br />�,� If We Reuts of tho Pmyeaty are nat su�iCiem ta caves the oosts�mkiug cronbroI of�and.ma�ing t�e : _-- ,�-
<br /> ' �`.::�.�:•�.
<br /> � • '. . Fco�ty and of collecdng the Reats auy fimds ezp�by Lendes for snch ptuposes shalt i�ome iudebterla�ss 4f ,��
<br /> a' � ' 8oimwra tn I.end�se�ueA by Q�e Sec�uity Insomm�t pussuant to Unifonm Cavwam9. ` . "�� - -
<br /> x �`'i. i
<br /> ...-.- , . � Bamnwet t e p Y C S e nts aud war:ants that Borrowea t�aas nat executed any grior asgigncAeut of the Rc,nts�d has � ..
<br />�.�: � ��• ,noe aad will not pafarm any sct that wauid preveaat Lender fmm exercising its rights�mdea this gaQagraph. . . ,- • __ -
<br /> omted rec�iver,sLati not be:equaed m eater upo�►,take contm� .„_.,�., L�r_
<br /> ��- � . . � Lcndes.or l.ender's agems or a JudiclaUY 8DP � ai �� � . �. ._--_.
<br /> � . . : ' of or m�hus�n the Property ls�fore or aftcr giving notice of defanit to Bmrowea.Howevea,Leuder.os Lendec's �+��':.. ;;
<br /> � �h _���...�;�
<br /> r � pgent�ar a judIcialiY appalnted receiver.maY do so at any tuae whe,n a defanIt occ�ss.Atry applu�tton of Reuts •:.�,.:�;-.'; -
<br /> �c .
<br />, . ' �• '� sT�alf not a�or waiva any default or iavattdate aay other rigat or reanedy of Lended 1Y�is assi�n►ent of Rents of `��':•��:�--
<br /> , . •"�"�c'.'=-
<br />:;�.. , � . Ne Prb�ary shall te�minate when aU the sums seca�d by the Secucity Insm�ment are paid in fall. . - .--
<br /> .'��;:...-�.
<br /> � � l.C�tOS�DEFAIIL'i'�itONSION. Bosrovrer's defautt ar breach uuder any note or agree�ent�n ,�, -_-
<br /> �! ,�• , �� :.' whfch Lca�dcs ha.s au interese shall be a 6reach undca the Se+curity Instramealt and I.e�d�r may invoke�y of the , "'��_ �
<br /> �'',- �' � remcdies pertniued hy the Secuciry Insuumeat � � ::<,, ---
<br /> �`. .. . .. . 8Y SI(iNINO BELAW.Bormwer accepts and e�ecs W the trams aad provisons contaiued in this l�l Family ����-,._�
<br /> �, , ;�:-
<br /> � RIBer. . -��a'�
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<br /> , . � LOR$N L LB88Zd •Bmrower � J S . -Bormtiver '..� � .
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