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<br />.. �!rr ._ . . ., .£ �° � ���.'',�'4.3�� � 'F.=ti,t�T� � r�a.j . A'• _ _ .�5. �` _ �t 4,� `� . 'P
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<br /> `' � WLOf O[$EIVYISCU14�1� `•t
<br /> ired to commencc Fmc�m&��°��sucoesor nr refuse w extend time for paym k ` r , H.'
<br /> •s�. . . inietest.I,ender shall not be c+eqn �on of auy dsmand made bY the originai Bomowa mad Barrowe�'s��s m ..r � F
<br />-. , � amonimiton o f t h e sum�secured b Y this D�d of?mst by e afforded b ry applicable law.sball noi be a waivu •; G�,
<br /> mq ar�dy h�mder,ot othe�wis � 4
<br /> � tauresf.My fotDearaace by Lendtr ia ace�asing at►Y� . � �` •���
<br /> t .R.4', ` � - .
<br /> � , ' of or pralude the exa�ise ofany sush right or remedy- �'!he covena�sts sud a8�aa�herein cantained shail � � t �
<br /> - - _;, a�en.a and Asstgns Bonnd;doi�and Sevesai ldabllltl+Co-�� ` .�.,H,.q„e R�rrawer.sulsiect to the Orovisions of� `�q.
<br /> � the edive.suco�soss end�us�"'L'."- -- -
<br /> �' :r. ,�. , bipd,stid the dghts Ae:r,under shali�ure to, �sA � � �;
<br /> . • patagraph l6 hereof.All covwsnts and agreea►mts of Boavwer s6a11 be joint�d seve:al.Any Borrower who co-sigu4 rhis ihedl'�ustu und� � .
<br /> J ` duq not acetule the NoLG(a)is a��si8oi�8 t�Deed of Trnst oaly to Sram snd convey that Bosawefs interest in ttie Property `
<br /> r '� ' ' u not peisana}tY Usble an the Nate or�ader this Deed of Tcust.and(�)a8��Lender and any at6a� , ,� :•
<br /> thi '��
<br /> - ._ tiie tau�of this fleed of Ttast,lb)� forflear,or ma4e asry oth�accommodations with reg�d m ttu tenns of this Dee�of Tmst o .. .
<br /> ` .`� '• Boerower he�uadra ataY a$ree w extend.mo�ifY. �Bomowa or mad�fying this Dced of Tnut as to that Bormwe�s tntaest in� ; '
<br /> a
<br /> �.�� th�Note wtthout that Bosrowers eonsent and widiwrt reteasing. .c.
<br /> —` We ProperiY• �ia snother manner:(a)anY no6ce to Botmwer provfded
<br /> \,� uired mmder 1e iaw W be giv . Y `.
<br /> 1Z. Notic�Excxpt for any notis:e se4 �� �It'eA mail addressed to Borrawer at the PtopertY .
<br /> '` � for in this De�of Tmst shall6e given iry deliveiing�or by mm'ting sacls notice by notice to Leuder shep i�e givea 6y� .�• � . ,
<br /> ° al vided hecein.end(b)anY
<br /> ' or at such other eddress as Boerower maY dcsi8na�b3+notice m i.�der as pm b notice w Bonower as prorided herein.Any ,` .
<br /> < < '�•, _ as Latder may designate Y `
<br /> = `� ' ceRified mall w Lendds address stsied herein ortn snch oth�addnss ��o Somowa orLeader whea giveA in the manuer designared hereta <.. ..
<br /> • ' aotice provIded far(n this Deed of Tru�shall be deemed to havebe�g�v' urisdictioa in �:��,
<br /> _ - _ 13. Govemisg Lasr:Ss�as6�ty.The state and iocal laws applicabie m thLs Dced of Tcusc shall be the laars of the j --- .- _ _
<br /> whlch the Fmpe�/7r is tacated.71te foregoing senteace sLait notiimit the appltcab�7ity of Fedeaal taw to this Deed af Ttu.a.[n the eveirt that any _ ' �_
<br /> ]u�bte�tavsr,snch confliet shail not affect other provisions of tt�Deed of � , �.-�� _
<br /> . .�� pmvision or ciausa oFthis Dceb of Tcust or the Nou confli�s�aPP' ` . -
<br /> Tntst or t he Nate w h i c h c a n b e g i v e n e t f e�x v i tt h o u t t l i e co�lid'm g pmvis�on.an¢w this end the provisiuns of this Deed of Tmst ead the Note
<br /> aad°attomey�fee�include all swns to t he e x u n t n a t p:o L i b i t e d b y a p P l i c a b le
<br /> . ` are dxlazed W be sevaabt�Aa us�hecein,"cost�","ea�Pense�" �'' _----
<br /> �.:• !aw or timitea heteln. =
<br /> � . .:_�'� 14. Borro�vera Copy.Bortower s0all be furnsshed a coafanned copy of the Note and of this Dced of Tnut at the time of cxeaction .
