<br />201306255
<br />PARCEL 1: A tract of land comprising a part of the Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4) of Section Twenty Three (23),
<br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., in the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska, more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the northeast corner of Meyer's Subdivision, said point also being on the north line of said
<br />Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4); thence running easterly on the north line of said Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4), on
<br />an Assumed Bearing of N 89° 39' 35" E, a distance of One Hundred Eighty Seven and Ninety Two Hundredths
<br />(187.92) feet; thence running S 00° 21' 10" E, on the west line of Lot Twenty Four (24), Copper Creek Estates
<br />Subdivision and its extension, a distance of Two Hundred Twenty (220.00) feet, to a point on the southerly
<br />right of way line of Daisy Circle; thence running N 89° 38' 50" E, on the southerly right of way line of Daisy
<br />Circle, a distance of Fifteen and Twenty Nine Hundredths (15.29) feet, to the northwest corner of Lot Twenty
<br />Five (25), Copper Creek Estates Subdivision; thence running S 22° 16' 48" E, on the westerly line of Lot
<br />Twenty Five (25), Copper Creek Estates Subdivision, a distance of Ninety Seven and Two Hundredths (97.02)
<br />feet, to the northwest corner of Lot Twenty Six (26), Copper Creek Estates Subdivision; thence running S 00°
<br />01' 03" E on the west line of Lots Twenty Six (26) thru Thirty Four (34), Copper Creek Estates Subdivision, a
<br />distance of Seven Hundred Sixteen and Seventy Five Hundredths (716.75) feet, to the northeast corner of Lot
<br />Thirty Six (36), Copper Creek Estates Subdivision; thence running S 89° 38' 54" W, on the north line of Lots
<br />Thirty Six (36) and Thirty Seven (37), Copper Creek Estates Subdivision, a distance of Two Hundred Forty
<br />(240.00) feet, to the southeast corner of Lot Thirty Nine (39), Copper Creek Estates Subdivision; thence
<br />running N 00° 01' 03" W, on the east line of Lots Thirty Nine (39), thru Forty Three (43), Copper Creek Estates
<br />Subdivision, a distance of Three Hundred Seventy Five (375.00) feet, to the northeast corner of Lot Forty
<br />Three (43), Copper Creek Estates Subdivision; thence running S 89° 38' 50" W, on the north line of Lot Forty
<br />Three (43), Copper Creek Estates Subdivision and its extension, a distance of One Hundred Fifty (150.00)
<br />feet, to a point on the west right of way line of Brome Grass Drive; thence running S 00° 01' 03" E, on the
<br />west right of way line of Brome Grass Drive, a distance of Fifteen (15.00) feet, to the northeast corner of Lot
<br />Forty Four (44), Copper Creek Estates Subdivision; thence running S 89° 38' 50" W, on the north line of Lot
<br />Forty Four (44) and Outlot 'B', Copper Creek Estates Subdivision, a distance of One Hundred Eighty (180.00)
<br />feet, to the northwest corner of Outlot 'B', Copper Creek Estates Subdivision; thence running S 00° 01' 03" E
<br />on the west line of Outlot 'B', Copper Creek Estates Subdivision, a distance of Three Hundred Thirty Five
<br />(335.00) feet, to the southwest corner of Outlot 'B', Copper Creek Estates Subdivision; thence running N 89°
<br />38' 50" E, on the south line of Outlot 'B', Copper Creek Estates Subdivision, a distance of Ninety (90.00) feet,
<br />to the southeast corner of Outlot 'B' and to a point on the west line of Lot Forty Seven (47), Copper Creek
<br />Estates Subdivision; thence running S 00° 01' 03" E, on the west line of Lots Forty Seven (47) and Forty Eight
<br />(48), Copper Creek Estates Subdivision, a distance of Ninety Nine and Seventy Eight Hundredths (99.78) feet,
<br />to the southwest corner of Lot Forty Eight (48), Copper Creek Estates Subdivision, and to a point on a curve
<br />on the northerly right of way line of Indian Grass Road; thence running northwesterly on the northerly right
<br />of way line of Indian Grass Road and on the arc of a curve to the right whose radius is Two Hundred Forty
<br />(240.00) feet, the long chord of which bears N 77° 39' 41" W, a long chord distance of Twenty Three and
<br />Seven Hundredths (23.07) feet, to a point of tangency; thence running N 72° 08' 05" W, on the northerly right
<br />of way line of Indian Grass Road, a distance of One Hundred Thirty Four and Forty Six Hundredths (134.46)
