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<br /> � 'E . :. . , `4x r � t. ,. c< < .d ..v:.�
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<br /> t _ , tn� . f" �:F ' � `Y._. �`t. .` :� 4-
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<br /> o. !` ' . -��:.�•�; �a� �.- <�r:. .�r� -
<br />- �, '2' ' ` , � ��� �8�13�� . --'-��,,.
<br /> � ' - �fa Borrnwer.If all or aay part of the Progerty or any interest in it ;_
<br /> � or s B�ucfidal erson nritho� �:a,�'�
<br /> � � � �'�� 19;Transfer oY the P�ope�9 ,
<br /> � ' : is sold or uansferreci(or if a benet�c�ai inseie.st in Barrower is soW or uansfe�d�Bo�O�full of all svms se�bY� �_.=� >
<br /> . • �:� ` � Ixnder s prior writben consen� lxader n{aY. at its option. require imme�iate paYm� � �,__'= -_
<br /> g�urity insttumem.However,this option stoatl not 6e exercisesl by I.ender if exercise is probbited by fe+derallaw as of the daie . _ ,:,�,
<br /> '''�� Insuumern. � .
<br /> _ �. _ of this Securiiy i.ender shall giv�e Ba:rower noi�e of axeleratinn.The notice sha11 provide a periad of aot • s.
<br /> �� If Lender execcises this optian,
<br /> tess than 30 days from tlie date the notice is delivered or mailed within w nch����tnder may imroke��� � _
<br /> - ,. gecarity Insnumem.ff Borrower fails to pay these sums priar to the exPiiati ,, '.
<br /> permitted by this Secxirity Iastnunent aithout fivRher notice or demand on Borrower. � ._��
<br /> -•- I 8. Bo r r a v P e�'s R i g h t t o R e i t�s t e��n��at any �me p�nor to t h e�e a r tier oF(a)5 d a y s<o rV S a c h o t h e�r p e ri o d a s � '� '_�-
<br /> � `°` e a f o r ce m e n t o f t h�s S e c u n ty I n s t r� w an o w e r o f s a l e c ontaiued ia this r '.
<br /> uca62e law may sQecify for reinstatement)before s a le o f t he P r o F e rt Y P u r�t Y,P, � .
<br />• ` �.�-. � , �� g�Inspumene;or(b)eatry of a judgment enfo�cing tlus securitY��-Those condiuons aie tBat Bomuwer:(a}PaYs _ .
<br /> .r which d�n would be dae�der�S S��Y��and We Nate as if no aecelera8on bad uccurred;(b) �-� .
<br /> • .;;,,, : Ixnder a11 sums otAer covenants or a ts;(�)paYs all expenses incurred in enforcmg�ns Secarity Ins��• , K
<br /> . a u e s a n 3►d e f a u t t o f a n y rs�w a�sure� �.�,,'`,;?;
<br /> ` . '.. includi�8,but not 1'united t°'Tnstrument.I.ende���ts in d�i Pro t p e r t y a�Borrnwer'�s bl gaLion•r e a s onab�e s�ums s�bY '•:r,:_.
<br /> . '' • t h a t t h e i i e n o f t h i s S e c u r i t y � b B o r r o w e r, t t u s S e c t�r i t y insuumeut and tHe ,.:�t
<br /> ' Ynstrument shall continue u n c h a ng e d Upon r e i n s t a t e Y � =` .;..'.
<br /> this�ecurity However,this righi to reinstate s h a 1 1 �,-.:.i.,:��.
<br /> • ��'' nbllgations secured hcreUy s6a11 remain fally effecave as if no acceleraSon had oocurred• . �p-=
<br /> • not a p pl y in the case of aeceteration under paragraph Z7• . �
<br /> . , i9. Sale of Not� C b a n ge_o i L o a n S e rn ce r. T h e I�t o t e o r,a p a r t i a l interest.in the Not�(together.with this SesurltY � �•r.,_
<br /> � �:, �.,,-;f��:�.......; Inswment)maY be sold one or more times without prior notice to BoTrower.A sale may resuIt;in a cha�There also y�be one. �...,;�
<br /> as t6e"Loan Sers+icer")t6at coIIects montlilY Payments due under the Note and ttus Security Instcu� . --
<br /> or more ctr�n$es af the Loan Servicer unretated to a sate of theh 14 abov�aPP�ic��e 1 w The on a will�state the e��ilt� . �
<br /> ; ' ' given written notice of the change in accordance with Pa�aS�P
<br /> :,.�, � address of the new Loan Senricgr and the add�ess to which payments should be made.Tlie notice wilt ulso contain any other ,t...
<br /> . �; c.., �: iafonna;ion reqwred by applicable iaw. disposal stoiage,or release of anY r
<br />::_ , 20.�l[aaardons�Sabstanee9.Borrowea shall nat cause or permft th�preseuce.us�. • at3'ectiuS the. `. —�-.
