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<br /> �.��°t` , Tf the�o�nts t�id by L�er far E�w It�e�,cead the am4�mts pemriaed to 6e hetd by RFSPAs L.GLU�+ - _
<br /> • shall arcount to Hemuwer for the excess fuads as�equired by RESPA. tf ths amounts of fands hetd by Ixader at a�► � �.
<br /> :<`'� time ffie not sufficieut to pay the Fscaatv Items when due.l�ender maY nottfy[he Bormwer and requue Barrawer w '
<br /> �:w.4-.
<br /> �.�� J , malce'up tfie shona�e at permitted by�RESPA. ; �, �_
<br /> � , s.�` � 'Fhe Escrow Funds are pledged as aHait�onal sec�ity for ali sums seciu+ed�Y tbis SeanitY fnsuam�• If ,�
<br /> - Barmwec teudeia co I.etWer the fuU pf►yment of all sur2a soms.Barmwer's aa�oupt shall be cr�ited witb the bal�oe �� �-
<br /> � � _
<br /> � ' 1�em2iIIiIIg fM Ail�tment itCIDS(2j�.(b}.�d���and aaY AtonB���P�inasallmpnt�t 1.endeF has , • •�,..='._
<br /> � � . ...,. not pecome ob�igaaed m gay to ti�e SeQetary, and Lender sbatl pmmptlY ieFund anY eaces�faads to Borrower. �� =__=
<br /> ' . ��: �diateiY Pricr to a fareclosuse sate of the Pmpetty or its gcquisidaa hy Lendes. Eormwer's ar�mt shall be �`' � n_=
<br /> . � '' cr,eQjte+d wit11 an}I baI�ce iemaining f0I 211�inataflmeru foT Items(a?.(b).and(c)• . �r,
<br /> .. . `�`. 3.AppHiwttoa o4 Payme�.AU payments under FazaS�P�.l and 2 sLali be appi�63►Lender as foltaws: > =
<br /> '�:
<br /> � � +: � _�.w thee mmtgage insuraace pcemium m be paid by L�ender to the Secreta�y or to the manthly cl�arge bl►tLe •,,.,:�'��`��--
<br /> '� �.: ,�;;
<br /> t �° Sesretary insuead o�8ie monthty mortgage iasvzaaoe pr�ni�m: _ - -
<br /> ... :. _ �.•.>� Se�nd,to aay taxes�sg�cial assessments,Ie�oId paymeats or gmund reata,aad fire,flood an�other haaatd . _ _ __
<br /> � • ° . ��
<br /> � �
<br /> .�.-. j�y�(3ie�ilIDg�Sq .
<br /> ' .��:< Third-to inteAest due tmder the Note; ,3�� ----
<br /> �.`�::T � gomth_to amort�ation of the principal of the Note;and , �`�_'"_ --_
<br /> . . �- � :�`: -_----
<br /> gi�,to late cbargea due uader the Nate. ��^"
<br /> � `��� 4.F3�+G�Iood and Oiher Hazard�nsorance.Borroaer shall insare all impmvements on the Bcoperty,whether , , . �-- -
<br /> . . T � ��� .-,.� � now in ex�stenoe or subsequeluiy ereaed,against a�►ha�ds.casuaiaes.and candngeaciea.inc�udin8 fne.for nrhicb . '-- _ _--
<br /> �� � � � ' Leader require,s insurance- This insurance shall be maintained in dse auwnmts and far the perlads thas I.ender � � M ��_
<br /> � ; ,wh�her ttow in existetn.�e os subsequently� . � - _
<br /> ,requizes.Boaowet shall also insure all improvements an the Pmperty ,_ ---
<br /> � eiec�ed,agains�t ioss by Aaods to tDe exient�equired bY the Secretary.All insuranoe sball be cazried wit�camPaaies ,..�.__
<br /> •. . .., r:�: .�' • agproved hy Ixnder.The�ce polIcIes aad a�+renewats shal!6e he2d by I,endes and sha11 include loss payabie g _
<br /> ' clauses in favor of,and in a fora�acceptable to,Lender. � :w`
<br /> r
