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<br /> 4 • ,4 .F 0.. C ` _ , _ ` Y . _ O ..__�._ . .f at 4, ._
<br /> ..�y . . � '•. '�.� _ .� '� '
<br /> V - . • ' . ..�C. .�x . . �- ��K, - `Ca. i, � _ k . _ S•..S
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<br />- .. `t. � � � . S . . . , .4� ' . . t � � a.., c+' r
<br /> � �.. � .. (f.. . . . °,��: . .
<br /> .. _ .: � .S� � ���.1 ..f - ls C _.._...�.�..�Z'. ' .R i c ' ' ..
<br /> -5l�S� �. ' f _ . � ... ..
<br /> t.� . .
<br /> ' . ��_ ' . - ' ,
<br /> �f • t .
<br /> � � ' P���+Y��S�1�re,quire�i.at tDa opdon of irender.if monga8e insvraace covcrnge(tn the amount an0 fas the pmiad ;`:: �:_., ,`. r:, ..
<br />. . tLat Lgnder rec�ases)p�o�id�by an insu�ea approve�by i+�deJ�b��ova�able��is ob�ined.Borrawea sha]!pay the :: .,� C:
<br /> at e ��: -a'..�,�, .�.
<br /> < , '• ;�:` pmmioms req�ed oo mainmin maatgage iusuianoe in efffeG.ar tn psovtae e msg res�ve.untU thc reqviremex�t for mongag� � `
<br /> f � insus�ce e�ds in awmrdanoe w�h anY wiltien a�eement betvieea Bonocsrea and Lender ar applicab�e law. � , � �.•
<br /> ---""�`- - g Ynspectton. I.ender��rs�geat�y m�e�b�e�uies apon and inspestiat�of ttse Property.I�eadcs sbari give� .
<br /> z- --_.�--
<br /> � Boimwer notioe as the dtae of ar gti�or to an imspeaion speafym8 r��amable cavse for the inspecainn. °.
<br /> of an awacd or ctaim far damages.dir�t ar cansequential.m aonnection aitb anyr' ,. ��'` '
<br /> . • IO.CandemnatFom 'Ihe pmoeeds Y �' �:.
<br /> . . �. condemnatiaa or othea tatang of�y part of the Propeaty,ar far cumreysncc ia lieu of wndewnarinn,are herebY���(j :.' .�e...�., `
<br /> �
<br />_ sball be pai�ii to Lenderr. . � by this S InsOtunnent,�' :..
<br /> d
<br /> . . In the eveai of a tatal�ng of th��pmPe�tY•dte p:occed4 shall he �eti t�the smns seaued �► -0 ` ti .
<br /> <. ' wh�er ar ctai th�dne.arnh saY eac��d m Bmmwea.ia the eveat of apaftial tak�ag of the Prapeaty ia which the fau markeZ�
<br /> - �� vatae af tlse PmFeatS►�Iy 6efure t h e t a k fl n g is e q u a l o o a r�d�a n t J t e a m o u n t o f t l�e s u m s s e a u e d i ry t L i s S e c u r i t y -�-
<br /> : ;: .'<�t„r.
<br />- � �"..`�� Insimme�tt�nmediatel9 befare the ta�ng, unless Bo�mwea and€Rader ott�wise agce�in amimg.the sna�s se�ed by tius : �_.:'_
<br /> .,
<br /> • m b t h e f o ll o w i n g 5 a c t i n n:(a)t h e t n t a l emount af , ` , .,��'_
<br /> . - . Secauily Insttnme�t sUari be redac�ed by the amo�t o f t h r p r a c e e d s u��i i e d Y ` � .F-_�-e-=
<br /> l�P
<br /> ' - the smns sectued�mmedl�etY before the mlQng,divided by(b)the fair market vatns of the Prope,rty immediately befare the - ,.-.,;Y -----
<br /> _ taImng.Any balawoe shall be paid w Boaowa 1n the event of a parGial taking of the Prape�ty m whicL the fair ma�vaIue of the ,;°..-
<br /> :. - befoie the tal�g is less thaa the amo�mt of the sams seaued 'mameAia�lY bc�os� the taldng, tmIe$s ,
<br /> b ��.:+�'�::
<br /> ��y Is laar athetwise ttte p�aceeds sda�l be aPFl�i to t�e
<br /> j"= '` Boaow�a and Iendsr otheawis��ee ia w�inS ar anless s�lic�b ��• > --
<br /> �� '� .
