� �.�,�5.:�..'E`'k�°vA__' '-.z.i-.._. . r.:. . ";--:...��__ . ' _..i.�' _`:t.�:'• _•.z -if c G.: �.s�.. ..{,��t._ `2. -ey.. -3-__.�..
<br /> 4� . � t.
<br /> . � --q-•�_ - --� - ---- - �— ' t��� - - --- - c -�- -: -- -- - -
<br /> �, ..� . -i, G .L-__ . .`
<br /> � � b� ` t t- Zy .
<br /> ' .. �-....�; �.. ,S rS S: . - - - �
<br /> 'T"? r:' _ o — _ ,a„� •.r'r
<br /> �4 �` -F . . ..
<br /> ..4Y(:t Vi<i`, .� • • `�: ��`.�`{,� 'c'�,;c
<br /> ' ` drenmstauces.Borra�ver sl�tl not o�mmit w�ste or degtroy,damage or substaatialty ct�ange the Property os ailaw the
<br /> ,` "<<•��!. Prope�ty to deteriorat�reasonab2e wear anQ tear e�epted. Leader may inspe�ct tDe Propertq tf tlne Property is vac�nt
<br /> . . i �b:. �-. a �
<br /> . .. .: ar abandoned or t�e Ioaa is in defautt. I�ader map,take r�nnaDle action w ptotecl�and preseive such vacant or � , .. -'_
<br /> .'°� . �_ ahandon�Ptc�perty. Bosawersl�aUalsobein defaultifB�irov�rer,dnrtagtne IoaaappliratFonpmo�s,gavea�aterlatly :`.�' . .....
<br /> < Pt "�
<br /> � ` ��` fatse or fnaocurate informaHon or stat�ments w Lender(or fa�ed w provide Lender w[th a�material informativn) � �i :�:,;..;: f•'`�
<br /> _ �� .
<br /> �. ' �ti: � In aonaeaioa_wlch�e loaaevIdenced by the Nate.iacludiag,6nc n�t ttiqiced to,representaotons waoerning Eorrower's :: `.,:_�;
<br /> _ � f. . oasapanry of the Pcope,riy as a prindpal residena�If Wts Sea�rlty Inswment is on a leasehotd.Bormw�r sLal!oomPlY b� ,,..` . ,
<br /> � < ,.. .; wltPi the pmvlsians of the teas� 1f Borrawer acqaireg fee titIe to the.Pmperty.the leasehold a�ad fee titte s3�all not p.i .,, °.,
<br /> .. •,pi t:: .,...
<br /> . . ' .� <i be merged untess IBnder a�rees w the mexger in wrIting. � � a
<br /> ree
<br /> � ' . ,,��•:, 6 �nad�a�n 'Ihe pmoeeds of any awatd or claim for�amages.direct or wnse�neattai,ia oonnection wIth � � °
<br /> - .�t an}r aondemnation or other takfng of any part of the Pmg$rry.or for comeyanoe ia p�ace of oondemnatton,are hereby . 4
<br /> — - as�igned and shall be paid w Leader m the e�tent bf the fati am+ount of the iadebtedaess that rema�ns aupa�d uader :� ,_
<br /> �. ..'�} . . . .�`" the Note and this Sernrity Insaume�. Lender svali apply such pmcee�to the reductiaa of the iadebtedness nndes . _
<br /> :• a
<br /> < ' tfte Note a¢d t�s�eauitq Insun.iaent,fast w auq delinQuent amouats applied in the or�er grovIded in paragRaph 3, ' �
<br /> � .�� :.`." : and then w prepaymeat of pivadpaL A�r appHcat�n of the proc�eEds to t$e priacdpai shail not estead or pastpone i� , ___ - - -
<br /> ��_ •� tEe due date oY tIIe monthly paqments.which are referred m tn FaragraP�2.°r cbaage the amonnt of sucL payments. _ , . :
<br /> -°- , �`�-- . Arry�prooeebs aver aa amoaat required w pay atl uutstaading indebte,da�uaQer the Note and WLc Secudty . - -
