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<br /> � •� .y c °: 1.Palm�a�B..6�row� agraes ic make afi payrnants on the seaued debt wtien due. tlNess Borrower and LenGer agree e. enY � , -` 4 . ".. "
<br /> � paymenta Lender�eceives irom Bott�wer or Tor 6ortaweYa banefit wit14•e aDpGed Tirst_to arry emou�Bmrowar owes ort ihe secured debt r
<br /> - �` e�cdusive of Interest or prindpai.sscond ta irrterest,and then to principal.lf partta!Dtepaymerrt cf th9 seetued debt occ�as for etty reason,it wil! ,.
<br /> � - ` te
<br /> � c`"�,• nat rednce w exeus+a anY scheduTed DaS�ert urtil the secured QaOt is patd in fuB. . t�-:
<br /> �.� � 2,qaims Against _a o er u+n"'d��a�s.� and cRher charges atfi'6utabte to ihe properiy when due and w�U deiend titla ,,- . ` _
<br /> d- t�
<br /> 5� - < •, W tt�proDasty a ekh�'4"vfitd�vl�i g�r Gen of ttds deed of ttust Lender mey reqe�ire 6anowor ta essign eriY riSMs,aaims ar ..
<br /> .: � detense8 wT�icl� maY ha�dSai ���!rt! suPPN�ar ar materials to improve ar maimein the property.
<br /> c
<br /> '� W;' � g,�_gp �s'gp$ia_proAej�yr � under tetma accepta6fa m Lettder at Botrower's expense and fn►Lendar8 DBnefit M ° _
<br /> 4 ins�uanca poIIdes s im�uQe a standard mortg6aagae dause in fsvor of Lender.Lender wA16a named as losa payae or as the insured on any►sucb `� .
<br /> _. -� a�i"w�,s e°��a a�e�n.°�a r�aqttfres$�no�rtgEge(pLr�s�ua�Bnrtowe�a�e��m�ttit�tn 6'�ttd�ins u8���i as lortg es�t�ider�qu��proyerty ;F fi Z .
<br /> .`_—.� �`�f. .
<br /> c _ � �n.
<br /> .- ` •. " 4.f+raparty.Bortower will keep ths OroAertN in gaod cond'rtion and ma0cs aU reD�+��aasonabty necessary. •
<br /> :�:�' 6,Eticppnso9.garmwer a�rees to pay aU Lender's expanses,inctuding reasonable atcomaYe'fees,if Bortower 6reaks any eovenants t�r tfits deed .,.� tc,.--�
<br /> •i':'�� - `�,�'� of aust or�mly o6i�gaUOn soauad tiy t8is dsed at trnst:Borraw�wL'i ptfy thess amounLS to Lendet es pro�(ded in Covenent 9 of 4his deed of
<br /> •l �� �,
<br /> .� .� g,psipr gecufity Irtmrosta.Unisss 8onowar EUst obtBlna landera m(tten eonsen�Bortower w(II not make ur pflrmh any ehangea W any Ortor � ` r �`r`
<br /> seeurity interesta. Boaower witl pertorm ail of Borrowor's o0l�gation9 undor arry prfo►mortgage, doed ot trust or other sectAitY a�eemo�, ' '`
<br /> ' tn�uding Borrower's covene�rta to maRe paymerrta whan due. =
<br /> � � f '�.'`• 7.As�uieairt of#eMO an4 DsoffQo.Borrowet es8igns w Lnndar tho ror►ta artd Drofite of the property.Urttase Bortowm snd Londer have agreed , `;: .
<br /> offQ
<br /> r , � ` •�� othatw�se in wr�ing.BOROWBr rt18y/CORBCt 8�d fBt91D th9 fAfltB 88 IOng 89 BOROWOf 18 110t i0 d018tl1t.If Barrowo+r Qotauhs,tender. Londer's � ._._
<br /> ¢gant,or a court appointed teoeiver may tako posceaslon end manage tho o�operty and cot(ect tt►e reme.Any ronts Lender coRec¢s shall6e .,�, _ :
<br /> .f � • k c applied tMet to th4 eosts af managtng trio Rtope[ty.Inctudinp CouK Casta eRd attarneys' foee,commtssians to raittat e�onto,end any other - •�-�
<br /> • �, necesaery se►atad expnnsae.Thfl tamalr.ing amour�t of rortts v+ill then apply to peyments on the aacurad Cebt ae provfdcd In Covenam 1. ..==
<br /> ` � • � _``_
<br /> - ` �..., �•. 8,Lesaey�a•CoRQomie�iuraa:Flynned UnTt D�vetnpmesrts.Borrowur agtCea ta rompty w(tt►tAe 0��iatons of any tease if ttals dee0 of uust ta on �s�_"; ;.'::- T
<br /> j., ;: o loasehotd.t�thts 4sed ot uust la on a untt tn a candomintutn ar e planned unft davotoDmer�L Bonowa wiU peRorm e11 of Borrowe�'s QWea ' _y�
<br /> ander the wvenarus,by-Iawa,or raputatton9 ot tha ccn4omWum ar p(anne0 unit deveioymern. --
<br /> . *- ,' 8.Au7�ortt�/af Len�r t�Pe�rform tos Bo:rawer. If Bortowet teita to ertortn enY ot Bortowera Cuttoa utMar thla deod ot tnsL Lendar may . �.--
<br /> ' �, 1` por{orm th�dudes or eause tfiem to be perfarmed.lender may elgn�ortower's name orpaY eny amawit it eacessary tot peAarmence.If eny _ � ,•
<br /> du •
<br /> . " . . aecurity i�nte+est t�n the�o�pertYaTNis maY��� .��mDtetl 8 d►0 co�n�so�n�ic�Un�nmanner,tenAer may do whaLSVar Is neeessary to prbtact Lender's •
<br />. f. , :c —._--
<br />.-"��{ . � F..... '"�"-
<br /> .. . . t ��.:'_ Leedefe{aHure t�o pertorm wAi rmt prsciude LanEer nom exercising any of Ete ather rtgMs under tha faw m Ws Qeed of trust. __- _
<br /> �:��' My amew�paid by Lender to proteee Lende�s secvrhY tnte►est wtB be sacured by tlria deed of tsust.Such amounta will 6e due on demand -
<br /> , � �f s "`.��� and wip besr interestfrom the date of the paymarR undl paid in fuFl st tha Irnsrest rete in effectbn tha seaired deb� ' ,:, --
<br />