<br /> "•� ` - • SNnS S�by tills SCC�1tY IDS�I3IIIP�t whEtbCf OI t102 the Sun18 8IC thCU duC. � �`. � _
<br /> ,1' ���y�8j1�1�DII8Ll bY BOIIqW�.O'f 1f.8ft8T QO�I1}►E:PA�W BQ80WEt H18L t�C COB�P�D1IlOr O��.iS LO m2Iffi SD >`�r
<br /> t, ' .. aw�d or settle a claim fur damag�s.Bosmwa fa�s w respond tn Ia,ndea within 30 days a�e�the d�e t�notice is give�,�� : ` _—_-
<br /> . r'' i,s aug�rrized to coIIect and app2y the proceeds.at its option,ehhes w re.smiatinn or rePair of the�itopedty or to B�snms s�ated , �t :;_.
<br /> .:.4 ,zed "� `
<br /> _-': by dus Seaudty Instmment,wheth�ar aot thea due. � , �'"=
<br /> Y '�
<br /> , ,...._, '�� IInless I.cander and Bo¢owea O��se�e in wri�mg,anY agPli�ian of�oc�s�p�shaD aot extend ar postpone _"T .__�.
<br /> ;�`•„
<br /> the due date of the a►onthIY P3ymea�tefeared to ia pa�agcaphs 1 aad 2 ar cGange theamoaat of such payments. • �
<br /> ii.Borrow�Not Fteteased;gmrbearance By Lend�Not a Waiver. Exo�asion of die tirme foi payment er mo�c�an -;;
<br /> �' � ted b I�md$r to sacxessar i�mtere�i of Borrawer sLa�d , F ---
<br /> . � ,;�,: of amoro�tiun af the smns�ur�by th�s Sec�ai�r Iasmnm�t gran Y �3' .�, ---
<br /> �;`� ��� � � � nat ogesate co reIeasa the tiab�it�r of the osigmal Boaowra ar Batrower's 9uccessois at interest.la�dea shal!not be req�b ;�., ------
<br /> :�.`�� � oo�unence piaceedinSg aB��Y�or in interest ar refase to exte�d tima foz paysuent or atherwise raodifjr a�a�dration of '::.,-_;. - -
<br /> PA
<br /> ;� .��� BOTiOW?d 0!$UtI09V�t'3 81ICCBS.4QIS ; ',:;�= -
<br /> :.';; , , the swwms ser�ed by this Secarity Insuumeut bq rea�on of any demand made by the original - —
<br /> m$ %'.K�;,._.
<br /> .. �. � � in iatae.at.My forbea�ce by Ir�der in e�cet�isa►g anY rIght ar r�nedy s6a11 not be a waiver of or pr�lude the e�ercise af any _ - _
<br /> . � nghtorremaiy' �e covenFU�ts and a�nents of tt�iis . �� ��:
<br /> . � �� 12.Suoc�soTS and Assigas Bouud;Joint and Several Lia6ility;C�siRners. g �—
<br /> � �,.• _
<br /> � . Security Tnswmeai shaU bind and bene5t the saccessors and assigns of L�endea aad Borrower. subject to the pmvisioas of . . .,.._�-
<br />----`�. � paru�aph 17. Boaower's cave,nants and ag�reemeats shall be joint aad seve�al. Aay BonuweY who oo-signs tpis S�itY , :-:,��rTM
<br /> ' ,:; Ins�ment but does not esecute the Not� (a) is co-siSninB�S�'In.�ument only to mortgage,gr�t and wnvey d�at ,_ _-
<br /> Baauw�'s intea�si ui the Propeaty under the traais of this Seauity Iast�enC(b)is aot pasanaliy o6ligated to pay the s�ms ` --
<br /> cga
<br /> • 1 secured by this Ser,�uIty Ins�tmm��and(c)agrees t hat I.e n der an d any m h e r B a r m w e r m a y a g r e e t o a c t e�d,m o d i f Y.f o�e a r a T ��,--��_
<br /> �,��,-::1- _-
<br /> .;. .r '. �.. ,• �., make any arcommodauons aritH regard w tl�e terms of this Security Inssnunent or the Nate withaut t1�ai Bottower's consent -- - ; :.
