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<br /> `y . .>_- ..j_ 7' - � �a�� -
<br /> . .f � :�:�: �;-a.�ass� ��,��L'�. g��,��.�l�i �-- T—:
<br /> .. . Voru�6d�6ot78s t � '�
<br /> ,r
<br /> �. . . : ,,,�. .:,..
<br /> �� �, a Ima1t�efi►eet dar�tn respor�s fa Snet�ds�ratdt dt Qursuen!to sueh natt�a!d�fa�d�arT.�n got�8��er�d� � �
<br /> r.'�� �. passass[on at tt�e i�ropeztf►�tAs ccCSC�o4 re�'�rt e�d aBFCm�an of rerds,�s m pro�ls. ;�
<br /> e�evsrlf�Drovlded far in the No�or Ilte i�efate0 C�umerds or bI►tttw�Aan ths oo�wrenee oienY eveKt af�6 MAudingtl� : -.; n.,�
<br /> : ` � . rtgMtoexe�c�elh9D�otsa!e: . `� `!"`� _',
<br /> of ms cavenar+ts ```
<br /> - •�� N) Commenea en adta�to tare�ose Ws Oead ot Tnst ss a moRgage.eDOoltd e receIvet or sDedflca4Y entarc0 ar�!► • ' . .
<br /> k .. `� �, �'���"
<br /> Rsre0f:8nd r , .',;., '; .�'�:�4
<br /> ,_..
<br /> . . {o) Oe�b Tnlstss a wAtU9n�an at�and�mand tar sate and a wrRtes►na�a at Qefa�d9 en0 e�on o!tAe Co►WY b �.• " :'
<br /> .., . :,�� tntarES!fn the P�yzrt1t m Qe st�d.wY�cN no�co Trusf�shaSl esuse to da didY ffied tor�aad tn fhe aPR�O�� • '.; `�-
<br /> . . wNch trie ProD�!►IS toe�ed:eed : ' ;� �` ��-
<br /> �•' �:,. (� Wdl�resP�d to aA ot erg+Da�t at ths Fwsanal P r Q D e t t y+.L e n der s h a i!h a�re a i)i h e t i g h�a n d t a m e E t a s o f e ssuaed D�f►urtdtu th9 :c• .'�.
<br /> c¢eLrastta unxorm comm�la)coaa. ,
<br /> Fonectosute EY Fa�er of S'a�s. It Leader�to foreetcse by e�lse ot the Power o i S a t e h e r e t n c o r�a�B R� �Bd.s Oeed ot ;.` s:. ,-
<br /> _ ,_ .
<br /> � shaU daPosit wflh Tn�tee this Dead of Trust end B�a Note snd swx►tecetpts and eufdence of�cpand'�tiues f . .
<br /> • . • Tt�t es Ttus�ee maY sequ�e. " - , < _
<br /> � on 101 sur.t�na'tlo0 fram LenQea.Tnistss shaA ea�e to Ee recarded.G�IIshad end dellveied toTtustor suct+Nofl�of Oafa� ,�.,r�: '%:.�;.i�
<br /> ' (a) UA teesiA � �'s- '•`_
<br /> ' .� ��,'; 8nd hiotiae of Safe as then requ�ed bY law and by tNS Oee�ot Trust Tnutee st�a4.vdUia�demand on Tnstot.efter s�cch Ume as may . . —
<br /> . ihen 6e oequfred hy law artd e}ter c e e a d a t ion o!s u c h N o 9 e e o f Qetafdt etsd eft9r NaUc�ai 3ai�t�aving 6e�n Otvan es requiced�7►�"�� � ,.° =,."_`
<br /> " ' the Pro�erh ai�a dme and pist.e ot sete�ed 4Y d In sucA NoSCe at Sate.�ther as e vA►ots.ar in seAarate Iots or pa�eb or(tems as .y,:.� ::.t,.,.._:-
<br /> 7n�sha9 dEem e�s�R and tn sucf�ocdw es R maY Qetermine at Pub�a�tion ta tAa hi9rie�bidder tor cesh[n tav�fl0 monell uf <• ---
<br />,. � 9te UnEed States D�Sa 8t Ut9 6r�s ot sete.Tn�ast�ait 6sIIver to st�h D�has��P�ttb'sc�of ibQcmO and s�t�etd�Bd a� s.�` --��
<br /> , deeds convaYfRB�proAe�'At so so1d.bu!wNhaut arry covena�rt aor werta�Y.�ress�(mD�.?t��in suct►d¢ed of arry ma�s --
<br /> -�'.;. . or fac�shall bs conc�stve Proot ot t hs tr u l h f�d r�s s t h e r e o f. A n 1 1 D�s o n.tr i d u�a 8 Wit�out Qmfta6on 7n�star.Trtstes.alender.ma5► ` � , ��:-
<br /> f puteA8.�96tsuehssie. • `li4�;:- --
<br /> . (b) 11s may Oe petmitted bY law.s�er dedudtng e0 easts,tess art0 e�etu�of T�and at tlOs Ynrst.tndu6t�costs of evfdettCe of ,s• e.
