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<br /> � t, • ` ��� ��W��� F'.. .
<br /> - • .. •.,N� . � � ;�.. � •�
<br /> B.All famlC'dtZ1I8DC2S � � .. .:: <'t _
<br /> fram B to Ttastor or uttier futnre ob i ons of Tmstor tn Bet�civr;�nder aay 't:� �,.'4 � :.�: �.
<br /> r+
<br /> ___�_i` = am�oiy aate.canttact,gnarnntY.,or ott�ex evtdens�of debt execu�y Tnutor in fa;or of�en�claa�t�ued .
<br /> ' � , a$EC�is Secu�try
<br /> L�at wIIeiRer or uot tIIis se�ity ins[�nmcm is spc�-suc�y rncia:n:cw n.�.,,......o..t�° �
<br /> p�sun �igps thi&�Sec�uiry,Ia4u�nt, ea� Tnutar a�nes that this Security Instrument w�l s�ue all fuNre .
<br /> $i
<br /> . ., advauces and fnmce ob2i ons tbat are given us or incnrnd by any one or more Trastor,or any aae or more Tzustor .. .,. ` •.
<br />- � aa6 othe�s. All fatuie � and other fumre ob2ig,a�oas are s�cuied h�y this Security Ins�unment even thoup,h all . , . .
<br /> •u :
<br /> � orpart map�tot et be advanced.Ail fimue advances aad ather futu�e obl�gatioas are secured as if made on the date , � , ;;.
<br /> � ' of t�is Secarity�Nothiug in dris Securiry Inspn�meut sbaU consaurte a sommitment ta make additional or . ._ ``,. -
<br /> � Potoie toaas ot adva�es in auy�nount.Aflj/Sl1CI1 Cmmmitment�hC 8 tQ in a�paiate wri� . �
<br /> '� C.All abligat�ons Tmstor owes to BeneB � P Y .
<br /> ciaty,wh€ch may later a:ise� o�t ac�unt not m�ittb b�w,���tor�aad� � : '..
<br /> - ta� afli limitsd�to, liabili�ies for o�recdrafts telatin8 w aaY �P �
<br /> F , BBIIP.�C13TSi. `Y �
<br /> � D.All addidanal sams advaased andeapenses mcaared by Eenefic�ary for insu�ing,pmse�vIqg or ott=erwise Fmtecctn,g -` �'
<br /> . the pmperty and iLs valne aad any otber sums advancod and eapetues incarted hp Beneficiaty nnder the oe�ms of ttus . `
<br /> . , Se�antp Iastcament. ..��..°— -
<br /> t .' 1tis Serurity 1nst�ment a►iII not seaue a�r other debt If Bene�iciary fa�s w give anY requfi�do oi'u�of the right of . , ` � :-
<br /> _. ... ,�
<br /> .._._.r. �.—.1—'�_. ._
<br /> �t� LBSCISSI�D. � `
<br /> T �EI ti1C$eCASC��t WJu bE�W�IElt�i1C�1�BCCOId811CC Wllll Yl1E � - - -
<br /> ���. 5. PA'f�TS.Tm�tor agrces tLat all gayments
<br /> � ' , _- � te�s of die Secured De6t and d�is Ses�ty Insuumeat- , '�;°
<br /> � J ,;'. 6. WARRANTY OF TIT�E.Tiastor wairanu d�ai Tmscor is or wt�l be IawfWtq seazed of the estate canveyed bp tLis _- --
<br /> .. Sea�ty Instmment and bas the tig5t oo irievocably grnnt,caavey,and setl the Property to T=as�tee,in tcust.a�tth power of
<br />_ � sale.Trastor also wanat�tbat the Pmpeny is uaencmnbesed,excePt for�of rerord.
<br /> . ; "�' 7. PRIOR S�CURIT�I�.With n�gaid to any otberm�tgage,deed of t�ast�securit9 a�mept or otbEr lien �� ,
<br /> • ` ` `= doc�ent tbai�a prior secatitq i�st ar ensnmbraBSe on the proge�y',Tzustor ag�ees: � _----
<br /> _.` .' r ' ,+"' • } .r .
