. . ���__ ,�J-t`!� C. � ' ._� �` -�'.-' ` �.� :.$..�"`' <.�..�'�,'^i.':�ix -
<br /> �«:.. ._.�_.1..�-_,:-�s..�c c'c�... _.e. .1.: _ s��� _s _`..s:dMS:isa`�.'r--c
<br /> . — _ . _r —. _ _ _ �.4� iec_ _ . —4 _ -t � .` i�_ .r�. ` _
<br /> ` 4�. � _ aY r t r �`f����,c 7- v .f
<br /> _ _ ,w' _ ` .'t Q o� - ��i t .. �- �� ` �,,.� ,.t +t 4 � } :
<br /> �.��. < i . � -� .-.E. �i-�. �,} . ,.�.. .. . � .P," �,; - .d .� �h. ..�... �, _ ..cY-: v�_ -- ,
<br /> . . ,i r —•.�s t.°.�� ��. `t t .
<br /> ' _ . 3-� < atj�."..
<br /> . . . :� . � . � �T- ���� :�; :.�;�.
<br /> ` _- - -. 'r'��.F:<� -
<br /> . `.', `°��`�. : • p.�to4�GtdQtf of LB�tmlO�'o RtB�fttt U 4he Prope�y. �t ecrrowar taits co psrrorm ttta coveaams ena eprssrnm�s °�,
<br /> ' . ;, �.�.�-:•.
<br />, :. CAnt�Vt¢d In thf�B�Ct�dy tnstiuns�nt.or t�3m E3 a�ga!Pmo¢atlb�g fhat muY s���Y�t Lendsfa rF�ta in tt�A ProA�7►(sueh es r•�� . ':
<br /> _ � Vt ` ,ri,;::
<br /> • •'« t: .� a AtaCG*�d5t9 in GatrknrA�X.PraAate.[or ccnQ;,^mnattcn or iorfg�re cr ts snfon�tav+s ar regu�t►oris�,then t�Qsr may do snd pay tar F�'..'- ' -
<br /> . .' �' ` whn�tv8t i3 rt�e3sc�Il to pro�!ttia vaLa of Ns FraD�tY en� LsndEte�gAtB M th�PrayeM•. L�►�s etxions may tneatde RgY�B .: � `�;'"':
<br /> a • Li� < .. .
<br /> . ." �.,<:: .• , ftny Otsrt�6oCUre0 Oy 8 t�0n�v4tieD has O�o�[yr ov�tnb 3acurgy tnst�uraSaL aDReartn�N eour4 PaYing�easOnab�a ettamalfa feas and �:�:`�:- `;.;'
<br /> ` ;�' '. � Cntct�s�on tRp Prapsxh►ta m7ho reA+l6s• ARnaugD LanQer m9y telm ecNan unQar t�ta pera�rIID��.tartQer Qoes rto!f�av3 M do so. : : •. '
<br /> ,r:.. . Any amoun[� dCtihurseA by LcnCer undQr this P��Dh y shaR O�amo aQdft7onal 6ebt q! Borrower seeured by this SEeur�7l :`,,:. ,•.�� ,
<br /> . . tnDWRterlt. Un�3l3 Borrov�Lr Qn0 LenQ9t agf0e to other terms of payrnen` tAese emounts sNatf Oear E�terest (rom the date ot :`+'<:�': `
<br /> - - �t ef tAn Nota ratg and sRaO Ce oa7rsDte.wM tnteres6 uDon nattTce trom t�ender co Borrovrsr reQuestfi8 paYme+�t �.< ��,,�� . -,.
<br /> a �. k�ltol�gege trtsuranCe. a�enaer rcqu�ed mortgage(nsurartee as a cond3tan of mawng rrte �an sscauea�r tnls s�yr ` :`
<br /> an u k;`_.
