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<br /> ' �`-. . �` �ay�nenis maY ao longer be requirad.at the option of L�.ndes.if mortgage insurauce coverage(1n the aamunt and for the period _ '
<br /> '4•` �'�"', ` .`;°' that Lender requires)Pr'nv�ded by an insurer apprnved by Lender agai�j becom�s available and is obmined.Borrower shalt PaY
<br /> =.g::.�•� ,; , t 8t --
<br /> .. the premiuias cequired to matntain mmtgage insurance in effect,or ta provide a ioss reserve.imtil the requinement for mortgage -"---
<br /> .� .` insuranoe eads in accerdartce with any writien agreemeni 6etween 8os't+ower and Lemier or agplica6te law.
<br />. .� �,. ' 9.Insge�ion.l.endes or its agtnt may make reasonable entries upon and insgeaions o€the Property. Leader sha11 give �v
<br /> "� � Bosrower uotice at the time of or prior to an inspeccion specifying reasonabie raUSe for the inspettion. ' '
<br /> , -- 10.Condemnatfon.The groceeds of any awazd or ctaim for damages.direct or conseque�tial, in o�ectiaa widi�r �`„�c
<br /> �• +; `�`�` condemnation or other taYing of a�r part of the Property.or for conveyance in lieu o f co n d e m n a t ion,a�e 8 e re by assi g t t e i i a n d �''�
<br />�:�' • shall be paid to Lender.
<br /> " '° ` • •,:�:'ti� . In the event of a wtal taldng of the Property.the proceeds shall be applied to the swns secared by this Security r��c.,�,n ,+* .��,...
<br /> - . �:� . whether or noi then due.Witll 871y/E)ICCSS�dW t0 EOIIDRCt. In the event of a partial taking of the Property�in wluch the fair
<br /> - " '`` marget vatae of the Property immediately beforc the taking is equa3 to or gncater than the amount of the sums se�ed by dus � �``'.
<br /> � : ..<r. . ���•:
<br /> _ .f• �• Se�vrity Insavment imm�iateiy before t6e taking.anless Bomawer and Lender otherarise agree in writing,the sums s�by �_
<br /> �, , L '.;',p�,, ---,
<br /> • ttiis 5eauiry Iflstrument sbaU be�duced by the amowrt of the pmceeds mnitipliad by the followiag fiact�on: (a)the total �.;;.___
<br /> - amouat of ttte sums seaued immediately before the ta2cing, divided by(b)the fair market vaIue of the Propert�r immediately . �=�'�;
<br /> 6efore the taiting.,Any 6alance shall be paid to Bomnwer. In the eveut of a parti�l talcing of ttse Property in which the fair
<br /> . msrket vatue of the Property immediately lsefore the tatang is less ikan the amownt of the soms secured immediatety before the .,���_,
<br />:r,'., - ' taking,unless Borrovrer and Lender otherwise agree in writing or unless agplicable law othernriss provides.the pmcceds shaU :a;_
<br /> . . '��,.,:�''��� 6e appGed w the sums secured by this Securit3+Instramem wheiher ur not the sums ate then due. . ��;�`
<br /> " .'_. .`. .: u` ,•. If the Property is abaudoned bg�arrower.or if,after notic�by i.ender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make an . ...�_
<br /> T:.` ' ': `�; 't"`°�: award or settte a�ciaim for damages, Borrower fails w respond ta I.euder within 30 days after the date ihe rwiice is given. � •
<br />.,., r . . . _ �;-,�
<br /> . �° , � Lender is authorized w oollect and apply the pmceeds,at its opdon,either w restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums , .
<br /> �.
<br /> ' . �. ���'�,: : � sec�ued by tfiis Security Instcumem,whether or aoi then due. . ..,-_
<br /> � .. � . Unless Lectder and Borrawcr otheiwise agreE in writing, anY 8PPlication of proce�ds w principal shall not extend or �, <
<br />:�. •,..' . :±`.4`.
