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<br /> � �.t�. ,i.� � �-s �,. �-.;� � . . ..`�� . -4. t :x f ' d -` �2@a:' 4
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<br /> ���/��� `,4•� t
<br /> . . -`. . . 16.S�er'e C Barmwer ahall 6egrv�one oaafoimed capy af tLe Note end of�ecutity Tnsu�uueat , . � ,``"'
<br /> <, �.. � 17.Traa�.�?et otthepy�r� or a�e�e�fstAl Yn4�t in�a�mwer. If eII ar any pan of the Pto�erty c�any mr�t fa u is r .��;'°.<<T:.�;.+:=' .
<br /> , . sotd ar tr�asf�ted(or if��i���al mte�est in Bormwes ia so2d or aan3feaed�d Boaa�ver is a�t a aawealp�n)wit�out • ;
<br /> e1e o mw
<br /> Y.ender's pri��vritten can�1,L�der asay.at;tsopt�a�n.�qp�immediate paym�t In f�ll o��U sums seGaed hy t1�is Se�ic�r ��°. �
<br /> � I�ns�ameut.KoNevea,�Lis aprion s4iaII aai Ise eacercised by Y,atder if au�cLse�s g:a�ite�by fedeaallaw as of the date of tln� , .
<br /> �� ` �Tnatnrmt�rf ".
<br /> :.:.--y� tf Lender exasise,s fLisopdoA,IRatdes sball glve Bmiutiver notice nf a�on.Tae aotice shaII pravide ap of not tess .� ���
<br /> 'y,-� tl'�30 Qsys fmm the date[Ae���eliv� ' wLich Bormwea must pay all sams sec�ed y�this Seauiry � T� ° <�-
<br /> ., s�. . : � tn8Qnn1�L If BoAOwes fa�g W. .�e�im��u�'an����on ai t�s peRO�+L�der maY mvoke anY re�e�cs pcsmttied . ,_
<br /> .. �,. b�,ttifs S�rity Ias�uate�t vt�tRfl fiuthe�nc�o��Saad o Borrow� r�;.; ,
<br /> .. : � 18.Bar�wer's Ittgdt to ' '-'sttg;.8ofr�cver�f� � aondi�ans. Baaowe,r shall l�ve the right to have .
<br /> '' ` �ne,nt Qf Wis S Ias�umnent���t�ay dme ptiar ta tLe e�3ier o�(a)5 days(ar sucd�ath�period as ;
<br /> ' `. . eyFlicable iAa+ma3►. �rr reias�n�tj 6efare s�ale of the Pmpeaty D�na�i�a e�►Y PaR►ea of sate contained in this� `'
<br /> .. Yas��os @) �a jad�t e�fardng this Securiry Iast►iument T!t se oondidans are 8ias Bomuwer:(a) ays I.endea -
<br /> e�y Ia
<br /> . .. .:(�� swms wLicb d►en wonLl6e dne nnder this S�r Ins�uu�t end the Note as if no sooeIe�atlon haA�(b)c�es aaY
<br /> ctcfault of any ot��cavenanrs or a�t�(a)Fays au exge�s�s inramce�in�fo�iag this Secinrity Instr�ent,iaciud'mg,bnt . `
<br /> - e�ult
<br /> " ':; not liudtet!t0.reasanable amnmeys'fi��d(�takes sacdti actian as LEUdea ma�►reasonably requ�te W ass�e t6as th$lien of tLis �. F _
<br /> �:� Sec�ity �swmegt, Lendea's rFghta ia d�e Pmpecty and Baauwer'a abliganun tn pay the sams seca�red by tbis S�cmity , ., •_
<br /> - tasuumeat st�a11 oontinne tmchffiged.Ugon reinsm�t by BoanHei.this S in.�ameut and the obligatians searred s -:-- _
<br /> t
<br /> . -: he�eby shaA remaia fally ef�ecdve as If no eooel�atFnn had aoad�ed.Haweva.thls n�t' to ieiastara shal!uot apply in the case of ,� -
<br /> . � ,:� Socet�n anderp�apb 1T. :.';:�:^:�
<br /> . 19.Sak of Natf;Ci�ge o!Lnaa Seavtc�es. 7he Nat� or�a pateial inDeaest in tke Note (together wilh ttils Secariry �`
<br /> .. �;<� � �t)may be�I8 oae or mara��vhhaat priar notioe to Bormwer.A s�2e may cesait m a change tn ihe er►tiry(�own u`r;:a:.-
<br /> v
<br /> . as the�S e a v i c e a")t L a t c o ll e c t s man t b lyp e,nts d u e�m d e a t h e Not�a n A d�is S e�r i tySns��e,�t'lheae also m a y be ane or ;
<br /> � .� moia cbang�s of the L4an&cavtoes mn�laned tn a saIe of the I�Tote.If there is a cl�nge of the I:oaz�Senrieci,Bmrawes w�l 6e � -}_.
