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<br /> `�� ` `'% a wrft of executton or attachment af any simItar pracess ahai!be eMered against 7rusta which shaii �. <<. :� ` °,
<br /> � 6acome a tlen oa tp►e Tnist Estate or�rry potticn thereaf cr trtterest 4heretn and such�xecutton.attachme�or simitar ;
<br /> � � procass of judgmerR Is Rot released,bonded.sat�ied.vacated or stay�d within sbdy(60)days after�a eMry or levy; < . � : `+_
<br /> ° ,;+' ��� ��
<br /> . . . Ol ',.,
<br />-_� - _� te) there has acamed abreach af o�d�u�nd►e^.�►,���noihs�ru�Estate.�on•P�lon. ..'� 1:• ' ,'.��`,._,c
<br /> . J represBMatton or warraray c�mai arn►i� - -- `--° -
<br /> - - Il�p jn tV;a,oc.......'w°.,... .�...�o- -
<br /> �� `
<br /> .�. ,, ` ``t2�;�
<br /> 4- fa. ac��anos►ssupo�o��►uLr;AoomotvaE.a�ntES. if��ve�c o�aeiaun o�.egn���nr�y -
<br /> ` � � dedare ths lndebtedness secured hereby to!�e due and paya6le artd the�ne shaU thereupon bacama dua and payabte � . .
<br /> . , t.
<br /> � . � wfthaui a�ry presernmeM,demand,Protest or notice of any kind. Ther�fter,Beneftci�ry may. . ,;t: : , .,
<br /> ' `, either tnpe rson or by agent,wfth or wfthout bringing any a�tlon or proceeding. or by a raceNer -
<br /> . . >' appni�d by a ccurt and uvfthout regard to the ad�aolt of its security.er�ter upon and take possesston of the Tntst , .. -
<br /> , . � . `.� Eetate.or ar►y part ther�eoi.in ib awn�ramA or tn the name of Trustee.and do a�ry eats whtch�deems rtecessary or :_
<br /> � desUabi�to presarve the vatu9,���Y or rerttabD�y of the Trust Estate�cr part thereof or URerest thereirt. '.�.;.� . --
<br /> ��.�.� tncrease the tncome thereircm Ar pratect tha security heseof and,wfth or w�houi�ctrtg possesston of the Tiust . -___-{ -
<br /> ' �� � . "� ;f Estate�sus fur or otheivdlse callect the rerrts,i�su�and prot�s thereflf�induding thoss past due artd unpatd.and 4�:�_'� . . :_
<br /> . . appSy the same. less costs and �xPanses of operatlon and collectlon indudUg aitome}Ps fses. upon anY `,`". ',
<br /> � tndebtedness securEd hsreby.aU in such oNer as Beneftclary may determine. Ths errtedng upon aRd taldng .�:�'L.,._�;-
<br /> . . - � �• , p o s s e s slon of the Trust Estate, the co4ectton ot such rertts. tssues and pmflts and the applit�tlon thereof as .,`; �.•:'.�.. .
<br /> , : ato�esald shaU not cure or waiv�anf►detauit or notice af detauit hereunder or tmialid�te any act done tn�e s p on s e t o
<br /> � such defa�t ar pu�suartt W such noUce of defauft end.noterYthstartd[ng the coMinuance fn pass�sston of the 7nist � L ,; �;_�:
<br /> ' °' Estffie ar the cotlectton, �ecetpt and a�pticatton af rer�ts.lssues or prafds.Tnistea ur Beneftciary shal!be er�Itied to _.
<br /> `�.� e�oercise evary dgM pravlded for[n arry of the Loan Instrumerits or by taw upon occurrence of any ever►t of deia�dt, ' � .� ---
<br /> ' _.-- Mdudfng the r1gM to exercise the power of sate� ' t._�_.-•-� -- -
<br /> commence an ar�ton to foredose thls Deed of Trust as a mortgage.aPPoini a rec;etvar or specfficalty , � � _. .—
<br /> ' ertforr.�@ Sny of the com►ensnts he[eo� F '�-�`��
<br /> . .:,..,�„ � ` ,�.._�--
<br /> � delivsr to Tn�tea a wrt4ten dedaratton of ddau(t and demand for safe and a wrft�n no�ce of default .'•,. �_
<br /> � - � a n d e le�ctlon to cause Trusto�s IMersst tn the Tnist Estateto be sold,whtch naticeTntstee shall cause to be dutyf� -_ __,==-
<br /> . � tor record.tn the apArop�tate a i flces o f t he C o u n t y!n w h t c h t h e T r u s t F s t a t a i s t a c a t e d;o r -:h�•:�$_
<br /> . �;� . .!;,;'r. (i,r} ewarcfse such other dgMa or remedles at ta�v or in equtty. � �`�,==_�_
<br /> � . . �,�s: - = —
<br /> , :. � 11. FORECLOSURE BY POYUER OF SALE. ff Ben�"riciary etects to ioredose by exerctsg af ti�a Pawer af Sa1e __-
<br /> herein cornalned.Beneftciary shalt notiiy Trustee and shalt depasft vrith Trustee the Secand Deed of Truat and any note = � �^
<br /> �. evidenclrtg ths Indebt e c iness an d su c h re c e i p t s a n d e v t d e n c e o f e x p�n d i q i r e s m a d e a n d s e c u r e d b e r e b y a s T r u s t e e m a y . ' „ ,'��
<br /> ;� � require. ` �' -
<br /> , �,. • fs�x` , .�
<br /> • � (a) Upon receipt of such nodce from Beneficlary.Yrustee shall cause to he recarded,putotlshed end .� _
<br /> ' ' � ` deftvered to Trustor such I�otice of Deta�ilt and Mot#ce of Sate as then requtred by taw and by thts Second Deed of rt �*1:� N �
<br /> � ' �:s . Trust Trustae shalt without domand on Trustor,after such time as may then be requtred by law and after recardatton � ���:f^�� `�- �
<br /> r•e��,",r�;•-;��7�'_- .
