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<br /> .5. ��� �,i.k� _� :4c� _ �� u • � `i t y. � � .. '� . . . . r:o�', .. �`, ti' ,,`.
<br /> E .� • `}` '4t ' �a, �p, . `o y` ' .. ' _e c. � .R . ¢` -5 t� �`i..
<br /> - . . � � '.t , �. , i � ' .� c ' I ' l v - � . � ' ,. � _ .
<br /> t ` �1 F ' 4 " � �� , � �`' � .. ., a�` '�i � •�_ <<Q �� F� . .F.•��,
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<br /> tr�
<br /> , , � -- 4� _ ` s 141: . .. "' � , _ 1.��
<br /> _ Sc„4 �� f� " ' � . tl�����i��� . . - 4 f t� �`V -
<br />- , •. �k,t,_ .
<br /> � � paymeats may no Iongea 6e�quired.at the a;�rioa of Lender.if mgngage insusanc�caveaage{in d�ammmt aad far the peri�a ;
<br /> _ " ,:;_' . tbat I.eaBc�r�uires)Drovtded by aa ins�apittoval by I.emder again h�omes ava7a61e and is obtaiased.Boaower shall pay the i ... . ..
<br /> }� � urxmiums�enn�ed�to mafnrain.mprt�ge ins�uance�e ef�ea.or tu provide s toss�ve.aa4t�d�e reqnir�ment for mmtgage _ , .
<br /> �� ins�uance�ds in arcordance with any wr�n a�a�crccn Banuvnx auci�os appuc�ni�i�►• �-- �, 4 � .�.
<br /> ", 9.�nspectlnn. Lender ar itc agent may make�easoaable cnuies upan and ins�xions of die Progesty.L�euder sLall give ..{
<br /> - -_-�� Bomawe�nhTiceat die time af or prior tm an inspectian n►ecifyIng t r a s o n a b l e c a u c e f o s t h e i n s p e�i o n. � r .'.'
<br /> .,
<br /> : � �o.con�ma�n. 'Ihe praceeds of aay awand ar ctaim far dama�.direct or wnse�ueaEiai,ia wm�non wqh anY .
<br /> 4 • . . . condemnation or otha t�ng of any part of the Property.ar far conveyance m lieu of c�deonnation,�e heee6y nssigaed�cl Y _
<br /> � . sLallbepaidtoLaadea. � �
<br /> ' in tlse eveat af a mtal taldn$of the Pmpeny,the piooerds shalt be applied to the s�nns secured by this Se�uit7/�eat, -
<br /> • � � wliether ar not then due.w'st6 any eacess paid w Bosmwe,r In ihe eveat of a part's�al taiQng of the Ropgsty in which tbe fair matket ` `< :� .
<br /> ., V .. .t.,,�--
<br /> vaIue of tbe Praperty immediateiY befare the taIong is equal w or great�r than the ataotiwe af the s�us saeared by this Secarlty t
<br /> � t� -
<br /> • Iact�wne�t immediateSy befare tiie taiaag,unl�s Bo�er aad Latder othe�wiss agcee in wctting.the smns s�by dds __-
<br /> :;� .. ' '`, ' ` -
<br /> .' • ,� Secauity IasOniment shali he redac�ed by the amouat of the proceeds muttipfied by t1�e folLawuig f�actioa:(a)the oatal befm8 the �
<br />- � .. . the sums sec�red immediately isefore the raking,divide�blt @)the faa market vatue of the Pcopeily immediatelY
<br /> `, ': : `. .` `i taking.Any balaace shall be paid to Hmrower.Ia the e�r�tt of a pa�tial tais�g af the Propertyt ia c�hich the fai�u�Icei vaine a�the
<br />_ �: ,F-c- . � pmpecty immediately before�the taking Ls Ie.ss than Qie amount of the sarps secared immediatetY bc,fare the mgu►g,�niess �
<br /> , , .: iaw otharwise vFdes.the prnceeGs s9all be applied to We � ��v
<br /> , .� Horro,we�and Iander oiLeaarise a�ree in urriting or�mless applic�le 1� �`,�_
<br /> � ' by ry wfiether or imt the sams are then du� � . .•'�,' `'T `
<br /> ` ' " �, ..t sums se�aored tbis Securi Iustram�t � -n'-y
<br />.� .,. If the Pcoperty is abanGoAed by Bonower,or i�aft�r nohce by Lender w Borrawer that the conde�n�offers�o make� —
<br /> _ . .` °- . award ur�seu2e a claun for damages,Boaowea fa7s ro r¢spond to Lendea aithin 3U days after die da2e the notice is given.Irudet �
<br /> � � is amho�zed tu coIie�and apply the.proce�s.at ifs apuon.either w res�atFon or repai�r of the Rapeaty or W the spms secaued -_ - -
<br /> �
<br />-=, . :��� < ; ' by t1�is Secariry Insuume�t,whether or not theu dae. �5ag not extead or posqwne . . � _'
<br /> < ' ! Unles9 I.ender anfl Borrower othecwise a�c+ee in wridng,anY SFPlicaunn of proceeds w Prmc�pal
<br /> �-• ��: the dnedatc af the mowhlY�Ymeats refeaied ta in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amo�tof sach paym�auts. � _
<br /> � •� ° ''``� •.? • iL Bosrower l�iot Released;Fosbea�ance By I.eader Not a Watves Sxt�iaa of the Hme far payment or ma�ficatian -_
<br /> � : � of amort�tian of We sums secmred by this Seaffiq►Insuumeat g�anted by L�d�to any saccessar m ittteae.st af Boirower shall , �
<br /> ` �'�_•. .�� n�ot aperate to retease the liab�ity of the original Hamwer.nr Bosrawer's successors in Interest.Lea�dar sLall noi be reqmi�d to -- -
<br /> •� . cuma�e,nce Proce�gs aga�t ar►Y saocessas in iaoeaest or re,fuse w extend time for gaqcnent or otheza�ise madify amo�on of �,' �-
<br /> :�v , S 0a s�
<br /> the�nns seca�red by tb�is Se�urity lnsuument by re�soa of any dem�d made by tke�iginal Boaower or Barrow�'s saccessors ��
<br /> � � ��; in iat�st.Any forbesrance by Leadea m exe�isa►g any rig6t or remedy sball not be a waiver of oi prectade the exea�eise of any --
<br /> , 5 rightoiremedy. L. -•�-
<br /> �• ` i`- 12.Sncx�sors aa�Assigas Bonnd;Joint and S�veral LiabUity,Co-signers. Tbe covenants end a�ments of this
<br /> . .f g . r
<br /> _ . i Se�nrity Insaromet►t shall bmd and be�efit tha saccessnts anA assigns of Lender and BnrroR�xr. subjeet ou the provisiuns of <. . ;•,�,, : � _
<br /> . � . ,. :� pasa�raph 17.Banrowea's covea�ants and a�nenta shall be jomt and sev�al. Any Boaawea who c�s�igns dus Sewrifiy .=_�,.. : -
<br />- , . , :` Insaame�t but daes aot execute the Note: (a)is co-stigning this Seamry Instrament oNy w mortgage.S�ani and canveyr that . �R
<br /> �� ` Boaowea's interest ia&ce Propeaty undes the tcrms of tLis Sec�riry Instramenx(b)is not personally obligated w pag the sums ..' :�
<br /> .. . -� .� 'n.��.
<br /> ,�.�:,`;.., . . seaaed by 4�is Securiry Instsumen�and(a)a8cees that Lender and any other Bomower may agree to ext�std.modifY.foibear or . �� �:- ._...
<br />- . �:�..' � � :` make any accommodations with reg�.,d r,�the t�enns of this Se�tuity Ta.s�ument or the Note witttout tltat Borrowea s cansent .: s >�:
<br /> � 13.Laan CAarg�s. If the loan sec�ed by this Security Insumnent is subject oo a law wLich sets maxlmmn loan cb�rges. :�;�� __
<br /> �� �� � and that taw is finally inteapre�d so that the interese or other loan ci,ffiges collected or to be eoIlected ia ccmnection arith the Iaan . .,:`. - :. - _�-
<br /> .�: ,�, exceed t7ie pecmitted tumts.th�:(ay ar►Y such loaa charge shall be reduced by the amrnmt neccssary W redece the e�arge w the . ';�''-: `- -
<br /> � � � � : peimit*�t timix and Ib)m►Y svms already coIIecteQ fram Batmwrd which easeeded pe�mittcd limits w�l be refanded w Bomower. . � - =v.
<br /> _ � " �.• .�•�, : � Lender�y choose tn ma&e d�is m.fand by reQucing the prina�t owe�vnd� the Note or by making a dicect pay�nt ro ,.
<br /> _ . �. .. .j ° , Bomnwer.If a refi��redaces principal,the reduction wiU be ue�ed as a g2itial prepayment witho�rt anY P�P��t��Be� .:;-"'��
<br /> �� : � �under the Note. • . � .
<br /> �:�: .
<br /> , '' � 14.No;ites. A�nY no8ce to�orrowea provi�f�r in thts Seciuity Insut�shall be Siven by deliveai ng ii or by mailiqg it . �
<br /> "�.�.�', . . by fust class mail unless appHcable law requires�se of anothed mefhod.The nodce shal be direcr�d to the PropertS►Address or �.:---:�,-,�`
<br /> : ° ,. . .� . any ather adcire�s Borrower desz�s by notice•to Lend�.My no�ce to L,endcx shall be gEVen by fusi class mail w Lendes's ` J ; _
<br /> •., : �' , . .
<br /> , ,; ' � + addres�stated herein or any other address Le�der designates by notice to Borrower. Any norice provided far in this Sc�ity , .
<br /> � . � ^. Insuument shall be deemed w have b�ea given to fiorrower ar Lendea when given as provided in this p�a�pb. '��+�
<br /> =>:�s � � 1 15.Gmveming Law;Severa6ility. This Secarity Inswment shall 6e govemed by federsil law and the 1aw of the � '. � �,..
<br /> . . .' .�� > jurisdiclion in wiuch the Property is IocateA.ln tlie event that any proviston or clause of this 3e�niry Instrament or the NQie . .
<br /> ' ., . ' conflicts with applirable law,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Insuument or tbe Note which can be � .: • . .
<br />- •� given effect withoat the canflicting provision.To this end the pmvisions of thLs Seturity Instrumeni and We Note are declared to •
<br />:- - ' � be severable. � . .. '
<br /> -.�'. . . . .
<br /> . . � • ' Form SO���S /90 . . ..
<br /> '_ ., .ep((1��(92t2).ot vapoeo�e �nlUata:�"!'.�_ � • :. - .
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