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<br /> ;.-� �c • i� THtS OEEO OF TRUST.ts m3de as otthe�.$I__daY FR .19 37 .by snd emong �Q �`- - _
<br /> ,,.: . � �-=-_,
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<br /> -.��4.�'�.: �� :�.:'.���:`..� NETH E. S UDA A SINGIE PERSON � ===='�_�
<br /> �f ,_ .. . ; �. � : theTnistor. KEN N , . ' ��,,,.-
<br /> �. ::4. �•__��-.
<br /> '�� � , vuhase ma�Tmg address is �4237 SUi�IlAER CIRCl.E GRA!!D ISLAldD NE 69803 (herein°Tnistor,wtietherone armcne}.
<br /> ' ' i�eTrustee FII►E POIAI7S�A�iK�n ��rn�ncee rnQOnRnTi(1N " _ �����
<br /> , : ., ., �jY i:
<br /> < ; �} �' whosemailingaddcessis P 0 BOX 1507 GRAND ISL4ND NE 68802 t���`T��1��'d
<br /> r. � _ '
<br /> � �:.z-
<br /> . � theBeneRClary. FIVE POINTS BANK -
<br /> �::� S.. ��,�__:
<br /> whosemaiGngsddressis 2015 N. Ba0AD4JELl AYE. 6RAND ISLAND NE 69803 {herein`lerWer"},. .��4.
<br /> .f,a4.••_
<br /> ... . 4�.� . —_
<br /> '`. . .L . '�`�,-;'.� FOR VAlUASlE CONSIDERATION.induding F.endefs extenston ofuedit Identifiad herein to �.=�`�:�
<br />: . � ' .; ,�`'.. ENN S U A �Y_�
<br /> • (herein`Borrawer.'vuhether one or more)and ti�e Wst hsreln asate�the reoetpi �-
<br /> • , 'r ` ed.TNStar hereby iRevocabry grgtrts.transfero.canveys and asslgns to TN8tee,IfV TRU3Y.WIYH
<br /> . . • oT whidt ts here8y act�towtedg. � .
<br /> � � pOWER OF SAtg.for the benefit and security of Lender.under en�subjed to the terms and crondi8ons hereinaftet set foAh.the c�al �=
<br />:•�� . -. , � .�r.: . �.�-.
<br /> E�.�:�,' •' �. .� ., propertY descti0ed asfaRaws: �•
<br />� :.::;... . .� " .�`�. ��.
<br /> ' �- - -_- - COUN7'V, NEBRASKA -- -_-
<br /> k:"-��_ ,�: _-
<br /> j�•� - '•.�, � :'��`-�`.' .Together wlth a(1 buitdings improvemertts.�UcNres.streets.alteys.PassaSeways.easemenb,�ights.Pr[vfteges and appurtenances .�u;_„
<br /> , nt.•
<br />�.;,-.'.�r.:� . Iocate0 ther�on or in anywfse peAainirtg thar�'m,end fhe renb.issues and profits,ceve�sfons and rem�nders thBreat.and sudl per-
<br /> '�' sonaf property that ts attache0 to the improvementa so�as ta wnstitute a fi�re�indudfng,6A not timited W,heating an0 caoling equip- �"� � :
<br /> ��' menk and togefhar with the homastead or marttal interesfs.iFany.which interasis are hereby teleased anA waived;atl of which,Indu� �,_�.�;;
<br /> �. � � � ing captacemsnts.artA addiUons thereto.is hereby Qedared to be a part ai the real estate secu�d by t he I ten o f t his OeeO of Trust and - .
<br /> � '� �' '�. aDoitheforegoingbeingreferredtahereinasthe'Propert�. t���=';��
<br /> � This Deed of Tnist shail secure(a)the payment oi the pdndpaf sum and interest evidenced by a Qmmissflry note or�lt a�ea- � �_-_- :
<br />.S: � , ' .. . ment dated�rne��nrn � 1 QA9 �havtrtg a m�turity date of iiC(_FMR��i 1� �g9a �..�.--
<br /> f _ ..,_,_r''. . a= .� .
<br /> � � � �,. (n the artgtnal princlpai amount of$ 120,000.Q0 _ .and any and all madlflcations.ex�ensles}S and renswals = �.
<br /> 1 thereot or thereto en4 any and aii tuture ac�rasioes aad readvances W Barrower(or any oi them ff more than one)h�re�mder pursuant
<br /> �';— .
<br /> � . -_'-=��r- '. ��; to one or more promi^.�asyr aoles or ctedit egreements(hereln catted'NOL�'}:(b}the payment of otEler sum$advanced by LenQet to �_y�._.
