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' � • � , �t 1 ��1f.. <br /> ..:___r -_.�e�-� { ��r �p p��p� . __ <br /> � �f/f� �G6.6/�F �RV�[ ■��a��`Y��r f'�6IV0�0�1G�� t__ -1.' � .`.. : <br /> _ s F�.w�t <br /> 4 <br /> `` b .19�Z_�bN and amon� x � <br /> $ _�:.. of Kovem r . �� ' <br /> • THIS OEEa OF'I'RtiST,is rttade as of the��_�Y �'; F . <br /> `-i `t( �nbrid e Huabaad sud �1ife � �.� �_���.,,:. <br /> ..' �1+e7n�mr, Go�don D. Bainbrl8 e aad Ra sae L. t <br /> � *,c �aAnz (hetein'Trustcf.whether ons or more). <br /> � rnoan R08B-0 Crnnd Y9�� --- <br /> � whose maiting addtess ts �' a -. -- <br /> . . p0It3TS H�D�, � Nebrasls,e CosPoratioa _ <br /> • .. ��. ' ; tl►eTnsstea �� Graad Islaad NE 68802-1507 (ttesein'Tnjsteery.and ��'_r-'- __� <br /> �'t .� ` �� P. 0. Box 1507, : .1.- <br /> . . � . whose maatng ad �',':•;:. <br /> � . � .:.., �; <br /> , the BaneficiaN. F S { <br /> ` NE 65802-1507 (harein'Lende�. �� : -_ <br /> . . whase maiifig address fs 0 80 1 07 Gran@ Is � - -_ <br /> , ,,` <br /> � • ABLE CONSIDERA7tON.inctuding Lende�'s extiartsion ot cxedii ide�c-d h a�t° ��'r•- - <br /> . : : FORVAW n eae d e tkaateceipt <br /> , . ��..;�;,,��.•. in eseln'Bortower, whsther one or mo�e)and the trust•herein cneated. �;�.�_. <br /> � m co Tn�s�e.�rs TRUS`T.wmi �:`^- <br /> .� ,-�+.:�_� rdr�,Oansfets.conveys and as�i�ns ,�:� �°-'-�._ <br /> .. . �:��• of.whtch is her�b 1►a d c n c�.�d g e d.T r u s t o r h e c e b y irtevacabty 9 .�---� <br /> ' . OF SALE.for U.e C�nefit and sea�l of Lender.under and su b j e d t n t h o t e r m s an d c u n d'rt l o n s h erelnafter set torth,the real <br /> `,f'. � `. ,• ptopeftY desaibed as follovr� --=_= <br /> l <br /> . � . ..=----- =�1 =opertY set fosth oa "F•xhi.bit A^ attached hereto aua made a part hereof by :;_- <br /> r�: � That � y <br /> 4;',e- <br /> , ..���•. . sef erenes. easements.s�9�•Pdviteges and apA��� `-- <br /> �� '�== <br /> streets,alteys.P�'�Be�� _ -- <br /> '. '� � Together wiGn al!buitdings.ImProvement�.ft�dures. reversions and remainders theceot,and sucA peT . �. '�... <br /> ., • . ;`�•: .�: [opta0 thereon or in anywisa Dectaining ther8to.an0 the rents.tssuss and pmf.:�, -_ <br /> h.�2ting and oacMg ecWi� <br /> . • , sonal pcoPeRY thal is attached to tlie(mprovements sa as to constlWte a tnctura ir�Yding,but not limited m. �.� <br /> --�=-1`°--�-=-- men�and�ogeiher <br /> wlth the homa�tead ar mardai interests.if any.wh3cA interests e�ts secured bll th�Uea otethis Deed Trwt and --- <br /> ',:s�.� <br /> � -_� ... �ng rep(acemenLa and additlons hereby daclawd to be a paR of e ..,.���'_ <br /> ` � �"' , aU of the foregotng b$ing referred to herein as the`Property�• 2 201Z-. ' �_ <br />' � This Deed ot Tnist sha!!secure(a)tt►e payment ofi the P�n�Dal sum and in:�e�idenced by a promissoifl nO�or esedit agree- — <br /> � . having a mat:�Lji��a1 Nov�•�--•-8 ---- <br /> :�• ��.. ,^=� <br /> � ment dateA Novembar _ _�_. <br /> ' � � 0 6 0 0.0 and any and ail r:tadifi+�Uo�s�extensions and ren�Is � � <br /> , • • in tho odgirtat pdndDal amount oi$ � - <br /> . � .�. . herein ca��ad'Nate'):(b)the Pel►ment ot other sums advanced�v�nQer to. ��_:-- <br /> . . . there�f or theretu end�anY and atl tuWre advances en��eu�+p�A Bortawer(or any qt them if mo�e th�m e�d)alt presem ar�d' <br /> f.�:� . . �__ ' . <br />,�:._...:, � • � to one or more promissory notes or credit agree _ <br /> •;,' � . , .� .. proted the se�ot the Note:to)the pedortnance ot all oovenanb and agreements oi 7nistor set faRi+ . s- <br /> . ' future tndabtedrtess and obUgaUons ot BaRavrer(or any ot them if more then one)w�ender v�t►ether direc�t.indired.abso�ute ar oontl�r � <br /> " ' indudin wlthout IlmitaUon agreements and ,.?�.