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201306521 <br /> owing on the Loan plus such other charges; costs, fees and expenses incurred hereafter <br /> (the "Fees and Costs"). <br /> The Lender has agreed to postpone the collection of the outstanding Fees and Costs <br /> that are not paid in advance and that are not included in the Modified Principal Balance <br /> as set forth in paragraph 1, all of which remain due and payable to the Lender and shall <br /> be paid by the Borrower, with interest as permitted by the Loan Documents. Said Fees <br /> and Costs shall be payable to the Lender on demand of Lender and shall be secured by <br /> the Security Instrument to the extent so provided in the Security Instrument and <br /> otherwise permissible under applicable laws and requirements. <br /> 3. Interest Calculation: <br /> Interest will be calculated at a fixed yearly interest rate of 4.000%. <br /> 4. Payment Amounts.Time of Payments And Maturity Date: <br /> a. Borrower acknowledges and agrees that Borrower shall, beginning on 7/1/2013, <br /> through the Maturity Date, make monthly payments of U.S. $366.89 for principal and <br /> interest and shall continue to make such payments in accordance with the terms and <br /> conditions set forth in the Loan Documents until the Modified Principal Balance is <br /> paid in full. <br /> b. An Escrow account has been established under the terms and conditions of the Note <br /> and other Loan Documents. Borrower will make an Escrow payment each month on <br /> each payment due date. The Escrow payment currently is $239.16 per month, which <br /> is subject to change depending on the amounts attributable to taxes, insurance and <br /> other escrow items as provided herein. The present combined Monthly Payment <br /> and Escrow Payment will be $606.05. The Escrow payment will be re-analyzed <br /> from time to time in accordance with the terms of the Note and other Loan <br /> Documents to determine if there is any change in the amount due to changes in <br /> amounts due for taxes, insurance and other escrow items and said Escrow payment <br /> will be combined with the monthly payment established in Paragraph 4 herein. <br /> c. The Maturity Date of the Loan is extended to 6/1/2043. If on the new Maturity Date, <br /> Borrower still owes amounts to the Lender, Borrower will pay these amounts in full <br /> on the Maturity Date. <br /> 5. Place of Payment: <br /> Borrower agrees to make payments at the following address or such other place as the <br /> Lender may require: <br /> Midland Mortgage-A Division of MidFirst Bank <br /> Attn: Cashiers <br /> P.O. 268888 <br /> Oklahoma City, OK 73126-8888 <br /> 6. Adiustable Rate Loan Provisions: <br /> Borrow itial Lines <br /> Page 3 of the Loan Modification Agreement *Please add the appropriate number of init rs for each <br /> Order Number:7731413 .natory over 4 <br />