<br /> `- - �'�''�.:. �ven arritten aahce of tfie cbange in aroosdaace wvuith.p�h lA al�ove sndappI�rab2e Iaw.'ihe notice wID stade the n�ne and � :,:.;-'� _ _
<br /> .. � addcess of the new Loan S�cca and the adQiress to whicb paymentn shouW be ma�.'ilte natice m71 atso cantam any ather _-,`'`;.`. . ..—.
<br /> � ` �';;; infa�madoA�bYaPPlicableiaw. � -�''�:;::�:%.." .:�--
<br /> ".,,:.;I. _
<br /> ' � "�} ,� �;. tA.%daa9Snbstano�. Boimwer stiall not c�use or pesmit t hs�ce.ase.�spo�,sDma$e,or r e t e a s e o f anY - , �:_��—..:
<br />- . , .: ' t: Ha�dans Snbstaaces on ar in the Propeaty.�onower sbaU aot do.nor allow auyone else m d n,aaything a�ecdng the Fmpcaty '.`�._; �_F?�:
<br />- -�- � � ;:,'�; that is m violsuon of a a�►Envlronmental Iaw.'ilie precedi�g two sentc,nces sLaD nat appty oa the�reseuce,use,ar swsage on d�e. --� _._
<br /> • .� �.�: of small civaaudes of Ha�ardons S u 6stances f h a t are g r,n e r a IIy reco g a i z e d to 1 s e�t n n o�l r e s i d e n t i a l a�es •,_ :. ---
<br /> • ` ��naace of the Prapeaty. . .. .
<br /> . ` _�_i
<br /> . ;.:�.: Basmwea st�aU pmmptty�ive L�der writt,e�no�ce o f aay i nvestigarion,c l a i m.deman d,tawsuit ar other act�� by any ����
<br /> ' `�� '' .gnvei�nnenml ot regata0�rysyag�taY�P�F�Y invatvmg the Pcopeaty as�d aAy Hazardous Subs�nce or Bavironmc�ral Law Y
<br /> . >`" , .>s';, of whleh Boimwer has ecmal I�a�vl�Bflrmwea lemms,ar is aoffied my any gove,m�atta!ar regaism�ty authosit3►,dmt any � •._ �•F.,',-_
<br /> � . ..f.? � remaval ar mhear r�a�dia�on of�ny ous Substance affec�ing the Praperty is necessa�y,Bosruwzs sLari pmmpdy talce aII
<br /> . � netessaty reaneQiel actioas in eooardanc�with Eavnonmeutal Law. � W ' ' +�,._ :T
<br /> �. f . As nsed in thLs p�ag�apb 20."Ha�ardous Substances"are those substances defined aq toxiC or�a�+dous subs�nces by _ •,-� '�•='�,•
<br /> ,. . �, ' Envimameatal Layv and the foIIowing sabsmnces: gasuline. keaosene. other flammable or toaic petmIenm toxic
<br /> . and habicides.volaUle soiveats.maiertals conminn�g asbestos or foimaldchyd8.and iadioac�ive ma.retrals�As�sed tu � `��`
<br /> 'i : �
<br /> �3 � tbispaz�,�ph 20,"Environmehml law"means fedeaal Iaws and taws af the jorLsdicdiaa whese the Pmpeaty is tncated Wat�1ate. �""~°�'"' ,
<br /> 1 . ''1�.; to Aealfb,s�afety or�AVItOnmentel prot,e�Un. • . ; ,�,h� ,
<br />� ' � _ :',j�� NON-UN�RM OOVBNANTS.Ba�awer and Lendr,r fmthea wvenaat and a�cee as foIIow� ,. . ,',.-�'" -; -_
<br /> �e 'lls'l,�?'�`.. . -
