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<br /> �� . a wrft of execuiton or attachmerR af any simitar Brocess sl�aU be etrtered aga(nst Tntstor which st�atl � .`'z-
<br /> -3 ...._._.� •ob.�s.,.r��e therein and such exscuflon.auac4�meid or simflar _ ;� :
<br /> � b9QOmeatlen on�[e icusic�uuo.,.w.y i'fv��.••...... •^�'^ " -
<br /> cu i s8tl3�2t1,V3C3ted Of St3ye�w$hift Sbdy(60�CeyB ffiL8�iis arii:y ui.o.�.
<br /> ;.��„��-`-' Prccess af jttdgmetit is nat reieasc-d.bon+ded. �
<br /> or � ' `
<br /> . - .} of ordafa�t uttder any term.cove�rt.agreemertt.cond�ton.Ptavls[on. . .. V
<br /> � ch � ==
<br /> ° ,.,�:� (e) thar�9 has occu�rsA 8 btes ttte Trust EslstQ. ' � .� �
<br /> _ � . - ; represeritatton or warran2Y coraained in arry pr�o:deed afr trust or martgage affecUn9 . ,
<br /> �.i�� ' ��N.
<br /> .�f r n �
<br /> �`- : , ; 1Q. AGCELER�►TlONS UPON OEFAULT;ADDRtOIVA1.REMEDIES. If an everR of detauttoc�sus,Benaflt�a�/msY , �=.
<br /> � det�re the tndebtedness seaued Rereby to be dus and paya6te and the same shall thereupon became due and�ayable ,= -_.
<br /> • ` �.' wRhaut airy preserRmerd.demand.Protest or nctice of any Idnd.ThereaRer,Beneflc�ry may. _ : °
<br /> ' t':� (i� eESher in person or by ageM, wffh or withotd mdngtng arry a�Ribn a�proceedIng,or by a receive� u -'_ -
<br /> �:'� �PPoirRed by a cou�t and withaut regard to 4he adec;uacy o�fts secx�►.enier etpon and take possesslon of the Trust `� ` _
<br /> JR
<br /> • E��or a�/patt thereof,tn fts owm rtame or tn the nasne af Trustee.and do siry acts which it deems ne�ry er _
<br /> ' _ ` ..��,:• desIre�le to P�eive tfle value, mark�abDity or rernaibfl�y af tha Tnrst Es�e.or part thar�or�iFnte��$��
<br /> .. °-� tncrease ti�e income therefrom or prate�the secur@�l hereaf and.with or wttho�tatdng.p .
<br /> � :�` �r Estate�sue for or athetwise ccUec�the rents.issues artsi Profits thoreof. induding tltose past dus artd unpaid.and
<br /> � �p�i y t h e s a m e. tess cosis artd mcpenses uf operatton artd callectlon inc[uding attomeys teea,a d�t a t dn� -
<br /> era �
<br /> y " �' l r i debt�dness secured here�y. all in sach order as Beneft�y may det e m t Tna ,The e M e r i n g u�o 9 �
<br /> __ . _ ,' „��: pc�esslon at the Trust Es�te. tha codect�on of such rerrts,issu�s and profl� and the appflcation thenecf as � k ` -
<br /> � :� <t aS'oresaId shaN nat cure or�3ve arry defautt or notice of deTauft hereta►der or trtivaltdate arqi a d dons tn�e s pcn�a to. ; �f� �--
<br /> '. :�� such defautt or pursaarn te sa�ch notice of defatdY artd, ncrtwftl�standing thTnisie�a or Be�nsftatary sha11 be e�ed to -
<br /> � ;�. Estate or the coltec,�on.teceipt and ab�Alica�ton afr reiRs.iss�as ar profft�. : '��
<br /> . ::� e�aercise every d�t provided tor in acry of the Loan tns4ruments�r foy Iaw upon occurr+ence og any eveM af datauit, ��
<br /> ` 'f tndudUg the�Ight to exercise the pawer of sale: �` =_
<br /> . `°�-i- alnt 8 ret�iv0t o�s ifl „ �--�
<br /> - (il) commence an adton to foreclose thts Deed of Ttust as a martgage.aPP P� �Y _,. s�
<br /> . � e r d u r c e a n y of the comrenar�a hereof; . _? -
<br /> . � r.��.� ;� ,
<br /> ..f •� ; o
<br /> � f� d8liver to Tnistee a wdtfen dectatatian af default and demand tor sate and s Written noUce o1 deisuR
<br /> ..' �. and ete�lon to cause TrusEOr's IMerest in the Tnist Estate to be soi�9,whicb nat►ce T�ustee shat{caase ta be dufy fIIed _
<br /> .. � � for record tn the approprL�te offtces of the County in wt�fich4he Tntst Estate is located;or ,�.�., -_�_
<br /> . (tvJ exercise sta�To�ther dghta or�emedtesat law ot tn equfty. : '�.
