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<br />�n`�.`.:.F..r.,; �_,:�. Tl41S ASStG.NMENT OF fiENTS RIOER is�m8de en�euecuied,tt�C4 24f11_day c+ 'NoV@i!l�Bf t99�„-ead$
<br /> �.,
<br />-�;�v:� �. � 'EtCaspos�ed Inta and shall pe deemed ta ama�d�arid supA�emwn the lVtartgage or Qeed of Tmst,lreretrtaftgr teferted to as Ut8'S3Ct�dy` `
<br /> ���-�:�'':. U►s�r�!'. at the same d3te given by the undersigned, here�after reterred ta as the '8orrower'. to secure Boauw�r's trtd�tei;�ss, �.;
<br /> � , � g;* tt2r8}nafter referted te as the•Nate•,to UNIT�Q NEBRASiCA HAlVK ' '
<br /> . `'��F ' , hereinafter re►erred to as the 'lender', 01 tne same date snd COt�Qtg Me
<br /> . ':�.�.� pmpeRy dssenbed�the Sacun3y Instrumes+t and tocated a� ' . :: .`
<br />. �.-r�' :�;. , .
<br /> �'�:�-""3' 4180 REDiNOOD COURT GRAND 15LANQ NEBRASKA 68803 •
<br /> (Properry Add.es�) .
<br /> - --�=-�"—°`-" •,. . . _. �..
<br /> - -- � �-- —� ---- .. . .. _:__.
<br /> - -M .��s--- .
<br /> . � � ���F'�:. ; ��.-. . � ;�� ��� ' . . " - � . - ' .
<br /> ,.;��, �:y:` :` . �
<br /> �c .- ' - , ,
<br /> '> ''� WHEFEAS,�oris:�:�-�d C��.have agreed�tE+at eny rants artd pro£as attr3�uta6ls te the property shou:d aonst'�te add�tan81 s�u�►
<br /> �-- -, ,� - ; , to the t6ttd9r tor tRe payment oE the Note: • . -
<br />�. ", %'�- ' ; NOW,7HEREFOFtE,tt is agreed t�at.ttre Securny tnseument shati Oe amended hereby qnd deemed tb includa tlfe Io¢oYting pfaltls�� ��
<br /> ., . . �,°�
<br /> , ..��`',:`` �.'<"�� 1. AssiQnment_at Rents and lenQer Rentaf Cuttect�nn R"�. Borrower hereby absohitety artd unconditionaUy assi�s.911 teat3,tS4r109.
<br /> .' �:,°.
<br /> , �F,"�.``� titlq ptof�s af the pmperRy to Bsneficary. Lender shau have the tght.�ow6r and autt�oriry tAirfig the continuance of the Si>CUfi1�t fnStrlm�lt
<br /> ' � to COtt9e!M8 rems,tssues artd profds of tne`propartv ahd ot any personat property txat9d thereon with or withaut takin@ possossian G!tf�a
<br />' � .. " .',: • G
<br /> plOD6fty eHeeled heretsy. Lender,hovfever, hareby eonsents ta Borror+ePS coitnct�on aae retention a�such renls,rssues erro profTs ea they
<br /> ..,�:``� Q�t�Et and beCOme payable. so long a9 8eriowe! is not, at suc9� fune. m deiautt wdh respect to paymgnt of eny (n,i6bt8Qne38 s��tt8d •.c�,?"
<br /> .� ,y ,, ' . QBtehy.a�(n the DedQrtnance of any eg�eameni harc,under. . .
<br />.,� "� 2. E4Aaou�ime t ot RecAiver. It flny event of deiauR tn respect to the Security lnshument shall hav,e occurred 8rtd E0 COntUitl4lQ,t�ld:T. V
<br /> -. -,° ''�-'•�'• S9 8 mattBr ai figh!end wBhout notic�to 8orrov�er o�anypne ct3iming under 8or►ower,and wittaout regard to the vah�e of the Wst�Ot ���'':I
<br />` � •� � +' ► lRe U�t2r�st of thA Bonowai therem,snan nave tne r�}ht ro appry ro an�coun naving jurts�ctioa tD appotnt a rece+ver at the propeRy.
<br /> .. . �Y.
<br /> l ��. • 3. Rtaht to Possession. In case of defautt o�the payment of the said pr;nc�pal Note or'unnerest,or any paR thereof,as ft sheA m8lu[6�' ���'
<br />� . ' OI itT th8 C8S9 of hailurA to k2ep'or pe�fo�m any 0}th6 tonv@nantS or agreerrents Contai�ed in the SeCUrity MStrument,thgn�8 L�t1�E.Y.@9
<br /> - -.-��•'r���'a�- BttCCBSSars or essigns, sha1F 6a and is hereby authoraed and empoyrered to take 'rmmediate possessiors ot the saisl premtseg thAtatn : �-
<br /> � �• . ' d85Ct�ed and ta coitect the rents therehom,and to appty the proceeds thereof to the payment of the Note. �-
<br /> � .!.� .. , . � 4. �D�ication c+t Rentsj Issuas and ProfAs. Alt rents collected by lender or the receiver shall be applied fiist to p8yment 0!tlTS CQSb ,,,�..
