. ;` '.�,:.-S.��RP.- ♦ . : . - ..� _ . _` . . .., y. .L- i.ii._c �'. < . - 1 .< £� .. . � t �.-
<br /> c •-
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<br /> -.. _:.�f-;�-.. -.- - — -- '— - c - - - _ -`ti. - -
<br /> r.-� 'i� f S � � t v �_
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<br /> ' _ -'(` .�-�. �4.._ _ t .� -.��- - - S' L G�
<br /> - fe �. '(- � '`t• . . - a/p gy :� "
<br /> -t . _ f - n�.F. , • �/� ����/bdJ� � . •�,
<br /> k':. . ` ;� �. ::' 8ortowds eserow account under the tedaral Re� Esffit�Set�eme�t Frocedures Aet�of 1874 es amende0 tram t(me to tlme.12 U.S.C. ;� .���.: . _.
<br /> - 4.: �"F
<br /> _ . . • 2601 et seq.('RESFA').�mtes�anoth�Iaw that appQss to the Funds sets a fesser emounL If so. Lendc�may.at a�ry Um�wQeoi and -.-s i
<br /> �,�' V• t�otd'Funds in an amaunt not to exceed the Iesser amown. Lend�may estimate the emo�mi of tunds due on the 6asis of artent data .:�,�,-'.<;:,
<br /> , and ress�abie es8matea of expenditurw of�re Eseraw ttems ar otherwise in aecordancs with appQcabte taw. �`.2� � ';'
<br /> -. ' � ` r,y The Funds shaD be held in an Nstih�tton whase deposhs are tnsured Dy e tedemt egeuy. instrumenialityl� ar ent3ly Qn�u�ng :, ,:�. '
<br /> . the Futrds to pay ths Esaavi items. ` E"° ,
<br /> . L�der, it I.ender t�such en insUwtlan)ar tn any Federat Home Loen Bank lender s the esav�v accourrt.ar vedtying the Eecraw �.. , .
<br />_ Lender maf►not eharAe Borrower tor heidfig and appA►1�9 the Funds.en�ua6Y arta�n9 '� < ,
<br /> :� � :: �:�r ,..•
<br /> �``�•. �`` ^: ftems.unless Lend�pays BortowQr Interest on tRe Funds and appQcable iaw permits ta�der to ma9m such a charge. Hmvever�Lend� . ,
<br /> ''"� a one-Ume charSe tos an indeperedent real sstaba tex rePorUng seMee used by Lender in conneehon with `..�Y.` ..��
<br /> maY require 8orraw�to pay (nterast to be aid Lender ` �::
<br /> :. -- —_ , uris ivan.�=•••""�'�"•,��QA- �mtass an aareemerrt Ca made or aDAQcadts lavv taquires P _ ,:`-_'�. _
<br /> ���. �< ,' shaD nm 6e requTred to pay Borrower arry irrterest or eamings an the Funds. Bosrower and Lender ma�l BSree in wrWng.hawe�er.ttrat .
<br />� . ,.:r..r�"""�' � q`.• •-.
<br /> �:�:�;, interest sha0 ba patd on the Funds. L.�nder shall ghre to Bartower. wfthaut eharg�en ennual aa:ounting of the Funds. showing
<br /> . �`.: �¢d'ds end d�to ths f�ds aad the purpose for+�htch eaeA debft to the Funds was rt�d� Yhe Funds are ptedged as addrttonat ` �. •,•
<br /> _,i
<br /> - �: � `
<br /> sea�rityy fos aB sums secured by this Seauity instrument _ _ :�� �.
<br /> � N the Funds hetd by Lender exrRed the amourtts PermiGed to 6e hetd bY�PPIlrabla Iaw.Lender shatl aceo�u�t to Bottow�for the - - --
<br /> .f �,•n
<br /> a�eess Funds in ecoor�nce witt►the requiretse•.+Ets of spp6cabte law. If the emautrt of the Funds held by tender at any tfine is not -,.
