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<br /> `� -: .:..=:r� TOt�THER � a1t �he`�pm v�. now ar hecea�er � .
<br /> °. ; ` .. ��ad fixnue��ai ur hereaRer a patt of dte p All rzplaoem�ss aad eddm°��alsa be�overed �;�tf °
<br /> ;appurtenaaces nu�Alt of she gmegoing is�fe�l w�Sec,�rlcy Insu�as sh�°Pcopem+.° co and , `
<br /> ',c ,}`�;: ' . �bp;his Sesutit3►InsEtn�n oottveYed and$as the rIght Sraat , •��_ �.'.._�.�
<br /> � �`;`�s•�:."� ' t h a t B ti m a w er i s IgwfWi y�etsed of the estate beaebY 4. , .
<br /> � � B o[�t o w e a C o v�x n r r►s ����t for e�c u m b r a n ce s o f c e c o r d.E o m 4 w e r a�a:t a u t s and
<br /> ���y�pro and that t�te PrapertY of�rd. �.��-'':�}`�,
<br /> _ "k, ' �����yn�rm��far aatianal�usejamd �no�uaifo�mn uo�eaaats with timited .
<br /> `� �viU defeu4 B 3► .
<br /> � 't Y i t s S B C t t R►e Y�m consri�utr a�r�,.a.....,,,•s,•,s�,..�u��y r_r i n g r e a l n r a p�r t 7+• �. _:,`'
<br />__ __ variations by JurlsQicu ' and agree as foliowa:
<br /> ��,`; ' UrittFOtu�Covaanrrts.Bo oad Tnt���3��aad Late CLar�es.Bonower shaU pmmgtly whau due —_
<br /> 1,�palPUt of Priadpsl
<br /> ttce Nate�d anY P�P��la��due nader_ Note. � ��
<br /> F� . � , tge p�,�cip a1 of aa�iasecest on the debt evid�ed bY Borrower s1�aa11 pa =
<br /> � 2.7Ymds fos Tea�ead�nsm'aaoe•Subjec�to agglicable taw or w a wrItten araiver�Leader. i t;,
<br /> are due amder tiie Note,uwil�e Note is paid in .a s+am(°F�ds")for:{a
<br /> '. � y�y ��d as��Y ��� es a Iten on the Properti►;(b)Y�Y ' � =
<br /> ;�' � p r l o r ity ovPr thia S�nri��In� e��p r e m i u m s;�n S�1 Y
<br /> Y��, ` t e a s e hold pa y�t s os gtonad reats on���9•if any;(a)Year1Y, if a n y- aad(�anY�p yab2e Dy� �
<br /> tlaad insueause Piemb�ms�i��y;(e3 Y, Y ����' ' of mortgag,e ainsa�aace P � -
<br /> V` .� `� to I�ades,iu�accoidance with the provistans of parap�aph 8,in Heu of the p1Ya�nt ,.,�;4� .`
<br /> `�` ''"�'' 'Ilzese items a:e calle�"Fsctow Item�."I�det maY,a��9 t�+aott�t and ho2d FeaJs in sa.amfluni nnt to eaceed the .;:,,,
<br /> ' m4 for Bormwe�s escraa asxo�,mt under th� _
<br /> ` �as�am�ut a lender for a federal9Y ie1a�m°_�s�iO��� to time, 12 IT.S.C. � 26fl1 ¢t seq• �yr,,�.
<br /> �� �'!_ ^,, . ' ` -� _
<br />- °� ,.� : ��� fe�eral Real Fsra� Settteaneac Fmcedu�es Aa of igra maq a�I�,oollect and .i L
<br /> ("RESPA',unless anot�r law t h a t a p pltes w the Fands sets a lesser�the amouat of F'im s due on she basis of �7=f,
<br /> � ° '� hold Funds ia aa amount not t o e x o e E d We I�er amo�ms.l.ender ma3► or otherantse fia acao r d an c e w i t�a P Plicable -
<br /> Items �. ---
<br /> `r� . �enc dara and re�onabie�smnates of e��of fmure Escrow . . ---
<br /> } �<. �'� sits a�insu�e8 6y a federai �•°��ty
<br /> -- >;��-:- Zhe F�wds sba11 he held ia an ias�on whose depo ��r sha11 app1Y the FuBds t4
<br /> ' 1h mds �
<br /> �' . (incJuding Leuder,if Leuder is sach aa iastltut�an)or in any Pedeiat Home I.oaa$an�e Funds;auasuaDl anatYtmtB ch� .,.�r. f,, ,
<br /> �` �`• _ ' p a Y t h e F s i s r o w I t e m s. I.e n d e r aot c d�a r ge Bomower fos holdin g a a d�app��g t o n�e F�� `��� ., .
<br /> ,k itcab2e laar � . fy>:"'�
<br /> thC�D W IL�ISs ffi ZeSS I&II d C F�8 B O I t d �,,� �� ,�.::..
<br /> ... ---::,.;?�°, escraw�aaw�.��gc� a c3�arge. AmHevb,� ma�J� Sos�w�to ���I aw p� , r`,",,.