<br />. �.`;..,, .._ - , . _ . . ,,.*.: ��+ev3-,IF,ii:
<br /> t t. FORECLOSURE aY FOWER OP SALE. ti Benafrciary etects to forec3�ra bY exerclse of tha Power at Saie . . _.T
<br /> hereln caa�t�ned.debtedn�and such recef�tae arqd eviden�of expen��n'es made artd nsecured�r�y asTrustee malf •,�°"""�� `.'-T.
<br /> . . 7���;` evidencing , :�`�-.<'.�r�=�;,
<br /> �+" require. ., __ -
<br /> '� (a) Upon Pecetpt of such notice irom Beneflciary,Trustea shall cause to be�ecoNed. pubiished an� __
<br /> � delivered to 7rustot such No�ice oi Detauit and NoUce of Safe as then requfred by lavu and by thfs Second Deed of _
<br /> � Trus� Trustee shail without demand on TrusYOr,after such ttme as maY then be�equired by taw and eR�r recardation . _
<br /> . � o f s u c h�t o t i c e o�f D e t a u l t arM after Notice a!Sate having be$n given as required by taw,sefl Rhe Trust Estate�the ---
<br /> � time and place of sa�e flxed by tt tn such(Votice o f S a te.e l t her as a w l�o t e.o r l n s e p a r a t e t o t s o r p a r c e f s o r�e m s a s
<br /> .� . ' .. � Trustee ehail deeme�cpedter�.and U such arder as�rnay determine,at pubitc auc4ion to the highest btdder tor cash -
<br /> �.. �.. . ' ' � in tawtW money o t t he Ur�.'� S t a�e s P a l►a b l a a t t i��d m e o f s a t e T r u s t e e�+a l l d e l N e r t o a u c h p ur c h aser or -:� , '� ::�,
<br /> �� ;. •. . . purohasers thereof its good and�uff[cieM deed or d�sis corneying the property so sotd,but withoutany covenarrt ;_�,_ :
<br /> •��� � � or warrarRy��ssed or tmplied. The�ecitals in suca.'�deed of any matters or tacts shall be condustve proof of the ,�,�
<br /> .:; ` . � �:. ,, ;' trutMuiness th�of. Ar�l person.inctuding w(theut limitatton Truster,Trustee or Beneftciary�may purchase at such , ;, ,;
<br /> .,., . �� sale. . . ...
<br />�,,°... , As may be permttted by law.after ded�csUag all coste�tees and e�tenses ot Trustee and ot this Trust, �
<br /> . �. ,�,,�'� including tedn�ess��a11 o her sums then se�u�ted he by,and(i�the�i pma nderpH any ts��p rso�n fo persoi s �: � .
<br /> ' the tndeb (�� �
<br />.�. ' . . �.�' legaliy eniitted thereto. � . .. .
<br />'L� ; (c) Trustee may in the manner�rovlded by taw postpone sate af el!or any pomon of the Trust Estate. .
<br />` : �
<br /> . . � ' � � REMEOIES NOT IXCLUSlVE. Tn�stee acs�Beneflciary.and each af them. sha11 be entiUed to enforce � .
<br /> 12.
<br /> `� . �� paymeM and performance o!any tndebtedness or obligatimns secured hereby and to exerciss a0 rlghts and p��$rs un er ,
<br /> �J' .. , thts Second Deed af T�ust or under any Loan InsvumerR or other egreemerit or any taws now or hereafter in torce;
<br /> '�������� � noiwithstanding.some or all of the such indeb2edness and o611gatlons secured hereby may now o►hereafter be othenvise
<br /> .� secured,whether by mortgage,deed of trust,pledge,Qen,assignment or otheruyise. Neither the acceptance of this SBCOnd �
<br /> • � Deed of Trust not its entorcement, whether by couR awan or pursuam to the pawer of sale or other pawers hereln
<br /> F coMained, sha11 prejudice or in any manner affect Trustee's or Beneffciary's right to reatl�e upon ar enforao arry other •
<br /> : security now or hereafter held by Trustea ur Beneflct�ry.(t being agreed thai T�ustee and 8eneftclary.and each ot them,
<br /> .� shal!be erRitled to e�orce this Second OeeO of Trust and any other securitty now or hereafter held by Beneficiary
<br /> t � 3 „• '
<br /> . � .
<br /> :. � � -- � , •
<br /> - . _. . . . .
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