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<br /> -S. .� . S .F,• ' �. .c�.` `y- C -u'' �Ms--�4a,.f�"'� sy :Y �' :4 ti;h • �t y , �..-. _ `H'�.
<br /> J ,% r . .% Qw Y'} y KxF e}i3.c � � � r � Y T• `� . - .
<br /> ! i.LC�. ' ..°c . • �+ it< Z'• -;���•�� 6 . ''y .� -„ ���, . - � .
<br /> x ` - � � � Z�' f �- ` a ,�:{� ,:,`,s`•
<br /> F ��� �' . .�1� , � t5 _ ` �c`•t � a �ti. .{� � a � .. . .V� _.`,�i i Y� . t�`..
<br /> ..� . t .v.+P } C'f L��� �� � . , s . ...
<br /> E ,C �i.Y ���� 4L�-r��� l.ir' S- ' c 4 C� ' �' ;. .
<br /> , '-� �. . k � - Y'��� --r'1s - � .r kt' p a" n �'� :
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<br /> � -.t �1,-t � rr r � .
<br /> ` "'�`<<„ � � paym�ttts p�sy IIp tcmger he tequapd,at the optioa af I�end���e msuiance cove�age('m the amnunt aud f+�the geaipd . , . ,
<br /> $p � '�
<br />_�' . , thai L�de�raq�ites)pmvFded by an�ap�aved by Lender ag�hecomcs ava�7able and is obtained Bomnwes shaU gay dte . `�.
<br /> �., ' �;, p����mainnrin Qtattgage ia4�anse m effec�or to�ovide a toss reseave. imU't t�e:equir�eat far mos�age� . �. � " -
<br /> I k>' �ce ends in atcordanc$with any csrritte,n agreeme�tbetareeu BanoNwzr and Ixnder or applicable 1aw. �. .
<br /> • :� 9.Insp�ina. Lender ar its ageut mag make neaso�abte entries npwi an�inspecdnns of the Ptapeaty.l�der sHafl give� �,� :�r�, `
<br /> . � '�'
<br /> � `� ° Horro�es swrice at the wne ef or p�or on an mspectiun sP�r�nable ranse for the mspect�n. _
<br /> _ �
<br /> , - 1�.Coademn�n. Zhe pmceeds of aay award ar clai�for clama8es.d�ct or oonseqQenrial,in c�nne�ion wnh$ny� .�- -
<br /> . candemna8an or ushcrr taidag of aay part af the Propec�y,or far o�rayaace iu iieu of canQannatio0.ate hereby asslgned aAd� ' � � . ` ` --.
<br /> : ` ` ° shall bepaid to I.�uder. ` `
<br /> l
<br /> � �' ` In the eveat of a mtal taking of t�►a Propeaty.tlze pmcxrds st�l#be appl�ed ta the smas se��r+ed by ttiis Secudty Instca�em��
<br /> ' ' �`: . - vrlu�ea as not thea due.tvith euy exce.ss paid t4 Baaowea.in the evetit of apartial taking of dtePmpe�ty m which thefaic market�°: � _ . ,_
<br /> � � ' � value of the Ptapeaty emmediafety lxfore the tat�g is equaT to ar�ter tt�an the amount of the svms sec�ed by tbis Secuii,ry '
<br /> ���� .. lastrament imutedi2rely before the ta�ng,imtess Bmrawec and I;�tder athe�wise a�ee in writing,the sums s�6y this - . _-
<br /> x
<br /> � `':` ' . Socariry Iastiumeat sbaII 6e�by the amo�t of tlse p:oceecic mnitiplierl 6y the fol�wing fracdon:(a)the rotal ama�t af ,��F`':-'
<br /> se
<br /> :: ,�s - . the SUm.9 SeCtuzd ImmP.d38tEIy UCfOIC the f2kLvg�divided bY{h)fhe•f2a m�ket velue Of t1iP Pmgeriy imme�liateiy�yefOrL'W6 ... . --'-
<br /> :� .:�;. ::° � . takmg.Any batance st�aU 6e paid ro Borcaw�In the evr,�t of a par�al.�Cing of ti�Pmpe�ty in w�thc fair mv�cet valne of t�e :.; ,
<br />� ' . .:' �, pmgcaty immed'rately before the taking is tesq ZLan tde am�nnt�f�e sams secure� �befaie the ta�ing,unless
<br /> Ba:mwer and I.ender otheaarise s�ee in writin�or uNe�app}icable iaw o&eacvtse provides,the psaeeeds shall be applted to t�e
<br /> � s�uns s�ued by this Securiry U»suumea�t whetl�or noi the satns ate thee�due. ' - �'
<br /> °" '� If the Pcoperty is abandoned by Bmiower,os i�eftra nofu� I�cndei ta Bormwea d�at tl�se conde�na�r offess to make an ..�+.