<br /> ;', .:.::..:. ... . ._ 13.Loa�u Cl�argea If the loan s�cured by this Seaaity Inswment is subjed w a faw wlricb seL9 max�mnm Iaan chazges„ �'-:��..��
<br /> �cu
<br /> �`;_. � and that 1aw is frnaliy intapretEd so thai the inte�est or other toan charges coitect�or to be collected i�connecaon wi t h t h e 2 Q a n �
<br /> � � exceed the penniued limits,then:(a)any sach to�char8e shail be re�uced by the amoum necessary m reduce the charge to the -,
<br /> �. , . '� . pe�udued tim�and(b)anY su�ns already ceQectQd froan Baimwer whicb exceeded pe�miucA limits wiil be refnaded tn Bormwer. , . _..;�:_
<br /> {. . • , . . Lended may c�oose w malce tbis reftmd by redncing the principal owed imde�the Nate or by making a d'uect payme�t w �?--�--�
<br /> . � H�row�.If a refisnd mdaces yrinciPal.the redustion R•r�be ueated as a panial�aYment without anY P�aY�t�� �° �°. _ --
<br /> ;� . � undea tfte Naty. ;c;::' .
<br /> a
<br /> . . . ' 14.Noti�. Any notice to Bmrower pravided for in this Seairity Instrumenl shaU be given by deliveaing nt or bY maiL�rg it =-- - ;---
<br /> . ,, by fast class ma�imless applicable 1aw requires use of anotAea me�hnd.�he nance sl�aU be directed w the Pcopeny AdQress���� ,.`" .:. .
<br /> , . . �y o t h e r adQress Bormwea desig�ates by natice to Lender.Any nodce t�Leader sball be given by�rst class mail to Irender's�; ;<:� . -' .
<br /> . • .. • adQress stated herein or�aY other address Lend�desi�atcs by notice tn Bmt+oat�My n o f i c e p m v M e d f a r i�t h i s S e c�i t y';` '>;t:. .
<br /> -•�•�! � •Instrmment shall be deemed co fiave beee�given to Borro�vc�.or Lend�when given as II��ded in this pa�agraph. . � .
<br /> � � � 15.Gover¢fng Law;Severabifity. 'If�is Secmiry instrumcnt shaU be govemed bx feQea�al law enA the taw of the �"° :. .�'.�.
<br /> , ' , jurisdiction in�xhich the Property+is Iocat�ed.In the eveat that any pmvision or clause of ihis Security Insuument or ifce l�at� `� •
<br /> � � � cantlias with applicable taw,such conflict shall not affe�t other provisions of this Securiry Instrumeat or the Alote which ean�� . . .
<br /> ' � given eit'ect wit3tout the conf]icting yrovision.To this end the provisions of this Se�auity+Instrument and the Nate are declared W
<br /> : . ... be sevelable. .
<br /> ,.. .,� .
<br /> __._ Form 8028 9l90 , .. _.._
<br /> : . , �•BH(NE�1ox�z�.o� asgoaote tniaaro:-- -.- •
<br /> .+ . . . .
<br /> • ,; _ ^_�___._._., __ -- - -_ .—.._______ ._ - - - . � ; . . . _ . . ',. . . �_ . . � . .
<br /> ,.. . . . .
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<br />