<br /> ,r t
<br /> f ; suflideM to pay the Esaow ttems vsrfien du�LendEr may so notay Barrower In wdtlng.and,In such case Botrwuer shaD pay to Lender -..-
<br /> t° . . . �<. . . . Me amourt rteccsssrY to make u�the deHdeneY• Bortower BhaD maka up the deflden�7t in no more tl�an twehre�rrta�thN Paym�•ffi _---
<br /> � - Lender's scis rIIsts'etlon. -��
<br /> �:.�; •�. ' . Upon paymer�t(n full at a0 s�uns secured b1►this 3ea�fitY!r�Wment.Lender shaU PromptN rel�nd to Bortower any Punds held bY `-, ---
<br /> . .y`•::',�.1��` •' Lcmd� If�under para�I�21, Lender shaD aequlre or sdi the Property.Lend�.Prtor.to the acquisitton or sala W the P�opefly.sha0 ;"�� ��---
<br /> ' aPPi�l a�l!Ponds hetd by C�d�a!the Ume of esx�uisitian ot sale as a credit against the suma secured by thls Securtly(nstrumert. '".'�.�_
<br /> _ `< 3.App1iC880tf of P8yca4�C6#9. Unless applicabSe taw pmvides otherwise,aU Paymenis recdved by Lender under paragraphs � ''
<br /> �..::� ,,`:>.'., es due under the Not� second to emoutds�PaYabte under pare�a,ph 2:thfrd •, �,<_
<br /> `� 1 and 2 shatl 6e appIIe�firsL to�7t P�P��� . �".'. ,
<br /> � � ' rr, ` ta brterest du�tourtfi.to prtnctp�du�and lest.ta eny late charges due under the Note. ..�•,,,` -
<br /> f � `� - -
<br />_.�� ° 4. Ch3rges; lIeY19. Barrow� shall pay aU taxes, essessmer►ts, ehar9es.ftrtes m�d impos�tons atDibute�te to the PmperiY
<br />;;;;".:� :'• -�'�f.: , wh{ct► maY attain Pr�otity wer this Szwrity Insbumen� end Ieasehold payments ar ground rerts. B enY. Berrower shaU P9Y these - .
<br />�,.. . • - �,a h 2,or if not paid(n that manner.�ortower shaD pay them on tlme dk�tty ta the p�son - _- -
<br /> ob6gaUcna in the rtmr+cser pravided" 1i�9�P � .
<br /> � � owed payment Bortovrer shall pr�-�}f tumfsh to lender all noflces of smaurds W be pafd under thts paragrapb. it Borrawer makes - --
<br /> : `'` . these.Payments drtectlY.Borrawer shaD P��P�Y Tumisi�to Le�ldet receipts avtdendn9�e P�errts. .; _-
<br /> _ . •, gorrovrer shap promptiy�scha�ge erry Oen which has pdotity over this Sea�s�y►instrumerd untesa Borrower:(a)agrees in wrWng W R_::- ,�-
<br /> cootesGs(n goad 4aitA the tlen by,or detenda � ---
<br /> ` ,. _:�..ci s' the payma�t of the obllgaHon secured bll the Ilen In a manner accePfabla to Lender, @) C J,.�".
<br /> ' ' againsq en}eraeme.nt of the qen in.te�t Dmceed�ngs which in the Lendda optnioa oparate to prevert the e�torcement ot the Oen:or(c) `
<br /> �.:. �- • , . `, .;.:',:� ~
<br /> secures irom tfie hoider of the G�en a�eertient saUsfacto�y to LendeJ subordinattr►g the Qen to thts SecurUy Instrumert ii Lender ;- .�+.::
<br /> �..,. . ,. determtnes that arry PaR ot the PmP�lI is subject to a Uen whteh maY at�n Odority aver th(s 8ecuriy! fnstrumert, Lcmder may 9h►e : `�.. �
<br /> . , ::;•��'��� .�.: __ - ,.
<br /> � Bortower a noUce tdentiryfng the Ren. 8orrower shaU satlsty the Qen or taka one or more of the acttons set torth above w�hfi 10 days • -
<br /> ;s ' ot the gFrfig ot notic� � ?���'.,�-
<br /> �, • . .�,. •:,
<br /> { _ 'K�'Of - _.
<br /> ' � �.9damrd or Prpperis/C��:r.t'rdttC�. Borrower shali k�y the improvemerRs now mdstJng or hereafter er�eeted on the =
<br /> � PropeY�y snsured aqatnst toss by�a`.�zacds induded within the ta.r'extendEd covaage°er��y►other hamrds,inctumr►g floads ar ..Y f�y
<br /> �;� .-;�': 4aading. tar whlch Le�de►requires insurance. Thts (nsuranee shall be maiMained 1n the�rt►ouMs and for the pedods that lender, . '..:.x. -
<br /> �"' requires. The ins .0�.s�caTrter providing the insursnce sha11 be ahosen by Bortmver subject to Lenders approval wh(ch shaU not trs ,;.;�L,;�. -_ -
<br /> s: . .�
<br /> ..,;,` � ' unreasa�ably wittiheld. B Bortower ta[is to maintain coverage descr(bed abova,Lender may, at LendePs opUon.obt�n cove�age to :,`,�,�r�•>,.�
<br /> . , ,. �, prateet�ender's rigMs In the Preperly fn accordance wftb paragraph 7. ," :�;�-:=...
<br /> en
<br />` . � � M insurance policies and renewats shaU be acceotafole to Lender and sha111nctude a standard mortg3ge cfausa Lertder shail have ��_..:; --_-
<br /> � : � . the dgM to hotd the poDeies and renewats. If Lender requires,Bo�rower sha11 OromAUS► Sive to Lender eU receipts of paid premlums k�.� _
<br /> � . ��`. �. . , and renewal notices. In the event ot toss,Bo�rawer shall glva prompt notice to the Insurance rartfer and Lender. lender may r�ke ';�� _
<br /> �� . • ' proat oi loss tf not tnade promptty by Bortower. ».;
<br /> � tlntess lender and Bortower c3tacvise a�ee in wriUn9•Insurance pmeeeds shall Ce app�ed to restoration or�epalr of the Praperty s`�
<br /> '�j.n °''� `�``.'• .�' •� damaged,ti the restaraUon or reps:7'ss economicalty feasible ar•�t.r�deta securiry is not lesse2ed. if the r�storatlon or repah Is nat •:�;,fa ,.
