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<br /> ��` n on or r ae aeoo n ere r any ce or ns.as R. .T--_—_.
<br /> � may,herefnaf�r ba advaneed or inamad and the uust hereir�fter mamloned and other geod artd vafuable consideratinn,tf�e reaeip0 and sutflctsncy of whirh .���
<br /> � � era here 1 s y admovAe d g ad.Qratttor I�by Imavanhly wanants.bar�a(ns.esits.transfe►s��artla�m�aY$end assi�s to Tnistee. hls suocessora and
<br /> ;�.s�:r ----- -
<br /> , asslgns,IN TRU9T WPFH POWER OF 3RLE fot the 6enefit and seauiry af y�rnt sans ae eouw aamm (aacicmai asaoataeion) `,=w., ..-----
<br /> ; � � r�a�r�.� =-
<br /> - n r s o nis1,un r an to e tem�s� eon ons set ertry an pa�sss n o rantats presem �- -�-
<br /> '�, � mid future estate.A�1.UUs and irner�st jn and to the real pmperty desa(bed in Schedufe A w1ilC�is attaehed to this Deed af Tnis1 and tneorporatod herein ..�'3:=."...-'
<br /> • by this reterenca.togather whh ali presem and fuUaa tt�roverroms and ftxNres:aU tangihte�rsonal ptoperty i.^.�udng whhom Ortdtation aU ma�inery. ��'�`�"!-:;t::=y—
<br /> ",', ' equipmarrt.�g rtta�r(ats.artd gooda of eti°�,.ry nawre(exetud'ing consimer�ds)naw or hereafter toc�ed ai ar used tn conrtectlan wnh ri�real `_:-�`'u^_;:�-�
<br /> , . prapeAy,wt�4ser or rtat a�ixed to the Iand:prAn�s•hered'rtartems.end�ancas(nctucfing a0 davelo�nartt d�ts assodated vrith the P:operty. ,..,��4 _
<br /> e��hetlter preutously or suhsequertBy bansfetred to the Properry tremmher rea!P�PeKlI or naw ar hereafter susceptlbla oi transfer fcom th[a Propertyto o6�er _._
<br /> . - real property:ieases.Itcensas end other a�eemerNS:rema.issurs and proGts:water,we0,�,�aservaU and rtineral rt�ris and smcks permUiing to ihe real � _iY,_
<br /> � pmpeAy(wmuiailvely'Property'):to have and 4o holQ the Properry and 4►e rights hereby�artted for tAe use and benefit ot Lsnder,hls successors and :-- . �=� -
<br /> . . . assl�a urtU7 paymet»in tuU of all Ohitgatlnns secur�d hereby. y� � �•`��#•".`'`"
<br /> . ,.,' Mareove►,tn turQier consideratton.Qr�tar does,br Cirantor and Qtantar's heira.representathres and essi�s,IrarebY expressh►warram.covenam.end • '�:�'�;-
<br /> . � . _ . a�ea wfttf Lender and Tn�stae and lhetr suaessors and assi�s as foltov�s: ... : =�"'�-
<br /> -- , 1. 09LIGATICidS. TMs Oeed oi Tnist shall sewre ihe payrtem and perfomanee of a0 present and future Indebte�ess.Iia6ltiUes,oCiigaUons and • . '• ��`
<br /> � covenatrts of Bormwer or(irsrttor(artedaHveiy'Obligations�to Lendar pursuant to: � ' •.;°. ;.� -
<br /> . . ',,.,-,,,__ -�_
<br /> (a)ihis Oeed of Trust andUie foltowing proMssory notee and other e�eemerrts: -.-.�-�,---
<br /> -- ... Dqt�EO���j A�AEN DAS� : D�A1� NUEBQi . . .. - - _—�
<br /> .; .
<br /> � � .' � 30,000.00 10/09/97 10/09/02 4190080885453374 � --
<br /> . ..�� :., �_�..
<br /> (b)all othet prese or en agree n re er s y s e mst v .tv exee r e earne ordH�emnt : � • •�
<br /> . .�, . PurpOS�BtantAetoret{olnB): • "• '.• ' '. � �.
<br /> � '" . � (a)arry guaianty�of obiigations ot other panles given to I�ndernaw or hereafter exeaited tt�a1 retera to this Oeed ot Tmst; . .""�""°"'����
<br /> . (�(uture advanoes,whath.�abllgatory or optlonal,to the sarre extem es(f rtada oante�pa.�ously wlth the exeallon ot this Oeed ot Trust,mad�or •
<br /> � . oxtended on behalf ot Qr^�r ar Bortawec (irentor agrees that if ona of the Obligations is a Ting of cra�t,ih0lien ol tAis Deed ot Trust shall oorrtinuo �� ";'
<br /> , • im�il payrnem In fuU ot all debt�te undet ihe One notwithstan�ng the taet that irom tlma to tlrre(6ut hefare temtln�lon of the flne)na balance may foa , . . :
<br /> � � oulstand!rtg. At no Urre�dng thB term d this Daod ot Trust or eny e�:sion thereof shall the unpaid and oNStan�ng sewted princ�+J future ..