<br /> . � � , . • MSWm:nl,Barra�cr eheU pay tho premtu�ns ce�,trod to matntetn Ne mortgage fisurance tn eis�ct. tt. for any reasart,the mortgags �,`
<br /> �` � 'a:.,-��i<<, tnEUranCO tOv6ragJ roq��i�pd Dy Lendar lopses ar eeases to be tn eft2sL B�ver shaA pay tAe prem5�ms re�ehsd to abtaU�coverage `
<br /> �"y ' �►tat►li'�CY�au�tent to the mortBaSs Insuranse prc�vlousN In e€tect. at a caot substanflaBY e9�tvatent to the cost m Bortower ot the �.`°__�'�:._�'�;
<br /> ` '� " mOR�3Qo mrsutOnCO Crcvtousiy En att�cL tram sn ett�mate martgaga t�surer eAProved bY Lender. U sul�stanttaity equiva�►t moiigag� � .� � .
<br /> . t � �suranco coverflga b no! evaf�bt� Barmwer stia0 psy to Lerader eaeA rtronth e �um e,qusi m an�ticreHtJ� o!fhe ysaity mort�
<br /> . Ufluraneo prcr�A�m boinfl pnt4 by Borrowar when trto tnsurence caverage�psee or ceaseA to oe Fn eti�t. i.ender wm a�use grtd �°j _ _
<br /> rew9t 1tt830�OY��Aa A toss rose��n Qau of mortgage tnsurance. Loss reserve paymeMS msy ao tongar be csW�e,at tlie �`;...�`'�;:,,,,�•,.
<br /> ''., N � QAtlOJI Ct ILMIQ£u. tl RtOR(�0 6tSUt8rtC0 COV8tIIg0 (Uf the emOUtlt 8nd fo[ Bre pBltCd thet LEndet BqUif69)ptOVTdHd 6Y etl inSttfBf -�°_:,,�.;.:
<br /> : A• ' � . aa0iavad bY t�Gndsr cg�b� baaomaa avat�bm end fs obtelnod. Bomo�ver sha0 vay tt►a Dromh,ms �equimd to mat�ffitn mcrtgaga ';�'t'_.°__..
<br /> -��ti_-`.E, . •�• �raurance h aft�:f. oE to provi�e e toas resenra. unta the reQui�msnt tor mor�age msnrance�Os fn ec�ar�tance w8b any w,Rtsn '�;�•.., ., °;-.
<br /> . . . , �. _ .. o -
<br /> .'� ,, . agr�ntmtt Catsuscn Borrc�+mr arsd t�rtdar ar eA�ticab6�fa►v. .
<br /> .. . <: ,� < Y 8. In�eatton. �cnaor a�as sgem may meke reeso[tgOtD enL'13s aPon end InsDectlons ot the FloDeRY• �.enae.snan gme ��
<br /> `�.<, � , �` ` Borrorrp nbtico at tNo t�s�a ot or prfor to 4n Inspect[on spea(rying reasoneb�causs tar Ne dnsp�an. �.;�r;""
<br /> 4� c ..� C.� . �
<br /> ,•. 10. Candemrattqrt. TA0 preCCUTds�of eny 8tverd Or cta�n tor damagas. deact ar consequent�a�, tn cormeetton tivets erry ��' :',:'' -
<br /> _ . :;...•� . conCamnattan or ot��r faktng of eny paA oi tne ProD�Y.ar tar conueyance tn t�u of cand�ma�an.ecs nereby sss�rted ertd sheD t�e . .
<br /> .>•:�-;�.�.=,�1-.
<br /> .` �:....�.. ..: OatB ro L�en6sr. • . ��:z;�;�'i ,..�
<br /> : tn tRo a�nn!o!e totai tektr�8 of Ne PropeAy,the proceeeqs ehaD Oe epp6ae to 8�e sums seeure�by thts Secur$y Instrumen� �`Y.;��'��. .
