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<br /> �... .� . � ' �°���Vt/�� . �,��c . , J�`.
<br /> ` '� (d) a wrft o! c �on or atrachmertt of any�stm�ar process�6e erttered against T�ustor which shatt _ `��:.Y.Q;� '�,
<br /> � � . Qecame a ifen on the Trust Espte or arry purtFon thereof ar interest ttterein ana suM execuYton,attachmeni or stm1er --T+i:'��°���,���
<br /> "' � raeess qf ttd rrtent�S rta4 reteased.bonde satis�ied,vacated ar sq ed wiihin �
<br /> .;.. . � 0 I B d. Y s�1►l60!Qays after its ecsuy or tevy;or " ��--=�:,,=�
<br /> . , • , �' . '.
<br /> � ',.° ��� � (e) ther�has oceurted a 6teact�of or detanit under any term,cavenant, agreemerrt, oonditinn, provisian, .. _ .__ :�r�•
<br /> ' � �` reA�e�t�on ar warranty cornained in an ' *
<br /> . � r Y-z-• V Pricr deed of trust.or mortgage aNecting the Tnist Estatg. �,� . .
<br /> ._:
<br /> � 4 �. `� 10. /dccaleranfon apon De�srd�addfdtara!Rame�es. [f an event of defauli occurs. BeneNetary may dectare tAe � 4
<br /> � trtdebtedness �ecured hereby tp I�e due.and payabte an4 the same ShaU tAereupon become due and payahie without ar►y
<br /> `� ' ' ' presentrnenL dem8nd, proLesL or�otica of any ttind. Thereafter,Benef�ciary may: • r'�� ' �
<br /> , .. •,�. .� _ .
<br /> -S. ' •
<br /> �• - - t�i either in p8rson ar by agent,wiU�or_whrtiout brin — j'
<br /> „ t ging arry actio»or procee�np,or fsy a receiver appotnted
<br /> by a Court and without regard to the adeqaacy ot its security,enier upnn an6 take pa�sston af the Trust Espte,ar arry �S �-
<br /> -��•s,•,..• � ' . t 0���.in tts own name or in the rtame of Trustee,and dn arty acts whtcb it deems necessary ar desirabte to preserve • �.==� � .<
<br /> - � � �'' the vatua,marketa6ility or�ec�tability of the Trust Estate,or part thereaf ar interest therein,increasa the incame therefram •• -
<br /> • or protect the security hereaf and,with or without taking possession of tfie Trust Esqte,sae fm ar oiF�erwise coGect fhs �`""°"�"'°
<br /> �•� r . . • � -__
<br /> , : •r ...- �: rents. issues aad profits thereqt,incfu�ing tnose past due and unpaid. and aDDly the same,tess cosfs anrf expenses of �`.,, _ -
<br /> • - aperation and Cottection tnctuding attameys'fees,upon arty tndebtedness sec�d Aereby,aU in svch order as Beaefictary' '" .`��"�
<br /> � . � � may determine. The eniering upon and taWng possassinn of the Trust Estate,the cotircHon of such rents,issues and • �
<br /> " . �, ° ;' ��'"� � prnfits and the applicatian thereof as a�oresaid shal!not cure or waive arry defautt ar notice of defauR here�inder or
<br /> �`: 'ti�: ;•"'S; imratiQate any act done in r�spunse ta sueh default or Dursuant to such not�cs of detauJt and, notwithstanding the � �;` .� '<;,.�i'- -�
<br /> _ .. ___ _':�.j:;:,c continuance in possession of tt�e Trust�te or the cotlectlan,receipt and appliptton af�ec�ts.issves or proftts.Trtistee __ ---
<br /> ��" ' or Beneficiary shaN been entided to exercise every dght provided for ih arry of the Loan tnsVumems or by law upon ==-
<br /> ' occurrenca of any ever�t of defautt,inctuding the right to exercise ihe pawer qf sale: ` � -` -- _� _
<br /> `f `
<br /> �• •, ' ' ��:-
<br /> , • fii) commence an acdon to foreclose this Qeed of Trust as a mortgags, appoint a receivei or specificalty _ . =
<br /> .,. .._.�. entorCe any of the cavenants hereof; ..,-� _...�°.
<br /> 'l. ( �}�'... _ _ _
<br />�.`:,:-' ' u deliver to Tn�stee a written dectardtion af default and Qemand for sale artd a written notice of defaWt and '�`"
<br /> �• • ` . eleccion to cause Trosto�s interest in tha Trust Estaie to 6e sotd, which notiCe Trustee shall cause to be duty fited tot "`';'` -
<br /> �;.;.�:.�.
