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<br /> � (� g w�it v! exaanYan or attndunent ot a�y sEtnllat proeess sfia'J 6a errtWred agair►st Truslov which shaII bewmo a Qen an ihe �,.-;:
<br /> - � � ' Trust F�tate ar arry Fartlan thm$bt or fite�esi thereUi end sucfi wceeallon. s�achment as slrn0ar Pmcess of iudgm2nt Is erot reteased.
<br />"'�• `° _ IIonded.satis68a,v8c�tad cr etayt�d Yrith!n aU?Y(S��ys e�er fts eo�►°r�vY•� '
<br /> u <' .(e) there t�s acaured a l�i�ch oT�or de'.auR unda eml t�m.�enanL B��L candftton.Provlslan.re.�rese�ton or vrananty `�`.
<br /> ., 4F, ,:..;,`.
<br /> - . centetned�n e►ry Pstc►steed ot Uttst ar maRgage aHectBtg the Tiust Estate. , ,
<br /> ° . 10.Aec�tere�(O�t upon faef8u�. Addttianal He�'tedi9a u es� e,rm�t ot aa+sue occaus. eeneP�Y maY Qed�e m� .�„�`:.
<br /> =.'•" '`�". `"°'.<. . tndebtedness seaued haeby to 6� due and�psyable and tRe ssme shall th�reuPon become�e snd P�te without aay presentrnent.
<br /> . _ demand prote�i.ot nottr�ot etny kind fiereafter,Benefl�aryt maY , � .
<br /> ���—-.�� (� �her In person ar by ege�L �ith or w8houl brtnging any action or pracee�ng.ar by a�iver epPofnted by a coart and .
<br /> ``• '-.� w�hout regard to the adeq�a�yt ot fts securfry.ertter uport and ffitce possession of the 7nist Estffie.or arry part thereot.in its awn name
<br /> .:_ � _ • . .
<br /> �- ° m in tire nama at Trustee.and do�t scts�hlct+it Qeems net�sse�y ar desirabEe to preserve the veJue. mazice�h�y►or ne�abIDZY°� � �'
<br /> . r. `' tha 7rust Es4�t�or patt therieo!or IR4erest therein.�tnaease Me iRCOme thg�efrom or protect the securKy hereof snd.witA or wlliaut
<br /> . ". _,.'S,;, teidng pnssesslan of the Tntst Esteie.sue tor os othelvdse co�sot the rents.Issaes and proffia theieof.In�udui�tg those past due mtd r��,`
<br /> ,: b� ..,:. F� . • '
<br /> ,�,.
<br /> -:,` " unpalsi.end aAPN the sem�[�a costs and�enses af apelffiton and ccBechon d tak(ng possession�a!the Tcus2� tite '. '
<br /> -",: •," `•.. .r: secured hereby� a01n s�tch order as Bene8clffiy ma5►determtrta The�rterGi9 �P
<br /> �,_'-`
<br />- � "�,:;: ;��. . __
<br /> �v�`.• co9ectlan ai such`�ents. issues and profits attd fhe ePPIIcat[on tftereot as ataresald sha0 not cure or watve anY detauit or aoTJce ot
<br /> _ . <<��', `�:<.�,, deiau@ hereunder er tnvaRdate arry act Qnne In resportsa to such default or pursu�nt to such noUee of dsfa�At an�noMfdhsimtdtng thB :',�{
<br /> � , co�rt(nuance N posseseton ot the Trust Estffie or the coUeGton.recetpt and appGcation ot�mits,tss�tes or pro6b.Tcustea or Bene�deuy � '
<br /> �. r : � 4 L:� • � shall 6e e�ted to exerclse ev�y dght prov(ded for In eny ot the Loan tnsUuments pr by taw upon accurse�ce at arry everrt ot defautl.
<br /> �` ..-. , � ,..� indudng the dght W exerc�sse the pows of sa(e; ' •. ;��.':
<br /> xer
<br /> , :.� (Oj commence� ac6an w far�edDSe thls Oeed of Trust as a mor't�ge:t�pDolM a rec�2r or specJfleaL�T e�?�e�Y at the � r :-
<br /> ' t:OYenents AereoT; ' � ,; �f ��'
<br /> , f�% � deMer w Trustee a w�ftt�r�de�ataffion af defautt and d�n8nd ior saie and a wrftiere noti�e ot dei8w`�and e:�efan to.c�e �-� �. r
<br /> — n>x nY�f Trusto�s(nteest te�tPte�7ntst Estata to be sold,whicb noUce Trustea shag canse to be duty f�Ted#or Eecord!n the approprfa��ses at
<br /> .��� .: the Courty tn wh�h the Ttust Esiafe Is bcaLed;or , ' � _
<br /> ..'�.:. ,,(. � , , -:,-
<br /> . (�') exer�lse such Qther dghts or remediss at faw or tn equRy. _
<br /> ...;,i�' .