<br /> ° ��:, of such Notice of Oeiauft and after Notice of Sa1e havtng been given as requtred bY law.se1�the TNSt Est�at the --�-
<br /> � �� �me and place af sate ftxed�y It in such Natice of Sate,e�her as a whot�,or tn ssparate lota or parcels or�ems as ;. , .,;:� ;,�__,
<br /> � � �'• Trustee shali deem e ed1eM,and In such order as(t may determfne.at putrlic auctton to the hlghest bidder for cash '. n�,� . � �:___
<br /> - ' `�' In lawhd marteY m�e Untted 3tates paYdb►e at the time of sata. trustea shall defNer to such purchaser or __„� �1_ _-
<br /> . � •�j purchasera thateof its gaad and suffictent deed or deeds conveying the property so sotd,but wrthoui any e�venaM � ,�'y��=Y�•-_• �
<br /> or wananty expressed or tmplled. TPte recitais.ln such deed oi any matters or facts sh�[I ba conctusNe proaf af the � y�
<br /> ' . � trutMutness thereaf. Ar►y parson,tndudf�g wfthout limitation Trustor,Trustee or BeneflcYary.may purchasa at such _ -_ .
<br /> .. •'. .�:. saie. , ;--.�,�-
<br /> � @) As may be permltted by taw.ait�er deductl�g aIl cosLs„tees and expenses at Trustee and of this Trust, , �-
<br /> q, .. ",..:�o:_.
<br /> � . . .� :� lncluding costs of evldence of tN1A In connec�on wiih sate,Trustee s�tl appSy the proceeds af sale to paymetn of(h �. .� -,_�:
<br /> � � the tndebtedness Qq a(I other sums then secured hereby,and (iiQ the remalnder. tf any,to the person or parsons ,
<br /> . , t�ty ent�ted thereto. � . . �
<br /> � . � (c) Trustes may ln the manner provlded by faw postpone sate of afl or arry poRton of the Trus4 Estata • ``"� �� �. .
<br /> � � ti2, FiEMED1ES NOT IXCLUSIVE. Trustee and Beneflclary,and each of them. shafl be errtfUed to er�orce � . .`
<br /> � �, � paymeM and pedormance of any indebtednesa or obtigatfons secured hereby and to exerclse atl�Ights and povu�trs under �• �. . �; :`
<br /> thls Second Deed o!TNSt or under any lean Instrumern or oiher agreement or any faws rtow or hereafter In torce: .
<br /> notvuithstanding,some or all of the such irtdebtedness and vbligatlons secure�hereby may now or hereafter 6e otherwlse .
<br /> �- � • secured,whether by mortgage;deed af trust.pledge,Uen.asslgnment or othetwlse. Neithar the acceptance o4 thts Second .
<br /> � � Oeed of Trust not (ts entorcement,whether by court action or pursuant to the power ot sale or other pawers hereln
<br /> ' coniained, shall prejudtce or In any manner aftect Trustee's or BeneflGary's dght to reallze upon or er�orce any other , . ,.
<br /> � ' ' shall�e c�tiUed t eertfo ce this Secot►d Deed of Trust and�aeiy a:3�e rseaurlty naw o here�te B eid by Be�ne'Nctary h of them. ' .
<br /> .:,.
<br /> � e 3 .. : .. .
<br /> � . � .. �� ' . ' ' ' ' � • . . �
<br /> . , . � � ' • � . . • � • .. �., ..
<br /> • , �� • � . • . � . ' ' ' ._.��.�,�.�...�...._.,_
<br /> ,.�. .�....,�' . ,-,. x �,;'
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