<br /> ; , o_,,. .. A To make sII paysnews whea dae and to perFusm or camplq with all rov2nants. ;rN f t: --
<br /> B.Topr�pi�ty deiiver to B�9 at►Y n�tices that 1'tusDOr rec�ves fmm dte iw2der. 4-
<br /> tt I S
<br /> � C.Not-to aBmv any modifica�ion or eatension of, nos to reqoes�t any fataie advances undea airy nate or ap,r�m�t - -..__
<br /> ' sec�ed by We liea dacumeni widivat Beae fi c L v c y's pIIOr wntten w n s e n t. - -:,,.-�-=
<br /> F . tf•
<br /> •,�� S. CLAIIVJS AGAIlVST 7TTLE.Tmstor will y all taxes.asses.ffients,�ns,enam�brances�Iease paqme�nts��uund rents, ����'`.��
<br />.. ntilities,and other cd�arges ielating to the when dne. Benefr may rec�nce Tcustor W piwide to BeneSciary - ` �`
<br />: ' - : . copies of a11 notFces that such amounis are dfne�the receipts evidencm8 TiusW:s paqmsnt.lYa4tar wt�l defend dde to � ',,.. ,: ��:_
<br /> d�e Pro, agaiastauy claims t6ac wantd itr�a i r t h e I c e n of ti�is Secan t y Insummens. Tn�stor agrees w assi�a w _ ---
<br /> � r � Benefc ry,as reqaested by Beneficiary aay rights,ctaims or defznses Tmstor may have agaiast pazt�who supply labor =::�
<br />_ Y; .. or mate�i�als to mamtaia or�mprove the�raperty. . .,�!�••°.�
<br /> at its option,dectare the entire Balance of the Se�a�ted Debt w ' °�'�:�'-
<br /> �. • � •� . 9. DUE ON SALE OR ENCUMBRANCE.Benefic�ary may, _ °.„°----
<br /> - � � be iuimediately dae aud,payable upon the creation of or conuact_�or the creadon of an�r lien,encambiance transfer�oi :;;";j:_
<br /> .. , sale of the Propertp.T9vs rt t is sub}ect to the resui'arons imposed by federal law�12 C.F.R.591),asapp�icab2e.Tbis .�;�:.� _
<br /> . , , cuvenani sball r�a with the�opertq and sbalt remain iu effect until tUe Secured Debt is.paid in fiill aad-tHis Setud¢y --
<br /> . ,. ` lnsuament is teteased. � . � � ' � -- -
<br /> , � .:.;� . 10.PttOi'EI��'Y CONDITION,ALTERATIONS AND 1NSP�CTION.Trastor will�the Propertp ingpod conditioa � °•_•��::'�._-
<br /> �'E ---- .
<br /> aud matce aII airs tHat ate reasonab�iy necessary. TnuWr sLall not commit or slIow any waste, �mPaitment, or °�`'.
<br /> �'''� wlli keep the Propenq free of nngiaas weeds aud gasses. Ttustor agces tLat the . .. •:,.?��-";
<br /> . . deterIatadon of�e Propeny Tzusror •' ,f:.�,. ,..._...._.
<br /> � natare of the occapancy ancl nse ari11 not snbstantiaUy cLaage withouc Benefi 's prior wduen consent.Tsustor wil�nni :. �: .�.,,._.,
<br />_- . , '...i . petmitany cha�e inany license,respY��na�+s, claims,�avd acdon,�s S�Tn�st�,sand�of�any2o.�ss�damage to� �. �t. �-..�.����:
<br /> nuufy Benefcciary of aU de�an�,p g _ -
<br /> . . . � � : PmPertp• ' . _ _
<br /> � � Beneficiary or Beneficiary's agents may,at BeneBciary's opdon,,enter the Propertg at any reasonable time foT thepurpose ,: _ ��-
<br /> . ; . � of insPeet�ng the Property. BeneSciaiy sbaU give Tiustar nouce at th� dme of or before an �ecdon sp fed 'y�ng a . ��:�_.
<br /> � � . ' .; reasona6le��purpose for the inspecaon. Any,inspecdou of the Property sLaU be entirely for Bene ciary's benE�t end -. ---
<br />- . : ' Ttastos arilI in no waq rely on Beneficiary's mspe�don. . • . ---
<br /> �� ;� _
<br /> ' • �`? 11.AUTHOItITY TO PERIrORM.lf Trostor fa�s to perform any duty or any of the covenants contained in t1�is Security -�.
