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<br /> �h. 4�. �.� G.- � �. X t ' y � .
<br /> - ,V `�4i' �4- ,L" Q " c'`` �� 4- �_' `cf-C � ` .�..�:J+t - H. < < �`.� 1;.
<br /> � � .� . - �4- °` � "r �f• a � � .
<br /> -� a-� �` .�� �.� il Q .. .,r�'t.. .. }•{.��_: � • �,h; � ;, .�� ' t. {. >�- `.
<br /> a - �` . �.t ' - ) .h. - •`,: ` • � - � .:f '��
<br /> ' a( •�. ��f •. o.p'. ` .t'F�, :Y'bo- '�f" . _ . y -��t. `4 z�
<br /> • �ea> ;t .d(.tv ..,` p � �w.
<br /> . �i k_ t�r _ • . . : , < .
<br /> �'- .`` • � � ` �.
<br /> ..Y.`"'� , �.`,.'t"' ' . . ' .s.::-r.
<br /> �;_: � "', .• payments taay no longer be�quir�d.at ti�e opdon of i.ender.if mortgage insuranoe oovetage Cui the amount aiW�for the period
<br /> . �r. � that Lender requires)Prov�ded by en insurer apprav�by Lender again tiecomes avaitabte and is obtaiae�.8or�wes s�sall pay ��..`._�-
<br /> • tha gremiums r�ui�ced ta maintain martgage insvrance in effect,or to provide a toss c�eserve.until the requirement for mnrtgage ��"�:`.-
<br /> `�� Sorcower and Leader or upgl�rable t�w. ����'`:=
<br />�:' S. .i'�.,:;,,',;`_ insurance ends in eccordance with any wsiuen ag�eement i�etWeen i���;
<br /> � �. % .� g;it�ectlon.I.e�er or its agent may make reason�bie enutes upon and insgectioas oF[he Property.L,ender shat!give k�;��;;
<br /> � y ' Borrower notace at the time of or prior t�an inspection specifying reasonable cause fos the inspa:tion. .
<br /> 4r ciireet ar consequential ta wan�edon witb�aay� � �:
<br /> '. .�: . . 1Q.Cond�natIon.The proceeds of any award or cdai�n for dam2ges, . ��
<br /> .candemnadan or other taldng of any past of the Property.or for oonveyaace in lieu af condemnation.ate heteby aesigned and e
<br /> _.� _-�_.. , � . , ��` �_.
<br /> . , shall.he paid�m Lender. ,� �--
<br /> `Y '� In the eveat af a tntal tatdng of the Eroperty.the pmceeds sdali�be applied w We sums secured by.this SscuritX Inswm�at, �.�
<br />� '. ',, , , r:.°��`: cvhether or aat theu due.witp uiry eacess paid to Borroa+er. In the event of a partial taking of the pmpetty in wluc'a tGe fair E`;9 r Y�
<br /> '��� �-<,;:�' , n�arket vala�of the PragertY imm�diatelY 6efore the tatang is e�nal to or.gteater than t�e ar�ount of the snms secured�y tbis �b
<br /> , t. •, �� gec�ri ry Instanmeat�mmediatelY hefare the taking,untess Ba�wer an9 Lendef otherwise agt+ee iu wrd�ing.tbe sums s��by� .�-i
<br /> � ':� � ;;��;< �` this Securit�r Iastnuneas sbatl 1�reduced by the anonnt of[he praceeds muliiplied by the following fiactiou: (a)the
<br /> ,' '.,: �'` ' amoant of t6e aums secaued immediatety before xhs tuI�tg. divIdsd by(b?the fair�narket vaIi�af the Pmperty i�nediatety .`
<br /> , . �°• �I�. � , 6efare the tafdng. Any balance shall b�paid to�Eo:rower. In the evera of a partial taldag of the Propertjt ir►wiich the fair -�,....��
<br /> ' market�raIue of the Praperty immediately,6efore the taking is iess tt�as►tHe amount of t6e sums secured immedisoety hefore the � =_
<br /> t a k i ng,tuiless Boaower and Lender otheiarise agiee in writing�or w�tess agplicabie law otherwise pxovides,the proceeds sha11 �„,v�
<br /> � , be a g p k o d Y O the sams seru�ed 6 y this SecnritS►�s�m�t whether or aot the swns are then d�e. � � _-
<br /> ae
<br /> � If the Prope�ty is abaadoned by Sorcower.ar if,after nofice by Lender w Boimwer tfiat the candemaor offets to make an ,�,..-_�
<br /> . aamrd or seUtle a claim for damages,Boaower fails to respond w Lender within 30 daps after the date tAe notice is gi�++e�, F�°.::9:
<br /> .. • ; •�. Si ,_
<br /> . . .�r' ;�._.__.
<br /> r ' Lender is anthorized to collect and apply the proce8ds.at its opdon,either w restorarion ar tepair of the Property or to the sums � ,_
<br /> -�.��� .°y'�.. s e c u r e d b y t h i s Securi ty insuument,whether ot not then due. _ , �
<br /> ��..,,`� : a!s h a l l nna e x t e a d or
<br />;�..�, . � . � UnTess Lender and Borcov�er othenvise agree in writing, anY aPPiication o�ptnc�eds to princip
<br /> a ee
<br /> ' - , ,..n -�: Postpone the due date 9f th�month/y paymetus�+efened to in paragraphs 1 aad 2 or ci�nge[he amaunt of such payments. . ' :�._.
<br /> .• , ym `.
<br /> ;,,. ." � . _
<br /> .. . s ' �� . 1!.Borrnwer Not Retease8;Forbeaxaase By I.ender Not a Waiver.F.xtension of the tima for payment or modificatioa i�._`_-
<br /> � �•;�°:. - . -.