<br />feet, to a point of curvature; thence running northwesterly on the northerly right of way line of Indian Grass
<br />Road and on the arc of a curve to the left whose radius is Three Hundred (300.00) feet, the long chord of
<br />which bears N 81° 14' 35" W, a distance of Ninety Four and Ninety Eight Hundredths (94.98) feet, to a point of
<br />tangency; thence running S 89° 38' 56" W, on the northerly right of way line of Indian Grass Road, a distance
<br />of Three Hundred Nineteen and Thirty Nine Hundredths (319.39) feet, to the southeast corner of Lot Forty
<br />Nine (49), Copper Creek Estates Subdivision; thence running N 00° 01' 03" W, on the east line of Lots Forty
<br />Nine (49) thru Sixty Two (62), Copper Creek Estates Subdivision and its extension, a distance of One
<br />Thousand Thirty Nine and Fifty Six Hundredths (1039.56) feet, to a point on the north line of said Northwest
<br />Quarter (NW1 /4); thence running N 89° 39' 35" E, on the north line of said Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4), a
<br />distance of Five Hundred Forty Seven and Forty Five Hundredths (547.45) feet, to the northwest corner of
<br />Meyer's Subdivision; thence running S 02° 38' 29" W, on the west line of Meyers Subdivision, a distance of
<br />Three Hundred Ninety Four and Eighty Two Hundredths (394.82) feet, to the southwest corner of Meyers
<br />Subdivision; thence running N 88° 52' 20" E, on the southerly line of Meyer's Subdivision, a distance of Sixty
<br />Seven and Thirty Hundredths (67.30) feet; thence running N 02° 58' 23" E, on the southerly line of Meyer's
<br />Subdivision, a distance of Fifteen (15.00) feet; thence running N 89° 13' 54" E, on,the southerly line of
<br />Meyer's Subdivision, a distance of Two Hundred Eleven and Eighty Two Hundredths (211.82) feet, to the
<br />southeast corner of Meyer's Subdivision thence running N 01° 00' 25" W, on the east line of Meyers
<br />Subdivision, a distance of Three Hundred Seventy Six and Eighty Six Hundredths (376.86) feet, to the point
<br />of beginning AND
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4) of Section Twenty Three (23), Township
<br />Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the southeast corner of M & M Subdivision; thence running northerly on the east line of M & M
<br />Subdivision on an Assumed Bearing of N 00° 50' 52" W, a distance of Six Hundred Fifty Seven and Fifty
<br />Hundredths (657.50) feet, to the northeast corner of M & M Subdivision, and to a point on the north line of
<br />said Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4); thence running N 89° 39' 35" E, on the north line of said Northwest Quarter
<br />(NW1 /4), a distance of Two Hundred Sixty Five (265.00) feet, to the northwest corner of Copper Creek Estates
<br />Subdivision; thence running S 00° 50' 33" E, on the west line of Copper Creek Estates Subdivision, a
<br />distance of Four Hundred Fifty (450.00) feet, to a point on the southerly right of way line of Aster Drive;
<br />thence running N 89° 39' 35" E, on the southerly right of way line of Aster Drive, a distance of Ninety (90.00)
<br />feet, to a point on the westerly right of way line of Lovegrass Drive; thence running S 00° 50' 33" E, on the
<br />westerly right of way line of Lovegrass Drive, a distance of Two Hundred Forty (240.00) feet, to a point on the
<br />Southerly right of way line of Lovegrass Drive; thence running N 89° 39' 35" E, on the Southerly right of way
<br />line of Lovegrass Drive a distance of Fifty Seven and Thirteen Hundredths (57.13) feet, to the northwest
<br />corner of Lot Eighty Nine (89), Copper Creek Estates Subdivision; thence running S 00° 01' 03 "E, on the west
<br />line of Lot Eighty Nine (89), Copper Creek Estates Subdivision, a distance of Ninety (90.00) feet, to the
<br />southwest corner of Lot Eighty Nine (89), Copper Creek Estates Subdivision; thence running N 89° 39' 35" E,
<br />on the south line of Lots Eighty Nine (89) thru Ninety Two (92), Copper Creek Estates Subdivision, a distance
<br />of Two Hundred Eighty (280.00) feet, to the southeast corner of Lot Ninety Two (29), Copper Creek Estates
<br />Subdivision, and to a point on the west line of Lot Ninety Four (94), Copper Creek Estates Subdivision,
<br />thence running S 00° 01' 03" E on the west line of Lots Ninety Four (94) thru Ninety Seven (97), Copper Creek
<br />