<br /> I�s�nment shall 6e paid to the entity legalfy entitted therew _
<br /> ' �� �. 7. �to Bmaa��aaan��Protectton ofI�e�s�ts in tne Praperiy.Borrovrer shalI pay all governmental �' ,s �.-
<br /> ,.�...,,. —_-
<br /> _ � � ar mnni�pal eharges,6aes and impositions tLat are not Iuclnded in paragraph Z Borramer shaU pay these obligations w�.,...9,�
<br /> � `` . oa time directly to the entity whicb.is oaved the paqmeaL 1f faiture to gay arontd adveiseiq affect Lendez's iaiterest ia `r.,�: '' -___-
<br /> �.. ,, �<� the Property,npon Lender's reynesc HorroweT shaU promptty fomish to Lcader rereipts evtdeacing tizass payments. �''��
<br /> � ". • . � . If Botrower fa�ls w ma2se t9�se payments or ttte pajtments required bY P�&�P�2,or fa�ts to perform any ot�r -
<br /> 1
<br /> � . .:`. , cavenants aad ag�eements conrained in thts Secutitq Insu�ament,or there Ls a legAi graoeed'mg that maY�B��uY �``�
<br /> � ; : . ,�. �y:� : affect Lendsr's dg�us�n tize ProPerty(sach as a gruoeQdiag in banlffapt�Y.tor coademnation or to enforoe laws or � �. �-� :
<br /> ._ .- � regutatIonsj.then Lender may do and paywhatever is ner�sazqto protect tRe value of tiiePropertyaud Lender's rig,bts -
<br /> .�' °'�`_... .�.,`.�:.�L in the Pro t of tQardrd insnrance aad other items atentioned in B 2. �'� _
<br /> peny, .
<br /> , . .. Atry amaunts dis��y Iender uader this patagraPh s1�all beaome an additional debt�do Bormwer and Ue ��.M -
<br /> . . �, secnred tsq tbis SetaitIty Instruatent These amonnts shall bear interest from the date of disbucsentent at the Note rat� . r� _ _-_.
<br /> ��� � _'� •: as►d ai the optIon of Lender shail be immediately d¢e aud paqabl�
<br /> E_.,.___
<br /> — - - •-...<,;.:.. �.-��:;�._:.
<br /> � ' Bomswer shall pmmPilY Qtscharge a�+Ilen which tias prIority over t�is Se��utiry Insuameat natess Boma�wer.(a)
<br /> �::�;:��L � ,� � . . agree�in wrlting W ths paqment of the obligation seea�red by the lie�in a manner acceptable w Lender,(b)oont�ests �:.:_<-..�.:
<br /> ' . �M.';:' .,• In good faith the liea►by,or defends apinct enforcetneAt of the Ilen in,legal pro�wHich in the LeaQer's opinion ��•-. --
<br /> �`', . �.: . opeiate to grevcnt the enforcement of the 1len;or(c)seaues fram the hotder of the Hen aa agreement satisfa�tory '��o;
<br /> �-:�• ti� � . ''<..� , t a L e a d e r s a b o r d i n a c i n g t h e l t e n t o t b i s S e c a r i ty I n s t r�m e n c I f L e n d e r d e t e r m i n e s t h a t a s i y p a rt�.o f t h e P r o p e n y L s :_,�:-�--
<br /> �', . . � • �t . . sabject to a IienwY�ich may astain prIorIty over Wts Se�urIty Imsuument,Lender maq gtve BorPOwer a nottae ident�ying ;;;�• r. :, --- -_
<br /> '`" ` . the Hen. Bonower shall satisfy the lien or take one ar more of the actions set forth above wttbin 10 days af the gfidug � ��'.�_ �� =—
<br /> k� � . efaotio� � •., -- _.
