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<br /> _ _ _.:_ .��_ ` .._ _ _. — _ _ _ _ _ .:.`' _" ._ - _ - .- __ ,
<br /> ��.."�_ �-'���� `� #. �� '� '� , ., �l :v �• � �` �.F�_`F r ` �3 ,st.. !� ': ,� -'' a r�.�t � . .
<br /> - .L �.i. ,y_`. 4 Gt ,M. .�x� �c7. F<<ti -4 f -.�£ _
<br /> �r..
<br /> : cf-�u � - • .d
<br /> h h- y .;T"" . . • . . - , . . ' ` . _ .. . • . . 't �.4.-.
<br /> " ,.C., " . , � .�e�'�-. .
<br /> _ . . , . .p_ ..
<br /> ..'4`:„� . . ;�i',>. • A�r spp�ioa of reati�sS�atl not care or araive aag defanit as iavaIiQate asy oiher S�t orsemedy oi Len� 'Il�is- . �- �c, �,`�:�:;�%r.
<br />.<�.. �`.�_.: � � sssi�ment of reats o�the Prapeny shali ter�faate when�he d�bt secvred bp the Sewairy Inswm�at is patd in fnit. t�•�;::�;..�' �`.°�,
<br /> - . � Faae�Pcaeadu� If I�ader re�aires imm�diate payazeat fn fu1}nnder paregraph 9,Lender may invoke` . :��£ • . . <;;
<br /> -.. .:���..i � : .the pupres o�sat�aad aayotizer remeGie�germitted 3y applfssble law. Lender shall 6e entttted ta onll�t a11 e�pens� `.'� � ��£, _,•:�,
<br /> �- F.:.�,�<._,'— '-
<br /> < � incurred ia gutsuia�tIle remedies gmviQed in tfiLs paragr�ph i�,iadu03ag,but not Itmited to.reasoaa6le attome3rs• . .:�?.
<br /> . ' .'�` 8 �
<br /> .. . ; fe�and wsts of title eirldeuo� . . � . ',. ��. ..�
<br /> ., , I�the,Qawer of sate 1s invoked,Trastee shaII reoord a notice of defautt in e�oaunty#a wI�ich aay gart of the ::� :f�
<br /> "•� G ` .'�` Progeny ts torated aud sball�hait oopies of sudi not[oe tn Ute manaer gresuib�iry appli�2e law tu gormwer and V.nf �
<br /> . . "� ,` to ttte other gets+ROns presaibe8 by a p plI�able 1aw t�cr the time reqnired bF aPPlicahis faw,Trasce�sfla11 gwe pnbl3c � � ' � ` -:"�= .-T
<br />- '. ���: • aaticc of sals to the petsans and in the manaEr press�ed by appi�ble Iaw Truste�witlwut demaa�on Bormwer, ° �"`�:.- ;;
<br /> ` ,�.:� , • . shall s�lt the Fro�rty az pnblic auction r�the 6igflest bidder at the time and plaoe aud nnder the teims d�si�aated �a ' � 4��"•°. :
<br /> -�-t in the aatioe af�le in one or mor�e par+oeLs and in aay order Tr��tee deu�miaes. TYvst�may gostpone sats oi a11 �'" _
<br /> mor �,
<br /> � , ,, .� � or aay paroel oi ttae ttmF$rtj►bY Pablic anaouacement at the timc arid plaoe of any prevBoasIy scheduled sale. Lender � . "�..,`�'`�s �'-,,
<br /> � � or its Qesi�maY Purchase the Progeriy�at si►y$aIe. ' � z�.
<br /> .,• . Upon re�eipi of payiaent of tiie prlce bid,Trastee sbalI de8ver ta the pnrcLaser Trustee's dsed aoaveqing t�e , -
<br /> _ - Progerc�+. '�e�t�1a ia ttfelYastee's deed st�all�e prima fade evt�enoe of the mith of t$e statements made tiierein. .-_
<br /> •Trastse s�tall aPPI�►tHe proceeds of the sale in the fattawing order.(a)w aYi oosts and expenses of�g the power f .
