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�'.,.�. �c `� '<. . ;� ..yfi.. �y.r.�r.c^ : � ,et. <br /> _.. ^'-^,'�.:t _ -�s:� .t.�.,. �. ._a.T. ... 4` .. <br /> ..'�. — <br /> ` �t �—� - r.` ._ _ - -_ - .-� _ _ -_ _ �� - <br /> : ,o . . 1` t`.. <br /> 4 4 <br /> i _ <br /> .. � .. 'R ' ' " <br /> �_� 4.,:o & "'-� `G�..o . r .�� '.` �t.�. c _�7".`a �, tt� ' -�,>, - F-�. <br /> ` �. <br /> < � '� t �' <br />. •".'Ft°'� - b _a�. <br /> , t.C: � � �,p:.. <br /> .4�� __'" �. <br /> , 'Y . �:��'i � f�7 4 � A� � � -,y` � <br /> ���t '.L n 1%, � � �} 2 "'�� 4y� -� ,� <br /> .. Y. .,< r. � Rt � Gl► .�p t71 +i � o. �f. �- <br /> � ['1 ` t� i'� �C n <br /> �,�,: _ .� .t. �e A p 'st � � �`�'a.�. <br /> .. �xv;� . � � �. � •et� (�.� r:� <br /> _�� . • `{"`;� ,� � '� �� � � • ,�r� <br /> . ' f'rf7 '� � r � � .. - <br /> , .'s, n • , � '� p O r '�l <br /> vv <br /> ' .�.1:.�� '���'{', a . � �, � m ;N,. <br /> • . _,��. � w . .�'. <br /> .. ,. ���-L- ` D��O�� •���/������L���W y <br />_ , . ,_ !� 1g 97 -by and among� . <br /> TIttS DEED aF TRUST.ts rt�de as af tha 2nd_daY of Decem e - • <br /> . o .a-:;� <br /> j �T�� Curtis L. Smith and Christiae A. Smith, husband and wife ° ���; �� <br /> •✓ <' " whos�maDing aQdress is 8 (h�iein Tnastof.�vhetheione cr more). �'tr�"�' <br /> � . _ <br /> � . . . the7n�es Five Peinta 8an1c� a N bwask�_Corp�'atlon -- <br /> . . ;,:�';�_ <br /> ° _ ,. `. �mnsa mai�,g adaress ts� D. Box 1507 ' Grand Island�,N E 68802—l507 (herein Rn�ee'►.and - , <br /> .. . . tneeenetra�yr. F e �i ts Ba k -��. = <br /> `� .r. ;; "_ - � <br /> �-;• �- �== �mose mam�,g a�tarsss�s�015 N. Broadwell Ave., Gra�d Is.ta nd, N E 68803. (nerern�.+enas�'?. ��,::---. <br /> � r . ��OR VALUASLE CAN81DEEiAT[ON,indudng LenQers extension otcredit iden�fied heretn te � p r u��,e� i nc_ � <br /> . � <br /> ,; . �heteln'Botrawer;whetAer one or mare)and the trust herein aested.tha receiPt ". � <br />. `T.°°.:,'%'; , of wht�is hereby admawtedged.Trt�afis hereby irtevocabty grants.transfeis.comteY�and assf8ns bo Tn,stea.IN TRUST.WITH � r�=--- <br /> POYYER OF&A/.E,far tf�e benetit and se�au�y oY LeMer.under and subjed to the terms and oonditions hereinafter sat tortb,ihe oeal - <br /> . . '. . properiyQesai6edasfo�ows: _' - <br />-�� ���� �� Lots �i) and 7wo I2), Hemmingsen Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, , --_ <br /> �` :,.. �. ;: Ha11 CountS►, Nebraska. --- _ <br /> . ... . t,Y f --.. <br /> . . Togetfier with a3 trr.itdirtgs.impravements,ft�s.streets.alteys.VassaSaways•easaments.dflhts.Rsio'L�9es and appurtenances �,, <br /> `` �. ::-..�. <br /> tocaUed therenn ar��cyvrlse peRaining theretn,a�8ia rents:issues end pcT.,�.reve�stons and remain�s theraof.end such per- —. <br />: `: ;,_' " sanaf G�Peril►�at is a�ita�ed to tha imAravementa sa as to canstiwte a fudure.induding,but nc4 limited to.heating as�d 000ting equip� _ <br /> 't�� .'� mer�and togeMer v�(th the homest�ad o►marftat interests,ff an5,wl�ich irrterests are hereby released and waived;aB ot which.i�ud — <br /> • � � ��, fng repiacements and aQdiUons therem,is hsreby dadared to ba e part of t�e teai estate secured by the Qen ot Ws Qeed ot T[ust and =-� <br /> .�',,,, ' + aii af the foregoin9 being refer�ed to heretn as the'PmAeRy'. � �'.�'_� <br /> � " � � .'3 Thts Oeed ai Tnist shaSf secure(a)ffle payment ot the principal sum and tntec�est evidenced by a promissory note ot credit agree� <br /> , mertt date0 pg�n t� Z, 194? .h a v ing a m a t u fl t y d a t e o i��,p,�,5, �9Ag �T�:..•,_. <br /> ' . � .'i (n fie origina!p�incipaf emount of$ • and eny and ail mediflcations,ex[ansic�s and renawab • �_'_� <br /> ttiereo!or thereto an0 any and e11 future a ances and ceadvances to Borrower(or arry ot them it more fhan ons)hereunder pursuant <br /> ta one•ar more p�ry��or cr�di!agresments(heretn calted'Note7:(b)•the payment o!other sums act�rdnced by LenQer� ��-"� <br /> ';. ;•, � -;-;: <br />';' . •• �� protect fhe secu►ity ML":e Note;(c)the perfomr�,r,ex3 oi aD covenants art0 agr�c�nb ai T�ustor set forth f�rein;snd(dj�11 present mid . f;..: <br /> °� � � ,j tu�re indabtedness an0 oDligaBons ot Bomower�c¢Eny of them it more than one)to Lender whett�er direct.indir�ct.absotute or oonitn-� <br /> ��.. .,.