<br /> ��� ��� .` ` .• record in the a ropriate offices of the Coun � � --=-
<br /> - pp 4y in which the Trust Estate�S located;or
<br /> :,.�' .. . --_
<br /> � � • Gv) exercise such other rights or remedies at taw or in equity. -��'-`-=—
<br /> . �=,T.,
<br /> , ' � � 11. Fereclosuse DyPowe�ofSaTe. tt Benef,ciary etects to toreciose by exercise ot the Power of Sate herein contained, r� —
<br /> :�:: ..g , Benefictary shali notify Trustee and stiati d�osit with lYustee tfiis Seeond Qesd of Trust and any c�ate evtdencing the tndebtedness � � ,;,-
<br /> = • �. �'''"' '� a�d such receipts and evfQence of exOendRures made and secured hereby as Trustee may require. • �'`` `_°�-_
<br /> ; . . :�7r� 1 _ ,
<br /> , , �,� • ��;,.
<br /> , . � �� - (a) Upon receipi o!such notice from Benaficiary,Trustea sha1L cause to be re�orded,pubtished and delivered ' -
<br /> � .. • � to Tnistar such Notice of Default and Notice of Sala as then requfred by taw artd 6y this Second Oeed of Trust. Trustes ,T��:� ::.:.':::��---
<br /> - � � _ shatl,without demand on Trustor,after such time as may then be required by taw and after recordation of such Notirz ot �j'��"��• ° _.�_�.
<br /> ;, .� : . , Defauit and after Notice of Sale having been given as required by law,setl the Trust Estate at ttie tim�and place of sate . �:� �:-�_�-
<br /> �� ' ' • fixed by it in such IVotice ot Sate,either as a whote,or in separate tots or parcels or items as Tniscee shati deem expedient, -
<br /> , � �, and in such order as it may determina,at public auctian to the highest bidder for cash In lawful monsy of the United States ��""
<br /> �, : �.°�.�.. . . '� Dayable ai ths time o!sale. Trustee shalP delive►to such purchaser or purchasers thereot ita gaod and sutticieni deed or � ` _ ,.T---
<br /> deeds Conveying the prqperty so so(d,6ut without any Covenant ot watranty,express or lmplied. The tecitals in sucb deed �.;_;•.,;,�_Y._,
<br /> " � of any matters or faets shall be canctusive proof of the uuthfutness thereof. Any person,including without Iimltation .- -°�_�.
<br /> •• °�,`;�• Trustor,Trustee or Beneficiary, may purthase at such sate. ' � ,��:y:_
<br /> � lb) As may be permitted by taw,aiter deducting ai!costs,tees and expenses of Trustee and of this Trust, ' ''�� �':�•
<br /> �` � � . , . � including costs af evidence of titte in connectio�with saie,Trustee shatl a00�Y�e proceeds of sate to payment of(i1 the ' � ^""�"�'
<br /> . . Indebtedness(ii)ail oiher sums then secured hereby,and liii)tNe remaindar,if arsy,to the person or persons tegalfy ec+tiUed . . `� � .. �
<br /> ,�.� thereto. . , . .
<br /> . . • . ,
<br /> . ':. �� .'i�,.:�.
<br /> . ' tc) Trustee m�y in the manner a:,ovided by taw postpone sa'�a of ail or any portlon of the Tnut Estate. . . .
<br /> � � , • ' 12. Romedles No!Exc/uslve. ?rustee and Beneticiary, and each of them, shall be entided to ertforCe paymeat and .: . �
<br /> . •� • ��. perfarmance of any indebtedness or obligations secured hereby and io exercise alt rights and powera under this Second a�rd of . � , �
<br /> � � • : . Trust or unQer any�oan Instrument or other agreement or any laws row or hereafter in force;notwithstanding, some ar a:3 oi the ' • '
<br /> '" . • such lndebtedness and obligations secured hereby may now ar hereafter be otherwlse secured,whether by moRgage,deed of uust, ' ' �
<br /> • � ' ' � ' O�edge.Nen,essignment or otherwise. Neither the acceptance of this Second Qeed of Trust nor its enforcement,whether by caurt � �
<br /> . . actton or pursuant to the power o4 sate or other powers herein contained, sha3 prejudice ar in any manner affect Trustee's or . �
<br /> � +-• � : Beneticiary's right to reaiize upon or enforce any other security now or hereatter he10 by Trustee or Beneficiary,lt being agresd that �• ��
<br /> : : : � . Trustee and Beneficiary,and each of them,shail be entitled to enforce this Second Oeed ot Trust and�any other securiry naw or . •
<br />_.. • . 3 �• �.. .
<br /> -- -- --- ----
<br /> - - -----
<br /> , . . . . . . • • . . . •
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