<br />` .. of sate,and ttte sate,�dndin�t�e PaYment of the Z�ste�s fees actvaity incnrred,not to e�oeed ' °!o . - _-
<br /> ��. ;: .�. ' -�'S;- •of the prindpaI amoBnt of We note at the dme��of tiie deciarat�an of defa�t,anQ neasoaa6le attomeps' fees as ' _—_
<br /> ;� ' permitted bp taa, (�)to aII snms seaned by tt{is S�sutity Insuumen�anQ(c)a�rq escqss w t�e pe�soa or petsams _ .. --
<br /> .�--
<br /> Iegally eatitt�ta it - . ' .:_. �
<br /> 7f tire Y,eader's i�tterest in tbis 5ecurIty Insmm¢ent is�eld by the Secretaty a�d tite Se�netary i+equites imffiediate _ ,
<br /> Paymem�fNl c�ndet g�agrap$9�the S�cretatq may iavoke the ttoajndidat gawer of sale piavlded in the Single . aL"
<br /> � ,. Fau�ity Mortgdge Forecd�ure Act of 1194(°A��(12 U.S.G 3751�)b9 requ�ug a fas+�tusare comm�sstoaer • , , --
<br /> •: ' . . designated aades the As�w commence forerdosare a�¢d w sell ttte Property as pmvIded ia tiie Act NoYiiiug in 2he f:�.:::�.'_--
<br /> . f ". Y
<br /> reredin sentence shall d� e tIIe Seae of ts ol�eiwLse avaflabte to a Lender nader tttis. h 18 ' �s�" "
<br /> � : P g P� �9 �Y� t is F��p, " �>s'� :, :_
<br /> ar appllcab2e Iaw. . . . ?.r----
<br /> �. . :, '.�.�. � 19 F.eao�a�Ltpaa papment of all snms secared by thia Seauity instrument,I��er shall�request Tragtee ° :f.�,.•,':°�"`-
<br /> . � � . to reoome�the Properiy anA s1�aU snuender this Secarltq Instrament aud all no�es evfdendng debt s�aa�d by tbis , -;"�`_,.,-
<br /> � _ SeciirIry Insuament w Tta�tee.'Iltastce shall rec�tivey the ProperrywIthont wa.,*ramry aadwItl�ont charge to tite persoa , � : .
<br /> . or gersons tegaltp en�itted w it Suc$persan or peissons shall paY a�►9 r�¢f�i aast� � ��F. ;� _
<br /> ,. � , ?A: Sn�t�e�seet.LenQer,at its opt�on,may frQm time w time re�¢ove Ta¢�tee and appoint a,succ�.ssor `� � ..`'� =_ _ _
<br /> , • � wstee to any Trustee appaiated herennder by an insuament rec�rdea in the wuary in wLic�ti�is S�curlty Instrumeat --
<br /> � � � is rernrded. WIthant o��s:yanoe 4f the Progerty,the saoc�sar uastee sha11 snoce�d to a11 the titte,pow�and duties . ,ffi,. __-
<br /> �`,. oonferred upan Tritstee�..nrein and by appHcab�e Iaw . • . . �'� --
<br /> � �� " �� 2L Reqar.gt for 1Vo�s. Borrawer requests taat aapies of the notices of default and sat�be sent to Bormwex's , � �`�"�`°": -
<br /> •
<br /> . � addre.ss whicb is the Property address. . .: �-_
<br /> y . .: .. 2;L Rl+deawtbdsSeauity�nsstamenw IPone or more rldeis are e,secated by Sorrawer a�t1 recorded togetherwith . - °_ _
<br /> � � . Wis Seatrity Insmumem,the oavenants of eacd�sucb�der siiaiD be incarporateA inw and s1za�amend and snpplement ..! � =_
<br /> • `� �_° � � • tAe cavenants and agreements of tbis Security Instrument as If the rlder(s)were a part oY ti�is Secniity�fl^swment . -
<br /> ,� ��� � [Cheskapplica03e6os(es)]. t - �� •
<br /> �n >>.�-
<br /> ° .. ' ' . . '{ _ • � . r.� �_.
<br /> �; ; � . -
<br /> . �' . , � Condomininm Rider � CiraduateQ Payrnent Rider � arosr�;Equity Rider� � ...�... .T
<br /> ,� � l, -=
<br /> : ; � Planned Unit Development Rtdes O Adjustable Rate Rider � Rebab�7itatfon Loan Rider If �� �
<br /> .�. ... ..: � Non-4wner Oocapancy Rider � Other[SP�I , -.:� -__-
<br /> ' . . . " � . ..4,,'__". '�=�
<br /> , , °: .,,Dd;N_y ..
<br /> ;;. , „ . . '..:: :�; BY SIt3NIIJG BELOW,Bono�.�r aocepts and agrees w.We terms cantained in pages 1 tfuough 6 of this Secarify ._....
<br />:.'�;.. - . , .. Instrument and in any rlder(s)execu:ed by Borrower and recorCed wlth iL . . =_Y•��::-�
<br /> � � : . �,.� � � ` � � �� . ,� � �
<br /> � . � �.i; �,��L � �s�� , � �s� � ��
<br /> ' . 4 , �HAL E.�0 Z -Borrower -Bonawei � .. �
<br /> ,� - � '.. �� . �5�, �Seal) . , . _..
<br /> . . .. , -Borro�ver -Boaower
<br /> �. . . . :
<br /> ,:,_,> . �� . 3 ;
<br /> � - .. . -Borro�ei .Bo ower � . " �
<br /> �� • Witness• Witacss�
<br /> ' . � .. '. ,.. .'
<br /> . rR�i!fiASK/kF�WDi�3DOF7Rl131' � • .
<br /> n�a+m��t�csno���wz Page 5 of 6 �•
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