<br /> T�`,;� ` � ;�;::?�� protect the security oi the Note:(c)ths per[am►arroe of ati eovenants�nd agreemen�ai Tnrstar set faRA hereti►;an0(d)ail psesent end �:'-���==
<br /> ;� � futire tndebtedness and obUgatlons of Borrower{or any o1 them ff more t�an one)to Lender whether Qireq.indirect,absotute or cocttin- ,�s�`��:�,
<br /> �.-:`. �. � geM and whether aAstng by note.guarenty.overdraft or ott,rnaise.The Note,tl►ts Deed oi Tnist and any and ali other docaments that �� �;:�:
<br /> r..�:
<br /> secure the Nots or othelwise executed ln connection thetav�ith. inctu0ing wlthout iim(taUon guarantees,secudty agreements and �,�:,_._:_
<br /> � , _ � � ' - asstgnments of teases and rents,shati be referred t�herefn as the'Loan Insbuments'. -�=�-�
<br /> ,,��' .. . '� TrusWr covanants and agrees vrlth L.ender as 4oitaws: � i
<br /> � ' 1. Payment ai IndebteQness.All Inde�dness secured hsreby sha,'�be pald when due. �~�°_`_��
<br /> � '`'� 2 Titte.Trustar is the owner of the Property.has fhe dght and authority to convsy the Property,and warrants thak the lien creat — ' '
<br /> .. ..,�
<br /> ed hc-�reby is a first and pdor tlen on the Properry.except br tlens and encumbrances set foAh by TnisWr in wriUng and delivered to
<br /> � • Lender 6efore execu8on of th�s Oesd of Tnts�,and tfie execeflon and detivery ot this aeed of Trusi does not vio'at�any contract or
<br /> 3'� � � other obligaUon W whtct►TrusWr is subject
<br /> ..�..• • • .
<br /> • � 3.Taxes.AssessmeMs.To pay before delinquency all taxes,speclal assessments and ali other charges agatnst the Property
<br /> � now or hereafter tevled. � •
<br /> ;�:,� ' • •4.t�suranee.To IceeO�e Property Insured ega(nst Aamage by flre,hazards inctuded within the term'extenC..�d coverege'.and
<br /> � " �:�+other ha�rds as LenCer may requlre,in amounta and with companies accept2C�to Lender,naming Lenaes as an add'�tonat �
<br />` • �� named insured.wiW toss Do,'�te to the Lender.in case of fass u�der such potides,�:a LerMer is authorized to�;ust,coVect and . •
<br /> � . campromtse,all Gaims thereunder and sha0 have tAe optton oi apptying ail or part ot the Insurance Rraoeeds(q to any lndebte�ess .
<br /> '� " �-�� secured hereby and in such order as Lender may Qetermine,(ii)to the Tn�sior tu be used for the repair or restaraUon ot the ProF�r4y or
<br /> I • . � pii)for any other purpbse or object satlsfactoq►to Lender withoitt aHe�c�•g the tien of this�eed ot Trust far the full amount secun�A
<br /> � . hereby before suCh pgyment ever took plaC9.My applicaUona oi proCeeds to Inde��cG;�.ess shail not extend or postpone the due Qate
<br /> �:.•,.��'_'. ' at atry payments under the Note,or cure any default theteunder or hereundet.
<br /> ' 5.Eserow.Upon wdtten demand by Lender,Tn�stor shail pay to Lender,in such manner as Lender may designate,suft7clent ;
<br /> � � sums to enable tender to pay as they become due one or more ot the toltowing:(i)ai1 taxes,assossments and other oharges against .
<br /> ,'_� -:,•' . • � the Propetty.(ii)the premiums on the property insurance required hereunder,and(iii)the premiums on any mortgage Insurance
<br /> � � � repuired by Lender.
<br /> •�' � �� , . 6.6Aatntenanco. Ropalra and Compllaneo v�ith Lawa.Trustor shall keep the Property in gooti condidon and repaU;sha0 •.
<br /> �^�� ;. -- - � • - prompUy repair,or reptace any improvement which may be damaged or destroyed;shatl not oommit or permit any wasie or detedoia- :
<br /> �: '� Uon oi the Pro�erty;shali not remave.demoiish or substantlaity at4er any of the improvements an the Property:sAal!nof oommif.suffer .
<br /> _ • � . . or permit any acl to be done in or upon the Property in viotaUon of any law,ordinance,or regutaUon;and shail pay and promptly dis- �
<br /> • � ; charge at TrustoPs cost and expense atl liens,ertcumbrances and charges tevied,imposed or accessed agalnst the Property or any
<br /> • paR thereot.
<br /> 7.Emlrtant Domain.Lender is hereby assigned all compensaUon,awards,damages and other payments or retief(hereinafter
<br /> . - ---_ � nuc Ksr n+�v�,c.�nmauw sAO __
<br /> ' . Ot9aeNr�rsflm+►dto�eTrotwSev+�v�••,••,�."•.�•rm+.fLwam . . • .
<br /> .. �. ' �. _ - '. _ _
<br /> - -��'..�..-.r---�--�•�--�-+. . . .. : . . . , �' � . � �8 .
<br /> - ... . . r �- t
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<br /> . �_ ... •.� ..-
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<br /> • � , .,- . . . . _.�.... . . .�� _.. •�_ . ._.. . �- -._ _ -_s' .
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