<br /> -...., . .�.,�: of amort�ation of the sums secured 6y this Securlt}�Instrumeat granted by Lender to aay successor in iuterest of BoYrawer s h a ll �• .�,.
<br /> "; . ��.s:�
<br /> nut operate to release the liabiliry of the original Eorrower or Barrower's successors in inte�est.l,enaer shaIl noi be requ►red�t° r_ -;;:::
<br /> _ � commence proceedings against any successor in interest or refvse to eactend tiniB for payment or otherwise modify amorti�aiian _
<br /> �';,, ;. of the sums secured by�thIs Securtty Insua�em bY reason bf aay demand made by the,originat Borrower or Boriawer's � ;__
<br />-�� '�`�� • sua�sors ia interest. A�r forbea�anse by Lender in eaercising anY right or remedY shall not be a waiver of�or precIade ti�e . ;, - ___
<br />-� ` ' � ''f exercise of any right or remedy. . . �-----
<br /> `` 12. Successors�n� AssIgas Bound;Joint and Several Liabitity;Co-slg�ers.The covenants and agreements of tl�iis �.-_��
<br /> .. ;�. ..:
<br /> "� Securlty Insuumeni shall bind and benefit the successois and asstgas of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provislons of
<br /> paragraph I7. Hormwer s covenants aad agmements s1ia11 be jaint aad sr►�r�a1. Any Botrower who ca-si�ns this.Security � _�
<br /> I n s t r u ment bu t does no t e�e c u t e t h e N a t e:(a)i s c o-s i g n i n g tlus Securi t y i��m�t only to mortgage,graat and convey that ,
<br /> $ra � _
<br /> ' Borrower'$interest in the Propeny uader the terms of this S�ty Instn►ment:(b)is noi per�onaliy obli�tQ Pa7+the sums �-
<br /> � � ' secured by this Securiry Instrament;and(c)agrees that Lendez�3 any otheer Bormwe'r may+agree to extend,modifS+.forbear or ��-.,
<br /> '' ,r�'. make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Securiry InsUument or the Note without that Borrower's�cotisent. ;�:_--
<br /> ' ;. . 13.I.oan Charges.If the toan secured by ti�:s Seaicity Insunment is subject to a law which sets maximutn toan c1�arSes+ _ �_.-_:
<br /> �' ' ; , and ihat!aw is finally interpteteA so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected im�smecxion with tfie ��Y-
<br /> �t[r.•a
<br /> . � (oan exeeed the permitted limita,then: (a)any such ioan chazge shall be reduced by the aarnount necess2�to reduce ti�e charge �. ,.
<br /> -- • '�� to the permitted lirait: and(b)anY sums already collecied from Borrower which exceeded pemiitted limits will�be refunded to �:�
<br /> Borrower. Lender ma.q chaose to make this refund by reducing the pdncipal owed under 1he Note ei by matdng a direct �
<br /> • " . payment ta Borrowei�.. If a refund reduces pr;�cipal. tite reduction will be treated as $ partial F.�yntent wixhout any �_�_-
<br />,��" . . prepayme}�t char8e�-�`:r the Note. . . . � . �,�°-
<br /> �. _. `���
<br /> � •� • � � 1�1.Notices.My notice to Borrower provid�d for in thls Security Instrument shail be given by detivedng it or bry ma'tiing• . �;_
<br /> � � �'�����•` �'� �� it by first cla�.s mail unless applicable law requires use of ar_ct':er method.The notice sha11 be:directed to the Propettv Address
<br /> ' '.• . � or siny other address Borrower designates by notice to I.ender. Any notice to I.ender shall be given by first class mail ta �;__
<br /> �:... n �
<br /> � • Lender s address st���e:ein or any other address L.ender.designates by ca�ce�to Borrower. Any nodce provided for ln this , __
<br /> • ' � . • :, �� Security Instrument�':all ba deemed to have heen given to Borrower or I.en���✓hen given as provided in this paragraph. �t�-'
<br /> ' � � � 15.Governing Latv; Seve�bllity. This Securiry In�rsment shall be govemed by federal law and th�e law of the . E� �
<br /> � � : �. � � jurisdictioa in which the Property is locateQ,1n the eveat tF.:c any provision or clause of this Secusity Instrument or the Note � r�
<br /> � , ' ," � conQicts with applicabie law,such conflict shall not af�'ect otherprovisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which ran.be`
<br /> � . . ' ., � given effect without the wMicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Securiry Instrumem and the Note are declated_ .
<br /> � •:. � to be severable. ' �
<br /> . • • • � ::.� , 16.Barrower's Copy.Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security lnstrument.
<br /> .'.� ' , ,..� • Form 307� 9I90
<br /> - . ., . 4 Pr,o4of9 .,
<br />� ';. � . .� . . ' _
<br /> .. - --=..,�-,_;. . . `-
<br /> �c . . � . . � �� . . .- . .-- , . .. .. _ . � . . .. . - - .. . _ . . . . , - ' .• . . .
<br /> - ' . . . ' . ' . . . _ .. - ' .. . . .. '. . , . -... ' . �, -
<br /> .•' '� :. - �... ... �� _ _., ........__',. ��. , _ . � . . �. , �_ • _ .. . _ _ _ . . • . � ' � � . . . - • • ' .
<br /> - �� ,. • � ' • .. - . . .. . . . ' �. . , •. � . _ . _ . �f . ' � .,. . ..`.
<br /> . - .. ' . � • .. ' . .. • ' . - - ,• ' . � ' . . � - . �. " t � . . ��� �. .. .
<br /> . . � 1 „ _,- :�,...5' ' �.w.—...s.:_..._.��,--i<--�. . �- - -, . , .-:...�:-.., � a
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<br />