<br /> , ,:;:�:��,: postpone the dae date of the munthly payments nferred to in paragraghs 1 and 2 or c h a n ge t he amount o f s�ch payments. ' ,�,.f
<br /> - •.,•s :.`,�.�,���` ll.Borrower N�t Reteased;Forbearance By Lcuder Not a Waiver.Extension of the time for payment or mod�fication ' ���-_
<br />_ ' :• ' � of amortization of the sums secured by tlris Security insdumeni granted by Leiider to any successor in jnterest of Borrower ahall ----
<br /> �� � • • � • not operate to release the liability of the originat�orrower or Borrower's sticxcssols ia interest•Lender shall aot 6e required w ' �y��.;`
<br /> ;...;' � • • .. � eommence praccedings against any successor in interest or iefuse to extend time for payme�or otherwise modify amortizatiun =�
<br /> � �.. ••��: " .:4: •of the sums secored by this Secvrity IasUument by mason of any demand made by the o�ig'mal Boirower ar Borrower's —_
<br /> ° " "•` saccessors in ihtemst. Any forbeazance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a aaiver of or preclade the °-`�-
<br /> ��� � ' exercise of any righ4 or remedy. �
<br />;.:J` .
<br /> ��.t .- .. � �. :!
<br /> . " . 12. Successors and ASSigns Boand;Jaint att@ Several LlabilIty; Co-signets. The cove�►ts and agreemeuts of this ���_
<br /> ��` � " • � � Security Insirument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigos of Lender and Boaower, subject w the provisions of �"��
<br /> ��'.' ``, � . , paiagraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-sigas this Secarity �::r
<br />` ' . • � . Instn�ment hut does not axecute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Insuument only to mottgage.grant and oonvey that �:r`-�
<br /> ' . � '� Borcower's interest in tLe Property under the tem�s of this Security Instn�ment:(b)is not personally obligated to pay tne sums �,..
<br /> � ' • , secnreA by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that I.ender and any other Sorrower tnay agree to extend.modify,forbear or �-;:-`
<br /> ��- � � -_�- make any accommodations witH ngard to the tera�s of this Security Insuuicent or the.Note witHout that Barrower's consent.� . � �=�.�
<br /> .� ,�_. '„ �• 13.Loan Charges.If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is sub}eci to a law which sets mamnmtm laan charges, • �__"
<br /> ��� �• ' ' •• and that law is finally inteTpreied so that the interest or other loan charges co3teetea or to be collected in connectiort with the
<br /> �-" - � �,��` . toan exceed the permitted limits,then: (a)any such loas charge shall be reduced by the ainouat aeoessary to reQuce the cha�ge. _..
<br /> �??.' � ', to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already coUeded from Barrower which exccede�permitted limiu wi11 be refunded to � _.__
<br />;�.�:. � . Borrower. l.ender maq choose to make tivs refund by red�tcing the principal owed under the Note or by malcing a direct ��:'.:
<br /> � %: : payment to Bonower. Jf a refund reduces pri�ciDal. the teduction will be treated as a partlal prepayment without any �'•�
<br />':i � � prepayment charge under the Note. . �•_.,�
<br /> � �.�. ,. 14.Notices.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Secwity Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing �._:_.
<br /> ±��� • : it by t'irst class mail untess applicable law requires use of another method.The notice shall 6e directed to tP�e Ptoperry Address �1
<br /> ���. •' �' • or any othes address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. My nouce to Lender sha11 be given by first class mail to .
<br /> i�'..��
<br /> � •_.�..� __��,. � . Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this
<br /> � � 5ecurity Instnunent shall be deemed to have been givcu to Boaower or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph. �- •.
<br /> • . 1S.Governing E.aw; Severabillty. This Security Instrument shrall be govemed by federal Iaw and the taw of the �=:
<br /> ..',• . • jurisdict«n.in which the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Securiry Instrument er the Note
<br /> � , conflicts with applicable law,such canflict shal�not affert other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note w€:ich can be �
<br /> �:;�;. �. - given effect without the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of ti�is 5ecurity Instrument and t�'�e Note are declared
<br /> •�r. �� ' to be severable. � -
<br /> „ � . 16.Borrower's Copy.Bonower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Securiry instniment. . �
<br /> � � . Farm 3028 9/9D ,
<br /> . . ,,.'�o�.
<br /> vage e ot e
<br /> .t. .
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