<br />_,�,�`� -. � . � Fces Lender may aollect fees aad charges suthorIzed by the Seaetary. ._. - _
<br />.`,�,•.' . • . 9. �IOi@OS fOFA�OD itf D�L _ _ . �.��-..=�
<br /> , .. . ' . (a) � Len4et may,escept as limited 8y regulations issned try the Sesretary in We case of payment .. •.: •�'=�'�
<br /> r.•,
<br /> .. defaults,reqnire immed9ate paynceut in fall oY aIl sums sesured bp thLs Security Tnswment i� y. ��_
<br /> '�` (f} Borrower defaults by faillng to pay in full any monthly payment raqnired by this Secnriry�tsuument , ; -
<br /> . , , � � � prior to or on the dne date of the nest monthly payment,or . �"'��'� : ':%__�
<br /> ''' � ' (ii) Borto�ver defanits by fa�Ing,for a period of thirty days,to peifatm any other obtigations contataed � • r
<br /> � • .�`�.:; i�ehis SecurIty Insuument � --
<br /> .` . _ (D� �aSe Wi4�out Qtedit App�sal. Lender shall,if gezmitted by appllcable!aw(including secxion 341(d)04 . , -
<br /> :.;. . , : t�e tiarn-St(ietrm�n Deposiwry Instiwtions Acc of 1982,12 US.G 1701j-3(d))aad wiW the prior appraval .:. . • .:°.,-s:
<br /> r:`.;.�'�. . . . of the SECretary,reqatre immediate paymeat in fiill of all sums secwed.by tbis Secauity InsmJme�t iG ., •;:`
<br /> (i) All or part of the Pro�es[y,or a beaeScial tnterest�n a uast owning all or part of ths Property,ts sold � ''?`:__
<br /> -- � �,,; . ',:;;,:� or otheiarlse uansfened(at�er than by devise or desccnt),and •� ,� _
<br /> . ., , ;r,r, (u� The property Ls not accupied by the pnrchaser or grantee as his or her p�incipal res3dence,or the � .,� .."�
<br /> .�. . purchaser or grantee does so oocupy the Property,but hls or her credit has not been approvea in ��°_-��•
<br /> � ' accordance witt�the requirements of the Secretary. '. � �
<br /> �.; !. . . � (c) No Waivea. If ctrcumstaaces oaaur that wonlC permit Lender to require immediate payment in fiill,but . - �
<br /> ' " ' � � L�aQer daes not reqnire such payments,Lender Qaes not waive its rlghts wIW respect to subsequent events. ' `'
<br /> � ; � (� Regntattons of HUD 3�cat�etary. ]n many clrcumsta�ces regWations issued tiy the Sectetary will limit ; .
<br /> � - � -. Leader's rights,in the case of payment defaults�to require immedlate payment in fnll and farec2ose if not paiA. . .
<br /> : .. �. This Securlty lnswment does aot authorize acceleration or foreclosure IP not permitted 6y regulaflons of the
<br /> � �. • . Secretary. � .
<br /> �. � (e) Mortpge Not Insa�ed. Boaower agre�s that]f this Sea�rity lnswment aad tYte Note are noi determined . .
<br />. � � � " . to be ellgible for insuranoe under the National Housing Act withtn 60 DAYS from the • � :
<br /> � � date hereo�Lender may,at its opdon require Immediate paya�ent in full of all sums secured try this Se�vriry . .
<br /> � . �� � lnstrumenL A written statement of ac►y authorized agent of the Secretary dated subsequent to -
<br /> � 60 DAYS hom the date hereo�declining to insurc tlils Security Insuument and the Note,shall be , '.
<br /> � ` deemrA conclusive praof of such ineligibility. NotadtLstanding the foregoing,this optton may not be egereised � �
<br /> � _ j by Lender when the unavailability of insurance is solely due to Lender's failure to remit a mortgage insurance . � �
<br /> .,; , � premium to the Secretary.
<br /> � . :. . �� ..
<br /> � .
<br /> ! I�ffiBIiIL4SA-FHA D�OF7IiU3f 6J46
<br /> - . • ' ... i n��m�«,,u+�isoo�eavusz Page 3 of 6 -.., :.
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