<br />- ' in the�event of loss,Sonower Sh2I1 give 1.eIIdes�*+n++�diate IIotiCe by mat1.Ixnder ma3►ma1�e Proof of toss if not -� -
<br /> � - - ` ' tI BntrBwer.Eacb�nsuraace compaar concemed is her�tby suthorizQd aad ditected to make g..'�y?�eut, �.'•`;,�� °,.".-'
<br /> � '` made PmmP Y bY n �
<br /> .... � for such loss dirPCtiy w Lender, instead of to Bone»er and w Lender jo�ntiy. Aii ar aay part of the ins�ance F;�i�, -, __
<br /> � . �.: <.� pmceeds may be applied by L,ender,�az ita optioa,either(a)to the redur.�on of the indebtednesa under tLe Note aad �:`,;-:�f°;:',_�
<br /> ` i '' - ',..; this Security tnsuument,first to anq detinqaent amounts aPPl�ed ia the order in paiagraph 3,and ihen w prepayment :.1�_.�:..:
<br /> . `', �. ' . �of principal,or(b)to the resto:ation oi repair of the damaged Propert}+• AnY aPPUcazlon of the proceeds to the �,r-,�:�.'�:.:t+�r=�=
<br /> " h 2 or . "�•-
<br /> � �';1��%� . .. �;� �tiacipal st�all aot extend or postpoae the due date of the monthlY Paym�ts wtuch aze teferred to in paragrap . ' --
<br /> �'�;.�;.r . �� , -��...�
<br /> ' ,,. �,�r•4�..: .• �; �, . change�e amouac of sac�paysnen�s.Any+excess insurance pmceeds over aa amoimt:equired to pay all ontstandinffi ,',+ _.�__
<br /> . ` ,� indebiedness under the Note aad thls Sea�rlry Instrument sLaU be paid co the entity legally entit��ci thereto. .',
<br /> . , , �R `:.',� 1a tfle event of forectosure of this Se�a�riry Instnunent or other transfet of.dtle to the Pmperty that exta►Suishes .
<br /> _ , . ,. ��. . �._
<br /> ' , �e�debtedaess, all right,dfle and interest of Bormwer in and to insuraace polic�es ia force shall pass to the -
<br />��;. ``� � �`' purchaser. � _
<br /> n � ` 5.Occapancy.Peesovatioa,Malntenaute and Yrotection of the Propert9; Boreowe�s Laan App1lcation, " .
<br /> ' ' •. l.easeholdg. Borrower shall occupy,estahlish,aad use the Property as Borc+uwer's princIpal residence aithin sixty - _"_"m,:`,
<br /> ' : days after r1�execudon of this Securlty lnsuument(or wttiiia sixty days of a later sale or uaasfer of the ProPerty> ;_—
<br /> " � and shall can8nus ta oexupy the Propercy as Borrower's p:incipal residence for at least one year aRet the date of� ..�,;�,.'..'+.
<br /> occupaucy unless Leader determines that requirement wIll cause undue hardsl�ip for Borrower.or unless eatenaating � : •,-�_�,i,.!;T
<br /> . ' circumsta�es, eaist wbith are beyond Borrower's conuol. Boaovver sha11 notify Lender of any ext�uatiag . , �
<br /> � � , �ircum��an�,gorrower sLaU not co�it waste or desuoy,damage or subst�tialiy cLange the Properiy or allow the � �
<br /> , .. pcoperty to deteriorate,reasonab2e wear aacl tear exeepted.Lender.maY iasPeet the ProP�Y if t�e Property ia vacaut ,
<br /> ' ' , or abaadoaQA or t�e loan is in default. Lender mag �zke reasonable action co prot�t and F�ESVe sucb vacant or , :
<br /> .;. . .
<br /> � �� ' ',:' '
<br /> -� (�dRINE1 t�soa�.o� va9n9 0�a i�su�:��� '.'.� ' . _
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