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201307102 <br />DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT <br />Page 1 of 9 <br />WARNING TO PERSON EXECUTING THIS DOCUMENT - THE POWERS YOU GRANT <br />BELOW CONTINUE TO BE EFFECTIVE SHOULD YOU BECOME DISABLED OR <br />INCOMPETENT <br />CAUTION: This is an important legal document and upon proper execution will create a <br />Durable Power of Attorney. This gives the person whom you designate as your attorney -in -fact <br />broad powers to handle your property during your lifetime, which may include powers to <br />mortgage, sell, or otherwise dispose of any real or personal property without advance notice to <br />you or approval by you. <br />These powers will continue to exist even if you become disabled or incompetent. You do have <br />the right to terminate or revoke the power of attorney and any or all powers granted within at <br />any time up to the point of your incapacity. <br />This document does not authorize anyone to make medical or other health care decisions. You <br />may execute a health care proxy (also known as a health care or medical power of attorney) to <br />do this. <br />If there is anything about this document that you do not understand, you should ask a lawyer to <br />explain it to you. <br />THIS DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY for financial management is given by me, Dolores <br />Jean Brown, presently of 2127 Water Blossom Ln, Fort Collins, in the State of Colorado, on the 18th <br />day of July, 2013. <br />1. Nature of Power <br />THIS IS A DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY and the authority of my Attorney -in -fact <br />shall not terminate if I become disabled or incapacitated or in the event of later uncertainty as to <br />whether I am dead or alive. <br />2. Previous Power of Attorney <br />I REVOKE any previous durable power of attorney granted by me. <br />3. Attorneys - in - fact <br />I APPOINT Gale Brown, of 3968 Lewiston Rd, Summerfield, North Carolina, and Beverly <br />DeVault, of 2127 Water Blossom Ln, Fort Collins, Colorado, to act jointly and independently <br />as my Attorneys -in -fact. Upon the death, refusal or inability of Gale Brown or Beverly DeVault <br />to act or continue to act as my Attorney -in -fact, the remaining Attorney -in -fact will continue <br />acting as my Attorney -in -fact in sole capacity. <br />4. 'Attorney - in - fact' <br />I will refer to my Attorneys -in -fact as 'my Attorney -in- fact'. <br />https: // mail - attachment. googleusercontent .com /attachment/?ui= 2 &ik=f l 8489e091 &view =... 7/18/2013 <br />
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