<br /> . � ., tl.A�celera3tan;RemedI�.Y.ender sbaD gtve aottoe to Boreowes prtor to se�Ierettfln foQowing Barmwer's 6reash of � ;''�.'�;i"�W:�.. : -
<br /> � � any wvcnau�t o� agreement in ehis Se�arity Ias6r�ent (hn8 not prtor to aooeieration amder paragraph 17�gntess . . �-��: •
<br /> � ,� . ', aPPticaDde Is�v pr�vEd�otherwise).'i'tie ao4tce st�aD s�ecify:(a)t�e defaWt;(b)the actton reqahed to aue the defanU;(c) ��."�:.
<br /> a d�t�ao3�es�thnn 30 days�'r+om t6e dnt�the no�ice is givea to Bornawer,bp a�icD the defanit ffia�sst De�d;aatl(�
<br /> � . tl5ut faitwre to csre the defaaIt an os Defore the date s,pecifiQO ia the notme maq resatt ia aaoei�attun of the sams s¢c�ed =
<br /> � ,... ,; by thb SerorEty Instrnment and sete of the Proy�rty.The nottce sLaD Par�er infarm Borraw�ot the alght to retnsta4e _., __
<br /> - : ':� � a�t2r aooelgratIon and the rJ�ht to bring a eomt action to as�ert t�e non�oe o?a ddanTt or eny other 8et�ase o� _
<br /> • Borrower to saoeterattm�and sate.If Qhe dePaat4 t�nut cmred on or 6efore t4e date specified in the notte�Len�er.at i4s Y`= -,�°
<br /> :..:;:..-- -
<br /> � . � �,�� ' apttoa,maq re�aiue Imm�¢diate payment in�oY aD sams seaued by tWs Seauitq InsGrameat prittiont f�ther demand . . :. ~.,-"�:`.:.
<br /> - � ead aiay imro�e the pawer o!sfsite aa�uny ai�er remadi�s p2rmitted by aDpttcaDYe taw._Lwder sL�aII De entitded to aoIIect , .�� ':`:
<br /> ` , . . alt essp�incurred tn pm6uing the pem¢dies provdde�in thts DasagreA6 ti,iacieding,bnt not limit¢d tq reasonable • � ,
<br /> - . � attorusy�'ter�arW eostg oldile evideae� •. .,,,'.
<br /> : U the power nt sa2e is�naolceQ,TwsQee shaU reoord a nottre o'!defaWt in ascL wanty in wbfcL any part o!4he . .
<br />_ � . • Pro�ertq is Easate�aud sbaU mall oopi�s ot sac6 nottse in We mfln�esr pr��rIDed Dy apalIcable Lnw to Borrmver end to t�e .. - ,. �
<br /> . • , oZher persons prescrID�by agpfica�2e law.After the time reqnfred by epplica6k law�Trustee sLaD give pnblis notice ot --�
<br /> � sal2 to the�Prsons and fm the manaer pr�rribed 6y eppIIcnble�aw.7'rostee,withomt demand on Borrawee,sbaD se11 We . .
<br /> � ... . . � Froperiy at pubIIc aucttan to the highest bidder at the time aaA ptace and under the terms designate�in the aottce o!sale � �
<br /> � ;; . .
<br /> _ . . Fotm 80�8 fl/80 .. . .
<br /> . • . ��BR(HE)t9212).Ot Page0of6 inr,Ia'f: — . .
<br /> _ . . . �,� � •r • .
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<br /> . .
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