<br /> ��• • � � � economicaity teasibte u lende�s secucfty woufd be lesssseneb, the insu►ence proeeeda shall 6e appfled to tha sums secwned by thts _ ` ��_
<br /> �,:. : . • .,�.__'
<br /> �,. Security Instrument, v�hether or not then Eue, with erry excess paid to Borrower. I} Bartower abandons the Propetty, or daes not " i: s�-
<br /> }.,�:,,•:.. � ' answer wrihin 30 daye e noUee trom lender that the insurance cx�nter has offered to setUe a claim, then Lender may collect the _
<br /> da ��� •
<br />':�'r ' (nsurance proceeds. lender may use the proaeeda to repalr or restare the Property or to pay sums eecured by this Security _:=_;tb�^�-'.
<br /> edod w311 be �L:hen the noUce is given. `J'°�" '�
<br /> tnstrument,whether or not then due.The SOday p 9m
<br /> �?:.:. � Untess Lender as�d Bortower otherwlse a�ee In writing, enyr 4p�QeUon of proceeda to pdncipal shall not extend or posg�one the ,
<br /> :, ,
<br /> ;�•' due date o1 the monthy payments reterred to tn paragraphs 1 and 2 or thangs the amaunt o4 the payments. 8 under para�aDh 21 , - 4
<br /> `-.,:. .. the Property is acquired by Lender,BoROwer's�ght to any in�rance polictea end proceeds cesNNn9 irom Eamage to ths Propedy pdor
<br /> � �. • to the acquis�lon ahaU pass to Lender to the exteM of the sums aecured by thls 8ecnrity tnstrument Immediatey pdos to the _ :
<br /> - •� acqutsiUon. � , ,:.' .
<br />'h: .'.� . � �. ' '. � 8. Occupancy� Prosenration, Maintenance ��nd Protection of thm Properiy: �oreoweda Loatt �� � .
<br /> �. � Application; Leaseholda Borrower sha11 cccupy,estab4sh, and use the PropeRy as Borrower's pdncipal residence v�ithin sixry : .
<br /> k.:. ' days efte►the exeeuUon ot this Secur(ty tnsdumertt end shall continue to occupy the Properiy as BorrowePa pdncipal residence tor at
<br /> '-��> • least one year efter the date of occupancy, uniess Lender otherwlse agrees in vrtiling, whieh consent shatl no! be unreasonebty '
<br /> ,.:, .. . .
<br /> . withhetd.or untess extenuatlng circumatencea exist which are Geyond Bortawer's canUol. Bo�rower shall nat destroy,damage ar impair : � .
<br /> - � - � the Property,ai(ow the Piroperty to detedomte, or commit waste on the Properly. Bortouver shall ba in deta�ii ff eny toAeiNte action or • „
<br /> �;•,,i. : proceeding,whether chril or criminal,Is begun that in Lender's good taith Judgment coutd resuft Tn terte�ture of the P i rope A y ot a t hetw is e .
<br /> �� � • . materl�Ay ImpaU the lien aeated by this Securiry Instrument or Lender's secudty interesL Bortower may cure such a Qefauk and
<br /> ��';,' . .. . .
<br /> reinstate.es provlded In paragraph 18, by causing the action or pcoceeding to he dlsmissed with e ruUng tha� in Lender's good taith
<br /> determinaUon, pree(udes forte'iture ot the 8orrower's irrterest in the PropeRy or other materfal Impalrtnent o1 the lien created by this . .
<br /> ' • Secudry InsUument or Lender's security interest. Borrower shall aiso be in detauil i1 Borrower, during the loan applicaUon proeess. . : . �
<br /> � ' � _ gave matedaity faise or Inaceurate intormation or statements to Lender (or taiied to provide Lender w3tb any matetlal intormation) fn � :
<br /> corsneetion v�rih the loan evidertced by the Note.Ineiuding. Out not limited to.representaUons conceming Bortovrer's oacupancy o!the
<br /> '�°, ••� - � ' . Property as a pdneipal resldence. I1 this Securityr InsUUment is on a Ieasehotd. 8ortower shall compy with a0 the provisions oi the
<br /> � lease. I1 Bortowar acqulres tee title to the RropertY. tha leasehotd and the tee UUe sha0 not merge uniess the Lender acyees to th9 .
<br /> � merger in writing. Fcrm ao2s e�so , .
<br /> .. . Ft029.UAG I�OA� �gc 2 ot 5 .. . -
<br /> ...
<br /> ;. . .' . �� � ' .
<br /> - � �. " . . ,_.� n�� �. �- �� � _
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