<br /> � tlfe in cannecflon wftA sate.Tnutee shaU eOPh►the Prooseds af sais ta paymer.t ot (�eII sums e�ended tmQer tRe cetrt�s of tMs OeeO�i :rF
<br /> , : . ..�.:
<br /> ' . Tns1 ar under ttce tenns ot.ihe Note not then cepaf0.indurDng but nM Gmftad to aaxued trt�t and tate cKarg�. (�aQ otl�er sums ihen . +.;,..,
<br /> • ` -v secured herelfY.and C�tAe remafnder.it anY.to ths Dersan ar p�5orrs tegattlf enU'Qed tt►e�eto v, -
<br /> . . . '. . (c)Truseee may In the mannor proNded by law postPone sas ot aD or am►porHon ot tha PropeM• �. �-- --
<br /> �.� .Y..
<br /> _ :� " M and P�o!anY Indabtedness , •. .:; :--
<br /> . .-� - - -`�,,.F: RemeGtes NW Es�lustt►e• Ttuste9 and lartder.and esCl�ot 4�n:Sh80 be 8tt59e0 to enfaraa PaYn�a 4_,_.�---_
<br /> '�. ,
<br /> or obQgattons secured by fhls Reed ot Trust art0!o exettise a11 c�s er�e powers unQet thtg Oeed of Tnut.w�Qer the Nata,under ar+y cif ttie . � ,� _
<br /> Retaiad OocumerAs.or under ar►y otRer a9�ment or arry Iaws�sow ar hereafter in toro�notwfttutandtnm.scm0 Qeed af Uus1.t p�Oe� �:; � -
<br /> � � • end ob8gattorts seeured by fhts 08s d o t T r u s t mqy n o w o r t�r b e a l�e r w l s e s a c u re d.whattra�'b l l o�8g�
<br /> ('' as5lgnmertt m othervVtse. Nslthet the socepffirtee ot this Oeed o1'�ai�st nor im etAareemenl.vfiether by cotet ac6on or pmsuard to fh9 power ot �t.t'_ '--�.-
<br /> ;`',: satp ar oth6r Oawers cor�tned In tht3 Oesd af Trus�shaU O�Iu�W or In acry mant�er etiect Tn�'s or LenQers Aght W realt�aPon ot � �-
<br /> w ' entorw anY o�er see��Y now or hewafter l�etd by Tnistee or lsn4er.N being egreed ihat Ynutoa and Lender.end eaaA ot Mem.stia6 6e �__,.�
<br /> ' � en ti i ts d ta en t o�t h i s D s e d a f T n i s!a n d e n Y o tl i e c s e c u r(t Y n o w a r hereaR�held b y Lendar ar Tiust�In sttt�order and mannar as theY c� � _
<br /> . .,;,'� efther of them may tn lhetr a6sc(ute CtSCreSon da'.ermTne. Mo remedY eoMerted uPon or resenre0 to T n�t e e or l e n�r.t s t r d e n Q a d t o b e � ..
<br /> . .. `.. •, ex�duslve of aoY athe►iemedl►(n Ws OeaA at Tnisf or by law OrovlAe d at P e m�f�e d.C N e a c fi staell be cumutatN9 end shaA be tn 8Qd6on!o ..=_�--_--_
<br /> }98
<br /> � • everyr othet�emedY 9►�an tn Ws De9d af Tnst or rtaw ot he�eafmr m Q s N n 9 a t f a w or I n e q u l l�l o r b Y s�t e. E v e ry Pawet or remeQY B�� --.�
<br /> ''..,'� Q�e or anY ot the Refated QoWme�to Tnatee w lenQ�or to wh!Ch eflAer af them maS►6e atherwLse ecn(ffed.maY he . �`��:='
<br /> ._ -:-'=� sosx�II',�or InQeif�nd�rrthl,trom flme to Sme and as oRen�may be deamed e�ediecd DY��"�eldn?a d��yl U+d8m�n1 � �` t� �
<br /> • Pursu9 Inconslstent remadl�. Nothing in th�Oeed o!1'nisi s�at be wnsirus�es Di�B -,Y�
<br /> : � �' ?� agatnsi th0 Tn�star to the mGent such ac8on(s Dermttted by law. , --,
<br /> �'" _:=—
<br /> ' . R�QtaPS!Far fte!''.�.Tiustor.on behalt bt 7as!or and Lenda►.herehy req�sC�a1 a copy of a�Y Not�of OsfaW snd a c�py of enY Not1c� _
<br /> of Sa(8 ucsder tfis'IDeed ot Tn�t 6s maAea to thar at the adQresses set fertA(n ffi3 first P�9�Ph at thts Qeed otTn�sR �=�;_:,, : —
<br /> ' Watver,Qeetlon of RemeOtr.s A+nratvm by anY D�Y ot a tireach at a pravLSion ot th�Oeed of Tnist shatl oot consfttute e watver at a y ,.�.
