t�:'�.' .:-.�:,.:._...b- .:_..U:� -ri.' :i.:.r�5:.::�k:_� ` .�.'L' ..�� -
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<br /> . . _ _ . � tc.. . � �. . ' l ` � ' ' '�� �". ,
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<br /> . • • .� � •. . 1 . • : ' ' v`5
<br /> F ' ' y : y �� 't ' �-j : � r�. '� .�� e. � ."u � - i:.. `,�,�:.
<br /> : ,.
<br /> , •.` � • - . " . . -
<br /> C , � • l C t . S..' - . h ._ Y - C.' .2! � _ ..
<br /> i- .. . r. �. .:.�' 4- . , ��� . . ��♦ - . .. . ... � , t. ,.
<br /> � t ? ti.� � ',a"`.i, G�� ^ � • ,Y �Y , , • ,4:�c �k ' e .y � �..� ,� �
<br /> �� � <f� '• . � I����� . E� �.`.}��' ` �� .
<br /> , . ';"V _ 5.N��us�roF�Y IasQraac� Sanower sball�.p the impmv�t�aw eus�ng or hareafter�on the P�opedy � : !
<br /> � <� ` . ins�uea a,g�nsc tuss 6y fsre.hma�ds mctuded wuhin�t�e c�m�"ea0�nded ooveta,ge anB sny other haza=±�v.inctnAing ttonds or ; .�"��4: '. ,`S._ ;;
<br /> :, � "�."� .� �g,far wl�isfi.Lendcr requnes�nrance.'ibis ins�nce sha11 be maSnm3ned In the aaws�ats srtd fos the pe�iods thas Lea�dea � .
<br /> P �. t,
<br /> F.`.� ` ��;`. ieq�s.'Ih�insaisace carriar groviding the ins�utmce sifall b6 t$o�u by Botrower subjcci W I�der's appfovat wbic6 shaU not .
<br /> - `.� be anreasonably withfleW. If Batrower fails w ma+nmin coveiage descn'6ed abmre. I.eader m�y.at Leudea's opiion.obtam ,
<br /> cover¢ge top=otect Leuder's righm in the Prop�ty fn eccordance with para�aph 7. ; � �" ,
<br /> �-:= -�--� -�>
<br /> � AU ias��ace pa�es�d renewats sbail be�Ie to I�adea and shau�nctutl�a smnda�mar�Se cta�.I.�Wer shatl _ N.. _'-°
<br /> ' ., hase the rig�t L�ho�A the policies m2d�awaLs.U I.�d�r r�,Barrower sl�all P��P�Y�e to l�endea alt receipts of paid � ... `�`Y,,, .,
<br /> : �, t� -�`� pr�niams and ienewal notices.I n t h e eveat a f t o s�Basmw e a s f�a D g i v e p r o m p t a o f i a��o t h e m s m a u ce c a n i e a snd Lender.l�ud� . . ; '�. `_�=
<br /> -.:__t:.;�.
<br /> . � � ".` may matce yraof of toss if nnt m�d$pmmptty by Bottawea. � �4<°.�. . �,Y;
<br /> psooeeds shari be hed to cesm�tioa or�air .,�; ,•::"y:
<br /> ,.-. Unless Leatdea an�B�srower othecwise eScee in w�ng,insmance ePP� of the �.- -
<br /> ` ���� ° �'� �P�9�8�►if the re,stmation ar r�pair is eoonomica]Iy fea�ble and LEnder's se�itS►is nnt�seneA.If the tesmmtinn os � M1 Y=_'-
<br /> '� � �`� � regair is not eounomicattq`fea�ls ar Leatda's seauity�vontd be 1e�ened.t3�insaaance p�ds�be apylned tp the sums �� ,.,. -
<br /> seaued hy this S�iijt Inslnm�eat,whsthet or not d�n dn�wltD any ca�ccss paid w Boaower tf Baaawer a�ndans the ,'.�; �-_.
