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<br /> tT.Toansf�oY the Peo�v or a$�d3dal Wiet�st in Bor�ower.If all or any part of the Property or any intenst in it � � Y•
<br /> . _�. - -- is sotd or vaasferFed toi if a�6e,ze$cial mteres�in Horroa+er ts sai6 or u�siernd ami Bornri.��:;at a:�S i...^r�g;�':�- —
<br /> ,��,• �, y immeidiate m full of all sums s�by this �` ",�'
<br /> �'. L e n d e r's r i n r w ri tt e n c o n s e n t. L e n d e r m a . a t i u o p t i o n, r e q u i r e iat p a y m e n t ' �, ``.. .:
<br /> • :. �� � gecurity Inswment.However.this option shall nat 6e exercis�d by Lender if e�cerc�se�s piatubited by fede�al law as o f t h e d a t e v
<br /> � � of this Security Instrument. ��
<br /> _ � --- ff Lrnder exerc+ses thts ogtion,�r shal!give Borro�+rer notice of accelerarion.'Che nafloe shall pmv'sde a period o f not �,
<br /> less tha�30 days fmm the date the nolice is delivered or mailed Nithin which Eorrower must pay all sums secuced bY tbis ' `? -�
<br /> gecvrity Instnunen�If Rorrower fails to pay tAese sums prior to the expiration of thi§period,Lender may urva[ce any remedies' �
<br /> � ' permitted by this Securicy Instnunent without fu�her aotice or demand on Bosrower. � :` -�
<br /> :,`�; " :.• '.
<br />- � '�` 18. Bost»wes's Right to Reinstate. If 8ormwer meeSs certain oonfliuons. Borrower shall 1�ve the right to have ,.. .
<br /> ` a::" �. enforoement of this Security Insuument disoontinued at any time prior io tHe earlier of: (a)5 days{or such other period as ';� :;:
<br />_ , .: ``; `,•� applicable iaw may spec►fy for scin�rP,�,�*±�)before sate of t6e PmPertY puisuant to any power of saIe co�tained in this
<br /> . _-.�.< , :...�'- Seauity Insuvment:or(b)eMrY of a jwdgment enforcing tbis Seauiry Instrumeat.'I'�ose condiuons are that Botrower:(a)pays `��_r_��
<br /> ''�,� Leader alt sums which t4en would be due uader tius Seauity Instrument and�the Note as if no acceleratiinn had occurnd;(b)
<br /> cures any default of any+other onvenants or agreemencs:(c}pays a11 expeases incvrred in en.°orcing lhis Security tn�rr,,,n�„t, � ; .��:
<br /> • � . s�` .4�� inc?uding.6ut not limited to,reasouab2e attomeys'fees;and(d).takes sach actinn as Lender may reasonabiy ceq�ire to assnre . � •
<br /> � . � . � tBat ti�e�ien of this Security Ltsuament,Lender's rig6ts in the Pmperty and Bormwer's obl'�c an cn pay the sums se�tted by �'."• � -
<br /> ,'.' ` � -' this Securiry �uument shall coniinue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Boirower, this Sea�rity t��••,.-� � � ::-
<br /> • �•��� o6Ggations secured heneby shall remain fnlly effeceive as if no aaceleration had oocurred.However,this rig,ht W neinstate shaU , '�t�.
<br />��°�:: `�. - not appty ia the casa of acceteration uader paragrapb I?. ,``"
<br /> � 14►. Sate of Note; Ghange oY I.oan Serv6cer.The Note or a partial interest in the Note E��►er with this Security "�� ��`_�
<br /> . ''; `'`•' Instnunent)may 6e sold one or more times without prior norice to Barrower. A sale may resutt ia a change in the ecrtity(lmown � - =—-
<br /> . . _. .._•:, �the"Loan Servicer")that colLects monthIy payments due under tke Note aad this Seeunry Instramem.There atso may be one ��,-' "
<br /> °'�.��`;.•.• • or moie changes of the Loan Senricer unrelated to a sale of tfle Note.If there is a change of t6e Loan Servicer.Borrower will be �' _
<br /> r' `;.•,,': � g'�ven written notice of the change in acoordance with paiagcapb 14 above ated applirable law.The nodce will state the name aud �
<br /> ��'"r�:..`
<br /> . , , address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to wbicb payments should be made. T6e notice will also contain any othee �•��y,
<br /> � n
<br /> � informatiaa require�by applicable law. -
<br /> ^ . 2R Ha�cdoas Sahstaaoes. Bmcower shall not cause or permit the pmsence.use.disPosal, storage,or release of any � v .
