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<br /> —�T�. 13.Not€�.Anyr notice w Bormwer provided for ia this Sec�ity tnstrument shtilI be given isy deMrertng it or ' �,:.—�. - --
<br /> �":� • ____;� by mas�ing it by fust class mail�Iess appllcable lavi requires use of aaotLer methvd.'The nodce shall 6e directed w � � .., �
<br /> - �-� nouce m Lender. A�r natfce to Lender shali!3e -`�-1
<br /> : ,.+! tt�e Ympeny Addre.ss op any other mddress Boaawer designates by - a �
<br /> ,- ; g'n+en bY fust class mait to I,ender's address stated heiezin os any ad�Iender designates 1►Y natice so 8orrawes. `
<br /> , h r•..,_
<br /> . . . `�"� � pay notice pmvided for ia tbis Seca�rIry Instroment sball�deemed w have b�a given tn Boaower or Lender whea <. `
<br /> � � .�� givea as pmvFded'm this paiagcaph. Insauaoent shall be gavemed is�►Fede�al law a�the law of ¢ ��. F
<br /> r.- ; 14.Ca�eraluig l�w;Sev�abilit9.This Seauity .
<br /> ��,: th� in wL�c�the Firoperty is lacated. Ia the event that aay Pmvision or c2ause of this Seauity insuument "'°3'.` __--�:
<br /> .. ;_ :- juris�i°n� �' --
<br /> {. �� or the Note cpnfli�wt'tb applicable Iaw,sttsh ca�ict st�all aot a�ect other pmvisions of tbis Secuiity insuumeni as ° ,'s�- -
<br /> s
<br /> . the Note whic�c�be g'►ven effect vntlwm the oonfl�ctiag pmvisIan. To tbis end ttse gmvisions of this Secxirit�r � �:- � .
<br /> °;.`. `� Inst�ament aad the Note are declaced to be seveFable. ` --
<br /> � '`�g} 15. Borrn�e�s Copy. Borrower shall be givea�aae oonformed o�py of the Note and of this Sec�iry ;-_--
<br /> � - i.- Losua�t. , .. ' <.x'
<br /> � - 16. Hazardaus Sn�stances. Bonower shaU uot cause or germit the p�ces�nce.nse,disposal,storage.or ietease " , , ':
<br /> . ' . of�y Hazazdous Sabstaaces on vr ia the Pmperty.Barrower s�hall aot do,aor aUaw anyone eLse ta do,anythinS � <,-..c_:`.;:_.
<br /> . aTfecting the PmpertY tbat is in violation of aay Envimnmental Iaw. The pre�ng two sentence.a shall aot apply to �, `. �._ —
<br /> `�. t�e pr�� uss, or storage ua the Froperty of small qua�es of Hazarduus S�lssiances ti�at aze generally. �- _
<br /> � �-��- recogni�zd to be apPmDrlate to nosmal residentiat nxes aad to mainteaaace of tlie Properry. _ --
<br /> � `,: ` Bornuwer sTiaU gmmptly gtve L�nder anitten notice of aay imresdgadon,cla�demaad.Iawsait or otSi�r action
<br /> _ ��.° � b3►aaY govesnmental�r regutawrY aSenc�►or Prl�ate F�Y involving the Praperty+aad aa7►Hazardoais Snbstaace or � ,,..—
<br /> .� ' of wbich Eorrower has actus3 Imowledge. If Bomnwer te�as,or is notified by anY go�emmenial �
<br /> -l.r .:....._..:•�<.. ., �V�IO��W . . -_ .,��"
<br /> � ar ngulatory a�twrity,tbat a�►nemoval oz other remediatian of�ryr Ha�ardoas Substances sffec•�InB the RopertY ia � .._ { _--
<br /> • • ,:,.•.�'�� necessary.Bormwer shaU pmmpily take all n�essary remedial acKlons in accordance avith EavIranmemal Law. �.,�, —
<br /> .A r:. ;' � As used ia d�s paragraph 3�5, 'Harardaus Substances• aze those substaaces deSned as watc or ha�ardons -
<br /> . . �` aubstaaces bl+ Eavironmenial Law and tae followtng sabstances: gasoline, kerasene, other flammable or toxic ' � ��-�,-—
<br /> , �.• ..:`' �.�` , geaolqam pmdncas.t�oydc pest[cIdes and flerh�cictzs,volatile solvenrs,materiala containing asbestos or formaldehyd�a, �"_:....-��r.�_
<br /> . ��.