<br /> . ' � pceJudtce th9 Ca�hrs AShts othenvise to Qemand strk►comAOance witA that D��e�0�law ShpaD no�t exdud�e Pursulf o!enY ath�r remedy. �,. .�`,•; �'�
<br /> ' ' � remed�,I P��tn thls Oeed of Tntsl.lhe Nate��n anY Related Oocume�.ar Oro d Y , ;,_ . ��--�`--
<br /> .;';� � and an e'ectlon to make expenmtures or to fake acUon to perform en obP,ga6on of Trustor under thls Oaed of Tr�,t after tapura ot T�stat to �� ��
<br /> � • . .. pe�orm sha(I not BNed Lender's Aght to aectazoe detatdt and to exorclse efi►cf fbcamedtes. � `;�.- • ,,,�,_
<br /> ' ' AttnmeYa'Fee�k7rDeosea tf lender Institutes smr suit or actlon to enfarce artF a11he tem�ot tNs Oeed of Tnisl,Lende�sha0 4a entr'Eed to ,,�;l.;;T r�- -
<br /> .�,. recovar such sum as the court may adjuQge reasonabte as attom�yl�teas at trfat And on es�y►eDDaaL Yuhether ar aa!e�I cowl ac6on ts� ._ _
<br /> . ImrohreQ eit reasanabls e�enses Ineyrred OY Lender whtch in Len der's oplNOn ere nec�ary et enY Bm9 for the protedton of R s Irdarasl or 4AO� i��„;�}�;--
<br /> . . ', '; enfareemenf o18s dghts shaU beeort�a Part of the Indebtednt�s�a�twl�ou�t UmttaUa a��suble� oe BanY�nd�under ep��W. �`'�� `
<br /> �..<! e�endture unfil repala. Expens0s eawarad bY thls parsgrap �'"�,
<br /> _� _- - ----- Lendefs attamsYs�es whether w not thera Is a Iawsuil,ln�uCing attam8y�fess t erd co�IIeGl�on S�eMces.�th�encost�sesrchin9 reeords. �--,-���� ---
<br /> ,� ,.±� . . vaeate anY autc.r�a90 sffiy ar Injuncttan), eFCza's artd any an8dpated po�t'fd8 ,.:y�`T,=
<br /> ��;. . � ohtaWn9 UUO reparts pndu�rtg forer�osure re�oris�surveya�'repmts.ePRr�2 fees.UtI9lnsur8nce.en0 ta�tor tho T�.tP th9 eoc�.� , • ,,:�..s-.
<br /> permttted by appGCabt0law. Trustor atso wID pay any court cosb.M addlUon to a�othar sums D�ded by taw. .. _ .,__ __ _
<br /> . c.., _...�._
<br /> alghts of Trustee. Trustee shall�ave atl of the rfghts and tlut28s M Lendsr as 50t forth in thls sectton. . __
<br />��r � . ' POWERS A1'ID OBL�tiAT10NS OF TRUSTEE. T�e foQovAng proVSions retatlrtg to the Oowers and obOgaUons of Tn�tea are 0�01 thts Oead Ot , :. . ;
<br /> ' � 1rus1. • �
<br /> . . Rowere o4 Trustee. In aQQlBon to atl pow¢i8 0l Tn�stEe e►isin8 as a matter of law,Tnutse sha0 have th0 paw8r to teke tAa[oVOwtn9 actlons .
<br /> • . , wlth respect to ihe PropeRy uDon the wAfton nquest o!LsnQe►and Tnistnr. (e)�oln In Oreyar�ng ead filtng a maD or p�at of tAa Rea1 i'roperty, ,
<br /> � ir.clu6tng the Qedlcation of strseb or etl�er r1gAb to the puDttc: C�!iotn la granUng arry eas�mad ar aeaUng arry restrtctlon on th�fteal FropeSy: . . .