- <br /> ent and whether adsing by note.9uaranty,ovetdraft os oth�nvise.The H�is Deed of Trust end anY end�11 other documer�ts that . �` - <br /> - g - - <br /> seaure the Note or o t herw i s e e x e c u t e Q i n c o n n e d i o n e _ <br /> . � assignmerrts olleases and rents,shall be reteRed to he�ein as the�Loan InsW men b'. <br /> .:ti:;:.; : .. Trustor cavenants and a9rees with Lender as totiows: . . <br /> ,;:�i!. � 1. Payment oi tr�abtedaess.All tndebtedness�sa��e�tt e d asiththon�oaconvey tlre ProDertY.and warrents that the Ilen creat _:..�, ••� <br /> 2, �gQ,Ttustor is the owner ot the P�oDenY•�pt for iiens and encumbrances set tatWti by Trustot In wtiting end deCOl n��o ;;;, . ' <br /> • ed hereby is a flrst and P�or lien dn tl�e Prop�Ry. ,��:- <br /> � Lendor beTcre execuUon oi this Deed of Trus�and the execuUnn and deiivery ot this Deed af Tn�st Qoes no!vinlate erhf <br />.."`i;.`. ' . other obtigaUon to wh[ch Trustor is suhj�ct. ' " . <br /> . 3.Taicea.AS=�smeata To pay betore Aelinquency atl taxes.sPe�al assessmenis and a0 other charges against the Pr�P�� l <br /> • nativ or hereafter trt�i�d• insured against damage by f�re,hazards inc(uded�nnt��n�e�� e�nQ�COVerag <br /> 4.tnsuranee.To keep the PropeRy <br /> . � other hazards as�ender may roqutre,in amounts and w�dersuch polCiGes,btha Lenderis suU�otized to adjust.COt�t��� .' ,' . . <br /> - . . such <br /> � named insured,wlth tosa payable to the Lender.In case ot la n ail or pari ot the�rtsi.-rance praceeds(�)to�►1►in a _ . <br />'`�-�;,. � �� , � wmpromise,all daims thereunder and shatl have the option of applyi 9 :,i <br />:�'�::tr-.. F� ��; � secr�red horeby and in such arder es Lender may determine�h�a�eWng the I en oi hts Daed oi Ttus eto�Ne����OU�e�� . •. <br />`-�:�j' • se or obJect saUstactory to lender � . <br /> (Hi)tor eny othe�P� �qtions oi proceeds to indebtednesa shatl not extend or pastpone the d�e d�te <br /> � � � hereby betore such payment ever took ptace.MY ePD . . <br /> • ' • of any paymerris under the Note,or cure any detautt thereunder or heceunder. <br /> . ' � .Escmw.Upon written demand by Lender,Trustor shatl PaY e foilowinr�:�(i)aU tax s assessments e other�charges agai� <br /> 5 <br /> ' ° sums to enabte Lender to pay as they become due one or more ot th ili the premlums on any mo�gage insu . <br /> � �_ �0 p�ope�y� (ii)Ure premiuma on tho property insurance required hereunder.and O <br /> .'�.;' requlred by Lender. 9n ood condiUon and repair,sha11 � <br /> � � 6.Malntenanee,Repairs and Compilance vdth Larts.7rustar shall keep the Properhr� a 5����o!oommi�suffer <br /> � � . . prompUy repatr,or repiace any improvement whicb�bstantialamaiter any oi the 1 provements on the PropeRy any waste or deteRora� <br /> ?•" :� � tion o1 the Property:shatl not remove,demolisb or s ��yiotaUon ot any iaw,ordinance.or regutation;and s1�a11 Day end Drompt►Y dis� _ <br /> '� or permit any act to be done in or upon the PropertY <br /> or any <br /> � .; charge at Trustors cost and expense all Uens,enwmbraaces and charges levled,imposed or accessed a�9��o��p`hQ In�r <br /> , � part thereof. <br /> . _ 7.Emi�ent Domain.Lender is hereby assigned all comDensaUon,awards,damages and o er pay � t <br /> .-'_:- � �---�:._..._ . •, •_ a . • . <br /> ---- --°- � . . <br /> � e�ea�ssnn�*�amar"°'� __ :._ <br />._ ����y&,,,�y�rvneasr'vv,w snrnm A+sou��rcmt N�� . . <br /> .. ' . � ' ��,���.��� _ <br /> _ � _ - ' , _ ....'___ - ,. �- . ._._.._'_._ ,t• . ...�-..—"—' _'...,--•—_ _. ' - . - .' - ' _.��'�••_.;, _-.-�--.�_...�..:+:.v�y�..5.���.. <br /> , � . .__. _ '-" ° M:...�.+.,'.-.....�.-• ^� _ �-,f-^"---�.�--'--''. � - '"''—'�"P=7'�---_ . .�y � , .,- . , - <br /> ...-:-•.""-r-^'-,��-�'..�•.. �•.:.� ,. r�;.:;. ._.��i .:tt:i�t _.�. -s iu.,3 .s,:w. ._ .....: � , „ . . , a •-'•- <br /> - _ __ ��.........'r...i..� •'�.�'m'��::ti.. .._., w't. __i','7 °!- .. .`�'�->'�"'t'1`�!�:'F'�:'.?'�"a".•�.:z:['..�.�t`�'!:s'!.°.s�?-*�:. "t..+e:'.:�'Jl.'�rS`Y`.'�•'* . yr... --.. <br />