�i����.. '' . „ � . '- <br /> . . . . ; ,, gent er�cf wnether adsing by note.Suarartry.over�raR or otl►en�lse.The Note.fhis Deed oT Tn�st an0�rry an0 eti o�er document9 it�at <br /> secure lfie uote or otherwise executed in wnnectMn therevdth.irrotuding without UmitaUon guarante�s.secudry ag,�snents anQ <br />'". .,�. �.�,;��.. , assignments af Ieases and renb.shall be refemed to heretn as the'Loan tnstn�menb". <br /> ;� � TnrsWr covenanb and agtees with Lender�fottows: - <br /> ; , � . .` �� 1. Paymont of tnde6tedness.AD indebfe�:sss secured hereDy shait bo paid when Que. ' <br /> •� �� 2. Tt41e.Trustor is the owner ot the PropeRy,has the right anA authodty w ccmrey tt►e Property,and wartants that the Uen�xeat ' � , <br /> � '� ed hereby Is a first and pdor Ilen on the Property.excePt for Ilens and encumbranoes set forth by Tnistor in wriWg and deltvered to • : <br /> L�endet before execWon ot this Q�eO af Trust,and the execuUon and aetivery oi Ws De�d Trust does not violate any centract or <br /> ' othar obtigatlon to which Trustor Is subject <br /> • 3.Taxes.Assessments.To pay befora de9nquertcy all taxas,speclai 2ssessments and all other charges egainst Ne PropeRy : <br /> - naw or heresfter tevteb. � <br /> � � •• 4.fnsuranee.To tceep the Property tnsurEO against damage by fire,hazards inetuded within the tern'extended caverag�.and . <br /> � . such other hazaMs as Lender rr.�-y amouMs and w(th companies acoeptebte to Lender,naming Lender as an aEQiBonal . <br /> �:. named insureQ.w(Ih toss payabte to the Lendar.ln case of loss under euct�potictes.the Lender is authorized te��ect and , : <br /> - � ' eompramtse.alf daims thereunQer and shali have the opUon ot apptying aU or paK oi the insurence proceeds(�W any Inde6tedness <br /> � � secured hereby and in such oider as Lender mmy tn the Tn�ster to be used for the repair a�r�,.storatlon ot Ure Pmperty or • <br /> � (i(i)for arry other purpose or obJect saUsfactory to Lender wtthout aNecting the llen ot this Oee4 ot Tr+�tor the PoU amount secured � <br /> '. • � hereby before svoh payment ever taok place.My aApticaSons ot proceeds to indebtednass shali not ex4end or postpone the Qua date ._ . <br /> ..�.,• � ; ,• ' . oi any payments under the Note,or aure any defautt thereunder ar hereunder. . , • <br /> 5.Escrov�.Upon wfitien demand by Lender.Tnistor$haU pay to such manner as Lender may deslgnate,sufficieni . . <br /> ' ' sums to enable Lender to pay as they become due one or mere oi the tollowing:(i)ail t�xes,assessments and other charges against <br /> • � , the Property. (ii)the premiums on the property insurance required hereunder,and(iii)the premiums on any moRgage insurence <br /> ' . . requtred by Lender. <br />� � 6. Matntenanee,Repairs and Compltanee v�ttb Lav�s.Trustor shatl keep the Property in gaa�condiUon and repalr.shall <br /> - �� . � promptty repair.or reptaoe arry improvement�rfilch may be damaged or Aestroyad;shat!not commit or Parrnit any vraste or detedora- <br /> � � - tton ot the Property;shat!noi remove,demotisb or subslanllaity alter any o!the improvements on the Prope�ty;shait not commit,suffer <br /> •� � . • or permit any ad to ba done in or upon tAe PropeRy In viotatlon oi any law,ordinance,or regutaUon;and shaD pay and promptly dis- . <br /> � . • charge at Trustors cost and expense alt 11ens,encumbrances and charges tevied,Imposed or acoessod agafist the PropeAy or any <br /> . . • � paA thereot <br /> � . . 7.Eminont Oomatn.Lender Is hereby assigned all campensaUon.awards,damages and other payments or reliei(hereinafter . <br /> _°�.:. ;._ _.�._. _� ,s,exvaamaaabaee�a..vas � <br /> __ ___ _� <br /> . � • Ot96ertimv&radtaxwoTnmoia:av�pw�.aaaaaimvmm ._ <br />; --�,, .• ' . ��� .. <br /> ' ,. � •""' '_ �.,�....---�^�•_--.._ ., .. - �-.r^^^_---rr....-r^TO."--»-�---•+�..--r,_�__.�:�..._.._�.-..--,-•-'�---• •--r-�'•--'•�`�..-��_.�.,r.+..-.,' -♦ <br /> �.------�--^;._^r"'. ..'__. ..- . . .(".,. ._ .. . __ .. . _ .. _ _ ._., ,. . . . . . _ _ .. ,.. 'l.,. � , _ , . . , . :c ,.�= . r . .i.. <br />