<br /> . , ,:,x� Pmpesty�ar daes not�answga wi8ua 30 days a notice fmm Lemder tl�at the inso�ce caniea�as affe�!tv sen�e a clsim,t� ;--t _
<br /> I.end�map cNlect the m.suzance proceeds.I,e,nti�may use the pmc�ds w�r or resw�e the Pcop�tj►or m pay sqms s�ed � �F. .--
<br />- . , . '."'� by.tbis Sewrity fnstmmeh�ahethrr ar not thea dus.Tae 3�day peaiad w�l begia whs�the aotioe is givea- . ' ' =�.._
<br /> •.: .� Un2ess Leadea and Bosrow�otherwisc agiee in wt�ng,�Y aPP�of pmc��°I��sLaII not extet�d ar pastpot�e � `c, �;.,,_.
<br />-- , _ �, �e dne date of the monthlY Paym�s refe�red tn m paragaghs i and 2 ar cLmage�e amomlt af d�e payments.If undeap�h , ;��:,;�-::_�
<br /> ' ' ` ' �¢ 21 the P�opeah►is 2c�quhed by I�nder,Barmwerq's�.,�ri�t t,o auy��y.�ce po2ss,,I�e.s,,,.�anA pmceeds rQSVltiag from dajm���ge�the ``°-�-_
<br /> � 3-f �����^l������11N�YlT��Yto oY....,D�Ail1iW��S�4LluY�M/�7r{1ifi� . ;�—_
<br /> ,f " . ��
<br /> :`��, p7ipftOl�iB��• � �
<br /> " y.��.�, G.Qceu�an¢9��ieservation.Matnite�anee and�lrotecdan of the Pioperty; Borrawes's L�an �ppiicatins.Ixase6oi�s. __ �-
<br /> � � , t�� Baamwea sta�riari oocapy.establish.and use the Ptup�tyi as Banow�"s�al ixsidence wittiin sbity days aft�ea'die�xecution af �'=""T
<br /> ti , , ':`�
<br /> , ���,:p,� this SaairrtSr Instruma►t an�sLaII cflntinue oo acaipy the propeaty as Bmmwec's princ�pai sesidence far at Ieast ane qear aft�the . � ? s°� ,.�_
<br />- �.' � . date of a c c u p a n c y,unless Iaad�otheaRrtse agrees in writmg,which canseai stiaII not 6e waes�onaDly wit�etA,or a�less ; <t; •
<br /> � extenaa�ag ciracrostances exist whic6 are beyand Baaowra's conttol.Baaowear,shaU not desomy.damaSe or ffiPait�he Prop�tY• �.
<br /> � Barmwer shaII be ia def�it if�ay fa:feiLue a�tion or �' '�
<br /> • � s aIIow t�e Prapaty to deteriorate.or wwmit wa�e an the Pmperty. -� - --
<br /> '. ,.. grooeeding.cvbether ci�di mr c�a1.is bcgu�t�at in I.extder's gaad fai4b jadSmeac could�esntt�forfeiuue of the FrapextY or .��. �s,,;�;.�-___
<br /> . � affte�ise ma�riaBY impair the�i�'rreated by t�s 5��7►�s�ume,nt or l.�der's sec�uity interest.Bmmwea may c�ue sacb a !�"="y"''�•• _
<br /> :'�;. re �: -
<br /> �,;;.� QefavJi aad:einsiat�a9 provideA in paragraph 1�,by c�v.4mg the action or proceed'mg m be dismi�tl with a mling tbat.in • -"�'_ -_� _
<br /> ; :-- .�
<br /> .. . � • _: -`i:r: . Le�dra's gao�f��-t�minabnn.Preclndes�tfeiaue of the Bouower's m�st in the Fi+ugerty a�othea material impairment of , ... _
<br /> , �-�
<br /> • th$�eu cre�ed 1sy�is Security Instrmnent or Lendes's s�tyr int�st.B�wer shaD aTso be in default if Boaowea,diutn8 the. , ;�. —
<br /> . � • .• 1��,�p�tiOn pmoess,g�ve mateaially faLse or inacc�uate infanna�an or�to Le�d�(or feited t0 pravide l.endet with =_-
<br /> _ , �, any materiai jnfomiation) in con�ecdon wah the Ioaa evIdenoed by tha Note,fa�c�udin$.bat.aot limiteA w,r�a�aas
<br /> � ,.