<br /> . , . 1t.Faracfo3itre by POwei Ot Sate. If Berteftctaty eJecta te iorectose by acer�lse of tha Pow� of Sate h�etn,cornained,
<br /> - � ��• �' -',� Benofic3ary sha0 natHy Trustea end shail depostt wfti�7rustee this Sacond Deed ot Trust and any note eWidenring the IndeMe6ness and such
<br />_�=:- •� .,^�-,.;��:.: o�eeipts and evlden�of expend�tuceg mada and seraued herebY�Trustze may cequl_[e. - _ � Q��'�_
<br /> �' � ` � f (a) Upon �ecetpi of such no4ce 8om Ben�flctary,Tcustee sha0 cause to be recoated,p�Qshed and delN�red to Tn�stav �uch ! �
<br /> ' ' • NaUce of Defautt iu►d NoUce of Sate as then required by taw and by this 8ecand Oeed•of Tnist Trustea sfra0.wftheul QemmtQ ar� `.�
<br /> - . .: `r Tastor.after suct�time es may then De requtred.by taw an0 after recordatton a?such Notice oT Qofavft asd aRer Kotie�of 89te having -_-
<br /> ' .;� ;
<br /> . `:;t�# . been gNen a9�eQuired by law.seA the Tnist F.atata 4t the tlme and ptaee of seJe fGced by R in sucb Hogce ot Sate.eith�os e•wh�,or '. ,., .:_.
<br />_ . � , • In sep3rete lots or parceis or.ftems ea Tcustee shat3 deem exp�en�,and Qt 8aofi otder as N may Qetetrntt►e�'at p�ffo auction to tha :s�-=
<br /> ` •�•k htghest btQQer for cash [n(�wPut money oi the Un(ted Smtes payabte st the tlrre ot se1�Trustee aha8 deIIv�r to $uch purchaser ar , �:__
<br /> • !:o .
<br /> _ • ' � ;7, purchasers thereof fb good and suffftctent deed or deeds comeytitg the propeRy so satd,but vldhout�ny covenent or weaanty,m��a+is f_;.,:f•
<br /> . ��� or ImpBed The redmis Ut such daed ot any matters or facis shall he conetusfve P�ot ot the wthb�(rtas�thecea�Aay Derson,(ndading _----.
<br /> . .� .. '�i without Iimnetlon tnistar.Ttustee or Benefldary,maY Pur�hAse�t such�te: � . � � �
<br /> — �.f� . �(b) As may 6s Demtftted by Iaw, after deducUng atl cfls4s. tees en0 a�Fenses ot Trustee and of thts Truat..Atditdfng casts at _. '-
<br /> .{:i �----
<br /> evidence ot t�'tIe in connectlon with sale,Tmstea shatl apply the proceeds o1 oale to payment oi m the lndebtedness(f�all othet sums
<br /> , , • � .,.
<br />_- ,. . � • :,�; then secured hereby,and(i�the rematnder,it erry,to tha person or persons Iegaty entit�ed therato. •
<br /> . � __:
<br /> �� , (c) T�ustee m�y in the manner provided by law postpone sate ot M or arry portion of the Tn�at Eatate.
<br /> � ���,t 72.IRBmedlofl i1R�t ExClu91v8.Trustee ana Beneticiary,end �ch of them,sh&11 be enUtied to enforce payment and pertom�ance .
<br /> • •,: .
<br /> - � . '�� of any Indebipdness ot obllgaUons secmed hereby and to exerGse all dghts ar►d powers under th(s S�cond Deed o!Trust or unE�any fAan
<br />-- tnstrument or othcr eSreemeat or any laws rtaw or hereafter(n farc���dtt►sta�dln8.ooma or aU eff tri,�sucfi tndebtedness and c��gatlons
<br /> � � ' J secured hereby m�y now or hereafter be otfiervvise aeared, whethsr tsy mortgage, Qaed of tnnt,pTedge, Ilen. esstgnmertt or ath�wlse. ° '' �
<br /> • , ,�� ' t�either the iseceptance oT this Seeortd Ored ot Trust rsc?ds�eMoraemerit,whatherby cauR actlon or pursuant to�.s pawer ot sate ar other
<br /> _ �ed
<br /> - �"" • herein contaTned.s�aD prejudice or�n e►ry tnacmer aHect Tnisire's or Beneflctary's rtght to rea➢ze upon or eniorce arry other eeattfty ' ��, ` :
<br /> -. . powers
<br />..'� • •
<br /> . , now on c�-�after held by Trustee or Beisd�ary,tt being agreed that fr•stee and Benefldary.and eacA at them,shail be er�titted ta ErKoree
<br /> �'_��:: ''•����'� thts Seco��Oeed of Truat end arry ather securiry now or hereafter held by Benefidary ar Trustee in such order end manner as th�yl or efther . .
<br /> �� of them may in their absolute mscretion detetmirre.No remedy herein.cor�erre0 upon or reserved to Trusiee or Benefidary ts tntendad to tua .
<br />_�.,� �. � � mcctusNe ot arry other ra�dy hereln or by law prwided or pemiftted, but eaqh sAaD be cumufaWe and sh2Q be Irt sdQ�Ion to every othet
<br />- � � remedy giv8n hereundzr a�now or hereafter mdsUng at law or ln equit�l or by ataritte. Every power or remedy given by erry of the laan
<br /> _ ' ,�. - InsUumenta W 7ruatee or 8eneflctary or to whTCB eriher of them may be otherwlse ent�Ied, may Ce eacerdseQ, cancun�ntly or IndeaenGetGty.
<br /> • iram time ta time and as often aa may be deemed expedient by Trustee or Beneflciary and�fthar cY them may pursue Inconsistent remedtes.
<br /> IYoihing herein shall be construed as pmhibWng Beneliciary trom seeWrtg a detidency judgmeM 8gainst the Trustor to tha extent such actllon
<br /> ' � , is permitted by law. �
<br /> . ' - " ��.�d�� Pogo 3 01 S ,
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<br /> . Oo5/0030
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