<br /> . d :NHi
<br /> . . . � vrhfsttitr ar not thon Quo.wRR an e�acess atd to Bmrower. (n tAe evoret of e srttal ot tne Pco e in which tha�6 rtwrtcet r�
<br /> Y D P �9 P►�Y �;�
<br /> ' � ` . '`: v�tua'ot tNP�Piop6Ry 9ttmeQtateSyr OefotB Me fakLf9 b eque�to ar�r+eatet than ths amount ot ths sums seaured bY thls Sec�u�ly � �
<br /> � - • . Ina1N�n1 irnmadat�iy boforo.tho Wk�g�unbss Borro�ier enA tsnd8r otnerw(se 8gre9 N vrr9brg. the svms secured bY ���ft . . ';"�_
<br />.. ,, . tnatrurt�nf shntl bn raducod by the amount of the proceado muGlpitod bY �e MUOvrhA BraGion: (a) the total emount W the surtis : --
<br /> � • �-.� eecure4 4mmsQCst�N botare tr9 talck+g,dMdeO OY(t��d�a fab ma�ket vaUe o1 the Property 6nmedtamy Defore the takbFg.My batanco •_., -'•.
<br /> .,,.. .;..c��:
<br /> • � a��p Oa pald to Bortowor. tn tho ci+nront ol 8 paRtat taRbrp of Mo Properry (n wl�teA fhe fatr msrket va9ie of the Wrapgrty immedtataty -
<br /> � ....�.,., .
<br /> _ .....__,.,' . . � �.- OofOm the tal�(s to3s than tAo nmoun!at the 8ums secured 6nmedta�f�l hefare the tekb�g.untess 8orrower and 1.6ndrr othenvlsa. _ �``�;`--
<br /> . �.';:. agteo in wr@tnp ar un�ss aODVCabSa taw othenvlse Drovtdas.the Oraceads 6ha�tia aDO�d to the sums secured bY this Sr�urti y , =:: _-
<br /> . fns0umcnt wRuthCr or not tho 6um9 8re than duo. '"'""`"
<br /> -!i �` ' ' . If tho�oponyr ks a6qnQonaO by Borrov�er,ar H,8fte�noNCa Dy Lender to Bortowec that ths eonQemrtor offEUS to maka an BeraN er . L� �-
<br /> . e •.,: �.. :� � ��: '
<br />-_ � ., cottb o cl��tmm(or damages.8ortower feII9 to rospond lo Lender w�hh 30 days after the Aats the�otk� is 0�.�Qer ts eutharkad ;.�;�....::` -
<br />_' . • . .'?'' . to aoltCCi ari0 4ADN thb p�oeqod9.81 Us optbn,eRhe�to restorattan or�tr at the Proparty ar to Me sums secuced by thEs SOCUr�t ��'s.� ��'s:'c-
<br />- � • � � InBttumEnt.whEthCr or not th�n duo. .;�'.� ::
<br /> �:.s�: -—
<br /> tfit�s9 LCndor and QaROwei oMerwtse egtea fn wrlGng,enyi sppikaUon ef preceeds to pMCt�l shaU noi e�dend or pos�one ttus =------
<br /> �o dato ot Iho manthy paYmenm retarted to In para�aphs 1 ana 2 or cAange the art�aunt of such paymenta_ ' ''` •' � -�
<br /> . .. � :' t tt. �e�OtStCP Moi 6�CtC1i�s3d:ForQeeart�nce �y►Len�eP No4 a Watver. 6�teenston o4 the ttms tor payment or -_.;:-��.�;, � -
<br /> . moCUiaAt{Ort ot umoRtietlOn of!he eums BeCUrBd Dy thi9 SecurRy tnstrument grented by Lender to ar�y sucxessor tn b�terest ot Bortovrer ,'L_�„�_�
<br />- . .`;s i= ,
<br /> • " shatl not opo�ato to rot�aso Nv It�DilNyr of the origtnal 8oaower or 8orrawefs successors [n ir�st. LenQer shaD not De�equtred to ::''�:`s,
<br />_� , _
<br /> . : COmm8nC9 O�OCHadtnQS flj�Atn81 6ny BuCCas80f tn UtiueSt or tetuSO t0 61dsn4 tlm8 fot p8yrttent Or othENVise mOdBy emOrt(2atlOn of th0 --
<br /> " --- eums oecurEO by thf9 Ssseur�y Instrument Oy reasnn of �tty demend mads by tha ofig[nel Barrower or Borrowers successars 6n �;:4'�L�•"-
<br /> •� . • • ' Interast. My taibaaranco by�and�t h marol�ing eny rlpNt or remeQy sho0 not b0 a waker ot or prectude thB exencise of eny r(ght or � •''-�
<br /> • .,.� : ; � ..