<br /> m
<br /> : �,,r :� � conccanmg Houower's accapancy of the Avpe�ty es a piincipal reside,nce.Tf tius Seauity�uswment is on a l�asehold,Bmrower ,� ��:
<br /> s�ali comg�yr v�3th all the pmvisions of the lease.If Bosmw�r.acquires fee dtte tn the Property,the Leasehold and the fee ade sLaU . . ..
<br />_ , • . � not mage maiess I.eadea agrees w the meager in writiug. ': `'��- _�-
<br /> � 7.piotedioa of Lender'slt�g@�ts in the P�opertq. If Bomuwe,r faits tn geaform the cavenanLS and a�eements contaiaQd in . � ,, '! -_
<br /> �, ,,«; ..• . ` �. tt+is S�carity Instnunent,or theae is a lega]PmcecBmg tHat maY Si�nific�t�Y a�'ect Lruder's righta in the Prapetcy(sucb as a -
<br /> ' �t �procecd�8 m banksuP�Y,P�bate.for condecnaadon or forfeidae m to eaforce lawa os�gulations).ihea Lendea may do and pay -_-_- -
<br /> R. � ���:. • for whatt.wer is n�l►tn Pmt�t tAe value uf d�e Froperty and Lca�dea's regLts u►We Propeny.I.enBea's acdans may inctu8e `-_
<br /> �� '� •!' paYL►g any so�saaared by a lien wfticb�priari�y►over this S� Iastr+rraent,�g�oourt,DaYIDg reasonab2e ;�_.
<br /> ;' .�, ... . . .�:�:�i." suosueys'fc�s and enteaing on the IImpeny w make repasrs.Although Lender may take action mider�ia para�aph 7,1�eaWer ..:..' ;�,:--,.;,
<br /> . }�. doesnotLavew doso. . . . . f:1 °_-
<br /> � � Any amounm disburs�d by Lender under tt�is pa:agra�!�Z'st�all became�Idldonal dcbt of Bomnwer secured bY this�Se�writY � ._ -
<br /> - ' : �_ Inytrament Untess Bom�w�and Leader agee w other te�ms of paym�t, tLese amounts shaU�bear inte�t from the Aate of �;'
<br /> � . ,,,� disbura�t at the Note rate and chaD he payrzLle.witb inteaest,upan aotice from I.ender to Boaowea reques6ng payinent .. ' ';,,
<br /> S.Martgage rnsurance. If I.�der required mmtgage insurance�s e conGitian of maldng the toan secured by this Sec�rity . ` . : .
<br /> � Inswment, Bomawer sha13 pay the premiums required w maintain the mostgage ins�uance ln e�'ect.If, fo:�y reason�the ... .
<br /> ���'`�' . . � mortgage insarance caveaage reqnire4 by Le�dea lapses ar cc�sses w be in effact,Boitowea shall pay the premIums requi�ed w .
<br /> . � '� ;�S; obtain coverage�Z�stanntially equiva�ent to the mortgage insivance previoasly in effect,at a cost substantiatty equi�►alent w the . .. .
<br /> e g sta
<br /> � � �:�. cost to Borrowes of the mortgage insu�ance gueviousSy m effoct,8om an alternate mortgage Insuc�aflpmved by I.ender. If . �
<br /> � �� sobstantialtY e4uivalau martgage insuzanse coverage is not available,Bonowa ahall pay w Leaeder ea�month a sum equal w . _ . ; .
<br /> . � one-twelfth oi the yearly mortgage iasivance premium be��paid by Bcmower when the insuiance caveasge lapsed os ceased to .
<br /> '_'.` `� be�cffect Lended wil}accep�vse and m,tain these paym�nts as a Ioss reseave in lien of mortgage insuran�Ln�reseave �.
<br /> iy
<br /> !' Form 8040 9/fl0
<br /> . . . •:`_�.. ��ep(NE)�s2��.o� aagoaote tnnia�a: _ � • � . � . .
<br /> — -.�. . - . , • ^_"""'"�,— . . ; �. ..
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