<br /> , '° . ; aad radioactive materialg. Aa used in tmis paraSraPh Ib, 'Fmvironmenntal Law° means federal laws and laws of the -�., ;�:-� `
<br />�' mvironme
<br /> � ' jurisdisaoa where the progercy is Iocased that relate to health,safety or environmental pmtection. � '�'�'�'
<br /> .::n..:�:
<br /> t ,:-�, —
<br />:s,; �' . - ..,r�.: -:--
<br /> NOH-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower aad Lender fiirther coven�t and agtee as foll�cvs: . . _ _
<br /> en
<br /> � '����' � 1?.Asslg�uhetrt oY Iteais.Borrower unoonditianalTy assigas�d uaa�ets to I.ender.ali ti�e rents sad reve.�es ---.
<br /> _. ,��
<br /> . ` . of the PcapertY.Boirower authorizes Lender or Leader's agents to coltect the rems aa�revemves and hereby dir�ts ::.:�.__.-,�-.�=
<br /> ea�h tenaat of the Property to p��he rents to l.ender ar Leader's agems. However, Psior to Lender's notioe to . -�` r x.. �
<br /> �orcower of Bo:mwes's breacb of any covenant or agreement ia the Seauity Instrain�eat,Borrower sha11 wuect and _ -=_
<br /> ' . .,� receive all rents and revenues of the Pmpeny as trustee for the benefit of Lender and Bormwer.'Phis essignment of '.�'.,•;:;�`'
<br /> . ^'7�wir'.ti" .'._�
<br /> � � tents constitutes an absolute assignment and not an assig�ment for additional securiry only. .:�.�,; -.-- �_
<br /> s �� . � If 1.ender giv�notice of b�to Borcower:(a)a11 rents received D3+Borrower shaU be he2d by Bosrower as . '.,;��,��_ -
<br /> ��" ` tsaste�for 6ene8t of l.cnder onty,w be applied W the sums seca�1sy►the Secnriry Insavac�nt:(b)Len d e r a b a ll b e '�.`
<br /> ��.: :. � �.t�:r���'1 entitle�to coIlea and receive ail af the reats of the Progeny;aad(e)eacL tenant of the Propert7+shaU PaY all reats =1 �- _
<br /> - ��.°� -- �due and tmpaid W Lender or I.eader's agent on l.eader's wtittea demaud to the tenant. . ��-�_ -
<br /> . � Borrower has not eAecuted any privr assignment of the rents aad has c�t and wW aot perfotm any ace ti�at aoulA • '°���
<br /> . .••�V; , J _
<br /> � p:event Leader from exercising its righta under Wis paragraph 17. ��`s �: .
<br /> ,��,. `_, - Lender shall not be required to enter upon,take control of or maintaln the property before or after givtag notice -:�-u�..:=.
<br /> :`t. : - ' of breach to Borrower.However,Lender or a judiciaUY appointed receiver may do so at any time there is a breach. - ',: :.�'
<br /> ...:f��r-- . .
<br /> , �_ � A�r application of rents shaU nm�cwe or waive any default or invaUdate a�►other righa or remedy of I.eader.This :'.�"
<br /> . «;.��� �
<br /> chall terminate when the debi seGured by the Security tna+*„me^t is paid in fuU. `•�' '�
<br /> ,.,. , � �. . . assjgnment of rents of the Ptoperty . .
<br /> � . � � �. . � " �. � '
<br /> .. �RWE�tssoa�.o� vaao e o�a wna�.,:S•s 4• , � .
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