<br /> �d (o)jaln in any submdtna�on or other agresment affedin9 tt'.Y��Sd of Trust o►tha i�rterest c�C.ender under thls Deed of Tnist �
<br /> ' . � tNStee. Tnrstaa she11 mest atl quaIlftcallor�reQulred tor Tn�stea under apD��l818w. In add�UOn to tNe d8hb et►d remedles 591 iarih above. ;t :'.. .:
<br /> . . . . with resAacl lo e0 or any parl of th9 PropertY.tna Tn�stee shaD have the ABfit to forectose bY noNce and sate.and LanQpr sfiefl have tha Aglri t� .. . ,•: '..
<br /> . ' torectase Dy Judiclal larectosure.In etther�se in accardance witA end to the ftdl exteM proNded bY apAa�tO taw. ,
<br />� � Suaessor Truatee.Lender.al Lendefs optton,may flom Ume to Ume apAoint e suaessar TNStee to anY T�b��e h��S�e�y� '
<br /> � , Instrumerd execuLad end acknavAedged by LenQer end record80ln the otflo9 of tha ieeorder of FWLI.County. ,.
<br /> contaln,ln add1Uon to ell other mattsrs requtred by state taw,the names ot the artglnal LenQar.Tn�tee,and Tntstor,the bcok and pege(a , .
<br /> computer Sysfem reterence)where this Oeed ol Trust Is recorde0,an0 thB name and address of the sueoessor truste�,and ttra instrumart sheA . . .
<br /> be executed and ae(cnawtadged by elt the baneflclarles under the 08e0 01 Tru,t or thelr sucoesso�s in Interasf. fi0 succassor tr�tae.wlthout .
<br /> • ' conveyance ot th�Properly.shaU sucoesd to atl the Utte.pawer.an0 dWes eonterted upnn tho Trustee In tht3 Oeed of Trust and by app8eahf� •• • •
<br />' law. Th1s prooedure 1or subsUtullon of hustea shall gavem to the exctuston Of eU other provfslons ta SubS�tWon.
<br /> � NOTIC�.S TO TRUSTOR AND OTNER PARTtFS• A^Y nottce undar thls Oeed of Tn�st shaU b91n wrlUng,may ba snnf by tef�tecslmfte(untass •
<br /> ' ot4�ervvtss�equtred by tativ).and shail be effecBve when actua�y dellvered,or when doposttsd w(th e naUonalty racogntzed ovemlght eouAsu.or,11 �
<br /> mailed,shall be Easmsd eNective when dapos(ted In the United States mail ftrst dass.certlfled or re8lst�rsd mail�.postage PreDald,dtrsetnd{�o�
<br /> m
<br /> eddresses shown near tne begtnnfng of 1hls Deed o�Tru�t. My party maY ehanSe Ib adEcsss for noUaes under thls Oead af TnislOy g�rl 9 .
<br /> � � wdtten noUoa to trte other paNes,spedrytng tha!the puryase of the rrotice 19 to change tA9 part}/s aQdress. Afl eoAte9 af�att�s af torECt�uro trom .
<br /> . . � � , For notica purPoses.Trustor ag�to keep lende and Tnuta9lntarm d at aU Brrm�of Trus�tor�s cuQent Q�dr�9ss. be�nNng of thb Oead o}Trust. • � .
<br /> • MISCEIIAHEQU9 PROV{SION9. The inQowing mtseellaneous provl5torm are e part o1 Uils�eed of Trusk . � � .
<br /> Amendments. Thls Oeed of Trust,together wilh any Re�ate0 Oocuments,constitutes the enUra undersfanding and agreement ot the parUes es
<br /> � to the matters set toAh tn this Deed ot Trust. No slteraUan of or amendmeM to thls Deed o1 Trust shaU be effecWe untess glven in wrlBng and
<br /> . . signed by ihe paAy or paRies sought to Ca charged or bound by ths elterauon or amsndment. .
<br /> _', . � �_. _ __._ ADp1lcn�te Ls+�. TNs Oeed ot Trust das bsen doltverea to�enaar cnd auepte0 by Lender In the Stnie o!NeOrake. Yh1s 02Pd of Trust . � �
<br /> � .- .. -. . - _ 7 � � i ` —__ -::-. ._.
<br />. ' , . . � • •. •
<br /> (_- , - '°�"'. 1�,_�..._..
<br /> - _�.—t--+--• ..__.'.-. .—._... ..__T��yu�.r���f H••-�1;' '+s �.t�, "
<br /> _ ��� '�t^�^�Irr+�Y� . '_"'.�n�_^.-����y�""p��r�w'^'n�,'�'�rr� ,. I�TfrR....�. • , • .
<br /> ... _ - .. _ . ._ •- . . . . _, . . . ' ... .. . . . . . . . . . { _ _.I . . .... . _ . . . a .... . - .. .. . •1 ( . • . .. � �.
<br />