<br /> � �' � H a z a r d o u s S a b s t a n c e s o n o r i n t h e P r a p e rt y. B o r r o w e r s h a l l no t do, nor allow an yone else to do. anything aff�cting the -- - -
<br /> �;. :: ' . � proPerty tUat is in violation of any Ent�iroamental Law.The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or �_,�,._,
<br /> �Y _ • . star�e on the P�perty of small quaatiries of HaTardous Substances that are geaeratly recognized to be appropriatg to uarmal ��;-:-
<br /> u
<br /> residenual uses and to mainteaance of the Property. �=�'y
<br /> � � Borrower shall prompt�y give Lender wcitten notice of any in�estigation,claim.demand,lawsuit or other actioa by any ==-
<br /> :�� �,.:�:
<br /> �� ,.� � � ' governmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property aad any Hazardous Substance or�nvimnmental Law ..�;-�-__
<br /> '�"� of which Borrower has actval tcnowledge. tf Borrower teams,or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory authority,that
<br /> ,. ' uny temoval or other remediation of any Ha7ardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary.Borrower shall pmmpdY tabe ���- '
<br /> � �` � . alt necessary remedial actions in accordauce with Envirotunental Law. � ��=-
<br /> . '., °� �� As tued ia this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances".are those substances defined�s toxic or ha�ardaus substaaces by ���„-"=s_`
<br />__. ' ,
<br /> ;' . Env�romn¢ntal Law and the foliowmg substances: gasoline. kerosene. ather tTammable or roxic petroleum.Praducts, toxic . ��,-.,�.
<br /> � pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvenu,mate�iats containing asbestas or formatdehyde.and radioactive materials.As used in y,_;,--,_- ;
<br /> ,� , . th'ss paragraph 20. �nvironmental Law" means federal laws and Iaws of the.jurisdiction where the Property is tosated that '-
<br /> , �• • , relate to health.s�fety or environmental protection. K�*�-
<br /> � ' N O N-U N L F O R M C O V E N A N T S.B o r r o w e r a a d L e n d e r f u M e r c o v e n a n t a n d a g r e e a s f o l l o w s: �-'
<br /> ' � ' Zl.Acceteratton;Remedi�.Leader s6a1!gtve nottce ta Borrower prtor to acceleratton folto�ving Borro�ves's breac6 �__'�;_
<br /> of any covenant or a$reement in thLs Securtty Instrument (6ut not prtor to acceleratfnn i�ader paragraph 17 unl�s
<br /> t � � . � .� applicable law provides other�vise).The nmfce sl�atl specify: (a)the defaWi;(b)the actlon req�l to wre the dePau[t; � :3 f `:
<br /> . `� � (c)a date,not[ess ihan 3t1 days from the dat��thhe aotice�glven tn Bor�nwer,by whicb the defaalt mnst Be cured;aad = ;
<br /> , = - • �: (d 3 t h a t f a t f u s e to c u r e the default ou or before ttie d2te s p e c iPed in thx not�ce may e�esult in acceleration of tIle sums � T•� ?_
<br /> ;� .,;�. . ��:� secared by t�ls Secunily Instru�e�t and sate of the Property.'i'tie notice shaU fart�er�IuPorm Boremver of ttt�rtgTtt to --..�.,
<br /> r e i a s t a te a f ter scce lera t ton a n d t h e e i g h t t o b s i n g a c o u r t a c d o n t o a s s e rt t h e no�s�existence oY a defaWt or.a n y oWes '�i"��'
<br /> �� .F. defease o!Borroc�ee to aceeteration and saie.If the defaait is aot cured on ar before the date specifted in the notice, � �
<br /> � • � • Lender,at tts optlon,may require immediate payment ln tull of all sums secured by thLs 3ecurIty Instrument�vitt�out R•� :
<br /> R'�% � � • ��. fluther demand and may invoke the power of sate aad aay other remca�es pemiittecl by applica6le law.Lendes shall be ,
<br /> ':'� : ,' entitieal to colied all exgeases iacurred in pursuiog the re�aedtes provided in t6is paragraph 21,inctuding,but nollimSte�: �:" � .
<br /> • � • �: to,reasonable attorneys'fees aIId costs of title evideBCe. � '
<br /> � If tb�power of sate is inr-oked,Trastee sb,all cecord a aottce of defaWt in e�ch county in w6leb any part of the -''' -•°
<br /> ,� ;
<br /> ' • Property is tocated and shall mail copfes of sucb rtotice in the manner prescribed by appllcabte[aw to Bosmwer and to . �
<br /> � the other persons presc�tibed by appltcable law.After We time req�ulred�►y appllcabie la�v,Tnistee shall gtve pablis aoUce -_ -_---__
<br /> � of ssile to the persans and in the manner prescribed by appllcable Ia�v. 'IYustee,without demand on Bo�ower,shall se11 •�
<br /> tde Property at�rublie auctton to the�ighest btdder at the tiine and pTace aa�under the terms de'sigaated in thp notfce of � _ -
<br /> . � �, s�ie in one or more parcels and in any order Tnutee determines.Trustee may postpone sale oY a11 or any p�sel of the
<br /> .;t:" � Froperty by pubtic announcement at the time and piace of any prevtously scheduIed sate. Lender or its desi�tee may .
<br /> i� . '' Purchnse the Property at any sate. .
<br /> :�,: .�,."�;
<br /> F�, �
<br /> , � Form 3028 9/90 ' �
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