• S.-�`�."..�..�.._:�:.:�.i._��.�.,c '- :'�-'�n:....:.s_�t:'m¢;,:f..�. �a.--� �.�.-.r� _f:.�c;-- �.;_� L.s-.t`^. ics.G s. ..�._4
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<br /> c h � t ` y°. 4� '.#
<br /> .b r t 4{ � �u •4 �x
<br /> � i1 F�� . _ •#��;t.`�`.'j�R�.'��,_
<br /> - �trc � �.�^. � . � T F�..
<br /> - ci.c':` ' . .4 ' , �
<br /> , �.
<br /> �.r ��; . �.�.
<br />_ '.!'� . • . �,�..
<br /> `� • • ' �������� `�S y ,_�
<br /> ..s f o�der as B�neficiary may determine. The entering upon , -.>, `�� r �`. ..
<br /> __ ,;.`,':,... ;��`..,<�..
<br /> '. ;`�: �`.� - . and takinq�possession of the trust estate, �he callectio� 4 � �
<br /> ` ��� `� �� ' �' of such reats, issues and profits a�d applicatf.on therceof < .���` ` ,.'`:`;°.< :
<br /> "��'�:�;, �:���: �
<br /> : r.;� as aforesaid sZiall not cvre or �waive any default or � s. �'�� s�-.
<br /> '.t_�f..;� �°�tr ' � notice of default hereunder or invaZidate any act and in � `;;::.6;•�` ;,°�:= ,
<br /> rL�poDS� LII S13CA aeiestii`t vs ivst::.::3:� }•.•n, �„-r--i� nntiC.e of -- - _
<br /> G default and, notwithstanding . the coatinuance in . .�
<br /> f �' possession of the property or. the ccllection, receipt and . ,,- �--
<br /> ,` .� < application of rents, issues or profits, Trustee or , � ..`°�:�-��
<br /> , r , � Heneficiarp may he e�titled ta exercise every right - _
<br />�, ; ,`, �;.; provi.ded for in any of the loan iastruments or by law �, -
<br /> upon occurrence. of any event of default, includinq the ,; :� �;'�
<br /> '� ��`�� right ta exercise the power of sale; �'� �-
<br /> "- •i �-��,�.�.H� -
<br /> � (b) commence an acticn to foreclose this Deed of �°�� "
<br /> ' �' `•t, `.: :� Trust as a mort�3age. aPPoint a receiver;. or specifically •„.'_ .-
<br /> �� `' of the covenants heseof; ` - °- -
<br /> .R enforce any __-_ -
<br /> - ;:.,,�:: -
<br /> (c) deliver to Trustee a writ�en declaration of . -
<br /> � '�' default aad demand for sale, and a written nota:ce af _ •_.---
<br />_ �:.`�;r,"'y defa�.tlt and election to cause Trustors' int�rest in the , - _ __-
<br /> 4, . � ``..•:f��. ._ pro pert y to be so�.d, which notice �rustee shall cause to _ __
<br /> --�� -•- be ctaly filed far record in the off3cial records of the � __
<br /> 7��� � coun�ty ia which the prop�Yty is located. �
<br /> _
<br /> . � _
<br /> ` '� '. •�,��r.;;.� � 1Z.� Fn ar-�r+�n - b� ow r•. af�SaLe. Should Beneficiary elect ��
<br /> ��,�e . foreclo�ure by exerci.se o the power of sale herein contained, � L-
<br /> , ..,.�, . � - -
<br /> � . �:,r. Benefi.ciary sha21 notify Trustee and �ha11. deposit c�ith Tr�istee �
<br /> , . . - this Deed of Trust and the note and such receipts and entdencs of �+;=.�� --�-
<br /> ,. }' f e�enditures made and� secured hereby as Trustee may require, and � ��
<br /> � . y �:. -�fi,�� upon request of the Beneficiary, tbe T�tstee shall file for record, _
<br /> �_�;,�"�
<br /> ` � � � � in the Register of D�eds Office in the ���unty where the property 3.s •,,,,,�;�`;�-�
<br /> located, a notice of� default, setting forth the .name of th� . �,,,,.;�;�
<br /> � � � Trustor, the Book and.Page or pocuinent No. of this Deed of Trus� as . �A;: ;� - -
<br /> • � � ' recorded in seid Register of Deeds office, the lega]. descriptiora of '�'��''
<br /> � the above-�described real estate and .that a breach of an obliqation,. . �.�:���:-y�1����-s =_
<br /> �.:�r• _'.P6T/•�5:....�._
<br /> � � ° � for which said real estate was conveyed as s�ecurity, has occurred, ;{�...,
<br /> - -� and se�tinq forth the nature of such bxeach and the Trustee's � ��.�-7 ��
<br /> � � �Y��' election to sell the real estate to satisfy the obligation; and , -j<a:-.. `_
<br /> ��� �. ��� � after the lapse of not less than one (1) month, the Trustee shall =�
<br /> `. : • �. give written notice � of the time and place of sale which may be � , � �'�'� � .
<br /> � � � � � between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at the premises, or at the •.��;�.�—
<br /> � Co�.irthouse in the County wherein such .progerty is located, � �,-_� ,
<br /> �.:•.;,�;;,'..:�� �. � describing the property to be soZd by its legal description, said �, ',� °
<br /> . :� .:.; notice to be publiahed in a newspaper of general cixaulation fn tbe � - __
<br /> County �rherein such property is located, once a week for fine i5) �, '�_ _ _ -
<br /> . �.' ����� consecutf.ve weeks, the last publication to be at least ten (10) -_-'=:;:�
<br /> ' � � days, but not more than thirty (3 0� days pr ior to t h e s a l�; a n d t h e , .� �`":=�r��
<br /> `�: t:
<br /> Trustee shall then sell said property at the ti,me and place
<br />.- •' ' i: � •• t. • .
<br /> . , , t deslqnated 3n the notice, in the manner provided by law in eEfect
<br /> at the time of Filing said notice, at Fublic auctian.to the highest . ' .:r`: .
<br /> � � • bidder for cash and shall deliver ta such purchaser a deed to the ; �,.. �
<br /> � . propesty sold, consistent with the law in effect at the time. :
<br /> � t �� `� Upor� receipt of payment of the price bid, Trustee shall : . . �
<br /> :h:: . .. .
<br /> deliver to the purchaser a Trustee's Deed conveying the property ..
<br /> � � � ' sold. Recf.tals in the Trustee's deed shall be prfma facia evidence
<br /> .'��� of the truth of the statements made therein. Trustee shall apply . . � � '
<br /> � � the proceeds of the sale in the following order: (a) to all ' . . ��� :
<br /> • � ���� reasonable costs and expenses of the sale, including but. nat =_� - - ,
<br /> � � - limited to, Trustee's fees of not more than two percent (2$) or the �
<br /> � '�� gross sale price, reasonable attorney fees and costs of title �
<br /> ., evidence; (b) to all sums secured by this Deed of Trusts and (c)
<br /> , � " � _'
<br /> .� � ._ . . .
<br /> �'. • � . �
<br /> . . • g •
<br /> ". .� _ :__ ._... E' � .. _'
<br /> • ,. . f � ' � . _
<br /> , �
<br /> .. , '. :. ; • �T^�.1,�"'-�r-�r'-h'R--rr'n�ar -��� �i i � u io....+Tr�-.i...-c.'-�:..•-riF-
<br /> . "�-.�:._.�.-.�..-,,,_,. .�...,..'.--- .-t,._-__�-:•=-�...-; .,�G_ . _ ��~ . . .� . . . '. �' . ^s ., � �. 'rJ� .� __ .
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