<br /> . .. . �-:::�,�.:_ 1�Y. . _
<br /> - _, :: �;,. �' award ar seute a claim fur damages.Bar�ower fa�s to respond tn Le�idea wid�in�30�days after the date tth$uotice is give�,I.endet
<br /> 1' ° ' is anthori7ed to colIect and appIy the pioceeQs,at its optiun,ei�r u3�estaration ar�r af the Fiopeaty or to tbe s�s secureA � -``f: .- .---
<br /> > . by this 3ecvriry lnsirum�,nt,whetI�or aat then due. ': ;�
<br /> � �� Ualess Irades and Bmmwed otlu�rise agtee in wrivag,any applicatinn of g�eds to principial shall nflt exrea�d or�postPaae �:. . -°-
<br /> - ='.-�' the dnedateof the monthiY PaY�►t�tetened toin pa�aphs 1�d 24r c]�aagetbe ammma af sucb paymeats. � _-
<br /> � . � . , � il.SorroEVer Not Ret�ased:Forbearanee By I.ender Nat a WAiver. Exte�siun of the dme far payinent ar mudi6ca�on� -
<br /> �,+ � of amnrti�nna of the sums secnred by tbis SecoiitY Instruiaeat gwn�d by Leslde�r to ang successflr fn intearst nf Baaawe�sha�l � '�`:�r�;:
<br /> � . noi apeiate to netease the iiability of the original Botmwea or Barmwea's saccesspas�n mrracst Leader sLatl not be iequired to ,,;'`�, -
<br /> '; �;� �� •.. ' caBUneaoe Psoceedia8s�any successar in intedrest or refas�w a�d dme far�ayme.nt ar athecwisa modify amocpr�on of �.�7��•:.�=_
<br /> •E,_ �. • , �;...:,.-;�
<br /> . . � ,`. the sums secived by this Seauiry Instrumatc by reason of any dea�and made by the ostginal Bmmw�or Boimwer e snccessoTS . .
<br /> `. - in interesv.Any forbesiance Dy Leader is�cxercising any right or remedy shalt not be a waiver nf or pr�lade tbe exe,�cisa of aay ' ' .�:-_ . _
<br /> .,.: . ..
<br />'� � � right isr iemeQ�►. . ,�: ��:=
<br /> � . . 12.successars nua Assrgos Eo�a;Jomt ana severai Lia6ffiey;Gw.�gaeas.3Yie cov�s and ag�eanealis of dils '�";. . '.:f�—
<br />':�' � Secmriry Ingwmeat shaII bind and beueht the successors and asslgns of Lendcr and Burmwea.subject w the pmvisions of -___
<br />"� � ; , paia�aph 17. Barrowea's cov�ants aad agreeaaents shall be jomt and sevaat Any Bamow�cv&o co-signs this 5apuiry� . .--�
<br /> ., . tastrumeat bni daes aot eaea�te the Not�(a)is co-signing this Se�uity Instrumem onTy W maitgage.$rane and convey that � �.'•�"�
<br /> . �'G• .�. : � Borrower's interest in t6e Progerty undraa the tenns of this Secartry Inswmt�(b)is not garsosia]IY obligated to pay the avms • _- _
<br /> .� secuced by this Security►Instrume��ead(c)agrees tLat Lendec and any other Barrower may ag�ee w extend,mod�y,foibear ar � '.,,1.:i'� `�''�.