<br /> .. remodY• �=M.
<br /> ta.SucCOe^.�ra and d�lgna 8o�and; Jolat an� SeverW Llability;Co-sDgnera 'rne aovenan�s ana � `-
<br /> }� � agr�mentp o9 tAl� 6scurlty fnaWmeM ehall bfn0 aad benefi the successors end asstgns ol Lender and Borrower, suD}ect to tAe �-
<br /> , rovt3bn8 of D 17. BoROwm'e�Ovanant8 Md e y Borrower who co-st�s th(s S�utily ���-��
<br />— „ � . P P��f4'aA 9�enta shaU Oo ja6�t end eavarat Art - - -
<br />=_ � . .tnsWmant bu! daas not c�mcuto iho tVoto: (a) Is cas�6rp thb Secudty. Instrument ony to morigage, granL and comray that -- -
<br /> .. �. � �, � 80rrowQfa k►tcrost tn t�o Proparty urtdar tho torms ot Iht3 S�urity InSWmant;(b)b aot po�sonaQy obltgate0 to pay th9 8ums sec�red -
<br /> �..,,. '� �i by this 8ncartry InsWmonl; and (o) agraoa thnt�anQer and eny oth�r Bortower may egree to mfton0. modiy. tarbear ar mffite eny ---
<br /> . ',� tICCOmnOQ�00n9 wttA tCgOtd t0 tCmt9 ot thig SoeuAry fn�pumpnt or th9 Nota wfthaut that Borrowefs cons9n� � -
<br />::.�� . . .. . . ��, 13. Lann Ciuuac�. Ft th0 tGDtf 6E1CUtod by IAI3 80CUIfty 103WmCtlt b SubJCCt to 813w viA1CA secs mm�m,m �oan cnarees. , � `'"'�".'�
<br /> - and thot G�w Is tinatry Iniorprotcd eo thal t�o Intaresl or ol�or toan cRarpes coUeOted or to Ee col�Cted h cennecUon w9h ffie iaen - � _
<br /> -- � � . , oxccod tho pormrito0 1'�nita, thCn;(0)atty 6uCA tOtu►Ch�tgOg 8htlQ b0 �BduCt30 by tAe emount neces98ry t0 reduCe the cABtgB to the - •
<br /> ,j!�. �_ partntttoa Ihnd;ana(b)eny oums ataady coltxtc0 ham 8orrower wAbh mccam0ad Oo��� ���will be rehmded to Borrowe� Lendo► • •
<br /> • m�y c�ooso to mako thi9 rofund Oy roQuRlnp tho prtnclpnl owad unQar the Note or by makUg e dbect payment to Borrov�er. If a
<br /> rotund t0(tuCC9 QrfnC�pAl.t�0 rOQuCtIOn Yru1�o UCAf00 tis o 0�P�D4Ymem wBAaut anY P�Paym�nt charge artder the Not9. ' �."_
<br /> ''�i-', � � 14. Notic�a My notlCO ro E3orrower pravldDd(or In Mis Socurhy Instrumonf BhM Do gtven by d�WSMg ft or by maif�g R�y .. .. ,.