<br /> '�K.� ., � advances.r.cf indudtng sums advanoed�,�L°nder to prateet ihe sea�iry ct",.1is Deed of Tast,exwed the`c�iawing errourtl: �n,nnn_c: .. .
<br /> This pravislon sha11 not oonsUwte an obli�on upon or wmrtdtmem o1 Lender to make add'itiona)advanees ct"nana to Grantor;and ,
<br /> ' (e)a11 airendms►rts,e�Rer,suns,renewals,rtndflealiona reptaoemortts ar s�stitutlons to mry af the fotegoing. .
<br /> As used in this Para�aph t.the terms Ciraritor end Bo:rower shall indude and aJso mean any(3rantor or BomrNar i}mota than one. •
<br /> � ' Z HEPRESEMAIIONS.WAHRANIIESQ°:DCOVE[VANTS.Orantorreprasems.warrantsandeovenantstolenderihat: . �
<br /> . • (a)(i�antor has tee sir►�le rtiazicstabte UUa to ihe Property and shaU maintaln the P�operry frea of all tlens,�.vad'ny irnerssis,onwmbrenaos and ctalms � . , ,
<br /> � exeapl tor thle Osed of Trust and those desaibed in Sehedule B,whidi is attacfied to thls Oeed ot Tn�st and Inoorporated horeln by reterenoe,whieh ,
<br /> • Orarrtor a�eos to pay and pedorm in a tlmeiy manner: ,
<br /> � sb)Grantor ia in oort�Slanco in all raspeets wtU►all epplleable federal,siata and loeat�aws and�egNaUons,Induding,wlthoN Iimitation,those relating to •• . • • .
<br /> Hazardoua MateAate:as d9Nned herefn.and other errvironmorttal matters(ihe'Emimnrr�mai Laws�,and neflher the tederel gavemrtearA nor any , .
<br /> . • olhor gavemmerrtal or�asl govemmemal enGty has filed a 11en on the Pmparty,nor are ttrere any govemmontel,jumclal ar adrtiNstrathre eqions wtth . . �
<br /> respecl to ernironrrerital matters psn�ing,or to the bsst ot the Grarttors tmowiedge,thteatened,whicb IrnoNe ihe Property. Nerihor Qrarttor cor,to the� , .
<br /> ' hest of Grento�'s knowtedg� arry other party has used.generated,reioased.�schargeQ stored,or�sposod o1 any Ha7ardeus Matertais as defined _ • .�
<br /> � hsrein,in connetUan wfll►the Propsrry or lransported any Hazatdous Materiats to cr nom the Properry. (3rantor shaU not cortu�t or pomdt su�acUons � .
<br /> ' to be taken In the Nhne. The term'Ha�rdous Materlafs'shail rre�n ariy subM2noe,matedal,o►waste which is ot becorros regiiiated b • � _ ; •
<br /> �•�.'. � govemmental aulhoricY Indumng,bu1 rtot IiMted to,(i)peVOleum:pi)MaEiO o►nonfrlable asbestos:{iii)polychlorinated 6lphenyls;(iv)lhose st�s�ano�s •
<br /> � matedals or v�astos d3si�ated as a'hazatdaus s�stanco'pur�uam to SaeUon 311 ai the Clean Water Ac1 or Ilsted pursuam to 3ee0on 307 ot the •
<br />- � � c�oan wete►ac►or�ny amendrt�ms or rapiaoommta to ihese statutes:(v)thosa su�stattcas,rtretedats or�vastes dofinod as a'haaardaus waste' , , , -
<br /> : ,,. � pursuar�t to Section 1004 01 the Resouroo Conservation and Reoovery Act or erry amendrr�nls or reptacemants to that statu[e;and(N)those .' . • .
<br /> � substancns,matorials or wastos definod as e'hazerdaus ou6stanco'pursuaM io Sectlon 101 ot the Cort�rehensive Ernfronmerrtal Rusponso, :
<br /> • � Componsation and Llabiliry Aet,or any amen�'nonta or ropiaoorroms to that�tatute or any mher sirtilar stato or tederal slatute,ru�e,reguiatton or
<br /> ormnance now or hureaHer in eftect. G►antor sha11 not toase or pomit tho sublease ot the Property to a tenant or suhtenant vAioso operallons may
<br /> � resutt in corttaminatlon o1 tho Proporty with Hazardous Materiale ot to�c substancos:
<br /> ,_: '• �
<br /> •_ �-�--�--
<br /> , " � � NEDOt Rav.29� ptpeld6 � , _ �
<br /> -�, ` • . -
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