<br /> ^ '� make�y accommodations with regard to the tenns of this Sec�uity Insnnnment or the Not�wiWaut tLat Bmmwea's cansent ':��:-:;'�"=�-
<br /> `� .; _ ,.� 13.Loan C6arges. If the loan seciued by th�Sea�ity Ins�ume�t is snbjecc tn a law wiucb sets m�imum Ioan charges� �. ;.,��.�., -
<br /> " .. end that 1aw is finalty inte�pseted so that the int,�re,st or other losn charges coIIected ar to ba rollected'm ootmeaton svith the Ioan
<br /> �' � . � eaceed the pennitted limits.thea:(a)any suc6 toan charge slrall be reduced by the amonnt neoes�ary to reduce the edarge w the ;' . - __
<br /> •�� ,... .' • : peirtdttrA 13mi�and N)an5►smns already coll�ted itom Hmroc+m�which exceeded peimitted limits w�16e refunded to Borrower. ...:��-`---
<br /> .:•,.:� :;;--�-�,-,
<br />"'�� �. �: � Leuder mey choose to make this refund by reductng t�e prindpal owed under t�ee Note ar by makmg a ct�t paymeni to °-_; --
<br /> .• . � � Bmrower.If a refnnd reduoes principal.the reducuon wiU be aeated as a pamai prepaymeat wirhout any p�epaymea�t cl�arge .. .-``":-�`';;•.;:.
<br /> � Y�c
<br /> ";il,. . . `�, , wtde�thONOtQ. • ' .:.`-
<br /> -. . . ' • � 14.Nottcea Any notic�to Boirower pravlded far in this Security Inswment shall be g'sven by delivering itor by mailing.it=� �-����
<br /> .. � � � � � ' � by first cla�s ma�l uNess aDplicab2e 1aw requires use of another methoa.'Ihe no�ce shaU be tirected w@�e Property Address orf�r . ., .
<br /> � .:. . . . any other addrea�Bormwea designates by notice oo Lender.My no�lce w Lender shall be give�by first class m�l w Lender's°:� � .,-
<br /> ��:..�, � .
<br /> ' address state�he�ein or any other address Lender destgnates by nodce to Borrowra.My no6ce pravided for in thls SeGUity�,� ... �. .
<br />�`,�,�: . � Instrumant shall be deemed to have b�n given to Bmrowea or LeaWer when give�as provided in tlu3 paragrsph. � . ��.•..
<br /> e�
<br /> � � � . 15.Governing Law;�ee+etabllity. 7Tiis Security Instrumcnt shall be govemed by fe8eral taw and the law of the' '' � . � �.
<br /> _ . jurisdiction in whic6 the Property is tacat�4. In the event that any provislon or clause of this Securiry Instrument or the Note ",.'� '':
<br />- �. . � conflicts with applicable 1aw.such cantlict shall not affoct other provisions of this Security Insuument os the Note which can be ' .
<br /> • . � given effect without the conflicdng provision.To th�s end the pmvisions of this Securlry Instrument and the Nate are declared w .
<br /> . • . b8 SCVPd8bI8. - , .
<br /> Fosm 8028 9l90 � . .
<br />,;:�'`' . . -"� �-6R(NE)(92121.01 P�posol6 mit�U�._..--- '
<br /> . . . � . . • ' _ • .
<br />_ • . � ,' .
<br /> � • •
<br /> 4„ � . , , . ' .�.-...—•�7-""'--c:.--; . ' -,--.—.—��^ . . �.....-.-.-.-.--. ��.. . - .. ' • _ , . .. , _ .
<br /> S•.�' _ ' ' _ . . . ' ' ' . . . � . . � _ ... , . _'. ' . . ' . .' _. ..- , .
<br /> .F• . . .. . ' . . - _ _ ' . _ ' .. . ' . . . ' � ... .
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