<br /> � � fust claas maG unm3a opplicaDto L�v� roquao� uso ot anol�ar mqthod. ThO nOttCO 8hq0 0o CI'ECtt70 to !�9 Pt0y9Ry Addt658 0►eny
<br /> � � , othot nddross 8otrowar dostnnCtG9 Gy nptco to lcnQCr. My rtatlCO to lendor shall bo pMen by Nst ctass mail to Lendefe addresa •.` --:° •
<br /> " . stotod heroln or any othor oddroao londc+dlrstpnatos by notko to Bortowsr. Any notko prpvlCO4 for in Nb SECUfiry tnsWmont ahall ,. .
<br /> - ' �- • • bo daamad to h�vo trcan pivcn to floRavrar ar I.andcr vAinn�n as provMod En thts Farapraph. ,.
<br /> • � ' 16. �10VEtI111Q(�IAV�; &ovcrcbpiry. ThCt SCCUrtty tnaOUrtiCnt ohuU ba govomod by fcdoml tari and the faw of tha � . ,
<br /> ' � f �urt�dktipn In vrhbA tno Praparty ��tecatud. tn t�o oven!tRnt ony provtslon or otause ol tAts SacurRy tnstmmen!or the Notg eontCCts • �
<br /> � with appliCUbto fmv�, &uch con111C1 sh.111 no1 attcct otria►pravisbns ol lAls Sacur}ty fnsUUm9nt or q1e Note wh1cA can be gtven efteCt ,
<br /> � --� , . � with0ul lhe COnffqt:�q p��ri9�on. 7o ttits�»�d ti�a pru•aaus of thFS Securiry tnsWment end file Note are detlersd tn ba ssverebta. -- - --=
<br /> � 18. Barotva►'o Cupy. porrowa aha�Oo phrcn arro cantonnud copy of the Note and o1 this SecurHy fn,strumenL �. .�
<br /> - 17. Tranatar ot tho Ptoperty or o Qenoitct�l tnterec4 in Bo�rawer. If an m eny part of tne Property ar any � : � �
<br /> . intura3t 1n n 1� cotd ar Uan�tarrt�d fo�C e Gonmebl mlcrost n Bortowo►is flo}d or trensterred end Barrower b not e natura�person) .' ;�,�°
<br /> • vlilhout landoPo prfor rrsIItnn canacnt,l+cndcr may,ut da option, rCqutro tnnwdiuto paymont in NII of all sum9 secured by t�is Securhy � ,
<br /> � �. InLWmOnI. Mowovor,t111y Opitot►ehCtl no100 OxCtCisoO by londE►M OxCtCI,O 19 ptOh�ftad by fedOrcil k1w ps o}the d&t0 Of th19 SECU(ty
<br /> � , . InStrurrtOnt. � . .
<br /> -- � � N Landor oxorc�os (hq optbn, Lond^„r ennq�ytra Oortowar notico ot rteCO'kttutlon. Tho noNCO eha0 provido e pmiad O1 rtot tess -
<br /> � ' thpn 30 Qnye ItOm Ue Qsto tho notiCO b 6s:VCrad or mal�d w:ihh usfi1CA tho Boaawa must pay ail sums sacurea by tf�b Secur�y `. " . � •
<br /> , ' 1 InsUumonf. It Bonow�r tait�to pay thosu eums prror to lno�pbutbn of Nfs poriod,lender may Mvoke any remedies perm�ted by this ' �
<br /> • . � SnCUrity InsUumant without furthCr notco oi Com�nO on OorrowCr. �orm ao�o aleo '� ' �
<br />. • .. � � � it02DlGt01�0�0/) i'q��016 � �
<br /> � . _ ___.... .. _---
<br /> -.__ _ . ..-------= . .. .
<br /> . . j . .. . .
<br /> . . . . . `
<br /> � . ,.i ez� .
<br /> � ,�.'.,-: .
<br /> . � ��- -�-=
<br /> • -- '.,:," . ,. . .. . . ,. . .. . . . .. xe�����,t;==
<br />