<br /> • � : '�. arafterrecurdationhereof. home reha6ilitation, . ��f
<br /> . . � iS. I�eha6Wtseion 1 uan Ag�eement Basrtswer shall ful�ll ali of Bonawefs obligations ander e�►Y ire Botrower m
<br />' . � . imptavcmeat,rePair.or ather toaa a�ceement which Borrower enters iato w�h Leflder.Ixuder,at Lende�s option,may re�N _-- - -
<br /> ' tabte W Lmder;sa assignmeut of mry dghts,claims or defenses whicb Borrower may 6ave again.at -
<br /> `; " Y;`�. exeurts an�delivar w l.eudeG in a form accep - -- -
<br /> .�. '� �• paNes who supply IaDor.masedaLs nr se�vices in connearon n+ttb impm`�ats m�ad�el o��flrt�of�the PropertY or aaY interesc iie it is so14 or . ' - -
<br /> - .. 16. Transfer oithe P�opertY or a Beae8cial Iaierest in Borrower. without I.ende�s prtor�vritten •,�.��
<br /> ;� ., . _, tis�ferred(or if a beaeficial interest ia Burrower is sold or uaasf�of aSt sums6 s�ecumA bY tU�s Deed of Tnist.However,Ws opt'son shali noi 'f •;Y•;f=.-�-�
<br />. ' consen�1.ender maY,at its opHon,�ectuire immediate PaYme�t� ----
<br /> -. -.�`•� be cxeccised bY Ltnder if exerdse is pmhititted by&dera!law as of6�e dats ofthis Deed of Tius1. ''•:• •y�
<br /> ' • If Lender exercises thi.s opdon.Leuder s�ail give Bari�wer natic�of scce�u�e���D�of Tnut.IfBmro�yo . •�..'R �.�.--
<br /> � -
<br />� � � • days fmm tho date the norice is delivered or mailed within whic8 8armwer sera�ies per+niued by this Deed of'Fnut svithout fi�rtha notice ar ��__ .:'a�.�.._
<br /> . �-.•� pay ehese swns pdor w the expiratioa of t6i�perio4l���Y ivvoke aay ;:
<br /> . , demaad on Bonower. as follovu� • � `� n
<br /> • -• . . . � :1,�.. PION-UNiFORM COVENANf'S.Borcower and Lender fiufher h;vensnt and pagree arrowers breach of uuy wv�e�u or 2�teemau of _- - __ - -
<br /> l7. Aceeleratioa;Remedies. Except a4 Pmvided in para�aP
<br /> w6en due any sums secured bY thjs Deed oYTiust,��Pdor W�cceteradan ___
<br /> � � • Bortower in this Deed oY Tnrst.including the covenanis w paY 1 the breach;(2)the actioa requ�red to cuso such bre�ch,(33 a -
<br /> . ' . s6aU give notice to Boaotanu as provided tn parag�aPh 12 6ereof specifyin8�i)
<br /> � -- � � date,not less tt�an t0 days f'rom the date the notIce is mailed w Barmwer,6y wtuch�s�����f Tnut and sale of the ProP�Y� . �--��-�.
<br /> , r 6reacD on or before the date specttted in the aotice may�sult in accete�arion a t1u �Yy �
<br /> The aotIce shall Porther tuform Borrawer of�he dgM to reinstate efter accefe�don end tAe rig�ct w bring a court action to ossest the noaexisteace N =T_-
<br /> of a defautt or any otber defense o IazBie�aRll of the sums s6 vrcd bY this Deed of'fwt to be imm ',�atelY due ea0 payaDte witho t fiutUer de�►and . .,;;.- �=°
<br /> '� L e n d e r,e t L e n d e t s o p t i o n.m a Y d e c h c a b le t a w.l.e n d e r s h a l l b e e n ri t t e d w c o ll e d a U r e a s oaa6le costs aad • , ti �•:
<br /> . • . . . .•'� and may invoke the power of sale end any othec cemedies pemritted bY$PP�
<br /> _ � • expenses ineutced in p u r s v ia6 t hC cem e d i e s p t o v i d e d in this pa�g a ph 1?,inetud'mg,but not timited w.rea�onabie attomey�fees. '_,'. i.�".�--
<br /> , . • if Leader invokes the powa of sale,I.cnder shalt execute or caus�Trastee to execute a written nodce of the accunence o f s a e v e n t o f �.;�T._ -�-.