<br /> �A. ; n with this oau. aPP � a�. �
<br /> ��%y�� �eadrax reai estate tax repoidng secvfce nsed y �,.�to be a�d,LEad�sltaU not bz:eqnir�d_ ,p
<br /> �. '��;� �s made or applicable Iaw reqnire�- ad . ':. �
<br /> , ��c• �othenvise.�ntess an ag�eement� � howevet.tt�at inoer�st s�au be. .
<br /> • " `• Bormwer aay interest or eatnings on the Funds.Boaower and LettE�r may agree �g�f'the P�mds,ehowinS credits� : '."�:
<br /> .� :;-t�'. paid an.the Fuads.���'e to Bormwer,wIthuat cJ�e,���was m d�Tbe Fustds ane.Pled�ecl as addittonal '' -
<br /> �� debits to tL?�F�ds aad thepmrpose fos whic8 each dQbit to tne , —
<br /> . '{�:•;,•'. ` secutity for aU s�ms s��s9�Secuitty Instin�• �
<br /> ��r, ..1�: 11L96b16�8�7s��BCC�l11lt�O
<br /> ,.. . ��e F�ds held by Leuder c�oad the amouuts permitced to be��►����e amount of the Fwnda held bq . �_'_°�.. �_.
<br /> , Borrower for the eiccess Funds in aocordaace witb the reqaicements of so notifY Barmwer ia wd�ng.and.in -�.., �
<br /> Lender at any time is not saffcctent to pay the Escrow Items wben dae,�e deSciencY. Hoaotiver.ahall ma�e uP t�e 'ri�''�
<br /> �� ,� � . sucdi ease Boncower shall pay w Leader the mnount aecessa�Y t���P � .>>...�
<br /> ��, -�. defictenc�+in no more th�u nvelve montblY PaYm�nt��at I.en�er's sole discredon. u ��to Borrower ���'�•':;
<br /> �� ��.� ,, Upoa payment in full of all sums secused by tl�is SeauItY�0�11 tLe�Prope ty.yLc�a4�r• prior to tlie • � ;
<br /> � any Fwtds held by I.ender. If, ander aragraph Zl. Le�+der sball �•�•;.
<br /> .. - �c q u i s i t i o n o r sale of the�r a pertY. s�aPPIY�Y��held by Leader at the dme of ecquisitlan or salo as a credit ��,:
<br /> ' agaisist the sua�s sec�ured by W t s S e c u t ity I p s tr u m e u t. �vefl irY L e n der a n d e r �;
<br /> : . . 3.Applicatton oY P�aym�nts. Unless appltcable law provides otheca►�se,all paymet�s „
<br /> �.,� P��Phs 1 and 2 shall be applled: fust,to anY P�DaY���es due uuder the Nate: seonnd,to mnounta paysble �'=
<br /> . � � nnder paragraph 2;third.to interest due•fourth.w PiincfPal due:and tast.W anY�act�arad imposidons�Ibutable W the �::'���:':.
<br /> assess�nense charges• ts or ground reuta. if any. ,. .�.:
<br /> � . 4.Chargest Lieas. Bonawer shaU pay all taxea� and le�asehold paysnen : ;`���
<br /> ; �'�•,., ' pcopert}r w1�ch may atteia priority over tbis Secauicy InstnimE°t� h Z�o;if not aid in dist manaer,Borrower sha11 .�,?'Y��:
<br /> �..;
<br /> . � '.:` ,�� Borrower shall p ay t h e s e o b l iga d a n s in the manner Prov�ded in patagzap �w I.en d e r a U n o t i c e s of amouats , r =-
<br /> . ' ,- Pay them oa time directlY to the peraan owed ayment.Borrower shall�pm�mP Bottower shaU pmmptly fiunish to L�der. ;
<br /> w be paid unQer t�ds paragraDb.If Borrower makes these payments
<br /> • '`:. ° r�eipts evidenciag We paymeats. t untess Soirower:(a) '�-
<br /> `•� .. Borrower sha11 promptty dis�harge a�+lien wl�ich has priortty over this Secanity tab2Iastrnme�el;N)contests in
<br /> - , . .agrees ia writing w the payment of the obligation ser�ued by thc lien ln a manner acrxP whIch ia the Lender's opluion =
<br /> � gaod faith the lien by,or defends againsc enforcement of the lien ia,teg,at proceedlags tn -
<br /> ' , . �.. � operate to prcvent the enforcement of the lien: or(e)s�from the nolder of tbe aii of the�Pco� is s�ub1'�ectryco a � _,
<br />-� ' Lender subordiaating the lien to tlils Sea�rity Instrument.IY I.eader determines that aay p P�3+
<br /> � ' lien which may auain prIorlty over this SecutitY Insttumen�, Lender may give Borrower a noflce iQentifying the lien.
<br /> '. � Bo�mnwer shall satisfy the l�en or talce one or uaore of the a�ons s�e forth aba���1��8 ai��e����e .---_.
<br /> .. � 5.Hazard or FiopPrtY Tns�rance. Boirower shaU eeP �P
<br />_�. propetty insured a;ainst loss by fue, ha7ards included aidiln the cerm °extended cove�age" and any other hazards. _
<br /> .. 'Form 8028 9190 fAa9�e 2 0�8t , .
<br /> , • � �"/ �
<br /> ' . . ' BANKEiiS S'/S�EMS.INC..5'�.t�.GUO.MN 8030211�800397•23411 iOAM MD�1�M8�lB1Bf •,
<br /> �, . ,
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