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<br /> ` Property.The redtais�In khe TrusteE's de�s5a11 b�prt�a fasfe;evIdence uf th�tsnth oQ the state�ents tnude 13�eseia. -_
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<br /> - .s�aasl t��te,��i��of ttse Tt�stee's fees adcaallY ins�re�,nnt t�eac�ed °� �'
<br /> � � oi the prindga!aruotmY mf the na4e at the tbne of tbe decJaisiiun o�defaalt,arcd r�a.sonable attorneys'fees as p�ftted '�' _:;
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<br /> � °':��'„�' �. � ?3. @ewuveysttoe. tJpon paym�t�of all sums secvred by this Securiry Ins�ament. Ixader shatl re�st Trastee W �.�_:_�.
<br /> - � . rerond�r the Pcogerty and shall surrcnsler this Security Inst►vment and all not�evidenciag de6t setured by Wis S�tritg . �.-__-
<br /> - -- - Insdumem to Tmstee-Trustee shali rec�oavep ttte Prvperty witl�ttout warranty and withattt charge to thc pasoa os�taous tegalLg ��__...
<br /> .5_, ..� e�tided w it Such pe�soa or geasons shall pay a�r recordatioa oosis. � • ��-u
<br /> �.�`� 2:i. Snhst[ta�e Trustee.Lender,at iu opfion,may from time to time remuve Trustee and appoint a successor�stee to ��,,�_�
<br />_ �{;•� , r,.�`�, any Trastee appointed heramder try an instmment�ecorded in the county iu wiuc6 tiiiis Seamit�*•iostrqmeai ss c+ecorded.WiWout :___
<br /> ' _` oonveyance of the'ProPerty the sacce�sor t+vstee shall succeed w ali the ti8e.Po�ver and�:.�r�s coafened upon Trastz�het�eu► °=''-
<br /> � :` . . and by applicabie law. • .: ; �� �
<br /> 24.Re�u�t for I�totices.Borrower requ�sts that copies of the notices af��aaTt�d saie 6e sent w Borm�aier's addr�s . � � '_
<br /> `, , � . � w6icii is the Property Address: , � � . _ �_
<br /> � � �`;� ?S.REdetg ta t61s Sewrity Ia.�Aneut.If oae or mosc iiders are execated bi+Barraw�r aad recoided wgether with t2iis � ���._=
<br /> - - . Security Insarumeut.the covenants��g�eements of each such rider shall be ineorpordned into and sua11 amend and sapptedaeat �-9=;,.
<br /> !' . t�e coveaants artd agre�ments of this Securiry ImKrument as if the tider(s�were a gart of this Secnrity Insuwne�t. � � E..:_.
<br /> .. .4� [Check�plicab3e box(es)j � . . ' • . ' .-
<br />. . .a. �.,'{`� . _ � F_
<br /> ` .' '.}; �Adjustabte Rate Rider CoAdQminium Rider ❑1-4 Family RiBes �
<br /> � � : .;-t i 0 Craduated Payment Rider Ptanned Unit De�elo�ent Rider �Biweekly Fa}rmern Rider� � "` ,.
<br /> -_ . . '.` � 0 Baltoon Rider Rate Improverhent Rider ❑Seoond Home�ider , � . .. � --
<br />= '' ' �V.A.Rider . . '(�Other(s)[SPecifYl � , � ___
<br />- . ..`.F�_ • , , a: -
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<br /> .., � . . . . , . . • • •- . _
<br /> ���� • BY SIGIJINt3 BF�,Q1'�V,Sorrower aocepts sud agrees w the teru�s and wveaaats comai-'igd in ttus Security Insriumeat and `-- -
<br />}•� • � ��F in any rider(s)executed��orrower and recorded with it- • _ . _ -
<br /> , • . • �messes: � S .� . • � __
<br />.. , +:t�.�t � . !t��� �l�). ' ���.
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<br /> — � .. , e.!.;� Y . . ` .. _ - . . —__
<br /> �r;i . (SCeI) ($Cal) .. .�..
<br /> .. . . � � •Borrower . -8orrowet �_ ,
<br /> .�- '.s� . � —
<br /> �:,.�...,. ... � :� ; S'�'ATE OF NEBRASKA County ss:HALL ' � ___
<br /> ,' .. � f.{ b ��lA��'�g PRA r��nt��a�NDwCNA��eO���e�hisPRAVILRD day of D�CEMB&R �1997 : .�, :.
<br /> '. 'i . Y �.,.,.
<br /> _ . . � � . �Nitness my t�and and reotarial seal aq}j�(� ISLAND� NEBRA5R 'd nty,We omsaid. �_:
<br /> . . '; :. �` . My Commission Expires: ~ � �. � �
<br />='� . , ; , Notary Poblio
<br />�: . . , .� .:' :i
<br /> �. � �, GENERAL HOTARFState ot NeOrosta
<br /> .�, ..;�' � �_ EDWARDD.lAROSIK
<br /> - ' , � 61y Camna Ecy6et 4�.1999
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