<br /> �'�.,�� ---
<br /> !�'`�'��"� default and of Lendefs etection to cause the Proreny to be s�td and sha11 cause sach noEice to be recorded in eachlicabie Ia Tnistee sha11 give �
<br /> , . or some part thaeof is located.l.ender or Ttustee shall mail copies of such notice in the manna prescx�'bed by aPP � Hcable � F..,:::...:. _ ._
<br /> licabte taw.After We 1aPse of such time a4 aiay be required bY aPP �,,,;-_ �- -
<br /> public aodce of sate to the persons and in the manner prescribed bY�ublic audion W thz h1F,hest bi8der at the time and piace and under the _
<br /> ` � law.Trustee.without demand on Borrowcr.shall scll the Propeny P _3, x,..
<br /> l � terms deslgnatcA in the notia of sale in ona or inore parcels er►d in suc6 order as Tnutee may determinc•Tcustee maY Fostpone sale of all or any �,�: _
<br /> , parcel of the Property by public asurounc�nrnt at the time and place of any Drev1ouslY uheduled sale.Lender or Lendeds designec may . ' ` _-�-
<br /> • . � purchase the Property at any sate. so sold without any covenant or wartanty.exPressed or �� -�-- _
<br /> Trustes sh�11 deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed convey{ng the PropertY .. .
<br /> .. . implled.The recitats in the Trustee's d�Ed shuil be pdma facie evtdence of tAe bruth of the stateme�►b�m�o�imited t�reasonableTtu9tee's �� ' � � .
<br /> • . • . " . proceeds of the sate in the following order:(ay to aU reasonable�osts e�a e�cPe°Ses of the sa1e.inetadiag, ';�..: :
<br /> � � and attomey�fecs and costs oF dtte evidence:(b)w all sums secured bY this Deed of Tn�sfi and(c)the access.if any.to the person o:persons
<br /> .' � . ' � � legaily entitIed thereto. • � r •
<br /> � Ia. Borrower'�Right to Reinstete.Notwithstanding Lende►'s acceleration of the sums secured by ihts Deed of Trust duc to
<br /> ";.�,, , . Bonowu's breach,Bono�ver sAaU have thc dght ro have any proceedin8s be&�a"uant to the pow rf of sate sontae ined io thls Ueed a Tu*ust or(ii) . .
<br /> ` time pdor to t he ear i ier to auu r o f(i)thc fi0h Qa y before sale of the Property D
<br /> �, ' � entry of a judgnent enforclns this Q��°�owcr cures 1 breachaes otessny o h covenants or ageements o Borrower co jntained in thi Deed � . • . ..
<br /> � � the Note had no acceleratton awurt .O .
<br /> � • � of Trust;(c)Borrower p�ys all rcasonablo expcnscs incurred by I.cedet and Tnutee in enfoning tlie hiT h��fdin�d ng,but not limtted � �
<br /> � contained in this Deed of Trusi.and in en forc i ng Lcndcrs nnd Trustee's remedies ag provided in paragrap
<br /> . � : . . to.ret►sonable attomeys'fo c�und Hoaowcrstabl�ion to pay thc sums secured bY t�s Deed of Trus�t sha11 cant nuo�unimtp ieA�Upo s u h .. : � �
<br /> L e n d e r s i n t c r e s t i n t h e i� D r t p
<br /> . • , , payment and cure by Dorrower,thi9 Deed of'fnist and the o b l igat ions secure d h e re b y s h a U r e m a i n i n f u l l t'o r c e a n d e f f e c t as if no acceleration `
<br /> .. • had occurred. .
<br /> '• �,. • . • �
<br /> '�•�� . ° . . . �
<br /> � �� ., � .
<br /> . .. ,
<br /> _ ----, , :-� � �
<br /> � � • � NEBRA5ICA-SECOND MOf1TGAG(;-1/SO F NMA/FHLMC UNIFORM INSTRi3ii�i8 ?aga 3 of 4 FQrm 3828 -._ .- : "
<br /> r a ,
<br /> ., ` . .
<br /> �. .. , � - t � ... -.;9—_
<br /> . , _ .. . . _... . . . . . . . . . . . . � .. . . . . . .�.. . • . ... ' . • . ' � . _ .� . . , � � _, �—�fi4�-i1,a 4�iq�P.A --
<br />