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<br /> `"`:,. ;.� . ` �0[iETHER WiTH aft the i�iprovemeats now or heteat'tter erecte�on tiie property.and all easements.apgurtenanoes.aad ,
<br />. � '' ' � "r,��� fixtuns aacv_os heceaRes e pan of the Prope�tY. All reglacemenu end adQidons shall atso be rovezed by this Secx�r[t�+ � 'k';
<br /> . ° `. tnsuument.A11 of the for�oing is cefemed to in this SecurIty lnstmmeni as the°Pmgerty.° � � ::
<br />- . `.�._�t ' BORROWEA COVENANTS that Botro�ver is Eawfi�lyseised of thc cs�ate hereby con�eyed and t�the right to graut an� -�
<br /> � wmey'3 h e P c openy an d t h a t t he P r ope r t y is unen c u m be re d.e�c c z p t f o r e n e}u n b:a n c e s o f r e e�r c l.B o r r o w e r w a n a nts and wlll ��;--.'-
<br /> � ` � � `` defend ge�rai�y the title to the Froperty against a11 claims aad demands.subject to any encnmbrances of recar6. � >�:
<br /> ��'.�` THIS S�CURITY INSTRUMEIVT wmbIaes uniform covenants fnr oational use and non-uniform covenants with Ilmited
<br /> , �, �- .variatioas by jurisdiction w wnstitute$uniform se�vrity instr�ment cover�ng real property. , ' t„-�.
<br /> iv
<br /> - `'"` , . [JNIFORM COVEN�ANTS.Bomnw€r and:i.ender covenant and ag�ee as foltoRrs: ,
<br /> . . �a.,.'�...
<br /> � �.� 1. Paynieat of Prirtcl�al aiad L�teirst, Pre�aymea�t and Late Chtugeq.Borrowes ahall Prom�lY Pa3+when dae'the � � �>��w-
<br />'�`.�:;�':.f:`:,l >.' priacipal mf and intemst oa the debt evidenced by the Note and anY P�Faymeni and taie charges due w�der the Note. t_.,,_
<br /> • ' ` Z.�bnds for Taxe�aad.�ce.Sabject to uppiicabte taw or'to a written.waiver by Lender.Bo�mwer s��alt pay to �:.�`.;.:
<br /> ` +�`� �"� ��''�� Lender on the day moatbtY PaYments are dus under the Nate.until the Note is gaid in€ul1,a sum 1'Funds")for.(a)�rearly taxes � �:',_�
<br /> ,�_�
<br />�' � . �'"+�.<<, aa�assessments which��may attain priorify over this Security Instnunsat as s liea on the Property;@)Yearly leaseboid paymeuts __..:
<br /> ° �' , • . or ground�rents on the P�perty,if any:fc}Yeariy ha7ard�or P�PQnY�sw�►Ce premiums;(d}.Y�r1Y f[ood insuxance premiams, : �.-.
<br /> : .4'.. L' - l
<br /> - •. . ..if any;(e)Yeariy mortg,age ia4urance premiutns.if any:and(fl�Y�FaYabte b�r Bormwer to t�vder,in accordance witb
<br /> , , ._ . the grovisions of A�S�P�8. in lieu of the paymertt of mortgage inswrance premiums.TlteSe items am cailes!'Escraw Items." . ;�,.-Pr
<br /> - � " �.� " '' I.ender may.at any time,collect and hold Funds in an am:ount not to exceed the maximnm amonm a lenQer for a fe3eralty x
<br /> - .. .c: . telated mortgage laan may iequire for Borcower's esctow accouat under the federal Real Fstate Settlement Pmcedures Act of � '��
<br /> ; � 1974 as amended from time to tirne, 12 U.S.C.Secdoa 2601 et seq.(°RESPA").u n less aan t her l aw t 5 a t app lies ta t he'F i m d s . '•�'`;,
<br /> .� '• ;�' sets a Iesser amoan�I€so, i.en�der may,at any time.�collect and hold Funds in an amount�t to excee�the lesser a�t. ��._=1
<br /> ``�� �-`; Leuder rioay�te the amouat of Funda due on tiie basis of c�ircent data and�reasonable estimates of expenditures of�uture` _
<br /> 4 �;r�, � � Escrow Items or othercvise in acoordanoe wiih applicable Iaw- , ' �. � �. .L
<br /> ,;=•� The Fauds'shall Ue field iu•an�ias6tutio� whose deposits are insured by a f,zdeTal agency, instmm��� , or entity'
<br /> al �+
<br /> '` . •:; ('mcl¢ding Leader,If Lender is such aii ins6wtiQn)or in an Fedeial Home Loan Bank.l�ender shalt ply the Fnnds m a the �` `�
<br /> :,,: '� , .:�.��_ Y aP PY e_-,
<br />_ _ .�.:.,.... Fscmw Items.I.ender may uoi c,�arge Bortower far haIding and applying the Funds.annuaUY anaIyzing tbe esctow account;or � f:-l'-
<br /> ~ ; ` verifying the Esctow Items,unless Lender pays Borrower interest pn the Fonds aad'applIcable law permits Ixnder to make sucJi ;�;_;:
<br /> �: �` .��•"' �
<br />'��_�.,:. �! � a c�.uge. However.I.ender.may require Boiruwer tq pay a one-time cl�arge for an independent real estate tax reporting s�ivice ;�,..
<br />`;;�:,`�� , used by•Lender in connrction with this loan, unIess appiicahte taw pmvldes othetwise. Unless an agreemeat is made or ;;,-�"�
<br /> ';�t� ,...�� . .:: applicahte'law requims interest to be paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Bflrrower any mtergst or�m.�gs on tHc Funds. �-
<br /> ,�` ` • :• ,;����`•. � Borrower and I.ender may agree in writing.hoWever.tHat intemst sha116e paid on the Fonds. Iender sttall give to Borrowet, __=i
<br /> �� � . • � . -,. without cd�arge, an anriva!accouming of the Fimds.showing credits aad debits to the Funds and ttte purpose for which each �—_
<br /> ``:1;:: :.
<br /> . :� r.... debit w the Funds aas m�da.The Funds are pledged as addi4ional seturity for all sums secured by t}us Secvrity Iaswment. �:�:
<br /> � �'`�'`•- � if tiie Funds keld by Lender exceea the amounts permitted to be held by app�icable law,Lender shall zcoount to.Bonower �_.:��_
<br /> � • �.. ~<'::,,�,°c for tAe excess Fund�in acrnrdanc�with ti►e requiremenis of applicable law. If the amount of the Punds held by Lendet at.aay . ` � -
<br /> . ,. � .. -.:��; : �.:_:
<br /> . dme is not s�ff'icient to pay the Fscrow Itetns when due.Leader may so notify Borro�rer in writing;antl,in such case Botrower �z�r:�
<br /> • . `��,�:��. shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to muke up the deticiency. Borrower sball make up the deficiency in no more tt� `c`����-
<br /> ..._ ' -�',��� swelve monthlY FaYments.ai Le�tider's sole discntion. . � ' `
<br /> Upon Qayment in full of all sums secured by this Seeurity Insmiment. F.ender sliall prompdy t�fi�to�orrower an�r • � _,
<br />�'' � �� . Funds held by Lender.I€,under paragraph 21,L�:adcs shall acqnire or sell the Property,Lender,prior to t�arquisition or sale =R.=
<br />