<br /> �py�h�ng �;<,�s
<br /> -t � . Hazardous Substances on or in theBn�'v aen�meata�l Iaw IThe preceding two sem�nves shall n t a�P�Y to tbe presence,use. or �,,,,
<br /> • . .. . : Pro e ttiat is in violation of atry• ��I � to be approp�late.to noz�nal �'.`:4"�-;w:
<br /> -. y . . Stp�e on the Prop¢rtY of small quantities of Ha7ardoas Substances that are ge Y B�� � _
<br /> �� °; • • . residential use5 and to maintenance of the PropectY•. ~�
<br /> F;" . . ..: �, i Bor�nwer shall prnmptly�►veoLennvate n�a9 olving th�e FrnpertY and �Ha7ard�S bstaac�ec Enviconmenta!� �:�_:
<br /> . goveramental or regulatory ageacy. � P�Y o� �rr n,�;atory autl�oric}�. �`,�—^.:`
<br /> � of which Barrower has actual kno�te�e.If Borrower teams,or is notifie�by�►Y�n�Borroaer shall promptly take � -: .
<br /> .�`, any remova!or other remediation cf.r�y Hazardous Substance affecting the Property . �.�,ti
<br /> �;. °;,' ..`:::;,.�9 all nec.essarY remedial actions in�acabrdance�vith Environmc,mta!Law. t. . ,
<br /> � � ps�¢d in this paragraph 20. "Hazardous Substances" are those substances define3 as toxic or&t,:7ardaus su6staa�es 6Y �''_`.:',.
<br /> '`•� ' : •:�; Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline.�Cemsene. other ftammab2e or toaic F��'eum Praducts. toxic �.,....�
<br /> • �' pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents.materials containing asbestos or fora�aldehyde.and radioac�':e materia18i��t _ ��:
<br /> ' _ • �":. . .—�' �this paragraph 20, „Environmental Law" means federal laws and taws of the.1����n where the Pmperty� �fi =,'_
<br /> . . �' r e t a t e to h�lth.safety or environmental prptection. � ._
<br /> ' t NON-UMFO R M CQ V E N A N T S.Bocrow e r a n d L e n d e r f u rt h e r c o v e n a n t an d a g r e e as follows:
<br /> ...'� Zl.Aoceieration;Remedtes.Lender shall gtve�ent (b u t�t prtor to aooelerat�on�ond p�aragra�b 17 umtess . ____-_-
<br /> , ' • • 3 of any covena� or agreement in this Security �
<br /> `, ' � , � 'j applicable law provides o�da s frum the�date th�e ao�ttce is given to BorrowerrobY which t�e de�aatt must be c�'ed3 and . �.;;-'
<br />�� .` � ...� ;,�! � te)a date,not tess than 3 y --...�-
<br /> m: '' ' ' (�thet faila�ae to care the default o0 or beforn the date spedfieti in the°otice may resnl�in�acceteradon of the sums ! ,
<br /> ,r,:�, „
<br /> s�ared by t6Ls Secaeity Inshument and sale of the Property.7'he notl�shali farther inform Bamower of the t to �Jti,��
<br /> � . . � �� ,'" �� r�instate after accetc�ation and We right to 6sfag a court action to azsert the uoa-exist�ee o8 a�de�aWt or any o3her �r.:_:=
<br /> p �'`�:-
<br /> ;: , :�: . -�� )' defe�se of Borrower¢o noceteratton a�►d sale.If the defaWt is not careaS on or 6efore the date s erit'i��e�e�n�oat � _- _
<br /> ,,;:• . Leader,at its option.maY require immedIate payment in t�ull of all sait�secvred by thLs Secnrity �
<br /> ' �<<;�;: ` �� f a r ther demand and may invoke the power oY sate and aay oiher remedies pemiitted by ap�i'c;�iutedL�b t not limited �`,�"''
<br /> ;�:;;,,,,-;; �..��.�:.� entitled to oolted aD exFeases incurr e d in pu r s u i n g t h e r e m c�t}t e s p r o v i d e d i n t t il s P a r a g�a P b �,��_
<br /> • � � � to,masona6le attorneys'fees and costs oi ti8e evidence. oS the
<br /> ,' ' ' If the power of sfite�S invoked,Tnu4e�shall reoord a notioe af detaWt in each c���t�I1`awwhtto go���d to •
<br /> i' .�.� propeety is tocated ancl shall mall coples of such aotice in the manner prescribed by app b .. :,.
<br /> the other p�soas prescribed bY epplicable Ia�v.Af'ter the time requtred by app1icabte law,TrusteQ shali give publte no8ce _� �._
<br /> - , o f sale to the persons and in tQte enanner prescribed by applica6le law.Trustee.wjthont demand on Borrower,shall self
<br />��?'�� ��� ,,��I�.� • . the Property a;pnbfic suction ta che Wp,hest bldder at the time and ptace and uader�aae sa ej of alloreanY P rce�of the . .
<br /> ' � .. .: � sale ie one�or ub�c P�ncement at the t me d ptasx of any p viously ch�ut�ed sale. �.ender or its designee may
<br /> �z.':� . • . FropertY l+ p �'
<br /> .. , • purchase the Pruperty at any sate. �
<br /> . . � � ., Fa►m aoza s�90 .
<br />-- -.- .. - -.- - -- �°5e�6 .
<br /> :,�. L
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