<br /> ER
<br /> � lusWment, Beneficiary may, without notice, Perfmm or caase them to bo perfotmed. Traswr a�points Beneficiasy �s - �.
<br /> � ' . . '.� attorney in�act to sign Tiustoi's�azne or pay any amount necessazY for perfomQance.Beneficiary s ri�ht to perfosm for
<br /> � T r u s t o r s h a l i n n t c r e a t e a n o b li g a a o n t o pe r f o t m,a n d B e�:��a r q's faibre to perform an'll not preclude Beneficiary from . ...
<br /> . :� e x e r c i s i n g an y of Bene S c i a t y's o t her ri g T rt s u n der t he!aw or t L i s S e a u i ry I n s t r�m e n t. l f a n y c o n s u u c d o n o n t h e P r o e r t� � ;. .:.,, �'::,.,.
<br /> . :. is disconnnued or not caaied on ln a reasonab i lea�on of the��oay��s t e p s n e c e s.s a ry w p r o t e c t B e n e fi c I a ry s . :, .
<br /> -. . ` - -� , secanty interest ia the Property,inclucLng comp ;. . .
<br /> — 12.ASSIGNIV�NT OF LEASFS AND REN fS.Trustor ircevocably�rants. conveps and sells to Tzustee,in tcust for the _
<br />: • beneflt of Beneficiary.as addidonal security all the r�ght,dtle and intetest in anrl to any and sU existing or f�ture teases. . .
<br /> " • . subleases,and any other writtea or verbal agreements for the use sud paacy of any pordon of the Ptoperty,inctuding .
<br /> any extensioav.renewals�modifications or subsdtudons of sucb agce�eat�� (all referred W as"1Lxases°)and rents,issaes � � .
<br /> A
<br /> ' � � and profits (all refeaed to as °Rents"). T�ustor will pmmpuy rovide Beneficiary with uue and correct oopies of s11 � •
<br /> � exispng and future Leases.Tn�tor may collect.receive.enjoy an�use the Rents so tong as Tmstor Is not 1n default under . .
<br /> the tetms of this Security Instcumeat. � . . . ,
<br /> . . '. T�ustot aclmowledges that this assignmwt is perfected upon the recording of this Deed of Tiust ancl that Benefciary is �. ' ��'
<br /> � entitled to notify any of Trustor's tenanta to makc payment of Rents due or to become due w Beneficiary. However. . .
<br /> • Beaeflciary a�ees that oNy on default will Seneficiary notify Ttustor and Tcustor's tenants and make demand tbat all .
<br /> � � � futare�ents be paid Qirecd�r to Beneficiary;On receiving notice of QefaWt Trustor will endorse and dellver to Benefi� � . . �
<br /> ' • ' auy yayment ofRents in Tmstor's possess�on and will receive any Rents�n uust for Benefclary and will not commi e . �
<br /> � the Reius with s�y other funds. Any amounts collected will be applied as provided in this Secniity Inswaien�Tiustor �.. .
<br /> . warrants that ao defanit exists under the Leases or any applicable lu►dlord/teaant law.Trustor also agrees to maintain and . .
<br /> � � require any tenant to comply with the terms of the Leases and applicable law. • '_
<br /> ,
<br /> 13. I.EASEROLDS; COIVDON�N[M�S; PLA1vNED IJNI't' DEVELOPMEN7'S. Trustor agrees to comply,with the '' � . ,'
<br /> N N[
<br /> � � provisions of any lease if this Security Inswment is on a leasehold.If the Properry includes a wut in a condommium or a `
<br /> � planned,unit devetopment.Tinstor v�nll perfum�all of Tnutor's dndes nnder the covenants,by-laws,or reguladons of the . .. . ..
<br /> � condommium or planned anit development. � .
<br /> " . . fP�qa �f 41 •
<br /> �•
<br /> � - � �j1990 Bu'2ms SYS'ern,�na.SL CIoaO.MN I1�B00387-Y341� form RE•OT•FIE 9/13198 � � .
<br /> .
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