<br /> � �` `"�� ot man ement ot the p►o�erty and co1'ection of rents, fine�ud� but not limii�.to, receivers fees, remiums on recetv�s bortQs�t� .
<br /> : � � 9. P �'..
<br /> ,.t,...,,, : .
<br /> .
<br /> •� reasonabt�attomay's tees.and then to the sums seeured by the Securdy tnsfi:^-�.Lender and the receiver sAatf bo ifabte to e0e0unt a� < �_ �`
<br /> . .`, . ;� Por Mose Bnts aCtnaffy recElved. . . . �.
<br /> , ,.�, � f ' �'.
<br /> �`�•' '� 5. �,onstn,et�on c�Provisions. Each of the provisions Contained in this assignment ot Rents Rider and the 3ecurRy Iqstrumen2 sh:�, :,
<br /> � ��f �unre,ss omerwrse sc-�:��any rgyurrea, be construed in accordance vrith Nebrasae law, and in the evant any pravistort�he�f� at tlt���-•
<br /> �' � � ! COnt86�8d sha(I be c::artnieed by a couA ol competent jurisdictton to 6e unenforceab(e, the same shali be consbued as thbuat►CuC11'
<br /> a. � �_, �.:
<br /> ` ,• � f unentOrCeabi9 provision were vot part hereof or Ihereot. � . • _ ,
<br /> ` � � � �,'3 � 6. ENe�t ot R�Ca+. Except as 'specifically modified by ar inconsistent witb this Assignment ol Rents�Rider or by eny other Cgpt'�CbaJ
<br /> , �•„�"t �r.eli of the teir^s<-.r.d provisions eontained tn the Security InsWmem shait cont+nue in full force and effect. . .�;
<br /> . . � ' � ,)`�= . � �.-•�3.
<br /> � � +�� IN WITtdESS 41�_!��F;Borrawer has executed this Assfgnm5nt of Rants F.:_r�cn the ddte f�rst noted ebove. �
<br /> �x��'� ',�'r.i' � �,b :; . ' � . \iA'A/Tr{�V � - _.. ' -
<br /> T •� . . . _ ' . ' . . P' �,�o^��Q� GENE COATES. � .
<br /> �'�. • • �:• ,� ' , ) :
<br /> ti':. •,. .. �.�•1 ' , a�„a.KI AHERLI KAY C� A�E� �
<br /> S � . .
<br /> ` � . � `� STATE OF NEBRASffA . �
<br /> :a,.�, ' . . �ss:
<br /> . ` COUNTY OP HALL
<br /> , _ . � ,:;
<br /> .t:� . �
<br /> �`� , • On thts 24tit aay ot� Noyember , 1997 , betore me�, the undorsigned, a Notsry RubtiC duN cammisgTOnCd pt10
<br /> •: ' . � � : qualitied to►said ccur-±.personal�y cama nUANE EUGENE COATES_AN� KIMBEFiLI KAV OATES . HUSB�IND AND
<br /> �,, ' . � WIFE. _, � .to �
<br /> � _ Q0 tt9 iQEntiCal pefsOn(5) whOSa nEmefS) isln�g SuDsCribeA to 1h0 foreqd:�g:nstrument, and helshe/Ihey 4cknotivt�dg8 the exeCUttaD th�COf .
<br /> . ; .
<br /> =�.� � . t0 be hiSPoerlthelr votuntary act antl deod.
<br /> ' . Wftness my nana and Nota��ar Saai at GRAND ISLAND ,�____. , NEBAA KA_ _ tn sard caunty.Ne �
<br /> ;n:.- .- _ . .___�- �-ta:,toiosat�. . ' .
<br /> �E ' �
<br />-.. � ' '. .c,�* �'Fy,r� ',��a;Y r:.:��1NILLIAM I.. BAci. LAN
<br /> . . .. �.. ;. _ � •�" �ly
<br /> �
<br /> . ,� �� o� �
<br /> . , , � My Commission oxp�res: AU,GUST 12, 2 0�';,��9,���f��P __ '
<br /> .�. ..: � . F�JA�1�.`�lifP6,d .
<br /> , , /� �9 1�d
<br /> .: . ,r e�4
<br />� itQ6�8.1M� (8/87)
<br /> . _,-_.,,. .. .,---.-.� -
<br /> � •.
<br /> --°.--^_""'_'
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<br /> _ ..==°"=__�.._ .. .._ ..._..i...._ _.. ... ... ..... . . . ... .. .. .. ... .,.. ... .. . .. . . .
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